"Ip Man" premiere Li Wantong appeared in praise of Donnie Yen Hong Jinbao

Li Wantong

  China Broadcasting News on December 9, 2008, the end of the year kung fu blockbuster, reflecting a generation of martial arts guru, Bruce Lee master Ip Man’s legendary life story of the film "Ip Man" held a grand premiere in Beijing, in addition to starring Donnie Yen, Xiong Dailin, Ren Dahua and martial arts director Hong Jinbao, producer Huang Baiming and other main creators, just in the movie version of "Dream of Red Mansions" successfully played "spicy housekeeper Wang Xifeng" beautiful woman star Li Wantou and many other film and television stars were also invited to cheer for the film said to be the best-looking action movie in 2008, and claimed that it was worthwhile.

  Li Wantong, who is about to star in the kung fu blockbuster "King" with Hong Jinbao in 2009, has been working hard to practice kung fu recently. Although the film director has always emphasized that as long as there is enough, she still refuses to relax at all, saying that it is a very rare opportunity to work with such a kung fu superstar, and she must be prepared.

  In the espionage drama "The Final Contest", which is about to hit the national TV screen at the end of the year, Li Wantong plays the heroine Qin Muyao, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, who has already had a good time playing stars, but she said that those action scenes should not be comparable to the action scenes in real kung fu movies. Although the filming is also very clean, there is no very beautiful routine or very exciting action scenes in the end. She also hopes to take this opportunity to challenge herself and learn from Kung Fu kings like Hong Jinbao and Liang Xiaolong.

  For the movie "Ip Man", Li Wantong said that he had been looking forward to it for a long time, and now he finally saw it, and he was really shocked and moved. Donnie Yen, Hung Jinbao and Fan Shaohuang are all action actors he likes very much, and Ren Dahua is also an actor he admires very much. Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming are all Hong Kong directors he hopes to cooperate with very much. Their strength no longer needs to be described in words. The action movie they jointly produced will not disappoint fans. For the heroine of the film "Sister Cheng" Xiong Dailin, Wan Tong expressed his envy that she could act with Donnie Yen, and hoped that he could have such an opportunity in the future.

Li Wan Tong and Ip Man martial arts instructor Hung Jin Bao

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

A customized spring trip for grandparents! Two "Silver Hair" Inter-provincial Tourism Trains in Shaanxi Province

Western Network News (Reporter Chen Jiaxin correspondent Yu Hai Yang Tao) On March 18, two Y172 and Y78 tourist trains loaded with more than 1,700 tourists left Xi ‘an Station, all the way south, heading for Zhanjiang and Taizhou respectively, to start a wonderful spring trip. This is the first time that China Railway Xi ‘an Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Xi ‘an Railway Bureau for short) has opened a "silver hair" inter-provincial tourist train this year, and it is also the first time that Shaanxi Railway has opened two trips on the same day.


In 2024, Shaanxi Railway opened its first inter-provincial "Silver Hair" special train.

In order to help the "silver hair" economic growth and continuously enrich the spare time life of the elderly, Xi ‘an Railway Bureau has further expanded the tourism resources outside the province on the basis of the "silver hair" tourism special train from Xi ‘an to Tongchuan and Yaozhou in the early stage, and provided passenger transport products that meet the needs of the elderly. It is worth noting that the "Silver Hair" inter-provincial tourist train has launched different tourist routes based on the city’s scenic features and surrounding extended scenic spots on the basis of the original "car with people, night tour and scenic parking", and tourists can choose to play according to their preferences.

The special tourist train in Zhanjiang direction includes three tourist routes A, B and C, namely, witnessing Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and traveling around South China, walking in Bama and living for 99 years, and panoramic view of Guangdong and southern Fujian customs, which can not only enjoy the scenery and explore the secrets, but also "buy in buy buy" to meet the rich travel needs of tourists to the maximum extent. The special tourist train in Taizhou direction includes many natural tourist attractions, such as Qianduo Scenic Area, Yingtaozhu Sakura Garden in Taihu Lake, Liyuan Garden, etc., so that tourists can enjoy flowers and boating in March in Yangchun and enjoy the beautiful scenery in spring.


Elderly tourists ride in an orderly manner.

In order to improve the travel experience of elderly tourists, Xi ‘an Railway Bureau has arranged a special person to provide bus guidance service, equipped with full-time tour guides, and divided teams according to carriages to achieve "one car and one guide", so that passengers can "have a good time and swim with confidence". In addition, the reporter learned that in March, Xi ‘an Railway Bureau will also run tourist trains in popular directions such as Xi ‘an to Huangshan and Enshi, which will help the cultural tourism market continue to heat up.

In the next step, Xi ‘an Railway Bureau will also dig deep into tourism resources and enrich tourism products according to the seasonal characteristics of spring, summer, autumn and winter. On the basis of running the original tourist trains in the province, it will select high-quality scenic spots in various places and carefully design inter-provincial tourist routes, so that traveling by train and by special train will become a new fashion for tourism.

