Deep Mathematics: Give full play to the advantages of digital technology platforms to help Linyi Mall develop new formats and models

"Modern Logistics City, as a complex with thousands of business scenes, itself has huge data value and connectivity." In the Linyi coverage, the chairperson of Deepin Mathematics Group Quanchuanxiao described the overall ecology of Linyi Mall.

With the rapid development of digital technology, "digitalization" and "intelligence" have gradually penetrated into all walks of life. Under this opportunity, in order to adapt to this rapidly changing environment, enterprises should also continue to innovate, optimize their operation models, and improve service quality. Linyi Mall, as the core area of the business and logistics industry, is also an integral part of Linyi’s economy. Through the effective collection and application of massive data such as its small commodity city, furniture city, and logistics city, it will become a breakthrough point for Linyi Mall to move towards the modern logistics industry.

At this stage, the implementation of the first good strategy of trade and logistics, and the acceleration of the construction of "four malls" of digital mall, international mall, green mall and chain mall, the construction of Linyi modern logistics city bears the new transformation and upgrading of trade and logistics. To meet new opportunities and challenges, and to create new advantages of trade and logistics, the construction of modern logistics city is even more duty-bound.

Big DataSupport the new business model of the mall

Quan Chuanxiao, chairperson of Deepin Digital Technology Group, continued to emphasize in an interview with Linyi News that "we need to continuously tap the potential of these [mall enterprises] data to provide better digital transformation and innovation services for enterprises in the mall." Linyi, as the largest market cluster and commodity distribution center in the north of China, has also been known as the "famous business city" and "logistics capital".

Among them, the healthy development of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall also continues to affect the four beams and eight pillars of Linyi’s economy. Therefore, how to promote the sustainable development of major core enterprises and mall merchants, and make the industrial chain and supply chain in the mall more resilient and faster has become an urgent issue for the entire mall.

As a local enterprise in Linyi and a leading digital technology enterprise in the domestic service bill market, Deepin Digital Group’s digital technology strength and its natural affinity between its "bill" business and enterprises have become a natural advantage to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall with digital transformation.

It is understood that promoting the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy, grasping the direction of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, promoting the digitalization of manufacturing, service industries, agriculture, and other industries, and using new Internet technologies to carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries have been the focus of Deepin Digital for a long time. For many merchants in the mall, Deepin Digital Group can use big data and artificial intelligence and other technologies to help merchants connect upstream and downstream, and use legal massive data for modeling and analysis, and then by mining the information of consumer behavior and market demand behind the data, so as to provide more accurate marketing strategies and decision support for small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to better improve the value of the supply chain, and expand business opportunities for enterprises and stimulate market vitality.

Digital technology empowers new business models

As a supply chain and digital technology enterprise that has grown up relying on Linyi Mall, Deep Digital Group is also a carrier to improve the modern supply chain system of Linyi Mall. In the digital exhibition hall of Deep Digital Group, there is a digital cloud map of the enterprise network that can be demonstrated on the spot. Every time an enterprise node is clicked on, the map can easily and quickly find the upstream and downstream supply chain relationships of the enterprise, and achieve accurate docking of supply and marketing needs, so that enterprises can implement digital supply chain management, achieve transparency and real-time monitoring of procurement, production, sales and other links, and improve the efficiency of full-link work.

Quan Chuanxiao Zaizhong, chairperson of Deepin Digital Group, said, "In the later stage, we will also give full play to our technological advantages and advantages to continuously improve the construction of the mall database, and build the mall’s characteristic index system and application mechanism." It is understood that in order to further promote the healthy development of the mall with digital technology, Deepin Digital Group also provides supply chain management cooperation for logistics enterprises in Linyi Mall. By building intelligent logistics infrastructure and Internet-based logistics information, it realizes online and intelligent logistics services, so as to provide its enterprises with more convenient and efficient logistics services, while reducing logistics costs and improving service quality.

As Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao said in the introduction, "The relevant measures of the group are designed to provide accurate industry operation status data support for enterprises in the mall, so as to solve the problems of information asymmetry in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, and further promote information sharing and cooperation among enterprises in the mall. Let Linyi Mall continue to remain competitive in the competition of new formats and new models." In the future, under the leadership of Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao, the group will pay attention to its own development, and will also actively participate in the construction of commercial logistics, continue to provide digital services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and "chain" new development momentum.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so choose carefully! This article is for reference only and is not a basis for buying or selling.

