Henan province introduces 19 measures to support major new infrastructure buildings

  Shanghai Securities Daily China Securities Network News, according to the Henan Provincial People’s Government on August 4, the General Office of the Henan Provincial People’s Government issued the "Several Policies for Supporting Major New Infrastructure buildings in Henan Province", proposing a total of 19 measures in six aspects, including consolidating and upgrading the status of information and communication hubs, accelerating the construction of central computing power highlands, and promoting the deep empowerment of integrated infrastructure.

  Specifically, the "Several Policies" propose to establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power coupons" as the core, and issue "computing power coupons" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan each year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of using computing power resources, and each user unit will enjoy an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power coupons". The required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1.

  In terms of increasing the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building, the "Several Policies" propose that the land for charging infrastructure be included in the scope of land for urban public facilities business outlets, and support the construction of public charging stations by means of reconstruction and expansion of existing refueling (gas) stations; in accordance with the land supply mode of refueling (gas) stations, priority is given to the construction land for charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the way of transfer, all localities are encouraged to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights as capital or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure.

  The full text is as follows:

  Henan province supports several policies for major new infrastructure buildings

  In order to accelerate the construction of a high-level new infrastructure system and effectively support the high-quality economic and social development of the province, the following policies are formulated.

  First, consolidate and enhance the status of information and communication hubs

  1. Continuously promote network infrastructure building. Support basic telecommunications enterprises to continue to expand Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point transmission network, improve inter-provincial special lines, optical cables and other network facilities, and improve the quality of network interconnection with provinces and cities where the national hub node of the national integrated computing power network is located. Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point has an annual expansion of more than 300G of interconnection bandwidth, and each interconnection unit will be given a one-time reward of 2 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Finance)

  2. Strive to create a national-level new Internet exchange center. Support Zhengzhou City to establish a national-level new Internet exchange center, and provide guarantees in terms of capital subsidies, staffing, office space, etc. In accordance with relevant national construction review requirements and regulations, provide corresponding policy support. (Responsible units: Zhengzhou Municipal Government, Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Party Committee Organization, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  Second, accelerate the construction of the central computing power highlands

  3. Support computing power applications. Establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power vouchers" as the core, and issue "computing power vouchers" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan per year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of computing power resources. Each user unit enjoys an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power vouchers". The required funds are shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  4. Promote the construction of green data centers. For new data centers with a PUE (power usage efficiency) of less than 1.3, or existing data centers with an annual PUE reduction of more than 0.01 (or equivalent power savings of more than 1.50 million kWh), each TCE-metal rack in use will be given no more than 1,000 yuan per year. Among them, the park-level data center PUE is calculated in units of single machine rooms in the park, and the required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finance in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department, Power Company)

  5. Support the construction of industrial data centers. For new national or regional data centers in transportation, industry, water conservancy and other fields recognized by the state, a one-time reward of no more than 5 million yuan will be given. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance)

  6. Support the construction of energy storage facilities for computing power infrastructure. Encourage supercomputing centers, smart computing centers, new data centers, etc. to configure energy storage facilities according to local conditions to improve power self-balancing capabilities; for the construction of energy storage facilities with a scale of more than 1,000 kWh, the provincial finance will give a one-time reward. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  III. Deeply empowering integrated infrastructure

  7. Support the construction of smart transportation. Combined with provincial financial resources, appropriate subsidies will be given to new smart transportation projects such as smart high-speed, smart ports and shipping, and multimodal transportation. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Transportation)

  8. Increase the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building. Include charging infrastructure land into the scope of urban public utility business outlets, support existing refueling (gas) stations to build public charging stations through reconstruction, expansion, etc.; in accordance with the land supply model of refueling (gas) stations, give priority to the construction land of charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the transfer method, encourage all localities to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure. For newly built special charging facilities in public service fields such as public transportation, sanitation, logistics, and commuting, and new public charging facilities along expressway service areas, national (provincial) roads, and intercity expressways, provincial financial awards will be given according to 30% or 40% of the total investment in main charging equipment. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Transportation, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Electric Power Company)

  9. Speed up the construction of secondary nodes for industrial Internet identification analysis. For the construction units of new nodes, post-subsidies of no more than 1 million yuan will be given according to a certain proportion of the actual investment in software and hardware. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  IV. Breakthrough development of major innovation infrastructure

  10. Support major science and technology infrastructure building. For projects included in the annual plan of major science and technology infrastructure building in the province, investment subsidies will be given according to the actual construction situation according to the principle of "one matter, one discussion, shared responsibility among provinces and cities". (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  11. Strengthen the pre-research of major scientific and technological infrastructure. Coordinate funds to support forward-looking leading, strategic-oriented, application-supporting and other major scientific and technological infrastructure to carry out key technology research, and provide sufficient technical and engineering reserves for project construction. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  12. Promote the sharing and sharing of provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure. Support provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure to open up innovative resources such as device platforms, instruments and equipment, scientific data to the society, use provincial innovation ecological support special project funds, and provide subsidies to management units with excellent performance appraisal and eligible users according to the amount of shared and open services. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  13. Promote the transformation of major scientific and technological infrastructure achievements. Use the provincial innovation ecology to support special project funds to promote the transformation of technological achievements formed by major scientific and technological infrastructure in the province; encourage relying on universities and scientific research institutes in the province to build major scientific and technological infrastructure, and implement technology transfer and transformation in Henan. A maximum of 10% of the post-subsidy will be given according to the turnover of the previous year’s technology contract, and each unit will not exceed 1 million yuan per year. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  14. Support the construction of laboratories, "smart islands" and other facilities. For provincial laboratories laid out at the provincial level, according to actual needs, support for start-up fees and R & D funds during the construction period; for provincial laboratories established under the leadership of local governments, a certain amount of R & D subsidies will be given according to the investment of local governments; if the operating company issues corporate bonds for financing, a discount subsidy of up to 30% will be given, and the provincial and municipal finances will share it in a ratio of 1:1. For "smart islands" that pass the assessment after the construction period, a post-subsidy of not more than 50 million yuan will be given. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Department of Science and Technology, Development and Reform Commission)