China Huarong officially announced that the liquidity crisis of Sunshine City, the parent company of Sunshine City, is expected to ease.

Our reporter Li Beibei reports from Shanghai.

With the support of policies, AMC (Asset Management Company) is accelerating its involvement in the real estate industry and becoming an important force to speed up the clearing of risks.

On August 5, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (02799.HK, hereinafter referred to as "China Huarong") published a message on its WeChat account, revealing that recently, China Huarong and Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sunshine Group") signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring and held a meeting on strategic cooperation in bail-out.

Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, said: "China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn."

"Help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger"

On August 5th, China Huarong posted a message on WeChat, revealing that in order to implement the relevant requirements of the state on stabilizing the real estate market, ensuring the property and stabilizing people’s livelihood, and further promoting the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry, China Huarong has comprehensively promoted the bail-out cooperation with relevant market entities. Recently, it has signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring with Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. and held a bail-out strategic cooperation meeting. However, as for the specific content of the framework agreement and the scale of bail-out, the article did not disclose it, and the telephone number announced by China Huarong official website also showed an empty number.

"China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization business, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn." On the same day’s strategic cooperation meeting, Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, introduced that the rescue of Sunshine Longjing Group was a concrete measure to implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments on resolving risks in the real estate market.

Lin Tengjiao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sunshine Group, said that in the face of liquidity difficulties and debt risks caused by economic downturn and COVID-19 epidemic, Sunshine Group actively carried out self-help, and this cooperation will add more powerful motivation and confidence to the future development of Sunshine Group.

According to public information, Sunshine Longjing Group is a family business jointly held by Lin Tengjiao and his brother Lin Weimin’s wife Wu Jie, among which Lin Tengjiao holds 98% of the shares of Sunshine Longjing Group. Through Sunshine Longjing Group, Lin Tengjiao and Wu Jie have invested in 12 enterprises, among which Wu Jie enjoys about 14.03% of the ultimate beneficial shares of the listed company Sunshine City (000671.SZ) and is the actual controller of Sunshine City; Lin Tengjiao’s ultimate beneficial share is about 13.18%.

In the second half of 2021, Sunshine City began to have a liquidity crisis, and then the company began to actively resolve it.

In order to solve the company’s debt problem, Lin Tengjiao raised funds everywhere, resigned from the director of Industrial Bank, moved nearly 4 billion yuan to subsidize Sunshine City, and cashed in the equity of Wanwuyun worth 3.052 billion yuan. In May this year, he also sold about 15% of his other listed company Longjing Environmental Protection (600388.SH, Fujian Longjing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) for 1.734 billion yuan.

As of June 23, the debt situation announced by Sunshine City shows that as of the date of announcement, the total principal amount of the company’s overdue debts (including loans from financial institutions, partners’ money, open market-related products, etc.) is 37.688 billion yuan, of which: in the open market, the unpaid principal and interest of overseas open market bonds totaled 165 million US dollars, and the unpaid principal and interest of domestic open market bonds totaled 13.391 billion yuan. In April this year, the central bank called a number of banks and five national asset management institutions (AMC) to hold a meeting to discuss the rescue of real estate enterprises in danger. Sunshine City was among the 12 real estate enterprises that were rescued at that time.

As of press time, the reporter of China Times failed to obtain detailed information about the above agreement from Sunshine Longjing Group (Sunshine Holdings) and Sunshine City Group. However, before that, on July 19th, Sunshine City Group emphasized to the reporter of China Times that Sunshine City is actively promoting the resumption of production of projects in various places. In 2022, the company will no longer aim at sales, but establish "ensuring delivery and production" as the most important task of the year.

At present, Sunshine City has set up a "10W+ Delivery Special Working Group" to implement a "one plan, one policy" for projects with risky delivery, and make overall arrangements for funds to ensure the payment of important and difficult projects with fast progress, great risks and wide influence; At the same time, communicate with suppliers, creditors and project partners to avoid passive shutdown of the project; For major and difficult projects that have fallen into passive shutdown, we will mobilize superior resources to support them and strive for the resumption of work and production.

Stimulated by the good news of China Huarong’s official bail-out, on August 5, Sunshine City closed at HK$ 2.05 per share, up 3.02%.

AMC stepped up admission

Official website showed that China Huarong was established on November 1, 1999. It is one of the four state-owned financial asset management companies established in response to the Asian financial crisis, defusing financial risks, and promoting the reform of state-owned banks and extricating state-owned enterprises from difficulties. It was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of October 2015. The company’s main businesses include non-performing assets management, financial services business, and asset management and investment business, among which non-performing assets management is the core business of China Huarong.