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Nanchang Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is on sale with a discount of 15,000 yuan! limited in number

On the [car home Nanchang Preferential Promotion Channel], preferential activities are being carried out. In Nanchang, you can enjoy a discount of up to 15,000 yuan for buying a car. The starting price is 137,800 yuan. If you want to know more about the discount, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a fashionable and dynamic SUV model, and its design adopts a streamlined shape, with a sharp front face design and a large chrome grille, showing a strong sporty atmosphere. The body lines are smooth and strong, which shows the elegance and luxury of Eta Ursae Majoris. Overall style, Eta Ursae Majoris’s design combines modern and traditional elements, bringing a unique and charming visual enjoyment to consumers. The iconic big mouth design of the front face and the unique LED headlight group make Eta Ursae Majoris highly recognizable on the road, showing the brand’s personality and self-confidence. In detail, Eta Ursae Majoris’s body surface adopts fine lines and smooth curved surface design, which perfectly shows the exquisite craftsmanship and superb technology of modern cars. In a word, the exterior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is full of dynamic and modern feeling, and it is an SUV with fashion, sports and luxury.

As a medium-sized SUV, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has a length, width and height of 4781*1920*1671mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm, providing passengers with spacious seating space. The side lines of the car are smooth, showing a fashionable and dynamic design style. In addition, the front and rear wheel tracks are 1641 and 1642mm, respectively, and the front tyre size is 235/55 R19 and the rear tyre size is 235/55 R19, which provides good handling and stability for the vehicle.

The interior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is simple and elegant, and it is made of luxurious leather, which makes it feel comfortable. The steering wheel adopts the design of manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, so that the driver can adjust according to his own needs. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight, window and other functions. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. In addition, the front row is also equipped with mobile phone wireless charging function. The main and auxiliary seats are made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the auxiliary seat also supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, providing more space flexibility.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine, with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine has excellent performance and can provide plenty of power for drivers. At the same time, it is equipped with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which makes the shift smoother and improves the driving comfort. Whether it is daily driving or long-distance travel, it can bring excellent driving experience to car owners.

In the reputation of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, car home owners spoke highly of the appearance of this car. He mentioned that the overall design is atmospheric, calm and upscale, and the favorite is the side design of the car, which adds a lot of points. Although the front face design is a little controversial, it is ok to get used to it. He is satisfied with the workmanship of the car body. It is said that the gray paint of rhinoceros horn is hard. The side design is very emotional, and the slip back shape is beautiful, but it sacrifices a little height space of the back box, but it is enough. As he said, the exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris can really leave a deep impression on people and make people yearn for it. I believe that in the future, more people will join the ranks of car owners and give a thumbs up for the design of this car.

Ask the new M5 to open the reservation channel.

  Huawei Terminal announced that the new M5 in the world opened the reservation channel. At the first anniversary node of the release of the intelligent driving version of the M5, Yu Chengdong said that the new M5 would be released on April 23rd, and it would be upgraded in an all-round way, making a stunning appearance with a younger and more fashionable image, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of "super-beautiful, super-easy to open, super-intelligent and super-safe". Previously, the M5 version of Zhijie was trusted by consumers for its outstanding performance in the fields of intelligent driving and safety.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The blind date stage in Kaifeng, Henan Province is on fire, and Wang Po is all over the network at once, helping many single boyfriends to solve the blind date problem and getting the support of a large number of people!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Every day, the blind date stage in Wang Po is crowded with people. Some people have been crouching for several days in order to get on the stage and end their single life.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

But where there is fire, there is traffic. I heard that many anchors ran to the stage for blind date in order to rub the traffic! Just recently, a 24-year-old handsome guy encountered such a thing.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

According to the man, I am 24 years old, and I am a chef. I stayed for 4 days and didn’t even eat lunch, just to grab the front row. It seems that this man is determined to get rid of single life, but he can’t get what he wants in the end!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

It was finally the man’s turn to take the stage. A famous woman introduced herself as a catering industry, which happened to be so speculative! This time, Wang Po wanted to fix two people, but the audience broke such a sentence!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

She’s the anchor! The audience has been shouting to let this woman step down. Is this really the anchor to rub traffic? But the woman waved her hand again and again on the stage and said that she really wasn’t!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Wang Po was shaking with fear when he walked. Wang Po was most afraid of such a thing. After all, he really did good deeds and didn’t want to be muddied by people who were rubbing traffic!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

And many people really come to blind date, really want to hold hands with the right person and live together for a lifetime! If you are here to play, there is really no need to come!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Later, the handsome guy still stepped down hand in hand with the woman, thinking it would be a beautiful love, but I didn’t expect it to be a scam. The man said that after stepping down, the woman said that she was coming to traffic, and she was the anchor! (The picture below is suspected to be the chat record of the man and the female anchor)

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Boy, the man’s heart broke into slag directly, and he waited for four days, and finally waited for such a result! You just say that anger is not irritating, and this requires men to go from here!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The handsome guy said: if you don’t come to find someone, then why waste other people’s opportunities? This is a complete delay!