  Establish and improve the incentive mechanism for new infrastructure building

  15. Strengthen incentives for new infrastructure buildings. Study and formulate evaluation standards for new infrastructure buildings and carry out evaluation work. The top 3 provincial municipalities (including Jiyuan demonstration area and airport area) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 5 million yuan respectively, and the top 5 counties (cities, districts) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 2 million yuan respectively. The evaluation results will be used as a reference for prioritizing policy funds in other digital economy fields. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  Strengthen the guarantee of major project elements of new infrastructure buildings

  16. Attract social capital to increase investment. Guide government investment funds to support new infrastructure building, and encourage localities to explore the establishment of new infrastructure building funds. Support policy banks, development Financial Institution Groups and commercial banks to issue special project loans with preferential interest rates, and actively form syndicates. Improve the government-bank-enterprise docking mechanism, establish a high-quality project list, regularly carry out policy publicity and project docking activities, and support social capital to increase investment in new infrastructure building. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

  17. Strengthen the service guarantee of land use and energy use. Incorporate communication base stations and other related facilities into land and space planning at all levels, and make overall arrangements to ensure the indicators of new construction land. Party and government organs, enterprises, institutions and public institutions at all levels and other public facilities, as well as municipal, green space, highways, railways, airports, subways and other public facilities, should be open to 5G base station construction and settle electricity bills according to direct power supply prices, reserve base station sites, communication machine rooms, pipelines and other construction space, and provide convenient passage. Support telecommunications enterprises to jointly build and share communication pipelines (pipe holes). Encourage new infrastructure building operators to participate in electricity market transactions and improve cost control capabilities. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration)

  18. Strengthen the talent team for the operation of new infrastructure buildings. Relying on talent projects such as the "Central Plains Talent Program", increase the introduction and training of high-level talents and teams in the field of new infrastructure, and provide support in the areas of talent settlement, housing security, children’s education, medical security, and spouse employment. (Responsible unit: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  19. Strengthen the guarantee of capital elements. Coordinate provincial finance-related special project funds to support the construction and operation of new infrastructure projects. Actively support qualified new infrastructure building projects to apply for special project bonds, and give full play to the investment-pulling role of bond funds. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department, Development and Reform Commission)

  If the policies issued by Henan Province are inconsistent with the above policies, they will be implemented in accordance with the principle of "no duplication on the high". They have enjoyed the non-repetition support of other support policies. The above policies will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2025.

What will the deep "bundling" with Huawei bring to Changan Automobile?

  Our reporter Feng Yuyao

  The news that Changan Automobile and Huawei jointly set up a new company has aroused widespread concern. On November 27th, the share price of Changan Automobile went up by a daily limit, which led dongan power, Hunan Tianyan and other "Changan Department" stocks to win a word board.

  On the same day, the Securities Daily reporter called the Securities Department of Changan Automobile, and the relevant staff of the company revealed to the reporter: "At present, the specific cooperation between the company and Huawei is still under negotiation, and the signing of the transaction documents is expected to be completed within 6 months."

  "After the transaction documents are signed, it will not affect the company’s business independence." The above-mentioned staff said that the new company established with Huawei this time is expected to deeply empower Aouita, Deep Blue Auto and Changan Qiyuan under the company in the future.

  Further deepen cooperation with Huawei

  Specifically, the cooperation between the two parties is as follows: Huawei, as the company of Party A, establishes a new company, whose business scope includes intelligent driving solutions for automobiles, intelligent cockpit, intelligent digital platform for automobiles, intelligent Che Yun, AR-HUD and intelligent lights, etc., and injects relevant technologies, assets and personnel dedicated to the business scope of the new company into the new company. The specific business scope and loading scheme are determined in the final transaction document. As Party B, Changan Automobile and its related parties intend to contribute to acquire the equity of the new company, with the proportion not exceeding 40%. The specific equity ratio, contribution amount and term shall be discussed separately by both parties.

  In addition, the new company will operate independently based on the principle of marketization, and adopt a market-oriented management system and salary incentive framework. Changan Automobile and Huawei are committed to long-term cooperation and strategic coordination with the new company. In principle, the components and solutions within the business scope are provided by the new company for vehicle customers.

  In the future, the new company will gradually open its equity to investors such as existing strategic partners, car companies and car companies with strategic value, and become a company with diversified equity. Regarding the time for opening the equity, the above-mentioned staff told reporters: "The specific time is still uncertain."

  Wang Peng, an associate researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told the Securities Daily reporter: "The cooperation between Huawei and Changan Automobile will bring strong technology alliance and market resource sharing, which is expected to promote the rapid development of smart cars and will have a positive impact on the automobile market."

  Accelerate the competition for new energy sources

  The establishment of a new company with Huawei is also a microcosm of Changan Automobile’s competition for the new energy track.

  In 2017, Changan Automobile launched the "Third Entrepreneurship–Innovation and Entrepreneurship Plan", which blew the horn of the transformation to a smart low-carbon travel technology company. In the same year, the company released the "Shangri-La" plan to accelerate the pace of new energy transformation in an all-round way. Today, Changan Automobile has reached a critical stage of transformation.

  Data show that in the first three quarters of this year, Changan Automobile’s revenue and net profit were 108.206 billion yuan and 9.882 billion yuan respectively, up by 26.78% and 43.22% respectively. In terms of production and sales, this year Changan Automobile set an annual target of producing and selling 2.53 million vehicles, up 7.8% year-on-year. Among them, new energy vehicles achieved the sales target of 400,000 vehicles. According to the latest data, from January to October this year, the cumulative sales volume of Changan’s own brand new energy vehicles was 364,000, an increase of 88.76% year-on-year.

  Since November, Changan Automobile has frequently pressed the "acceleration button" in the development of new energy business. Not long ago, Changan Automobile released the self-developed battery brand Changan "Golden Bell Cover" at the Guangzhou Auto Show. It plans to launch eight self-developed batteries, including liquid, semi-solid and solid, by 2030, forming a battery capacity of not less than 150GWh. On November 21, Changan Automobile signed a cooperation agreement with Weilai Automobile on battery replacement business, and plans to cooperate in promoting the establishment of battery replacement standards, the construction and sharing of battery replacement networks, and the research and development of battery replacement models.