According to public information, China Huarong has given a lot of support to real estate enterprises in danger during the year: before reaching a strategic cooperation with Sunshine City, China Huarong participated in the debt restructuring of Fantasia, and its Jiangsu branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhongnan Construction (000961.SZ) in May this year to support the company’s transformation and development; On August 2, China Huarong Beijing Branch reached a settlement with Xinhualian (000620.SZ) and its subsidiaries on two restructuring debts totaling 1.274 billion yuan.

In fact, since the end of 2021, regulators including China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Central Bank, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have voiced their support and encouraged AMC to resolve real estate financial risks by directly purchasing bank claims of housing enterprises in difficulty. In January 2022, the financial management department convened a meeting of several financial AMCs to study AMC’s participation in asset disposal, project mergers and acquisitions and related financial intermediary services of venture real estate enterprises in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law.

Encouraged by the policy, AMC, including China Huarong, is accelerating its entry into the ranks of housing enterprises.

According to the statistics of Kerry Real Estate Research Center, under the guidance of policies, China Cinda, China Huarong and Great Wall Assets have participated in the rescue of housing enterprises. "As a professional non-performing asset disposal institution, AMC’s entry is obviously beneficial to asset revitalization, liquidity improvement and debt risk resolution in the real estate industry. At the same time, the increase in the demand for disposal of non-performing assets has also brought more business opportunities to AMC. " Kerry Real Estate Research Center pointed out.

For example, on March 14 this year, Great Wall Assets, one of the four national AMCs, issued 10 billion yuan of financial bonds for real estate financial risk resolution; In April, Great Wall Assets signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Communications Group. The two sides will cooperate in the fields of state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring, real estate industry risk resolution, "two non-two-capital" divestiture and disposal, and non-performing assets revitalization.

Kerry Real Estate Research Center emphasizes that in addition to national AMC, local AMCs will also accelerate their entry. For example, on July 19th, Zhengzhou Real Estate Group and Henan Assets jointly established Zhengzhou Real Estate Relief Fund, which participated in the relief work such as revitalizing the problem real estate and rescuing the housing enterprises in difficulty through asset disposal, resource integration and restructuring of consultants.

However, it is worth noting that some insiders pointed out that because many of their businesses are related to real estate, some AMC’s real estate risk exposure is not small. For example, in the 2021 annual report, China Huarong revealed that "the Group mainly conducts special opportunity investment business based on non-performing assets through subsidiaries such as Huarong Rongde. In 2021, Huarong Rongde’s net loss was RMB 661.6 million, mainly due to the deterioration of the operation and financial situation of some real estate enterprises’ customers and the decline of their performance ability. Huarong Rongde confirmed a large credit impairment loss in the current period. "

In the research report, Kerui Real Estate Research Center also pointed out that the cooperation process with AMC is still slow due to the uneven assets of real estate enterprises in danger and the complicated debt and creditor’s rights problems, and most of them remain in the agreement stage: "On the whole, the effect of the ‘AMC+ real estate enterprises in danger’ model remains to be further seen. In the period of exploring the way out, the industry still has to give priority to self-help, and survive the difficult period by means of debt extension, asset sale and other conventional means. "

Bai Wen Xi, chief economist of IPG China, bluntly told the reporter of China Times that the premise for AMC to give full play to the advantage of "disposing and sorting out non-performing assets" is to obtain the asset management right of the real estate enterprises in danger. "AMC can only become a supporting role and resource provider for these real estate enterprises to save themselves, but can’t become the leader of asset disposal, which naturally extends the actual effective period after AMC’s appearance." Bai Wenxi said.

Editor in Charge: Zhang Bei Editor in Chief: Zhang Yuning


Andy Lau, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige lead 11 blockbusters! Which one do you want to watch on Mid-Autumn National Day? What listed companies are behind the movie?

Click on the picture to get the book for free.

