The green card for superiority is finally gone? But this is not good news for the oil truck

Original, neck brother, bad review.

When the friends saw this title, they estimated that the knife had been brought up, but this was really not the nonsense of Brother Neck.

Because not long ago, Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Passenger Federation, said that the Passenger Federation has made a proposal to the relevant state departments to merge the blue and green plates of automobiles in the future.

Although it’s just a suggestion, it’s not small. Because this guy’s advice has always been accurate. For example, he suggested a little more policy support for new energy vehicles in 2016. Later, new energy vehicles ushered in explosive growth…

What does merger mean? Simply put, it is the same rights for oil and electricity.

For example, now new energy vehicles are not limited, and they can be exempted from a lot of taxes and fees without a lottery. After the merger, they will be gone. In short, they are completely equal to oil vehicles in terms of policy.

This policy is expected to be implemented in two years.

We should know that our green card policy was decided to implement at the end of 2016, and everyone complained that the green card was ugly, as if it was not long ago.

How long has it been, and why is the green card suddenly turning into a tear of the times?

Although it is indeed a bit sudden, the decrease in green card preferential policies in recent years is a clear trend.

For example, the state subsidy for new energy vehicles that has made countless brands crazy and directly promoted the development of new energy vehicles in China.

Real money supply car companies are a bit similar to when online car-hailing platforms were just starting out, spending money to encourage everyone to become drivers.

According to MIIT’s statistics, in the 13 years from 2010 to the present, the total amount of new energy national subsidies is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan. In 2018, the largest subsidy, the amount is as high as 47.11 billion yuan.

But after 2018, the national subsidy began a collapse. In 2019, it was less than 30 billion, and in 2020, there were only 15.29 billion left. Now, as we all know, it has completely returned to zero.

And in addition to cash subsidies, the license plate policy for new energy vehicles is also gradually being tightened.

Like a plug-in hybrid model, since the implementation of the green card policy, it has been the same as a pure electric model when buying a car and getting a license plate. Even in a big city like Shanghai with purchase restrictions, it is decisively given with the car. There are no restrictions on driving if you can refuel, and the fragrance is not good.

However, starting from January 1, 2023, Shanghai cancelled the licensing policy for plug-in hybrid models, with the aim of promoting the development of pure electric models. In the future, if you buy plug-in hybrid models in Shanghai, you will have to participate in the auction like an oil car, and you will feel like you have been kicked out of the new energy group chat…

There must be a friend here who said that the oil is mixed and burned, which is not a new energy source! Pure electricity is a real new energy source. Why should it have the same rights as the oil truck?

In fact, the original intention of the Passenger Association is very simple, to cool down the domestic barbaric growth of the new energy market. Because the green card policy has been implemented until now, many problems have arisen.

For example, many first-tier cities have travel restrictions. Although it is not so much for environmental protection, it is mainly to ease the traffic congestion in the morning and evening rush hour. But the green card will not be affected by the travel restrictions, and the convenience will be full, and more people will buy it.

Take Shanghai as an example. At the end of last year, Shanghai’s new energy vehicle market penetration rate has exceeded 53%. This means that one in every two people who want to buy a car wants to buy a new energy vehicle. And Shanghai’s new energy vehicles have also exceeded 940,000, accounting for almost 1/5 of the total number of cars.

So many cars do not need to be restricted, and the morning and evening rush hour must be blocked or blocked.

For example, for refueling, friends may not know that there has always been a saying of "one tank of fuel, half a tank of tax" for refueling a fuel car. That is, adding a tank of fuel to a fuel car, the value-added tax, consumption tax, urban construction tax, education surtax, etc. can add up to nearly 50%.

And because the tram doesn’t need to be refueled, the owners of the tram don’t have to pay these taxes. In this way, it really means that the oil car is refueling and raising the tram, and the owners of the oil car are naturally not happy.

Therefore, the abolition of the rights and interests of the green card is somewhat in line with the public’s will.

However, in my opinion, in addition to solving social problems, the cancellation of the green card is more because the original goal of implementing the green card policy has been basically achieved.

In 2009, MIIT released the "New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers Sending Product Access Management Rules". This thing is basically a sign of the beginning of the development of China’s energy vehicles. There is this sentence in it:

To sum up, three goals: to be environmentally friendly, to be technological, and to cultivate awesome companies. Environmental protection aside, the last two goals directly related to automobiles have actually been completed now.

Technically, the core of new energy vehicles is the battery. And CATL and BYD are now the bearers of the global battery.

Do not believe? Go to the data.

According to SNE Research statistics, these two companies together contributed nearly 50% of the global power battery market share in 2022.

As for enterprises, self-owned brand new energy vehicles have long been playing back and forth with oil trucks. For example, BYD has already hit the price of DMI hybrid within 100,000, and the final price position of fuel vehicles may not last long.

With technology and leading enterprises, domestic new energy vehicles are equivalent to successfully surviving the land reclamation period and leaving the novice village. At this time, the main task should not be to upgrade quickly, but to compete with traditional oil trucks PVP and new energy vehicles around the world.

For leading companies, how to combine price advantages with product advantages will be the most important task after the green card is cancelled. And for those car companies that are full of policy dividends but do not have core technologies, if they do not bring up hard power,

I’m afraid I’ll have to break my fingers to live.

From the perspective of buying a car, after realizing the same rights for oil and electricity, there will be no longer any difference in policy between the two. In addition, there is already news that the road maintenance fee for trams will be charged through mileage or electricity prices in the future, and the difference between taxes and car costs will soon be erased.

Whether to choose a fuel car or a tram, it will definitely become more torn in the future…

However, while this is very bad for trams in the short term, in the long run, trams will only become more and more popular.

Due to the fact that this gasoline-electric experience is approaching a unified time, it has been the technical peak of the oil car for a hundred years, but it is only the beginning of the development of the tram.

Four-wheel independent motors, an unprecedented driving method, have begun to appear, and the top technologies of the oil car era are being replaced one by one; technologies such as ultra-high voltage charging piles and solid-state batteries are gradually being rolled out, and the shortcomings in the tram experience are being filled one by one.

Some time ago, Europe passed a proposal to stop the sale of fuel vehicles in 2035. Although it was opposed by Germany, it has also shown the firm attitude of the international environment towards the withdrawal of fuel vehicles from the historical stage.

The cancellation of the green card seemed to limit the market for trams, but it also secretly pushed it to the final showdown between oil and electricity.

As for whether the winner will be the tram, it is really exciting.