  The above-mentioned Changan Automobile staff told the reporter: "Since the’ Shangri-La’ plan was put forward, the company’s new energy business has accelerated, and a series of measures introduced this year are intended to accelerate the penetration rate of the new energy market."

  According to the plan, by 2030, Changan Automobile will strive to achieve group sales of 5 million vehicles, of which 4 million vehicles are sold by Changan brand, new energy vehicles account for more than 60%, and overseas sales account for 30%.

  According to Zhang Xinyuan, the research director of the domestic consultancy Co-Found think tank, Changan Automobile has made frequent moves in the layout of new energy this year, which shows that the company has a clear plan for the future. "The newly established company will further promote the technology research and development and product upgrade of Changan Automobile in the field of intelligence, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. At the same time, the new company will also help Changan Automobile accelerate the realization of strategic goals related to new energy vehicles and increase market share. "

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

On September 20th, the new BYD Tang Family Beijing regional listing tasting was officially held. The new BYD Tang family offers Tang EV Champion Edition, Tang DM-i Champion Edition, Tang DM-p Champion Edition and Ares Edition to choose from. As a modified model, the new car is equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology in addition to providing brand-new car colors, and the driving control and ride experience will be further improved.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

The new BYD Tangjia family launched a total of seven models with a price range of 24.98-30.98 million yuan. In addition, consumers can also enjoy the rights and interests including 15% down payment, 5-year long loan, replacement subsidy of 4,000 yuan, lifetime warranty of three-electric system of non-operating vehicles (the first owner), free system OTA, free pick-up and delivery of vehicles, free travel alternative services, etc. See the above figure for specific rights and interests.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

As a modified model, the new BYD Tang family follows the family’s aesthetic design language, and the overall design is very fashionable and atmospheric. The upgrade of the new Tang family not only adjusted the details, but also provided brand-new silver glaze white and glacier blue car color.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

[New Tang DM-i Champion Edition /DM-p Champion Edition]

Although there are many models in the Tang family, it is easy to distinguish the specific models from the front face design. Tang EV Champion Edition adopts a closed front face design, which also shows its pure electric identity. The DM-i Champion Edition of Tang Dynasty is changed into a "big mouth" grille, and the internal net is a banner, which is also more exquisite. In addition, the mesh in the DM-p Champion Edition of Tang Dynasty is designed as a dot matrix, and the effect is more radical and sporty.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

In terms of appearance details, the new Tang family adopted a brand-new Chinese knot penetrating taillight, which is closer to Chinese culture. At the same time, the new car also provides a brand-new 20-inch wheel hub with red brake calipers, which makes the visual effect more fashionable and dynamic.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

In the interior part, the new Tang family also followed the old design, among which 7 versions also added lotus rhyme gray interior color matching. In terms of seat layout, the Tang family still brings six-seat and seven-seat models to choose from. Among them, the big six-seat model comes standard with the Tang EV Champion Edition, and the Tang DM-p Champion Edition and the Tang EV Champion Edition are all optional.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

The new car is still equipped with the familiar 15.6-inch adaptive rotatable central control screen, equipped with DiLink(5G) intelligent network connection system, which supports wallpaper/map dual desktop, full scene intelligent voice, 3D car control and situational mode. In addition, it also supports full-scene intelligent voice, full-scene digital key, NFC digital key compatible with both Apple and Android devices, UWB digital key and other functions.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

[New Tang DM-p Ares Edition]

According to BYD’s layout, the DM-i model focuses on fuel economy, while the DM-p model focuses on performance. However, to say who is the coolest in the Tang family, it is naturally the DM-p version of the God of War. The new car adopts a series of blackened appearance kits, including black painted multi-spoke wheels and matte black logo, and the side window decorative strips, four-door decorative strips, roof rack and front grille are all painted in black, which is absolutely crazy and cool.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Tang DM-p Ares Edition adopts a brand-new 21-inch multi-spoke wheel hub, and the pure black wheel hub with golden yellow high-performance 6-piston fixed pliers directly stretches the sense of movement of the whole vehicle.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Tang DM-p Ares also uses a series of sports kits, including the door panel, passenger side panel, central control armrest box, seats and other places are covered with black suede, and with a number of yellow stitching to echo the appearance, further enhancing the sports atmosphere inside the car.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

In terms of power, Tang EV Champion Edition offers two versions: single-motor two-wheel drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive. The motors are 168/180/380kW according to different high and low power, and the four-wheel drive version can accelerate up to 4.4 seconds per 100 kilometers. At the same time, the new car offers three versions of CLTC integrated endurance 600/730/635km.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Tang DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a single motor. The motor power is 160kW, the motor torque is 325N·m, the pure electric cruising range of NEDC can reach 200km, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is 1.27L/100km.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

Tang DM-p Champion Edition and DM-p Ares Edition are in the same power, equipped with a plug-in hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5L engine and front and rear dual motors. The total motor power is 360kW, the total motor torque is 675N·m, the acceleration can reach 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and its NEDC pure electric cruising range is 215km.

Dayun -C control system/brand-new car color The new Tang family sold for 249,800.

As the focus of this upgrade, the new Tang family comes standard with FSD variable damping suspension system, and at the same time, the high-end models are equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system and CCT comfort control technology. This system is mainly aimed at the intelligent adjustment of damping (shock absorber) in millisecond level, and has a higher optimization effect in shock absorption and buffering. Whether it is high-speed cornering or bumpy road, the suspension will adjust its control strategy through damping change to achieve the perfect balance between handling and comfort.

Chinese Army Aviation: From scratch, it has been devoted to controlling "the height of a tree" for 30 years.

  On April 25th, 2015, an earthquake struck Nepal, and the helicopter of Luhang flew over the Himalayas to participate in the rescue, which passed on the friendship of the people of China to the people of Nepal. The picture shows the delivery of materials in the earthquake zone in Nepal. Fu Lei/photo

  How low is the ultra-low altitude? Some people say that it is "the height of a tree".

  Downward, there are tanks and armored vehicles on the ground, and upward, there are fixed-wing aircraft and missiles. Only the gap of "the height of a tree" was left to the Army Aviation.