The long holiday begins today, which relaxes the mood, except for the stock market.in lifeThere are more important things. You might as well make an appointment with your family and friends and go to the cinema to enjoy your time.
After experiencing the hot summer file with a new box office record of 20.619 billion yuan, what surprises will the audience get from the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day file?
Eleven films, such as Rock-Solid, Moscow Action, It’s not as if I’m so excited, Ex-4: Early Marriage, Volunteers: Attack by Soldiers, were assembled! It’s the rhythm of "living" in the cinema again. So many movies, which one do you want to see?
Release date: September 28th.
Among the Mid-Autumn National Day movies, Zhang Yimou, 73, is undoubtedly the brand-new masterpiece "Rock Solid".
"Rock-solid", which lasted for four years and finally met with you, was his first challenge to the theme of urban crime. Before that, he revealed in an interview: "This is an urban, modern and cold style that I have never tried."
Source: The movie "Rock Solid" official Weibo
According to Zhongxin. com, director Zhang Yimou said at the film conference that he didn’t have many realistic works, but Rock Solid was sharp and powerful, and the shooting process was very special. "From visual style to completion to final filming, it was a rare experience and attempt."
In addition, Zhang Yimou joked in the interview, "If Rock-Solid is released before The Knockout, Yu Hewei will be the first and Zhang Songwen will be the second". When this statement comes out, it will make everyone’s expectations full.
Volunteer Army: Attack by Soldiers
Release time: September 28th.
As the first part of the trilogy "Volunteers", Volunteer Army: Attack with Brave Soldiers tells the story from how to decide to send troops to the first and second battles of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s entry into the DPRK. The film will be released nationwide on September 28th, 2023.
The biggest difference between the trilogy of Volunteers and the previous films on the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is that it shows this "war of founding the country" in a panoramic and multi-dimensional way.
The story spans three years and completely presents the historical context of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. There are more than 200 key figures, including leaders, generals and unknown soldiers. The individual destiny and the times complement each other, showing the audience a magnificent war group image.
International Train Robbery’ 93: Operation Moscow
Release date: September 29th.
Source: The film "Moscow Action" official Weibo
The film "93 International Train Robbery: Moscow Action", co-produced by Han Sanping and Andy Lau and directed by Qiu Litao, reproduces the extremely brutal transnational case and the high-energy hard-core pursuit!
The film gathers Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xuan, Janice Man and other luxury lineups, presenting the audience with the only violent crime action blockbuster in the National Day file, which will be released on September 29th!
As the only criminal action blockbuster in the National Day of 2023, the movie "Moscow Action" is strictly made with top-level industrialization standards, with fast and accurate fighting and gun battles, hard-burning and explosive car racing, intense and thrilling firepower, and the audience subverts their imagination, giving them an extremely enjoyable audio-visual feast!
Ex-4: Early Marriage
Release date: September 28th.
In 2017, a "Ex-3: Goodbye to Ex-3" detonated the "ex-emotion" about breaking up and gained 1.9 billion box office. After a lapse of six years, Ex-4: Early Marriage is back again, and the question of "what is love" is carried through to the end. This time, Meng Yun and Yu Fei, the "former" old friends, will face new marriage problems.
The film tells the story of Meng Yun, who is caught in the "sequela of breakup", while looking for his destiny, thinking about "why do people get married"; On the other hand, Yu Fei started the "marriage cooling-off period", from the involution of couples to frequent problems, and ushered in a new round of love challenges.
It doesn’t seem so hot.
Release date: September 28th.
The only comedy on Mid-Autumn National Day, It’s not as if I have a boiling passion, was written and supervised by Xing Wenxiong, directed by Gao Hu and starring Wei Xiang, Wang Zhi and Yue Liang.
The film tells the story of Wei Guozheng, a conceited coach who pursues "playing to win". He meets a group of players who love basketball but have a negative ability value, and forms a nameless "Benevolence House" basketball team.
pictureIn the daily training that chickens talk to ducks every day, how can coach Wei, who is on the verge of collapse, turn decay into magic and save the basketball team that is on the verge of bankruptcy? Whether they can be together "negative and positive" and achieve a real counterattack will be seen on the field.
I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2.
Release date: September 29th.
Every holiday is indispensable for children to watch animated films. Among the four animated films to be released this year, I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2, Beckon Bear: mission to mars, The Legend of the Little Mermaid’s Sea Monster and Kung Fu King’s Tiger Climbing the Mountain, I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2 has received the highest attention.
The film tells the story of Nezha and the Three Dragons mutually assured destruction after the Chentangguan War. Taiyi real person brought Nezha’s immortal body back to Qianyuan Mountain, waiting for the opportunity to regenerate Nezha to help Jiang Ziya to worship the gods.
At the critical moment of rebirth, Nezha fell into a huge conspiracy carefully arranged by Shen Gongbao and the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Can Nezha break the spell of Shen Gongbao? Can you be a real hero? Nezha’s difficult road to rebirth is about to open, and the battle for the hero’s return is imminent.
Which listed companies are behind the National Day file?
Movies are introduced here. As a financial blogger who spends every day in the stock market, I still want to analyze the listed companies behind these movies.
This year’s National Day, Light, Huayi and Bona will not be absent. Bona produced Chen Kaige’s Volunteer Army: Attack by Soldiers, while Light prepared Zhang Yimou’s Rock-solid. The release dates of the two films are only two days, which is the first time that the two directors have confronted each other in the commercial market. In Huayi’s hand, it is Tian Yusheng’s "Former" series "Former 4: Early Marriage" at the end of the decade.
At present, a total of 7 films have been scheduled for the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival. According to the data of Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, the upper limit of box office predicted by "Rock Solid" and "Previous 4" is 1.78 billion yuan and 2.5 billion yuan respectively, and the box office predicted by "Volunteers" is 1.28 billion yuan to 1.5 billion yuan. At present, the predicted box office of no films exceeds 3 billion yuan, and the total predicted box office of announced films is about 4.4 billion to 6.4 billion yuan.
Looking at the performance in the first half of the year, the light media can be described as steady development.
In the first half of the year, Light Media achieved revenue of 605 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.78%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 203 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.12%.The films mainly invested by Light Media include Deep Sea in the Spring Festival and So Many Years in May 1st. In addition to Deep Sea, Light Media also participated in Manjianghong and Exchange of Life in the Spring Festival of 2023.
However, although "Man Jiang Hong" has a high box office. However, the investment proportion of light is not high, and the income is not as good as the main slide with lower box office. The revenue range of the mainland box office of Light Media, which originated from "Man Jiang Hong", is expected to reach about 100 million, which is lower than the revenue brought by "Deep Sea".
By contrast,Bona Film, which just landed on the A-share market last year, had a hard time.
According to the financial report, the company’s operating income was about 850 million yuan, down 42.31% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about-265 million yuan, down 212.22% year-on-year. Bona explained in the financial report that the main reason was that during the reporting period, compared with last year, the company invested in films with different orders of magnitude, and its performance was not as good as that of the same period last year.