Of course, if you really want to merge the blue and green cards, can you change the color scheme of the current green card design?

What about the new license plate design that was exposed before! gkd!

Written by: Deadly Empty Gun, Editor: Right Neck Twist, Cover: Huanyan

Image Source:

The new license plate style looks N times better! Finally, you don’t need to hang the blue plate.

The number of new energy vehicles in Shanghai reached 710,000, accounting for nearly 16% of the total number of vehicles.

Shanghai new energy license-free policy with the penetration rate and adjustment

"New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Access Management Rules 2009"

The third extension of the new energy vehicle purchase tax exemption market share may reach 36%.

National supplement withdrawal, 200 billion abacus

In less than three years, it has risen to the top in the world in terms of market share! Why did China’s hybrid cars explode?

The original title: "The superior green card is finally gone, but this is not good news for the oil truck…"

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Qin L DM-i, a brand-new mid-level car of BYD Dynasty, appeared at Beijing Auto Show.

DM-I, a brand-new mid-size car of BYD Dynasty, made its world debut in auto china in 2024, leading the new trend of mid-size cars in an all-round way with its beauty, leading technology, brand-new platform and excellent intelligence.


Sword and finger intermediate: the layout of large and small Qin cars completes the map of dynasty cars

The length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. It is a standard mid-level car. In the car matrix of the current dynasty, the Qin family is a compact crown and has the right to speak in the family car; The Han family is a medium-sized and large-scale sales champion, ranking first in the mainstream mid-to high-end market, and the Qin L sword refers to the intermediate level, which just fills the matrix gap between the two cars. Upward, attack the joint venture intermediate car headed by Han; Downward, with the formation of a large and small Qin double-car pattern, radiating the A+ market, improving the product layout of Wangchao. com in the mainstream car market.


Design guidance: dynasty is the tide of the country, showing cultural self-confidenceAs a brand-new mid-level sedan of the dynasty, Qin L was built based on the brand-new orientation of "mainstream, quality and new national tide", drawing strength from Chinese excellent traditional culture, and embodying the perfect integration of national tide culture and future technology. Qin L adopts "the aesthetics of new national tide and dragon face", which melts the dragon and dragon face into the car body, and the dragon face evolves to show the weather of Daqin. The "Dragon’s front face" is majestic, with slender and elegant sides, and the ultra-wide rear shoulder design at the tail, which makes the whole car show a "wide body and low squat" posture, domineering and dynamic.


The garage is between mountains and seas, and people are in Traveling in a pictorial world. Qin l’s interior is inspired by Chinese painting, creating a "landscape painting cockpit" with high style. The integrated center console slowly unfolds around the rotating big screen, like a long scroll of the East floating on the instrument panel of the sapphire case, creating a strong sense of encirclement. With luxurious space, exquisite materials, ergonomic spacious and comfortable seats, and front McPherson rear multi-link independent suspension, Qin L is beautiful, spacious, comfortable and stable, making driving enjoyable.


Technology Leading: "Big and Economical" has become the new trend of mid-size cars.

The most anticipated is the technical parameters of Qin L. Previously, Qin L will have a major breakthrough in fuel consumption and battery life. Although the official did not "hammer" at this auto show, it said that Qin L will subvert the stereotype of "fuel consumption" of mid-level cars and lead the breakthrough through technology, making "big and economical" a new trend of mid-level cars.


Platform leading: the new mainstream of the definition of the strength of a new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platforms

With the acceleration of electrification, the vehicle platform is accelerating innovation. Qin L is based on BYD’s new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platform, and integrates a number of forward-looking technologies, which is designed for plug-in, more efficient, safer and more interesting, and promotes the new energy platform to become the mainstream!


Leading by intelligence: enjoy the convenience of car life and create a sensory experience of taste

In the era of intelligence, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving assistance are indispensable. Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit, which is equipped with 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspension Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key, full-scene intelligent voice, etc. It is smart and easy to control. DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions, comprehensively improves driving safety. With the spacious and luxurious cockpit, quiet space and immersive concert hall, the car life is full of wisdom and taste.


The arrival of Qin L will lead the new trend of mid-level cars in an all-round way, provide the mainstream families with the choice of upgrading the quality of cars, and provide young people with the one-stop choice of buying cars. It is reported that Qin L will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to start selling at 120,000 yuan, which is worth looking forward to!

The price of two-wheel drive buys "electric four-wheel drive". How many volumes does Haval Xiaolong series have?

  Last month, Great Wall Haval’s two heavy new energy sourcesSUVThe product is officially listed. Wherein the compact stageSUVHaval Xiaolong, price13.98-15.68Ten thousand yuan, medium-sizedSUVHaval XiaolongMAX, selling price15.98-17.98Ten thousand yuan. Xiaolong is the entry-level product of Harvard’s brand-new new energy dragon series.SUVModel, undertake to use the power of science and technology to benefit consumers, in the endproductIs the force hard enough? Coincidentally, a few days ago, the editor participated in the official test drive of Xiaolong series area held in Shenzhen. Not much to say, let’s take a look!

  First, briefly introduce the appearance and interior of Xiaolong series, Haval Xiaolong and Xiaolong.MAXThey all adopt the latest family-style design language, among which Haval Xiaolong adopts the treatment of closed grille, which shows its own new energy.SUVIdentity, triangular style on both sidesLEDHeadlights, together with the blackened front surround below, give people a simple and fashionable visual experience.

  Compared with Haval Xiaolong, Haval XiaolongMAXIt gives people a more personal feeling. The front face of the new car adopts the popular borderless grille design, which is used on both sides.LEDLight sourcesevenFont headlights, after lighting up, have a good recognition, and the overall look gives people a young and dynamic visual experience.

  The side shapes of the two models are relatively smooth, and they all have a penetrating waistline. It seems that the body is relatively slender, and the wheel eyebrows and side skirts are decorated with black plaques. The body size cover, the length, width and height of Haval Xiaolong are respectively4600x1877x1675mm, wheelbase2710mm, Harvard XiaolongMAXLength, width and height are respectively4758x1895x1725mm, the wheelbase is2800mm.

  The interior part is equipped with Haval Xiaolong.7+12.3Inch dual screen system, relatively young and sporty. And Harvard XiaolongMAXInternally, a whole new generation is adopted.Coffee
OSIntelligent cockpit system, by12.3Inch full LCD instrument+12.3Inch central control screen and12.3Three-screen system collocation composed of inch full-color LCD auxiliary driver screenW-HUDHead-up digital display system and three-spoke multi-function steering wheel are very futuristic.