  In 1986, in the prelude to the "One Million Disarmament", China started to set up the Army Aviation Force. Today, the Chinese Army Air Force has gone through 30 years. In the past 30 years, this newly established new combat arm of the army has gradually become one of the backbone forces of the Chinese army to realize nonlinear three-dimensional mobile operations from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong.

  Today, 30 years later, when China’s army is once again opening the curtain of reform, people can’t help asking: Can we win at the height of a tree?

  30 years of hardship and burden

  In 1986, when the China People’s Liberation Army announced the formation of the Army Aviation Force, our international counterparts had already left us too far.

  In 1939, the world’s first practical helicopter was successfully tested and began to be widely used in the military field. On the Vietnam battlefield after World War II, helicopters have become the main battle equipment of the US Army. The US military has invested more than 10 types of helicopters on the battlefield in Vietnam, covering armed attacks, aerial reconnaissance, and support transportation, with a total of more than 400 helicopters, which can achieve tactical coordination between helicopters and combat classes.

  Today, the number of US military helicopters in active service is close to 7,000. According to the public data in 2015, the number of active helicopters in the Russian army exceeds 2,000, and it has the largest helicopter model in the world: Mi-26 heavy helicopter. This helicopter once showed strong air support ability in the rescue of Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan.

  In the China Army in 1986, the number of our helicopters was 79. And basically imported from abroad, the model is complex. China is so big that it is almost impossible to build a complete helicopter.

  In the 1980s, the new military revolution in the world rose quietly, and major innovations took place in military theory, military system, weapons and equipment and war forms. China’s Luhang took off in the wave of military reform in the world.

  In order to solve the urgent need for equipment, the Army Aviation Force introduced armed helicopters and transport helicopters from France and Russia successively, and on this basis began the road of independent innovation of "equipping one generation, developing one generation, pre-researching one generation and exploring one generation".

  In 1985, Deng Xiaoping, then chairman of the Central Military Commission, announced to the world that he would disarm 1 million people. It was against this background that the Central Military Commission decided to set up the Army Air Force the following year.

  A paper order came down, and Colonel Xing Xigui, the head of a transport regiment of the Air Force, changed his blue air force trousers and became a head of the Army Air Force. He took several backbones from the Air Force, borrowed 10 bungalows from neighboring troops, and inserted the flag of Luhang: "This is the regimental headquarters!" There is no night flight facility on the ground, so the ground crew painted the lantern in red, yellow and green with paint to guide the helicopter to fly at night instead of the runway light. Every night flight, the ground crew will drive a truck and put lanterns along the way.

  At the Luhang Training Base in Shanxi, more than a dozen sheepfolds were converted into offices, and even the tap water was not installed, pilot training and enrollment began. In the morning, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, and colonel and senior colonel lined up to fetch water. Someone summed up a few jingles: "A few rooms are lonely, there is no camp gate and no road, entertainment depends on walking, 10 officers and men live together, and all sleep in bunk beds."

  In the past 30 years, almost every development of the Chinese Army Aviation has been "the most beautiful retrograde".

  In 1999, in order to deepen the reform of national defense and the army and accelerate the transformation of the army, the whole army was reduced by 500 thousand again, and the number of military academies was reduced from 100 to 80. At the same time, the Central Military Commission decided to set up the Army Aviation Academy, which is the only comprehensive college newly built in this disarmament process.

  In 2003, the whole army reduced 200,000 posts again, and the General Staff Aviation Bureau was officially renamed as the General Staff Aviation Department, which changed from performing the functions of the leading organ of the army to performing the functions of the second department of the General Staff Department, and added technical support and scientific research flight test institutions such as the Military Agency and the Flight Test Brigade.

  In July 2013, the Central Military Commission defined the main tasks of the military reform from 2013 to 2015. Under the condition of further optimizing the military structure, the Army Aviation once again increased its posts. It is also these four landmark "retrogrades" that the Chinese Army Air Force took off with a heavy load.

  The first 30 years.

  An armed helicopter violently shook and landed in a paddy field in the countryside of southeast Jiangxi from the air of 1800 meters, riding on the ridge impartially. Test pilots Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhang Yunlei got out of danger, lit a cigarette for each other and waited quietly for the rescue team.

  Few people know that this forced landing of paddy fields in 2007 has well preserved China’s first special armed helicopter — — The prototype and test data of Wuzhi-10. Five years later, China’s first dedicated armed helicopter was born.

  On the day of installation, a number of aviation equipment experts were in tears at the scene. They all remember that at the critical moment when the introduction of the engine of the Zhi-10 helicopter gunship was blocked and the development of the whole helicopter was in a dilemma, Luhang made a decisive decision to rely on domestic independent design and finalize the design, successfully organized and completed the engine development with independent intellectual property rights, overcame the technical difficulties of the whole helicopter weight reduction optimization, broke the foreign blockade in two years and achieved a great victory of self-reliance.

  At the same time, Luhang began to explore ways to improve and tap the potential of active equipment on the "Zhi-9" platform, and implemented three major improvements, which met the operational needs of armed helicopters in different historical periods of Luhang and provided a solid foundation for the transformation of Luhang from auxiliary support force to main battle assault force.

  In the past 30 years, the Chinese Army Air Force has not only equipped domestic special armed helicopters, but also trained a large number of aviation pilots, which are close to the world-class in flight technology and level.

  In order to "make up lessons" and shorten the gap as soon as possible, the army aviation has made full use of its horsepower. In 17 years, the training base has trained nearly 3,000 qualified aviation pilots, the flight training time has increased fourfold, and the number of trainees has soared tenfold. Therefore, it has to adopt the training mode of "three shifts" and "multi-point and multi-purpose in one field".

  At most, the cookhouse squad has to cook 8 meals a day and carry them to the airport to ensure that teachers and students eat and then fly. The coach helicopter "Zhi-11" produced by China itself was directly installed in the army after it was manufactured, and it was taught while flying. The coaching staff didn’t have enough crew members, so they put the female soldiers on the ground and took on the task of maintaining the helicopter with the male soldiers.