thisNational day file,Bona bet on "Volunteers: Attack by Soldiers". By the end of June, the accounts receivable of Bona Film reached 830 million yuan, accounting for 97.65% of the revenue, and the net cash flow generated by operating activities in the same period was only-120 million yuan.

Huayi BrothersAbsentthis yearSummer file.
In the first half of 2023, five films were released by Huayi Brothers: Wandering Earth 2, Rock Tibetan Mastiff: Riding the Wind and Waves, Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department, Love is Beautiful, and Slam Dunk Master. The main films: Rock Tibetan Mastiff: Riding the Wind and Waves and Love is Beautiful were 39.624 million and 14.551 million respectively. At present, the upcoming "Former 4" in the National Day file may become the "life-saving straw" of Huayi Brothers.
According to the financial report, Huayi achieved an operating income of 339 million yuan in the first half of 2023, a year-on-year increase of 59.93%; The net profit loss of returning to the mother was 143 million yuan, which was 192 million yuan in the same period of last year, and the loss was narrowed compared with the same period of last year.

Mid-Autumn Festival should be complete.
I wish you all a high monthly salary and a long income.
Leave this long vacation in the comments section, what do you like best?A movie, and explain the reasons.. The three users who have the highest praise in the comment area will receive a surprise gift carefully prepared by Snowball. (Deadline for activities: Until October 7th.picture)

Looking at the history of China from the perspective of "Forbidden City"

Author: Guo Mei Jin Xiahui

The historical documentary "Forbidden City" takes the Forbidden City as the clue and the change as the breakthrough point. Through 12 chapters, it tells the important historical events in the 600-year history of Ming and Qing Dynasties, summarizes the gains and losses in historical development, and presents the valuable wisdom of the Chinese nation. It not only emphasizes the integrity of the Chinese nation, but also shows the characteristics of the Chinese nation different from other civilizations, leading the audience to inquire about the vicissitudes of history and pursue the cultural roots.

The documentary "Forbidden City" stands in the perspective of great history, jumping out of the red wall and green tiles to tell the historical situation related to the "Forbidden City". For example, through the comparison of Chinese and foreign civilizations, the characteristics of the Chinese nation can be expressed. The eighth episode of "The Prosperous Age" tells the story of the British envoy Magalny’s visit to China, emphasizing the mutual gifts from China and Britain-Jade Ruyi and Mauser Gun, and pointing out that "Gun and Ruyi represent their respective cultural positions" to illustrate the potential strength and etiquette civilization of the Chinese nation. For example, through the comparison of Chinese and foreign civilizations in the changing situation, we can sum up the historical lessons of the Chinese nation. The sixth episode "Afterglow" introduces the change of silver shortage caused by the exhaustion of silver mines in various countries, and points out that European countries established a rudimentary modern monetary system and financial system due to silver shortage, while the Ming Dynasty experienced economic recession due to silver shortage. This proves the serious harm of arrogance and conservative thinking and summarizes the painful historical lessons.

"As a historical documentary, how to guide the audience to fully, deeply and clearly understand history, respect history, form a sense of history, and drive contemporary people to pursue and inquire about history is a crucial creative proposition." The Forbidden City adopts a popular way to express the charm of Chinese culture. Among them, the most representative is the ingenious combination of cultural relics and history, and the wonderful contrast between historical stories and theme songs. The film is good at seeing the big from the small and showing the macro history through the details of cultural relics. For example, the second episode "Inheritance" uses the horses in Li Gonglin’s "Pasturing in Wei Yan", a cultural relic of the Palace Museum, to show the characteristics of martial arts in the early Ming Dynasty. At the same time, the film also makes the characters in the picture scroll move through modern technology. For example, the first episode of "The King" makes the ancients in "The Emperor Accumulates Victory" walk, and with passionate music and simulated street noise, it shows the bustling street scene in history. This artistic treatment obviously touched the audience, and some netizens pointed out the details of men wearing pink clothes in the picture scroll in the barrage, indicating that the expression of the dynamic picture scroll aroused the audience’s interest and concern about the living customs of the Ming Dynasty. As Wu Zhiyong, the general director of the film, said, "Cultural relics are evidence, not for display". The previous documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City mentioned cultural relics, which seemed to show the manufacturing process or artistic value of cultural relics themselves, rather than introducing related historical stories. For example, the seventh episode of the Forbidden City, Painting and Calligraphy in the Forbidden City, introduces the creation and preservation of paintings and calligraphy.Instead of focusing on the objective world revealed by the contents of calligraphy and painting. It can be seen that the Forbidden City shows the Chinese civilization more vividly and strengthens the audience’s perceptual knowledge of the Chinese nation through the historical information carried by cultural relics.