  It is worth mentioning that Haval XiaolongMAXEquipped with coffee intelligent driving system, equipped with Snapdragon8155Chip, which can realize includingACCIntelligent driving assistance functions such as adaptive cruise in full speed domain, active emergency braking, lane departure warning, etc. It also has functions such as parallel line assistance, reversing lateral warning, rear collision warning, door opening warning, lateral auxiliary warning and panoramic monitoring of mobile sentry.

  When I came to the highlight, during the test drive, I thought it was carried by Xiaolong.1.5LThe engine will be eclipsed, but the system composed of it and the motor can achieve amazing results.185KW/375N.mPower output, push1.7Tons of body more than enough, at the same time, pure electricity.NEDCThe cruising range is respectively110km,NEDCComprehensive cruising range exceeds1000kmThe front drive mode is also very suitable for urban travel, the power output is used to the extreme, and the fuel consumption is only.6.4rise/Hundred kilometers, quite rare.

  XiaolongMAXpick up1.5LHybrid system consisting of engine and front and rear double motors, maximum power of engine.85kw, comprehensive power205kW, comprehensive torque585N·m,0-100km/hAcceleration only needs6.8sPure electricityNEDCThe cruising range is105km,WLTCThe comprehensive fuel consumption is1.78L/100km, feed fuel consumption5.5L/100km.

  It is worth noting that thanks toHi4Electric four-wheel drive, Haval XiaolongMAXrely oniTVCIntelligent torque vector control system for real-time monitoring of vehicles and roads, combined withthreehold upnineMode intelligent dynamic switching, so as to achieve "the best efficiency in all working conditions and worry-free driving in all scenes" At this test drive meeting, Haval XiaolongMAXThe extraordinary performance is also displayed in front of the national media through the comprehensive test drive of the whole scene and many road conditions, and the new energy is redefined.SUVThe strength of the new benchmark of value has been verified.

  On the highway, there is no need to accelerate preparation in advance at all, overtaking in one go, and because of the rear-drive structure, the whole vehicle is more stable to drive, the acceleration does not feel like raising its head, the high-speed steering chassis is also solid, and there will be no signs of pushing the head. And Harvard XiaolongMAXBut also in pure electric mode, series mode andoneIntelligent switching between direct drive modes, in congested roads, the system will mainly operate in pure electric two-drive mode to ensure the fuel consumption level of the whole vehicle to the greatest extent. On the road section around the mountain, vehicles continuously turn corners, which extremely tests the handling performance. Haval XiaolongMAXOptimize and integrate the front axle generator and drive motor of conventional models to form a perfect50:50Axial load distribution, the turning limit of the whole vehicle is higher.


  Haval XiaolongMAXAnd Harvard Xiaolong, both for Harvard Global.SUVThe inheritance of expert brand positioning also brings new energy with all-round strength.SUVTake the comprehensive experience to a new height. Especially Haval Xiaolong.MAXWith the new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology,Hi4It has activated the brand’s new weapon in the field of new energy development, and redefined new energy with breakthrough leading technology.SUVThe new benchmark of value allows users to buy a new energy four-wheel drive with good performance, wide use and strong strength at the most sincere price.SUV.

There are flowers in bloom, and I’m going to run to this spring date ~

Wenlv Changsha

A blessed spring

Spring is full of flowers everywhere.

Take a stroll in Martyrs Park and Moon Lake.

Climb to the top of flowers and linger between flowers and lakes.

Smell the flowers and listen to the birds.

Feel the gentle care of nature

When the wind comes, it’s better to chase flowers ~

Changsha Garden Ecological Park is blooming ~

Yumeiren, Xilincao, Ranunculus and Rhododendron are open for the second time.

Walk into the real Monet Garden

Who can refuse the feeling of spring ~

Xiaohongshu @ wo Xi ya ya

zi feng park profile

Rows of creepers covered the viaduct.

This is a romance that belongs to nature alone.

The Wizard of Oz Reality Edition Secret Land

Little Red Book @ Cousin Long Legs

There is an appointment in spring, and the flowers are not mistaken.

Haitang is brilliant, with clouds and snow piled up.

Yuehu Park all loves

The fatigue of the week has dissipated.

Xiaohongshu @ Mu Zi ~ Smile Rainbow

Does every school have a wisteria trellis like this?

Herun Garden Farm takes you back to your schooldays.

Chatting with memory at the foot of spring about school time.

Xiaohongshu Herun Garden

In an amusement park

You can see all the flowers that represent spring.

Changsha window of the world celebrates spring.

Who doesn’t rush here ~

Xiaohongshu Steel Li Dafa

Hang one’s head, look up, stop ……

This spring

Xiaobian takes you to unlock the new little red book popular flower chasing posture.

Let’s play something new.

@ Star Caroline

@ toothpaste Soda

Love the nipple of peach

It’s just across the garden

@ Taotao Pipiwan

Who said that taking flowers can only go to crowded places?

It’s also good to shoot downstairs!

Spring came to my downstairs during my lunch break.

Going downstairs is spring ~

Xiaohongshu @YANGY @ Leave me alone @ Everyday as usual @1 orange @ Brother Fei is the coolest.

Cut through thorns, flowers come in person

Let’s spend this spring.

Measure the fragrance of flowers with your feet.

Record the beauty of flowers with a lens

Right now.

If you shoot flowers, you will send flowers.

Only in the new year will there be "money to spend"

Open the little red book, search for [Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders], and enter the activity page to get practical contents such as the popular flower viewing places in Kaifu District and the recommendation of flower viewing seats with one click.

We also hope that you will share the beauty in front of the camera with Changsha citizens, take notes with the topic # Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders # Flowers all the way to see happiness and carve up 10 million exclusive traffic! There are also 100 customized spring chasing glasses and 220 tickets for Huahai waiting for you ~

Join the flower chasing team

Explore the footprints of spring together

Feel the most beautiful April of Kaifu!

Original title: "There are flowers in bloom, I will run to this spring date ~"

Read the original text

Genyuan Technology is about to make its debut in AWE 2024, demonstrating smart life with technological innovation.

From March 14th to 17th, 2024, the 2024 China Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo (hereinafter referred to as AWE 2024) with the theme of "Smart Technology, Creating Life" will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center.

This AWE 2024 will focus on three key words: "technology", "innovation" and "intelligence", which will not only bring together the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the industry, but also show how these achievements deeply influence and improve people’s daily lives.