  China’s army aviation, which is catching up slowly and developing at a high speed, has undergone earth-shaking changes. In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake rescue came to a critical moment. At that time, Cai Yougu, the head of a certain aviation regiment, took a single hovering way to connect several wounded people trapped in desperate situations to helicopters. The air corridor opened by Luhang has rekindled the hope of life for many affected people. To this end, Luhang also paid the price of his life, and Qiu Guanghua’s crew died heroically.

  In recent years, the manned spaceflight project has given China Luhang a try. On the prairie of Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia, the search and rescue helicopter is always the first to land next to the Shenzhou spacecraft, and send the most timely help to the heroes returning from outer space.

  Over the past 30 years, the Army Air Force has formed a series of helicopter types, such as transportation, armed forces and service support, which are active in the ultra-low altitude of "the height of a tree" and play an increasingly important role in the army’s combat sequence.

  "Write the poem in the blue sky and pin your figure on the white clouds." This is a poem written by Xing Shuhua, the first female pilot of Lu Hang. Today, the first batch of five female helicopter gunship pilots have been tempered by wind and rain for more than a year, and their wings have gradually grown and formed combat effectiveness.

  30 years of innovation leap

  In May 2014, northern Jiangxi. A helicopter stopped in the air and fell like an iron weight.

  In more than 10 seconds from the height of 200 meters to the landing of the helicopter, the pilot pulled up the joystick weighing more than 100 kilograms with his hands to control the helicopter to rotate and land.

  This is not an accident, but a 15-day first flight special course training for the Army Air Force. The training courses include difficult special situations such as engine stopping in the air and tail rotor failure, aiming at improving the pilot’s special situation handling ability and the battlefield survivability of Army helicopters. Participating in the training are a variety of active models such as domestic new main battle equipment Zhi-10 and light teaching equipment Zhi-11.

  In recent years, the Army Air Force has always insisted on proceeding from actual combat needs, keeping a close eye on combat tasks and opponents, insisting on how to build troops and how to train soldiers, and developing and training what is needed in combat. It has successively organized activities such as training for aviation captains, pilot training for tactical research and training, and training for tactical application of new weapons and new ammunition, and creatively organized world-wide special training courses such as helicopter single-engine parking, taxi landing, double-engine parking, rotation landing and tail rotor failure landing, actively responding to the new situation of changing combat style and upgrading weapons and equipment, solving the problems of insufficient command level and low tactical training level of aviation units, effectively improving the core military capabilities of aviation units, and promoting the aviation units from fine flying to good fighting.

  In terms of tactics, the Army Air Force studied and discussed the application theory of alpine plateau, sea, mountain, desert, urban warfare and night battle, and organized several inspection drills. In particular, in 2013, the Army Air Force organized a live-fire drill codenamed "Assault-2013", which was the first time that our army conducted a live-fire drill with the Army Air Force as the main assault force, and it was also the largest tactical research and discussion activity since the establishment of the Army Air Force.

  "Assault-2013" mainly rehearsed six typical operations, such as fire cover, close fire support, special assault, wing-side aircraft landing, fire interception and leapfrog support, during the army aviation assault under the information conditions. The participating troops include land and air brigades and regiments from the former Jinan, Nanjing, Guangzhou and other military regions, as well as more than 3,000 naval and air force units, using more than 100 helicopters of various types and large-scale equipment such as multi-type ships, armor, artillery and fighters. The exercise verified a number of new tactical achievements, such as multi-aircraft side-by-side fire-gathering attack, and actually shot many types of test bombs. China’s first dedicated armed helicopter also launched an air-to-air missile for the first time and successfully intercepted low-altitude targets.

  After 30 years’ unremitting efforts, the Army Air Force has also stepped out of a road of equipment progressive upgrading with adaptive modification, specialized development and serial development, forming a relatively rich series of air-to-ground and air-to-air weapons. The Army Air Force first solved the long-standing problem of "organic non-ammunition" of multiple aircraft types, and then independently developed a helicopter-specific air-to-ground missile. The guidance system expanded from a single wired system to multiple guidance methods. The equipped air-to-air missiles form a series in range and guidance mode, and the helicopter-borne rockets adopt various calibers and warheads, which have the ability to strike various targets.

  In the past 30 years, the Army Aviation Force has successively completed the development and installation of domestic helicopters such as Zhi-9 series, Zhi-8 series, Zhi-11, Zhi-10 and Zhi-19, and basically built a main battle equipment system with second-generation equipment as the main body and third-generation equipment as the backbone; Overcome the difficulties in the development of multiple engines and initially break through the power bottleneck.

  In the five years of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" alone, the number of helicopters in Army Aviation is equivalent to the sum of the growth in the first 25 years of Army Aviation. When the curtain of military reform is once again opened, the Chinese army aviation will also usher in a new take-off.

Beijing BJ60: Pre-sale of Chengdu Auto Show/Listing of Guangzhou Auto Show

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned that (|) will be pre-sold during the Chengdu Auto Show, which will open in late August, and will be officially listed during the Guangzhou Auto Show, which will open in November. The car is equipped with a 2.0T+48V motor, with a non-loaded body and an independent suspension.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  The front face of BJ60 is a family-style design style. The five-hole grille is integrated with the LED light groups on both sides, supplemented by a lot of chrome decoration, but it still highlights the hard-core style. It is reported that it will be equipped with a welcome mode and intelligent interactive lights.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the car are 5040/1955/1925mm and the wheelbase is 2820mm, so it is positioned as a medium and large SUV. Viewed from the side, the new car is burly, which of course indicates that it has good interior space. In terms of tires, it is reported that AT tires will only appear on models with 18-inch wheels after listing in the future.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  At the rear of the car, the design of BJ60 is simple and elegant, and a classic external spare tire will be used. It is worth mentioning that the taillights of the car are also full of details. After lighting up, it is the shape of traditional palace lanterns.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  Inside the car, the overall style of the new car is biased towards luxury positioning. Leather, paint and chrome-plated decoration all bring a sense of high quality, and the full LCD instrument and large-size central control panel make it not fall behind in terms of technology configuration. In addition, there is a mountain pattern on the plaque in front of the co-pilot, which has a strong sense of ceremony.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  In other comfort configuration, the driver’s seat is equipped with leg rest and seat memory function, the front seat is equipped with 12-way electric adjustment, heating, ventilation and massage function, and it has aviation headrest. The rear seats will also be equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions. In addition, the car will also be equipped with 256 colors of optional ambient lights, front laminated glass and Yanfei Lishi brand 12 speakers +1 external amplifier sound system.