In recent years, the number of documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City is quite large, which can be roughly divided into three categories: grand theme category, micro theme category and specific characters category. Among them, The Forbidden City (2005) is narrated based on several grand themes, from the macro perspectives of architectural art, use function, collection of cultural relics and the evolution process from the palace to the museum, showing all aspects of palace architecture, precious cultural relics, fate of characters and palace life, and emphasizing the value of the Forbidden City as a common historical and cultural heritage of mankind. Since then, When the Louvre meets the Forbidden City (2010) and The Forbidden City 100 (2012) have been narrated around micro-themes: the former deduces the art history of the East and the West in different time and space backgrounds, and emphasizes the valuable value of the exchange between Chinese and Western civilizations; The latter, based on the practical value of the Forbidden City building, expresses the aesthetic value and cultural connotation of the palace building with creative commentary and images in the form of micro-documentary. I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City (2016), New Things in the Forbidden City (2017) and I am in the Forbidden City for 600 years (2020) record the daily work of cultural relics workers in the Forbidden City. They all focus on the stories of cultural relics protectors, which not only show the spirit of craftsmen, but also show the understanding of cultural relics by cultural relics restorers-the spirit of utensils that carry the Tao with things.

Looking at the documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City since this century, we can find that its development vein presents the following two important characteristics, that is, not only its vision has undergone a "macro-micro-macro" evolution, but its expression mode is getting younger and younger. Among them, the change of vision is from the broad perspective at the beginning, to the interpretation of specific aesthetic values and cultural connotations, to the personal perspective of cultural relics protectors, and finally, to the grand perspective of the Chinese nation. The trend of younger expression is particularly obvious in the Forbidden City 100, I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City and the Forbidden City. "Forbidden City 100" is a micro-documentary with a single episode of no more than six minutes, which meets the viewing needs of young people in a fast-paced society; The dedicated spirit of the elderly restorer and the youthful vitality of his disciples in "I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City" have aroused the resonance of many young audiences; The theme song at the end of the Forbidden City has greatly expanded the audience by virtue of the singer’s social influence and the genre with both ancient meaning and popular elements.

The emergence of these two characteristics is related to the change of social environment. First of all, the rapid development of social economy has given birth to multiple values and the evolution of "macro-micro" vision. At present, the rapid development of world economy and technology requires us to re-examine and establish the spirit and identity of the Chinese nation, which has given birth to the transformation of "micro-macro" vision. Secondly, the ever-changing consumer society has also widened the differences in viewing habits between young people and middle-aged and elderly people. Documentary creators need to attract young audiences with younger expressions to further realize the social value of documentaries.

Looking back on the development of documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City, we can see that people’s understanding of Chinese civilization is also deepening: from the overall grand impression to the specific artistic value, aesthetic value and cultural concept, to the craftsman spirit and utensils spirit of cultural relics protectors, to the survival wisdom of the Chinese nation shown in The Forbidden City. This cognitive process also reflects the mental outlook and value orientation of the Chinese nation in different historical stages. For example, "Forbidden City" no longer only shows the interior of the Chinese nation, but focuses on the history of the Chinese nation in a global perspective, and lets the audience see the vicissitudes and splendor of Chinese culture with the help of younger expressions.

Specially published by Shanghai Literature and Art Review Special Fund

Source: Jiefang Daily

Can’t you catch tickets for global studios? You can also come here to interact with other "top flow"!

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The 2021 China International Services Trade Fair ("Service Association") is about to be launched. Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global Studio, will be unveiled in the Beijing sub -center.

According to reports, after the official launch, Kung Fu Panda, the "top flow" of the global studio, and so on. It will also come to the scene and the audience in advance.

Beijing Universal Studios is located in Tongzhou District, Beijing. In the 20 years of construction, 7 years of construction, this year, after the opening, "double", today, I finally started trial. It will be officially opened on September 20.

As the world’s largest global studio, what is mysterious here? Shanghai Securities Journalists take you to explore.

Harry Potter, Xiaoyang and other top traffic collection

VR dazzling technology immersion experience

A reporter from Shanghai Securities and Magazine came to Beijing Global Resort in Tongzhou District, Beijing, early.

It is very convenient to take the subway. Both Beijing Metro Batong and Line 7 are global resorts. The volume of the station is equivalent to three times the total railway station. There are 4 safety entrances 82.