As a brand of scientific life in the field of home storage and personal products management, Genyuan has always adhered to the brand concept of design innovation and technology-driven, aiming at providing global solutions and products for storage, storage, care and management of various homes or products.

In this AWE event, Genyuan will present products including Genyuan smart sports bag, Genyuan clothes care machine, Genyuan smart shoe cabinet, Genyuan lantern deodorizer, Genyuan shoulder bag and heavy new concept machine, bringing visitors an experience journey of perfect integration of technology and life.

For example, Genyuan’s smart sports bag can effectively decompose the sweaty odor and bacteria on shoes and clothing equipment after sports travel, and support HarmonyOS Zhilian to intelligently adjust the odor removal mode; The intelligent shoe cabinet can automatically adjust the storage environment according to the material and humidity of the shoes to ensure that the shoes are kept dry, sterilized and odorless; The clothes care machine adopts the unique technology of fumigation, which purifies the wardrobe circularly and makes the clothes storage environment healthier.

As one of the heavy products of Genyuan Technology, intelligent sports bag is more suitable for multi-equipment nursing sports travel scenes, such as boxing/badminton/golf/tennis/rugby and other equipment sports. This sports bag not only has multiple purification functions, such as waterproof, sterilization, deodorization, warehouse care and so on, but also incorporates HarmonyOS induction. When the mobile phone is close to the bag, it can quickly sense the pop-up program, adjust the working state in real time, and send a reminder to the user through the mobile APP, so you don’t have to worry about the sour smell and mildew caused by the clothes and equipment not being taken out of the bag in time after exercise.

In addition to the high-profile smart sports bag, there are also MINI models of the same series and the upcoming Tote bag. All of them have the basic functions of sterilization and odor removal, shoes and clothes storage, HarmonyOS Zhilian, waterproof and so on; The smart sports bag MINI has a smaller body and is suitable for sports travel scenes with light or little equipment, such as fitness yoga/city cycling/short-distance travel and other light sports; Genyuan tote bag has both sports and leisure and daily commuting, with moderate capacity and computer interlayer, so it can be easily handled whether carrying sports equipment or daily necessities.

In addition, Genyuan also brought a new concept machine of Homie series for the first time. This new product is a professional equipment care product for deep sports enthusiasts. Homie series emphasizes that intelligent technology and good equipment are the same as partners. On the basis of sterilization, deodorization, waterproof and intelligent control, it adds intelligent drying and warm-keeping functions, automatically adjusts the temperature for different scenes, ensures the equipment is fresh and hygienic, and makes users more comfortable in sports and travel.

Genyuan Technology’s product lineup not only shows its innovative strength in the field of intelligent storage and equipment care, but also reflects its profound insight and comprehensive satisfaction of user needs.

For more cutting-edge technologies and innovative products, welcome to visit Hall E1 -1H61 of Shanghai New International Expo Center to enjoy the life experience of intelligent technology with Genyuan, and jointly explore more intelligent and convenient life solutions brought by technology.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

How many kinds of winter limited landscapes have you seen?