Beijing Cross-country Beijing BJ60 2022 2.0T Basic Model

  As for the power system, this car is equipped with a light mixing system consisting of a 2.0T engine and a +48V motor, with an 85L fuel tank and a 35L auxiliary fuel tank. The transmission system will be matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission, equipped with part-time 4wd system, which can electronically switch the modes of 2H, 4H and 4L. The ATS all-terrain system supports the choice of nine driving modes. In addition, the new car also uses a non-load-bearing body, and is equipped with three locks: front, middle and rear, in which the transfer case can amplify the torque by 2.54 times. (Text/car home Chen Hao)

"China Vitality" in the data | The export of new energy vehicles reached a new high, with a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

CCTV News:"China Vitality in Data" series reports that today (September 30th) we will pay attention to the export data of new energy vehicles. According to the data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first eight months of this year, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 97.4% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles are becoming a new business card of China Intelligent Manufacturing.

According to the data released by China Automobile Manufacturers Association recently, this year’s 1-mdash; In August, China exported 1.817 million vehicles, up 52.8% year-on-year. Among them, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, and the contribution rate to the growth of automobile exports reached 26.7%. In 2021, China’s automobile exports reached 2.138 million, surpassing 2 million for the first time, making it the third largest automobile exporter in the world after Japan and Germany.

Some experts in the industry said that in terms of structure, the export of automobile industry is shifting from commercial vehicles to passenger cars represented by new energy vehicles. In addition, in the export area, China’s automobile exports also focus on new energy vehicles, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the past, and are expanding to mainstream markets such as Europe.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:Our current export of new energy vehicles is mainly in the European market. Last year, 49% of our new energy vehicle exports were exported to the European market, and our automobile export situation is very gratifying.

In terms of models, the export models represented by new energy vehicles are more advanced. In the past, they were mostly low-end models, and now many enterprises have begun to cut into the market with high-end cars. In addition, in terms of export strategy, from passive in the past to active now, in addition to local factory building and cross-border brand cooperation, we have also adopted self-built sales channels and customized development of new models through shared technology to open up the international market.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:Different from the past, car companies have built their own marketing channels abroad and continued to build brands, and new energy vehicles have initially achieved a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation.

The export of new energy vehicles has maintained a good momentum in the first eight months of this year. In September, the export momentum has not diminished, which will drive China’s automobile exports to a new high this year.

On September 13th, in Shanghai, the largest batch of pure electric vehicles in China was shipped at Haitong Wharf and exported to the European market. This time, 10,000 pure electric vehicles of SAIC were exported to the European market.

On September 26th, in Wuhan, the first batch of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Group went to sea in Norway. At the export ceremony, Norwegian dealers were full of confidence in this new energy vehicle made in China.

Norwegian distributor Sven Arid yangsi Gard:At first glance, the market response (in Norway) is very positive, and consumers are very satisfied with the products.

In Beijing, near the "Eleventh", workers in this bus factory are stepping up production. By the end of October, this factory will have produced a total of 1022 pure electric buses for export to Chile.

Han Dong, Executive Vice President of New Energy Bus Company:This list is a record for the export of pure electric vehicles (buses) in China. The single order is more than 1000 units, which is a high-quality order in the domestic bus industry.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, since 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, China’s automobile exports have generally shown a rapid growth momentum. In 2021, China exported 2.138 million vehicles, which doubled year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough. Among them, the export of new energy vehicles exceeded 400,000, a year-on-year increase of nearly three times.

Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this process of transformation, China’s innovation, industrial chain construction and market cultivation have reached the forefront of the world. The rapid growth of new energy vehicles (sales volume) in China has also led to a historic breakthrough in China’s automobile export, ending the situation that it has been hovering around 1 million vehicles (export volume) for more than ten years.

       The head of China Automobile Industry Association said that this year, driven by the strong export momentum of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile exports will reach 3 million, reaching a new high, and it is expected to become the second largest automobile exporter in the world.

In the interview, the reporter also noticed that after years of development, the technical level of China’s new energy vehicles has been significantly improved, and the core technologies of key components have reached a higher level. It is the innovation of the whole industry chain that has helped new energy vehicles become a new business card for intelligent manufacturing in China.

The reporter walked into this new energy automobile enterprise in Anhui, and the production line was busy, and the order had been placed for three months. The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the secret of the rapid growth of the sales of new energy vehicles in enterprises lies in persisting in innovation.

Xu Youzhong, Vice President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute of Automobile Enterprises:Taking research and development as the top priority, we have established 38 technical committees, including a set of forward development process systems with 38 systems and 22 performance dimensions.

In the past 10 years, this company has invested more than 7% of its sales revenue in R&D every year, mastered a number of key core technologies such as the fifth-generation engine with the maximum effective thermal power of 44% and the world’s first gearbox with nine modes of switching, and applied for 18,500 patents. At present, there are nearly 10,000 R&D personnel.

Not only insist on innovation, China new energy automobile enterprises are generally enhancing their product adaptability and building a "global car". The reporter noted that these new energy vehicles exported to Norway have generally developed the trailer hook function to adapt to the cold and snowy scenes in northern Europe. Another batch of vehicles exported to the British market, including the work of changing the left steering wheel to the right steering wheel, invested more than 100 million yuan in adaptive development.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:New energy vehicle is a new business card of intelligent manufacturing in China. We must grasp this window period well. We must be able to form a standard pool with Europe or America, and we can recognize each other’s standards together and compete under the same standard platform.

The person in charge of China Automobile Industry Association said that the high export growth of new energy vehicles in China is the inevitable result of years of industrial accumulation. In the past 10 years, China government’s support policy for the new energy automobile industry has been continuously strengthened, and China automobile enterprises have actively responded to the policy call, and the overall strength of the new energy automobile industry has been continuously improved, which can meet the global diversified market demand in terms of product appearance, quality, R&D and production capacity.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this round of global automobile transformation to electrification and new energy, we have occupied a commanding height and led the global automobile industry to transform to new energy and electrification.