From the subway, the west side of the station is the urban avenue, restaurant and theme store of the global resort, about 700 meters again. You can reach the resort.

Global studios have the magic world of Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda Glass, Xiaoyang Paradise, Transformers, Jurassic World Nubra Island, Hollywood Avenue, Future Water World, and so on. 7.

In the park, first of all, this is a milestone building in Hollywood. On Hollywood Avenue, you can play a monster, Maryline Monroe, and take a group with them. In a film -specific product factory, you can experience the effect of photoelectric mixed. Experience the entire movie production process.

Hollywood Avenue is not far from the right. It is currently the largest little yellow garden in the world. Visitors can enter Super Mengle Island on a huge pier. Experience the stimulus of the roller coaster, or sit at a bird’s -eye view of the Menci Rose Vortex 360 ° Island.

In Nubra, Jurassic World, experience the "Jurassic World Adventure", adopt a complete terrain luxury automatic system (Atlas) into the wilderness of Nubra Island and meet dinosaurs.

"Global resort is full of technology. Many projects are real scenes and 3D virtual scenes. Visual art enjoyment is very good." Tourists told reporters.

In the "Future Water World" theme scenic spots, the feeling of immersion continues various details. Even a hair dryer can be heard in the bathroom. It is shocking to accelerate the technology of water gasoline, accelerate, and bullets. Until the plane crashed & hellip; & hellip; various stunt performances made tourists scream again, it seemed to be in a wonderful "water war".

The largest and most exciting roller coaster in the park- "DABA Tiger Roller Trolley", 4. Within 5 seconds, it can be accelerated from a static state to 104 kilometers.

Except for playing, I can’t eat, drink, drink and various products! There are 80 restaurants and 30 retail stores. Ice cream from Xiaohuang people and other themes, butter beer to signature & hellip; & hellip; various novels diet, of course, the price is also "unforgettable"!

The fare has not yet been announced

Beijing or enter the Mid -Autumn Festival domestic tourism is the hottest

Beijing Global Studio fare? The recent testing and test operation tests have been fired thousands of yuan. But the official fare has not been announced.

Compared with Shanghai Disneyland, before, he had just issued a ticket adjustment plan: starting from January 9th, 2022, the conventional daily ticket adjustment was 435 yuan, the special agreement was 545 yuan, the peak day was 659 yuan, and the special peak day was 769 yuan.

After the official opening on September 20, the theme park of Beijing Global Studio needs to enter the ticket. In Beijing Global City Avenue, tourists can go to the case without buying tickets. Adjustment.

The time to open the global resort is a coincidence in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Where to analyze the main data research institute, the Mid -Autumn Festival has always been the off -season of long -distance travel. Especially in Beijing, in the Mid -Autumn Festival, there is usually a scene of "going out" instead of "entering Beijing". As the Global Resort was officially announced in the Mid -Autumn Festival, Beijing is expected to be the most popular destination of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

How to promote the Beijing economy?

It is reported that Universal Studios Beijing covers an area of ??120 hectares, plus 280 hectares of resorts. After completion, it will become the world’s largest global vast city. This is 2 times that of Osaka Global Studio, 5 times of Singapore Global Studio, and 4 times in Shanghai Disney.

The existing section of the global resort includes the theme park of Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global City Avenue and two resorts. The second phase of planning construction includes the theme park of Chinese elements, which introduces IPS such as Chinese culture and Sun Wukong; the three -phase plan construction water park, with a total investment of more than $ 50 billion.

CITIC Jianota predicts that Universal Studios Beijing receives about 15 million to 20 million people, and the price of guests is expected to exceed 1,500 yuan. After maturity, the annual turnover is about 25 billion yuan to 30 billion yuan.

Pacific Securities believes that the global resort will directly drive Beijing’s tourism revenue by 4 % -5 %, and the annual growth rate of the industry around the tourism industry will increase by more than 100 billion yuan. the value of.

Many listed companies participate in the global studio industry chain

As an investor, the capital story behind Beijing Global Studio is more concerned about.

From the official disclosure information, Beijing Global Resort has Beijing International Resort Hotel Beijing International Resort Hotel, which is a joint venture with Beijing Ryan Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. and Kangcaster NBC Global Commercial Position And resort.

Beijing Handbiao Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. is the Beijing Municipal Government that mainly supports investment, development, operation and Beijing Global Resort. It is usually used by five Beijing state -owned enterprises. Including one of China’s largest tourism companies -Beijing Chiefs Group.

As the largest shareholder of the global studio, the first travel hotel of the first group, Wangfujing, Quanjude, the first commercial stock, and so on. This is the closest and benefited from this industrial chain.

At present, there are only two hotels in NOVOLI in the Universal Studios -Universal Studios Hotel and Resort. The number of rooms is about 1200. These two hotels are management of 50 % of the International Cay and First Tourism Group. And before December 31st, he has been committed to injecting a girl hotel, 2022. In June of this year, the hotel’s discipline announced a $ 3 billion plan. Global Studios near the theme hotel, in order to seize market opportunities.

