Jackman Reveals X-Men Fan Bingbing Claims to Be the Best Chinese Element

    1905 movie network news
The 3D Hollywood blockbuster will be released globally on May 23 in China. On the 13th, the film will hold a press conference in Beijing. Hugh Jackman, Peter Dinlaki, and Fan Bingbing will all be present to reveal the behind-the-scenes shooting story of the film. Hugh Jackman, who has played Wolverine for 14 years, revealed that he will challenge the role reversal this time. Fan Bingbing revealed that he was too fat to wear a "flashing" costume, and even more domineering, saying, "I am the best Chinese element!" In addition, "X-Men: Reverse the Future" also brings together nearly 20 famous Hollywood stars such as Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, etc.

Hugh Jackman wakes up at 4am to build muscle, reveals’new Wolverine ‘character reversal

    "X-Men: Reverse the Future" is the latest episode in the "X-Men" series, this time the members of the X-Men family will unite for the first time to save the future. It is reported that the film tells the story of the X-Men being hunted by the "Sentinel", a new special combat robot developed by the founder of "Trask Industries", Bolivar Trask. To avoid extinction, the X-Men use the abilities of the phantom cat Katie to return to the past and join forces with the young mutant leader Professor X and his lifelong opponent Magneto to find the Mystique and stop Trask.

    Hugh Jackman continued to play the superhero Wolverine in the movie this time, but in "X-Men: Reverse the Future" his role has changed a lot. "In the past, Wolverine didn’t like to cooperate and fought alone, but this time Wolverine has to show his patience, it needs more to convince everyone to unite, and his personality has become a bit like a diplomat. And this time, Wolverine has actually become a mentor to the professor. The role has been reversed, which is a new experience for me, and it is also a big challenge."

    At the same time, Hugh Jackman also revealed that his action scenes in "X-Men: Future Reversal" are still quite good, and his trademark muscles will be more developed. When it comes to how to get a great body, Hugh Jackman humorously said, "I don’t know, I was born with such a good body, haha!" Then he changed the subject, "That’s a joke, I actually put in a lot of effort, for this movie, I get up at 4 am every day to go to the gym to keep my muscles perfect." Hugh Jackman also said that he has been playing Wolverine for 14 or 5 years, but he has never been bored, and now he is basically more integrated with Wolverine, and he is still very much looking forward to this new role.

Fan Bingbing exposed the embarrassment of being too fat to wear a costume, claiming to be the best Chinese element

    Chinese actor Fan Bingbing is proud to play the mutant "Twinkle" in "X-Men: Reverse the Future" for the first time. "In the comics, Twinkle is a foreigner. I think it’s because Hollywood values China’s fast-growing film market." When it comes to how the film will present Chinese elements, Fan Ye is once again domineering, "I am the best Chinese element!"
    Fan Bingbing, who was in a good mood that day, surged into English at the scene, and accidentally revealed embarrassing things, mocking himself for being fat. "Acting in the new episode of’X-Men ‘is a very wonderful experience in my life, like a dream. I have a lot of action scenes in this movie, but I am usually very lazy and never go to the gym. When I went to try on the flashing costume, I couldn’t wear it at all. For this role, I exercised at least 3 hours a day, and it took me more than a month to complete the final weight loss."

    Fan Bingbing said that the most beneficial thing for her to participate in the shooting of Hollywood blockbusters is the dedication of Hollywood actors. She also did not forget to criticize Chinese stars for playing big names. "This movie was very hard to shoot. My costume weighed more than 10 catties. I had to wear makeup for 4 hours a day. My hair was dyed, my skin was purple, and I had to wear oversized green contact lenses. Jennifer Lawrence also wore the same contact lenses, and her eyes were very painful." Fan Bingbing said, "But the dedication of Hollywood actors really shocked me. In China, some famous actors will never play for their opponents, but when I was filming "X-Men: Reverse the Future", Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry kept helping me play. In fact, the camera will not shoot them at all, but they will still stand opposite me, which must have touched me very much. I experienced a kind of heart-to-heart communication. "

    To this, Hugh Jackman responded with a smile, "Actually, it’s not difficult for me to stand there, I just need to watch Fan Bingbing." On the same day, Hugh Jackman also praised Fan Ye’s excellent acting, "Fan Bingbing is very beautiful and very talented. Although this is the first time to participate in" X-Men ", she is very calm on the scene, her performance is very tense, and she is also very attentive. She is also very present among the actors."

Dinlage doesn’t love Frankenstein and loves the Imps. 20 stars star in "X-Men" lineup surpasses "Avengers".

    Peter Dinlaki, who played the role of scientist Trask, also appeared in Beijing that day, and this is his first time in China. Dinlaki is known to audiences for his role as the little devil in the American TV series "A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones". Regarding this role, Dinlaki joked that he still prefers the little devil. "This time I play a scientist who is more like a Frankenstein, very innovative, but he is still a little afraid of mutants in his heart, so he developed a sentinel robot. Although this role is very good, if I had to choose, I would still prefer the little devil, because the little devil is a little cuter!"

    It is reported that the X-Men movie series has made nearly 2.30 billion dollars at the box office around the world, and has many fans around the world. The latest episode of "Reverse the Future" is also the X-Men godfather Brian Singer, who redirected the work after 12 years. This time, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Michael Fassbender (Young Magneto), Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), Fan Bingbing (Flicker), Halle Berry (Storm), Ian McClain (Senior Magneto), Patrick Stewart (Senior Professor X), Anna Paquin (Little Naughty), Ellen Paige (Shadow Cat), Sean Ashmore (Iceman), Daniel Cudmore (Steel Giant), Werewolf Bobo Stewart… All mutants will return. The globally renowned magazine Empire also called "X-Men: Future Reversal" "the biggest superhero movie ever made," which will also be released worldwide on May 23.