These days, "Chao Wen Tian Xia" has continuously broadcast "China Vitality in Data", and a series of data are dizzying. There is a digital economy in these data, which has greatly liberated and developed productive forces and changed the underlying logic of industrial production. There are also key points in the data. An "excavator index" allows us to see how many points to focus on when stabilizing the economy.

There are market players in the data, and their vitality comes to the fore through vivid data. There are services in the data, and the vitality of market players comes from their own efforts, as well as from intimate public policies and targeted services. There are transformations in the data, new technologies, new products, new formats, and how many old trees are blooming. There is also a future in the data, and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. are releasing amazing potential.

The data is like a rigorous brush, which gives us a picture of China’s economic development. These data are not easy to get, and there are gratifying achievements in the data, and there is a process of tackling difficulties. China’s vitality in the data is, in the final analysis, created by hundreds of millions of resilient, creative and enterprising people. The vitality of China in the data actually tells the story of China people’s innovation in the data.

Why do people with high clothes look beautiful casually? Three fashion "universal laws" are worth learning.

We often see such remarks as "anyone who looks good and has a good figure looks good in anything" and "even if he grows up like this, he looks good in a sack". It is generally believed that only those who look good and have a good figure have the right to beauty. This lack of self-confidence in appearance and figure has become a stumbling block for many ordinary people to become beautiful.

In fact, people with good looks and good figure will only take fewer detours and be more beautiful than ordinary people, but they will also face the same problems as us. As long as we take good care of ourselves, it is not impossible to overtake in the corner.

In fact, there are many ways for ordinary people to become beautiful, and there is no need to make a big move, change a hairstyle, find the right style of wearing, enlarge the advantages, etc. This degree of beauty is more suitable for our reference.

Then in this issue, let’s talk aboutHow do ordinary people exert their strength in clothes if they want to be beautiful?Why do people look beautiful casually? Three "fashion rules" that you don’t know are the key. Let’s take a look:

In fact, there is an unbreakable law in both fashion and beauty industry, that isCreate "perfection".

And you will also find that those good-looking looks, makeup, and clothes are also in the public aesthetic. What hairstyle to choose, what makeup to paint, and what to wear are all in the direction of good-looking looks or good proportions.

Based on this law, it is not difficult to understand why we will"proportion"Put it in the first place.

Just like building a house, the proportion is the foundation. Only when the proportion is built, the whole will not collapse. And a good proportion is like a reference. If you build it like this, you won’t make any big mistakes.

So what is a good ratio? How to create a good ratio?

First of all, a good proportion looks comfortable and balanced, and it can be divided into two types: horizontal and vertical.

1. Vertical proportion

Vertically, in the aesthetics of length, we generally recognize that the good proportion is 9 heads and bodies. But this is more difficult for the public, so we will wear it to make it as close as possible.3:7、4:6The balance ratio, as long as your dress ratio is in between, at least it won’t look stretched.

On the contrary, if your clothes are 50-50, no matter how fashionable you dress and how beautiful your colors are, you won’t look good visually:

The vertical proportion is simply the "waist line", which creates a visual sense of legs below the chest. For example, we can use belts, tops, and knots to show the waistline, which not only adjusts the proportion of body shape, but also shows the beauty of dress.

2. Horizontal proportion

Vertical proportion is common, and what we tend to overlook is horizontal proportion.

Horizontal proportion, that is, the contrast between length and width, is also the key for people who want to be tall and thin. We should shorten the horizontal proportion and make the figure look taller. Can be obtained fromtightnessThink in this direction.

① Up and down tightness

A more unified concept is that wearing loose pine is not good-looking. First, there is no proportion. Second, loose clothes are easy to get fat. Even if it is worn in proportion to the length of the upper part, it lacks a sense of beauty visually:

For wearing up and down, if you want to create a balance, then"One loose and one tight"It will be more in line with the public aesthetic. For example, "tight on the top and loose on the bottom", "tight on the top and loose on the bottom", or "loose on the top and tight in the middle", so that the balanced wearing will not appear loose and sloppy.

② Internal and external tightness

By the same token, it will look better to keep the inside and outside wearing loose and tight than in Quan Song.

Clothes that are loose inside and outside are easy to appear procrastination and lack of aesthetic feeling;

For this kind of wear, "tight inside and loose outside" and "loose inside and tight outside" will look better. It should be noted that wearing tight inside and loose outside will be more inclusive to the body shape, which is more suitable for chubby women. The wearing of "loose inside and tight outside" is more suitable for creating a good proportion, and it is more suitable for people with poor proportion, small people or thin people.

The easiest fashion for ordinary people to wear in winter isOverlapping,Although it is very common, it is not easy to wear it well. We have sorted out the following three overlapping ways:

1. Foundation overlapping

The first is the basic overlapping, which is also a way for everyone to get easily. Simple overlapping is "sandwich" wearing, that is, the combination of inside+single item+coat. What we need to know about this combination isSelection of clothesandThe creation of neckline.

There are four main points:

① Choose a thin and close-fitting style for the interior, and it can be pulled flat;

② The exposed neckline should avoid stacking as much as possible, and a single layer is the best;

3 choose a mid-high collar to wear, revealing a little neck part to be slim and beautiful;

4 Exposing the neckline, cuffs and hem will have a more layered feeling.

2. Body shape overlapping

On the basis of overlapping, we need to consider whether the figure is suitable. For example, the upper body is fat, the chest is big, or there is a belly, so at this time we should pay attention to the changes in details.

Upper body fat: the middle layer can be worn with unbuttoned clothes such as thin shirts, and only part of the inner layer can be exposed to make it slim;

Big chest: also choose shirts or V-neck clothing, and create V-neck lines at the neck;

Small belly: the inner belt doesn’t need to be completely inserted into the lower garment, and it will cover the meat more by tucking a corner or using a belt.

In addition, there are two smaller details when using the overlapping technique for slightly fat women:

First, choose dark colors for the interior and light colors for the outside; The second is to put a silk scarf on the neck to expose the edge, which can also play the role of overlapping, which is very suitable for people who are worried that overlapping will make them fat.