In addition to the first time, many listed companies have recently responded to investors in Shanghai and Shenzhen. It appeared in the case of cooperation with Beijing Universal Studios.

Wangfujing said that the company produced by Wangfujing Shopping Center produced by the company is expected to be opened with the global studio scenic spot. However, in order to deal with the market tax, the company revealed that there is no specific plan to open global studio.

All the rally and delivered a speech thatthe Quanjihuzhuang is located on the city avenue of Universal Studios. The project covers an area of ??more than 15,000 square meters. The form of snacks, dinner, takeaway, terrace bar, etc. Organic combination. The store will be tested at the same time as global studios on September 1.

There is also an investor’s "adapter". Beijing Culture Group, Beijing Culture Group, Holding Bank, is one of the investors of Beijing Global Studio.

CITIC Tourism, China Youth Travel, and so on. It is a formal authorized partner of the Beijing Global Resort Tourism Channel.

Also, many listed companies have participated in the project construction of global studios. For example, Jintu Group is one of the main suppliers of Beijing Global Studio Green New Building Materials; time and space technology participation in the construction of Beijing Global Studio theme park support construction (first stage) urban avenue flood lighting project construction; Yuanwang valley and valley and Beijing International Resort has signed a franchise agreement for many years.

Shanghai Securities News

"Shanghai Securities Journal" on July 1, 1991, with the establishment of the New China Securities Market, it is the first national financial daily daily that my country provides authoritative financial securities. "Shanghai Securities News" is a key newspaper, Xinhua News Agency, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission designated information disclosure newspapers.

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Edit: Chen Qiqi

Video production: Yang Shengwu Guan Tie (Internship)

The old lady of Shanghai takes pensions to constitute a crime of fraud, proving that the pension white eater is a criminal act

#270,000 elderly golden cases open##

The truth of this fact is that from 2009 to 2015, the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, would abandon the husband who lost his ability to take care of his self -care in the hospital after paying some medical expenses during the hospitalization treatment, until the husband died alone. After the death of her husband, Qian still refused to go through the relevant procedures, and at the same time, he took the husband’s pension and accounted for himself.

On June 9, 2021, a case of fraud and abandonment of Qian, a public prosecution of the People’s Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai, was held in the Minhang District People’s Court.

The truth of the case is very clear.

Some people think that pensions are in the country, and the national Tang monk meat, all Chinese citizens can eat, all of which are desirable. Therefore, it is not believed that the old lady of Shanghai Qian Mou is a criminal act. This view is particularly popular in the small and fresh meat little beauties. Because the little fresh meat and the little beauty thinks that farmers are reasonable to eat white food, everyone can not pay a penny social security, and they can be sits to share the social security provers for decades.

However, the understanding of farmers is extreme errors.

In the basic composition of pensions, all pensions of social insurance forms should belong to the private property of citizens who pay social security, and they are not owned by the whole society. In the basic pension of the national welfare form, [also known as the pension subsidy], that is, the country’s money from the city taxpayer to the farmer, the other social benefits that belong to the country to the farmers to the elderly.

Compared with the former, although it is also called pension, it is actually very different in nature. That is to say, the essence of social maintenance money is the private property of citizens who pay social security. They use their labor income to take out a part of their salary every month to invest in their future pensions, like bank savings. But more advanced than banks, these social property from citizens is managed by the state and has absolute security and insurance stability. The basic pension [also known as the pension subsidy for white hair to the farmers], the source of funds is not the citizen of the social security, but from the city’s hundreds of millions of taxpayers. Do not bear the tax responsibilities and obligations that every citizen should have, and the one billion farmers have no longer contributed a penny to the national fiscal tax for seventeen years. Therefore, these money -sweats from urban taxpayers have been distributed to farmers through the hands of the country. The money does not have the nature of private property, but has a social welfare nature.

Understanding the above principles, I understand that the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, led her died of more than 270,000 yuan. The violent object was the private property of all social security citizens.

Similarly, those who do not pay a penny for social security, and those who have to pay the social security persons for decades of social security people are divided by farmers, which are those who eat white food selfish little fresh meat and little beauty. In fact Criminal behavior, they are public robbery, because their violations are the private property of the whole society who has paid social security for decades. But it is terrible that some people have committed guilty and do not know sin. Zhen Zhen has words that he is the savior of the peasant. He has called for robbery and plundering under the banner of speaking for farmers. As criminals, they have gone far enough on the road of illegal.

These pension articles videos are full of headlines. This fully shows that a large number of cyber criminals are active on the media network. They attempted to learn ancient bandits and live on the wealth of others by robbing others.

The opening of the old lady in Shanghai should let the small and fresh meat and little beauties who advocated robbery to calm the rational and rational girls. Please do not go further and further on the road of crime.