Winter Landscape
In winter, the sky and the earth are sparse and the color is thousands of miles.
Farming is off, and everything is collected.
And at this point,
Some scenery is in the cold
Ushered in the most extreme appearance of the year.
Let’s take a look at the landscape that can only be seen in winter.
Don’t miss this winter gift for us.
The picture is from chinese national geography, February 2008.
The time of year when the sun’s heat energy is the least.
Due to the lack of sufficient light and heat energy in the northern hemisphere
The air in high latitudes is cooled, sunk and accumulated in large quantities.
Finally, a cold wave formed and poured south.
The cold air that affects our country mainly originates from
Arctic Ocean near Xindi Island in northwest Russia
The cold wave is strong and the temperature drops rapidly.
So China has the coldest winter at the same latitude in the world.
But the cold in winter
It also brings a different kind of beauty.
Ice bubble lake, frozen makeup of lake
brumalSayram Lake
Lake ice is crystal blue.
After the gale, the lake was as smooth as a mirror without impurities.
Rich bubbles are embedded in the ice at random.
It’s like floating in blue air
When the temperature drops sharply, the lake will freeze.
But not all frozen lakes can have ice bubble landscape.
There are two basic conditions.
One is to have a source that can release gas in water.
Second, the local temperature of the lake dropped rapidly below freezing point.
In other words, it is the speed of freezing.
Faster than the bubble at the bottom of the lake rushing to the surface.
So that bubbles can be "locked" in the ice.
Xinjiang Sailimu Lake
Although in normal life,
We can occasionally be in ponds and lakes.
Found scattered small groups of ice bubbles
But the quantity is too small, and the ornamental value is poor.
Therefore, lakes that can be called "ice bubble lakes" are quite rare.
immense forest and snowfield
The forest is like a treasure house.
There are different charms all year round.
In spring, there are lush forests.
There are bursts of Lin Tao in summer.
Autumn is colorful.
In winter, it’s wrapped in silver.
There should be snow when enjoying the forest in winter.
Vast snowflakes are like white gauze.
Cover the castle peak, cage the forest and cover Yuan Ye.
Prosperity is gone, all is silent, and the world is clear.
Daxinganling forest region
Accord to that main results of the sixth national inventory of for resources
The national forest area is 174.9092 million hm.
The forest coverage rate is 18.21%
The total accumulation of standing trees is 13.618 billion m.
The forest accumulation is 12.456 billion m.
China’s forest area accounts for 4.5% of the world, ranking fifth.
Forest stock accounts for 3.2%, ranking sixth.
They are distributed in
Figure from the government network of the National Forestry and Grassland Bureau
As can be seen from this picture.
The distribution of forest resources in China is uneven.
If you want to see the forest after the snow
You can go and see
Picea schrenkiana forest in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang
Korean pine broad-leaved mixed forest in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province
Larix gmelinii forest in northern Daxinganling
Inner Mongolia aershan
Frozen of the sea.
Frozen sea
beBohai SeaAnother magnificence of
Another kind of bearing and charm
The blue sea turned into endless white.
The surging waves are replaced by boundless solidification.
Even the endless sound of the waves seems to be frozen.
Bohai Sea is an inland sea area with shallow water depth.
Less affected by the open sea, the salinity of seawater is relatively low.
Under the influence of Siberian cold air in winter
A large area of sea ice can be formed.
here is
A large frozen sea area with the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere
Hebei Qinhuangdao Beidaihe
Every year from the end of November to the beginning of March.
The long coastline turned into an ice sculpture museum.
They come in all shapes and shapes.
Some edges form a circle of protrusions.
Like ice trays of different sizes.
It is like a lotus leaf on the sea.
Others pile up and crowd together.
Like thousand-layer cakes and small houses.
Unlike ice and snow on land,
The ocean in winter not only has static beauty.
And the dynamic beauty of braving the wind and waves
Sea ice controls the ebb and flow of the tides every day.
Dragon-like currents and strong sea breezes
Not only can an endless frozen ice sheet be formed along the coast
It can also be transformed into a "Nezha" that makes trouble in the sea.
Therefore, sea ice is not only a magical natural landscape.
It is a dangerous disaster for fishermen and sailors.
But with more and more research on seawater desalination.
Sea ice with much lower salt content than seawater.
It can also be a godsend resource.
Liaoning Dalian Bohai Bay
A Song of Ice and Fire
The red layer can be said to be the "reddest" scenery in China.
The warm colors of red and yellow are so magnificent and gorgeous.
Make a deep impression on people
Red beds refer to red continental sedimentary rocks.
Mainly composed of sandstone, siltstone and shale.
It’s a kind of stratum
Most scholars believe that
The red in the red layer is mainly
Color of high valence iron ions such as ferric hydroxide or ferric oxide.
Snow falling red layer
Light and elegant white
To the earth like hongxia.
Blend a touch of dreamy and mysterious color
More gentle and lovely than usual.
Gansu Zhangye Pingshan Lake
When the red layer emerges from the ground,
It can form Danxia, Caiqiu, Yadan and other landforms.
But red beds can form a rich landscape,
The scale is far greater than this.
There are also red-bed canyons, red-bed mountains and red-bed hills.
Are extremely ornamental.
In China, the red beds are widely distributed.
According to the distribution characteristics and formation background of red beds in China
Can be divided into
East, Central, Northwest and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Four red beds distribution areas
Four major red beds in China
(Photo from chinese national geography, May 2020)
Rime, Qionghua Yushu
Water vapor and fog drops below zero.
Cannot freeze because the attached condensation nucleus cannot be found.
Until you encounter an object that is also below the freezing temperature.
Such as branches
It quickly condenses into ice crystals.
These ice crystals became the attachment of later fog drops.
Layer by layer
Fog droplets lightly attach to ice crystals to form new ice crystals.
Opaque ice crystals cluster together.
From a distance, it looks like countless white flowers on the branches.
This is the rime.
It is neither ice nor snow.
Jilin rime island
There are few trees in the world.
Rime-formingHarsh conditions
It requires both cold and long winters
It also requires sufficient water vapor in the air.
In addition, it is required that
It’s sunny in partly cloudy, and it’s still or the wind speed is very small
To gather these important and contradictory natural conditions.
It’s really rare
So, where to see the rime?
Schematic diagram of main rime and rime viewing places in China.
(The picture is from chinese national geography in December 2012)
Snow mushroom, snow steamed bread
Carex tatou swamp
beSanjiang plainOne of the typical wetland types
It is also a unique swamp wetland landscape.
Tartary grass is a kind of Carex with developed root system.
Its body can grow again after decay.
And then rot and grow again.
Life and death, constant reincarnation
And it has been entangled with marl charcoal for many years.
After many cycles, the tower-shaped grass piers were formed.
In summer, it is an oasis.
But in winter, after a heavy snowfall,
Carex on the tower head is covered with thick snow.
Form a small snow pile
From a distance, it seems that the snow is full.
Lovely snow mushrooms, snow steamed bread
Heilongjiang Sanjiang Wetland
This chubby snow steamed bread
existAltay in XinjiangYou can also see
Irtysh River, Crane River, Brzin River, Xiaodonggou, etc.
They are all big "steaming drawers" of "snow steamed bread"
The snow steamed bread here has a large area and many varieties.
But you can only watch, but you can’t eat, which makes people greedy.
Xinjiang Altay Kanas River
Pink nitrate flower
In winter, the solubility decreases with the temperature.
A large amount of mirabilite (sodium sulfate) in Yuncheng Salt Lake, Shanxi Province
Will crystallize and separate out, forming "nitrate flower" exposed to the water.
Spread the lake thickly.
Nitraria is not only diverse in shape, but also rich in color.
Generally, a single mirabilite crystal is translucent, just like a crystal.
When they crystallize,
Many fine crystals are gathered together.
Affect the overall brightness.
It looks pale.
However, when the seasonal temperature difference is large and the salinity of the lake changes a lot
Dunaliella salina, a halophilic algae in salt lake
Will accumulate carotenoids.
Make the cells appear orange or red, and dye the lake red.
So when mirabilite crystallizes in winter,
The crystals containing Dunaliella salina will appear pink.
Shanxi Yuncheng
Cold night lamp post
In the cold night of winter in the far north of China
Sometimes there will be colored light beams standing between heaven and earth.
Like a sci-fi blockbuster
This phenomenon is called "cold night lamp post"
On the premise of calm weather
By a large number of ice crystals floating horizontally in the atmosphere
Formed by reflected light
According to the records in recent years
Genhe city and Xilinhot in northern Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia.
It is the three holy places where lamp posts are most easily seen in winter in China.
Winter has its purpose, and cold is like a flower.-Flowers have fragrance, and winter has memories. "
Winter is long in the north, which is the characteristic of winter in China.
North of the Great Wall and Tianshan Mountains, the winter is longer than half a year.
The northern part of Daxinganling is even as long as nine months.
Even in Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan.
Winter is also about 4 months long.
Whether it’s the glittering and translucent snow falling all over the branches
Or the majestic vastness of Yunyuan?
Or the grandeur of ups and downs
The beauty of winter scenery
Never inferior to spring, summer and autumn.
See the ice in Bohai Sea in winter, Liaoning and the "Frozen" of the ocean.
Chinese national geography, January 2020
Looking for the "Ice Bubble Lake" in China, who painted the "frozen makeup" of the lake?
Chinese national geography, December 2017
The salt lake blooms with flowers.
Natural History, June 2017
Reprinted from | chinese national geography Tuyuan | vision china
Offshore forecast for the next two days
It is expected that tomorrow,
The Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea have light waves of 0.6 to 1.2 meters;
There are 1 to 1.5 meters of light waves to medium waves in the northern part of the East China Sea;
There are 2 to 2.8 meters of medium waves to large waves in the southern part of the East China Sea, the waters near Diaoyu Island, the Taiwan Province Strait, the east of Taiwan Province and bashi channel;
There are 2 to 3 meters of medium waves to large waves in the northern and western parts of the South China Sea;
There are 1.5-2 meters medium wave areas in the east and south of the South China Sea;
There are 0.7 to 1.3 meters of light waves to medium waves in Beibu Gulf.
It is expected that the day after tomorrow,
The southern part of the East China Sea, the waters near Diaoyu Island, the Taiwan Province Strait, the South China Sea, the east of Taiwan Province, and the big wave areas in bashi channel weakened and disappeared.
Numerical Forecast of Waves in the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 9 to 13 December
Tips for tomorrow’s coastal travel
Sea conditions in coastal waters
It is expected that tomorrow,
There are medium waves in Pingtan sea area, which is not suitable for coastal leisure and sightseeing activities because of the strong wind on the sea surface.
Xiamen, Haikou and Sanya have medium waves and excellent sea conditions, which are suitable for coastal leisure and sightseeing activities.
Other major coastal waters in China are light waves, which are suitable for coastal leisure and sightseeing.
China’s main coastal waters include:
I Dalian; Ⅱ Tianjin; Ⅲ Qingdao; ⅳ Lianyungang; ⅴ Shanghai; ⅵ Zhoushan; ⅶ Pingtan; Ⅷ Xiamen; ⅸ Shenzhen; X. North Sea; Ⅶ Haikou; Sanya.
Sea conditions of main routes
It is expected that tomorrow,
There are big waves on the route from Sanya to Xisha North Reef, and the boat comfort is Grade III. Please prepare seasickness medicine in advance.
There are medium waves on the routes from Haikou to Beihai, Xiamen to Jinmen and Haikou to Hai ‘an, and the comfort of taking a boat is Grade II, which is suitable for traveling by boat.
The comfort of other major tourist routes in China is Grade I, which is very suitable for traveling by boat.
The main travel routes in China include:
① Dalian-Yantai; ② Shanghai-Putuo Mountain; ③ Haikou-Beihai; (4) Xiamen-Jinmen; ⑤ Shenzhen-Zhuhai; ⑥ Haikou-Hai ‘an; ⑦ Sanya-Xisha North Reef route.
Comfort by boat is divided into five levels:
Level 1: the sea surface is excellent, which is very suitable for traveling by boat;
Grade II: The sea surface is in good condition, suitable for traveling by boat;
Level 3: The sea surface is in good condition, which is more suitable for traveling by boat;
Level 4: the sea surface condition is poor, which is basically suitable for traveling by boat;
Level 5: The swell is too big to travel by boat.
Sea conditions of beautiful island waters
It is expected that tomorrow,
There are 2.5-2.6 meters big waves in the waters around Diaoyu Island, East Island, Fenjiezhou Island, wuzhizhou and Yongxing Island.There is a 2.3-meter medium wave in the waters near Pingtan Island.Shangdao islandNot suitable for traveling by boat;
Nanji island, yushan island, sandu island, Meizhou Island, Dongshan Island, Nan ‘ao Island, Wanshan Islands, Chuanshan Islands, Hailing Island, Nansan Island, Huangyan Island and Yongshu Reef have medium waves of 1.8-2 meters.The sea area near Dachen Island, Yuhuan Island and Dongtou Island is 1.6.In the waves of rice,These islandsIt is more suitable for traveling and playing by boat;
The waters near other beautiful islands in China are light waves and the sea conditions are good, which is very suitable for boat trips and island tours.
Beautiful islands refer to the following 35 islands:
Juehua Island, Changshan Islands, Bodhi Island, Long Island, Liu Gongdao, Lingshan Island, Qinshan Island, Liandao Island, Chongming Island, Shengsi Islands, Daishan Island, Dongji Island, Putuo Mountain, Dachen Island, Jade Island, Dongtou Island, nanji island, yushan island, sandu island, Pingtan Island, Meizhou Island, Dongshan Island, Diaoyu Island, Nan ‘ao Island, Wantou Island.
(The photo in the above picture is from the Internet.)

