Multi-department interview with Didi company, ordered to comprehensively rectify the ride-sharing business

  On the afternoon of August 26, the Ministry of Transport, together with the Ministry of Public Security and the Beijing and Tianjin transportation and public security departments, carried out a joint interview with Didi Company for the murder of a female passenger on the way to Didi Hitch in Wenzhou, Zhejiang on August 24, ordering it to immediately carry out comprehensive rectification of the Hitch business, accelerate the process of compliance, strictly adhere to the safety bottom line, effectively implement the main responsibility of the carrier’s safe and stable management, protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and promptly announce the rectification to the society.

  Xu Yahua, director of the Department of Transportation Services of the Ministry of Transport, said in an interview that in May this year, Li, a flight attendant, was brutally murdered by the driver on the way to Didi Hitch in Zhengzhou. In just three months, the "8.24" Wenzhou vicious incident occurred again, which attracted widespread attention from the society. The two vicious incidents exposed major business management loopholes and security risks existing in the Didi Chuxing platform. The main responsibility of the enterprise was not properly implemented, which seriously threatened the travel safety and legitimate rights and interests of the people. The social impact was very bad.

  In this regard, the Ministry of Transport requires Didi to effectively implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety management, strengthen rectification, standardize operations, and effectively ensure passenger safety and social stability.

  First, we must strictly abide by the safety bottom line, in accordance with the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations on production safety, strictly implement the main responsibility of production safety, put passenger safety in the first place, and seriously investigate the recent safety incidents and deal with the relevant responsible personnel. The Ministry of Transport will pay close attention to the investigation and handling of this incident, and will request the relevant departments to deal with the personnel who have been investigated by the public security department in accordance with laws and regulations.

  Second, we must immediately follow the principle of "releasing travel information in advance on the premise of the ride-sharing service provider’s own travel needs, choosing vehicles by people with the same travel route, sharing part of the travel cost or free mutual assistance for not-for-profit purposes, and limiting the number of rides per car per day", conduct a comprehensive rectification of the ride-hailing business, plug safety management loopholes, and establish a long-term mechanism to ensure passenger safety; learn from one example, comprehensively investigate and rectify the safety hazards existing in the online ride-hailing platform, and resolutely put an end to the business behavior of organizing illegal online ride-hailing in the name of ride-hailing; from now on, no new access to unauthorized vehicles and personnel will be allowed, and the removal of non-compliant vehicles and personnel that have been connected will be accelerated.

  Third, we must implement the main responsibility of the carrier’s safety and stability management, actively cooperate with the public security department to handle cases, and at the same time strengthen the education and management of connected drivers.

  Fourth, we must operate in strict accordance with the law, strictly follow the policy requirements and local implementation rules, and comprehensively promote the compliance of online car-hailing to ensure that the platform, vehicles and personnel are in line with relevant regulations; online car-hailing operation information data should be real-time, full, real access to the national online car-hailing supervision information exchange platform, and ensure data quality. The Ministry of Public Security has put forward requirements for Didi’s safety management, standardized operation, and strict compliance with local implementation rules.

  At the meeting, the person in charge of Didi said that the incident is deeply self-blame and guilt, Didi company has a major responsibility that can not be shirked, and promised: since August 27, in the nationwide downline ride business, re-evaluate the business model; before September 1 to complete the compliance of the operation work plan, submitted to the relevant departments and accept social supervision; the implementation of safety production responsibility system, carry out self-examination of potential safety hazards; rectification and upgrading of customer service system, increase customer service team investment; open up platform users emergency alarm channel, improve the evidence retrieval mechanism with the public security organs.