3. Advanced overlap

In addition to the basic overlapping, there is another way that overlapping is relatively rare and easy to wear novelty, that is, to choose the overlapping of coats and coats. For example, coat+suit jacket+turtleneck shirt, replacing a light shirt with a suit, can make the dress look more neat and straight.

Or change the suit into jeans and leather clothes, etc. The mix and match of materials and styles can make the dress more interesting. However, this kind of wearing is also very easy to appear bloated, which is not suitable for slightly fat women.

For ordinary people, the simplest and fastest skill to improve clothes is to learn color matching, which is not too complicated. Simple color application can increase the wearing power and fashion sense, for example:

1. Base color+embellishment color

Most people will choose the basic color to wear, and many people may think that wearing it like this can create a simple sense of high-level, but in fact, for ordinary people, wearing it like this will only appear single, boring and ordinary, because the sense of high-level needs temperament and details.

It is easier for ordinary people to master"base color+embellishment color". That is, when the whole body is basic color or monotonous, choose a small area of bright colors for embellishment, which can make the dress look more detailed.

for exampleGray coat+red embellishment,A large area of gray or black will be slightly dull and monotonous, and a little red at this time is the key to improving color and finishing touch.

At the same time, you can also use the technique of mutual echo between small areas to make the wearing look more exquisite. For example, if you choose shoes, bags, hair bands and other accessories with the same color as a single product, the colors will echo each other, and the visual unity and harmony will be very aesthetic.

2. Bright color+Shun color/Black/White

The echo of colors can also be put on the wearing of bright colors. For example, when a dress you choose is bright or you don’t know how to match it better, then choosing a similar color matching can have an extended visual effect and look very beautiful.

Of course, if the color is too bright, the safest way is to choose the basic color white or black, which has the effect of transition and inhibition, so that the color looks less vulgar.

The three "universal rules" about fashion wear are shared here in this issue. If you have any questions about wearing, please leave a message in the comment area ~

Disclaimer: The text of this article is original, and the pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. Thank you! yz

# What to wear today # # Punch in for a better life # # Fashion #

Remember the sound of the 70 -year -old Shanghai aunt’s square cabin? Look at her latest voice

"Hello everyone, I am Wu Yinping, and I am also familiar with the second aunt who are familiar with through WeChat voice." Recently, at the scene of the spiritual civilization construction work conference in Pudong New District in 2022, Xiao Bu met with Aunt Wu for the first time. She still spoke Shanghai dialect, and her tone was still kind.

During this epidemic, Aunt Wu told his relatives and friends about his experience from infection with new crown pneumonia to recovery. It is this voice that shows the spiritual character of an old party member, community grass -roots workers and Shanghai citizens, and has gained the public’s praise. Listening to the experience of her memories can still be infected by her positive energy.

Aunt Wu is a resident of the north community in the streets of Xincun Village, Hudong, and a 28 -year -old party member. Since 1998, she has been a civil affairs cadre in the community for 10 years. After retiring in 2007, she returned to the North Community where she lived.

"Our community is very large, with 95 gate buildings, and more than 5,000 residents. In March, the Shanghai epidemic broke out. I think I was a party member and should stand up and guard everyone’s safety." In this round of epidemic The earliest became one of the areas of the central risk area. Aunt Wu felt that she was responsible and rushed to the front line of resistance. At the beginning, she cooperated with the residential committee to do the population statistics of the community, and the number of people came to the family. Reporting to the neighborhood committee at 6 am, sometimes cooperating with doctors for nucleic acid sampling, and always busy until 11 pm.

In early April, Aunt Wu began to feel uncomfortable and a little fever, and he stopped volunteer service. "Later, two bars were measured by the antigen. In fact, I was a little scared at that time. It’s uncomfortable, headache, muscle soreness, especially the dry throat, and the feeling of the pills can’t swallow. "Aunt Wu recalled that at about 12 noon on April 16, she received a call from the illness and control department and was notified to be diagnosed with positive. "Since the policy is regulated, I am a party member, so I will take the lead in obeying the policy and pack the wash products and prepare for transfer."

In the voice of Aunt Wu, who was circulating on the Internet, she revealed what she had seen and heard in the square cabin, especially the living conditions, medical volunteer services, etc. "In the square cabin," big white ‘, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers. They are all very good. They often encourage me to eat good meals and take a walk. These words sound very warm. Although people are in the square cabin, medical supplies are guaranteed, and they have egg milk every day. . "Aunt Wu felt that he had the responsibility to tell the real situation, and hoped that everyone would not panic.

At the stage where the epidemic prevention and control are the most vigorous, Aunt Wu’s remarks convey an optimistic and positive attitude, giving everyone the courage and strength to face difficulties. In the square cabin, she was not idle. "Although I can’t do heavy work, I can do some relaxed work and serve everyone." During that time, Aunt Wu got up to clean the floor where he lived. When they met some older patients, they helped them burn water. When you take the meal, you also take the handle and send the box lunch to the eighty -year -old man.

On April 22, Aunt Wu went home and was warmly welcomed by community cadres and residents. "After I came back, I found that everyone lived in an orderly manner, and my heart was much easier." After home health monitoring, Aunt Wu returned to the community volunteer post on May 1st. " Help and care, I want to pass them out and let more people feel it. "

In the next day, Aunt Wu will help the corridor spray disinfection water every day, and shares the positive energy to the WeChat group of the corridor. As the situation of epidemic prevention continues to improve, the demand for epidemic prevention in the community is turned on to conduct regular antigen detection. Aunt Wu is busy helping residents who have been old and without mobile phones upload test results … After more than two months of hard work, life returns to the right track. Everyone laughed.

On June 1st, Aunt Wu went out early in the morning. She first turned around in her community, and then went to the place where she often went to the surrounding herself. "It’s the same, there is nothing special." Aunt Wu regained his familiar feeling, and he returned as usual.

Aunt Wu said that under her square cabin, many people left a message saying that she was greatly moved by her optimism. She believes that, in fact, the hard work of ordinary people’s hard work and watching is the background and bright color of the civilization of the city in Shanghai. "This epidemic, Shanghai has been survived. I believe that our Shanghai will get better and better!"

Text: Huang Jing

Photography: Huang Riyue

Edit: Zhu Shengxia