Party member cadres should be diligent and good at learning.

  "Industry is good at diligence, and it is barren in play." The improvement of quality and the growth of ability are based on diligent study. In this new era of development, the speed of knowledge change is getting faster and faster, and the requirements for people’s quality are getting higher and higher. In order to keep pace with the times, party member cadres must study hard and really hard.

  Learning is a renewal process. Due to the acceleration of economic development, the speed of knowledge replacement is getting faster and faster. As time goes by, if you don’t learn new knowledge, you will eventually be eliminated by the times. However, learning does not require hard work and rote memorization, but lies in mastering the thinking and methods. party member cadres should be able to master the learning skills, have divergent thinking, and "simplify the complicated and simplify the complicated", and always think well.

  Learning is a process of accumulation. "If you don’t accumulate a thousand miles, you can’t become a river without accumulating a small stream." Learning pays attention to perseverance, perseverance, and party member cadres must never dabble in the learning process and give up halfway. The "one exposure and ten cold" learning is only self-moving, and it is difficult to learn deeply and thoroughly. Don’t be impetuous in the process of learning. Only when you can be calm and calm can you put knowledge into your mind. Faced with the boring and complicated learning content, some cadres in party member have chosen piecemeal learning, and it is impossible to achieve learning results by patchwork. Cadres in party member should be able to sit still, pay attention to step by step, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, dare to drill and squeeze, and pay attention to "slow fire and slow stew", so that they will be able to achieve self-breakthrough in the long run.

  Learning is a process of heart. "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." There is no shortcut to success, and learning needs hard work. In Learning Games, Mencius once said that learning must be absorbed and not half-hearted. No matter how hard a person studies, no matter how good a teacher teaches him, party member cadres should be able to combine learning with thinking, think deeply, analyze problems from time to time, grasp the key points and main contradictions, and master the essence of learning content.

  Learning is a practical process. Only practice can transform knowledge into ability, and learning without practice is empty. party member cadres should be able to learn by doing, learn by doing, and promote learning by doing, and integrate knowledge with practice. Contradictions in reality are much more complicated than imagined. party member cadres should be brave enough to face contradictions, solve practical problems with their own knowledge and theories, and master new theories and methods in the process of solving problems. Only by studying and practicing can they really improve their abilities.

  Learning is a hard and long process, and party member cadres should take learning as a habit and a kind of consciousness, realize little by little accumulation, and finally achieve great things. (Hu Zhuxin, Yancheng Street, Jingyan County, Sichuan Province)

Source: Zhongxin Net Jilin

There are more than 90 million unmarried women of school age in China, and the "leftover women" are a shame. Family members: they are guilty if they don’t get married

Master’s degree, doctor’s degree and executive, all of which were synonymous with social elites, but once they became female masters, doctors and executives, it was a bit meaningful.

Especially those who are highly educated and devote themselves to their careers,Thus, women who missed the so-called "traditional" best age for marriage were crowned as "leftover women" by some netizens.

The word "leftover women" means being chosen and rejected, which is a malicious expression for unmarried women.

Nowadays, with the progress of society and the improvement of women’s education level, more and more women have new requirements for their future life and their other half.

Some people think that,It is better to get married than to abuse it. Since there is no suitable partner, why not enjoy the chic of being single?

Obviously, marriage is not the only need for women to grow up. Today, there are more than 90 million single women in China, who have chosen independence and career at the age of marriage.

However, it is not easy to stick to this choice.

The documentary "The Leftover Women in China" reveals the struggle and helplessness of the intellectual women in China between freedom and secularism.

According to the introduction of the film, single intellectual women in China, if27 years oldIf you are not married in the future, you will be crowned."leftover women"The name of.In the marriage and love market, such women are often the object of criticism.

They are single for different reasons, but they are similar.Have a career that can make you independent, and all have very high academic qualifications.

Higher education, independent economic base,It is decided that in the matter of marriage, they will not make haste.And what this documentary shows us is moreThe dilemma faced by single women.

The main characters of this documentary are three mature women from big cities. They all have enviable jobs, but they are not married in their late thirties for various reasons.

Under the pressure of society and family, some of them choose to compromise, some choose to resist, and some choose to be silent.

Hua Mei, a young lawyer, is a child who came out of the countryside through the college entrance examination. She has worked hard in big cities for many years, and her views on marriage are very different from those of her parents and family.

As the most promising child in the family, she was once the pride of her parents.But now it has become the most unpromising person in the family mouth.

Huamei was born in the countryside, and her parents’ ideas are very old. Their times are catching up with family planning, and a family is basically one or two children.

Huamei’s home is her two daughters with her sister. Because she has no son, her parents have suffered from the gossip of the villagers.

However, parents are very kind to the two sisters and are not influenced by outsiders. The father is even more determined to let his children study hard and be admitted to the university, so as to show outsiders that girls can also make a difference.

My family conditions are limited, and my sister’s study is really not good. My sister who didn’t go to college got married very early.

And Huamei became the hope of parents.A few years after she was admitted to the university, her parents were really proud.

After graduating from college, Huamei stayed in Beijing on her own and became the envy of everyone, and she became the pride of her family.However, as Huamei got older, the family began to urge marriage.

Huamei’s lawyer work is very busy, and my personality is also very independent and strong, which is caused by various reasons.She remained single until she was thirty-four.

My sister’s children have run all over the place, but Huamei has not found a suitable object yet, and her parents are extremely anxious.She also changed from the pride of her family to the shame of her family.

Sister Hua Mei

Family think, don’t marry an old maid to stay at home is very shameful, my sister even said:"If you don’t get married, you should go to jail."

Because of the problem of being single, Huamei began to be reluctant to go home, and even tried to arrange things for herself on holidays. At this time, in the eyes of the family,Not getting married is like being inferior. Not getting married is unfilial and violates social morality.

These shackles in the name of family make Huamei breathless. I used to have an enviable job, high income and good welfare, but I became a sinner in the eyes of my parents just because I didn’t get married.

Parents’ attitude and sister’s harsh words all hurt the heart of this strong and independent girl since childhood.

Facing the camera, she couldn’t help crying. At this point, the home has become a thorn bush full of thorns. Every time I come home, I’m scarred,She can only choose to escape.

The second hero is Xiao Min, a radio anchor, a native of Shanghai who has a car and a house. He has been in love several times and ended up dead.

Xiaomin’s family conditions are much better than Huamei’s, but she is also deeply troubled by urging marriage, and the biggest pressure also comes from her family.

She is the only daughter in the family. Since childhood, her parents have arranged everything for her, and her mother’s personality is relatively strong, so she has developed her weak personality.Everything is habitually subject to the opinions of parents.

Especially when it comes to getting married,Parents’ request is to find a good financial condition.,Those who are suitable and not registered in Shanghai will not be considered, nor will those with poor economic conditions be considered.

But what is often shown is that,Those with good conditions despise Xiao Min, while those with poor conditions despise each other. They have been picking and choosing for many years, and finally they have not found a suitable one.

In the eyes of parents, economic conditions always come first. It doesn’t seem so important whether my daughter likes it or not. In my mother’s words"I’m doing it for your own good" and "Can I still harm you?".

Xiaomin, who has been habitually obedient since childhood, has little say in his lifelong events.

In fact, she has talked about boyfriends several times before, but once parents and boyfriends have conflicts, she often stands on her parents’ side. At this point, there may be a big reason why many times I fell in love with her ended in vain.

Without your own opinions and knowing how to fight for yourself, the road to marriage is doomed to be difficult. Marriage is a matter between two people, and marriage is not only about material conditions, but also about feelings.

Perhaps what Xiaomin lacks is the courage to fight for himself, and what he likes is the most appropriate. Marriage is not a negotiation, a business, or a price negotiation between two parties.Feelings are never things that can be clearly priced.

If we don’t figure this out, marriage is bound to be very difficult. Even if you are barely together, there will be various contradictions in your marriage life.

The third protagonist is Gaiqi, who is also over 30 years old. Gaiqi, who has been in love for several times, has never found her other half.

Gaiqi, who was born in the countryside and had a heavy family burden, became an assistant professor at the Film Academy through her own efforts. She is financially independent and lives a leisurely life. At her age, it is very good to have such achievements.

However, she was overwhelmed by various problems at home. Without the burden of family, Gaiqi can live well on her own.

However, the real blow made her really unable to bear the economic pressure and the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Three people, three different families and three different lives are the most true portrayal of the living conditions of contemporary older women.

China has been a human society since ancient times. Up to now, almost no one can get rid of society and exist. Being single or not is not just your own business.

China people pay attention to inheritance. They want grandchildren when they have sons, and great grandchildren when they have grandchildren.People are getting old in the expectation of this generation.

Children are not only the blood inheritance of parents, but also their hopes for the future. Most children are also dependent on their parents in their old age.

No Country for Old Men is a very serious matter for China people.Therefore, many people advocate more children and more happiness.

This means that,If you want to stay single, you have to fight against the vast majority of people and the inheritance of the Millennium.

As long as you are older than.Twenty-five years old, even just in his early twenties,There will be all kinds of relatives and friends to introduce you to the object. If you are single and don’t accept other people’s kindness, then you are waiting for others’ complaints or even insults.

In the movie "If You Are the One", Shu Qi once asked:"Is it illegal to be single?"

Even if she plays a single and independent stewardess in the play, she will be ridiculed by others and even intimidated by her family.

Yes, for older single women,Being single is an urgent problem to be solved.

Wang Manni in Nothing But Thirty has a decent job and a high income, but he still hopes to live the life of a master through marriage.

At the age of thirty, she had to accept the arrangement of her parents and make blind dates with civil servants in small cities. Although the blind date didn’t succeed in the end, she was still very anxious about being single and eager to marry herself quickly.

Drama comes from life, and the discussion on the problem of leftover women in countless movies and TV dramas is all verified.Older single women, how unfriendly this society is.

Similarly, at the end of the documentary, the aforementionedUnder the pressure of life, the three protagonists had to make a choice.

Hua Mei, a female lawyer, chose to study abroad. She didn’t want to live in a dispute with her family, and the pressure was too great.

Not getting married is like a crime, and my sister’s words are circulating in her mind all the time.This has seriously affected her normal life.

Choosing to go abroad is just to escape temporarily.Maybe she can find someone who appreciates herself in a foreign country.

It seems helpless to be forced to move away from home, but this time Huamei is not alone, and her stubborn father supported her this time, which made her feel somewhat comforted.

Radio anchor Xiaomin didn’t want to put up with her mother’s strength any more. She began to reflect on her own problems and hoped that her mother would let her decide her own life.

Although her resistance caused her mother’s strong dissatisfaction, and even the two had a fierce argument, after all, she took the first step, hoping that in the future, she could firmly maintain her own opinions.

For children, it is also a compulsory course in life for parents to learn to let go. Excessive intervention by parents leads to children’s excessive dependence on their parents, which makes them unable to have independent ideas.

The most important sign of maturity is independence. I am still a child, so I can’t talk about starting a family and being someone else’s parents.

However, unlike Hua Mei and Xiao Min, Gai Qi finally chose to compromise.It took her a year to get married..

Her husband met on a blind date, and his family is also in the countryside. Gaiqi said that she had already owed too much foreign debt for her parents. Getting married can relieve her stress.

However, Gaiqi’s age was rejected by her husband’s family, because her husband was younger than Gaiqi. My mother-in-law has said many times that she is too old.Tell her not to tell her real age to her relatives and friends.

Even so, after one year of marriage, Gaiqi had her own children. Now her family of three is full of vitality because of the arrival of children.

At this point, who can say that Gaiqi is unhappy?Isn’t that how most of us get here?

From this documentary, we see the three protagonists struggling with life.It is not easy for single women to survive in society.

Being single certainly has many conveniences,Life is more free and there are fewer disputes in the process of getting along, but staying single requires great pressure.

One of the biggest pressures is from the family, which can make parents accept being single.It is the biggest challenge for the "leftover women".

A woman who is urged to get married

In this regard, some netizens think that being single does not mean failure. On the contrary, being able to bravely choose being single is the brave embodiment of modern independent women, and single women should be respected and protected.

The higher the degree of social development, the higher people’s economic level, and the less dependence on their families.

This is why high-end people, entertainment stars, and the elites of these societies are the "hardest hit areas" for leftover women.

Because they don’t have to rely on anyone, they can live a good life. Being single even saves them a lot of trouble in human relations. They can choose to raise children or not, which is not a problem for them.

They enjoy the convenience and freedom brought by being single. If marriage can’t bring happiness and make their life better, why choose to get married?

Faye Yu, 52, is still single, and she doesn’t think marriage is necessary. She enjoys being single very much.

And she firmly believes that staying single can make her life more free and exciting, and she can enjoy life better.

Single women like Faye Yu are even more independent and strong than ordinary men.

Therefore, age can’t be a limiting factor for a person. Some people may get married at the age of 20, and some people may still be elegant single women at the age of 60, and marriage is not the only choice.

With the increasing tolerance of our society, perhaps in the future,"Leftover women" is no longer the object of discrimination or crusade.

The higher the civilization of society, the more diverse society will be. There is not only one choice for people’s lifestyle.Marriage is only an option, but not choosing marriage does not mean that our life is unhappy..

The social system will be more and more perfect, medical care will be more and more convenient, and old-age care will no longer be a problem. You can live a good life by your own personal accumulation.

Without secular standards, perhaps feelings will become more pure, and people’s happiness index will certainly be higher and higher.

What do you think of "leftover women"? Let’s share it in the comments section ~

(The pictures and story materials are all from the Internet. Unauthorized reprinting is prohibited! ) # Summer Creation Competition #

-End of full text-

I went to Shanghai to play, and I found three interesting phenomena!

1. There are many women in Shanghai.
After you go to Shanghai, you will find that Shanghai is actually a man and many women. In fact, this is normal. Because Shanghai is an international metropolis, many people strive for this field. Many of them did not expect Shanghai’s marriage, and most of them would eventually choose to go home. Many women in Shanghai are successful. This means that the eyes are also very high. Naturally, it is difficult for boys to go to their eyes. Drag it will become a woman.

2. Shanghai is not a monthly salary
In Shanghai, you will find it in fact, and almost other cities. Most young people also have two lines a day. For despair, in fact, most people are 170,000 people. This is not as good as those who want to pay. In the face of Shanghai’s house prices, prices, and life pressure, in fact, not only Shanghai, as long as it is a large city, no one is thinking about wages, and the pressure is not low.

3. Shanghai people are very interested
I will find it after going to Shanghai. People in Shanghai are really involved, not only business, but also in life. What they do is plan. Will you try this? What should this matter be? This is the same as businessmen who are underway or roadside health workers. This is the case, the case, the recent popular Shanghai Darphy on the Internet is. Because of Shanghai mosquitoes, she specially observed the habit of mosquito and engaged in the "mosquito net". According to the mosquito, the work of mosquitoes is carried out. When talking about this, she also smiled and said, "I played in the RT-MART supermarket for 13 years. Everyone called me." I have to say that the Shanghai people are really thoughtful.