Later, the woman also sent a video to apologize, saying that everyone might have misunderstood. Now she is looking for this man herself, but she can’t get in touch, hoping to give an explanation!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Many people think that since you are not really looking for someone, don’t waste your time and traffic. To waste other people’s kindness in vain will also ruin Wang Po’s career!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

However, the anchor is also a person, as long as it is not a traffic, sincere blind date, I believe everyone must be very welcome. Just don’t have ulterior motives, after all, there are indeed many single boyfriends now!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Group map+video 丨 strong confrontation! Lingao Volleyball Championship kicks off with passion.

Original title: group picture+video, strong confrontation! Lingao Volleyball Championship kicks off with passion.

Click to view more videos.

New Hainan client, Nanhai net February 18 news (reporter Wang Chengxian) strong confrontation! On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition (hereinafter referred to as Lingao Volleyball Competition) was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Four strong volleyball teams from Ding ‘an, Haikou, Lingao and Chengmai will compete fiercely for three days, which will blow the battle to win the championship. As one of the great volleyball events in the opening year of Lingao, Lingao Volleyball Championship has attracted many excellent players from the island, and it is also another important event in western Hainan after the "Village BA" in the East. In 2023, in the first men’s nine-player volleyball classic in China, Hainan team won the championship with a 3:1 victory over Guangdong Taishan team, which made Hainan volleyball quickly become popular on the Internet. The competition system also adopts the rules of men’s volleyball nine-a-side, with three wins in five games in each game, and the top four teams finally decide the ranking according to the total score.

No.2 player of Haikou team struggled to smash. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee enters. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee’s representative swore an oath. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship started with blood, and the leading guests present kicked off. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team serves. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship attracted many citizens to watch. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo (Wang Chengxian)

Xu Haidong won the men’s singles championship in Group A of the sports school.

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, August 17th (Reporter Wan Pung Chow) The table tennis event of the 2nd National Youth Games came to an end on the 17th. Xu Haidong, the champion of the World Youth Games and Liaoning, defeated Liang Yanzhu of Hebei 4-2 and won the men’s singles gold medal in Group A of the sports school.
Xu Haidong, 19, won three gold medals in men’s singles, men’s doubles and men’s team at the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships. On behalf of Liaoning Sports School, he made it all the way to the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and finally joined forces with Liang Yanzhu of xinji city Table Tennis Sports School.
On August 17th, Xu Haidong, a player from Liaoning Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Yangshe
In the final, Xu Haidong, who is good at right-handed straight fast break, took the lead in entering the state, winning two games in a row at 14:12 and 11:6. However, after that, he made too many mistakes in the counter-attack, and was recovered by Liang Yanzhu at 11:8. In the fourth and fifth games, the two men frequently staged a good show against Latin America. Xu Haidong first expanded the lead by 11:5, and then Liang Yanmu retaliated by 11:9, making the big score 2:3. In the crucial sixth game, Xu Haidong made a sudden effort under the deadlock in the opening, scored points in succession and finally won the game with 11:5 and won the gold medal.
On August 17th, Liang Yanzhu, a player from xinji city Table Tennis Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Chenguang photo
"When I was chased by my opponent, my state fluctuated, but I had a belief in winning." Xu Haidong said that as a straight player, he gained more experience and confidence in the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and expected to become the main position of the national team through hard work in the future.
In the third place battle, Xu Yingbin, a player from Heilongjiang Sports School, won the bronze medal with a 4-0 victory over Yuan Licen from Liaoning Sports School.
Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School beat Qian Tianyi/Shi Jiyao from Jiangsu Junior Amateur Sports School 4:1 to win the gold medal in the women’s doubles competition in Group A of the sports school. Huang Fanzhen/Fan Li of Jiaozuo Sports School won the bronze medal.
On August 17th, Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong (right) from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yanshe
In addition, the social club group also decided on two gold medals that day. The men’s singles and women’s doubles champions were won by Peng Feilong and Yang Jiwen/Chen Xingyu of Cao Yanhua Table Tennis Club.
Text Editor: Zhang Yueshan
New Media Editor: Wu Junkuan
Issued by: public soldier
Copyright belongs to Xinhua News Agency and may not be reproduced without permission.

I went to Shanghai to play, and I found three interesting phenomena!

1. There are many women in Shanghai.
After you go to Shanghai, you will find that Shanghai is actually a man and many women. In fact, this is normal. Because Shanghai is an international metropolis, many people strive for this field. Many of them did not expect Shanghai’s marriage, and most of them would eventually choose to go home. Many women in Shanghai are successful. This means that the eyes are also very high. Naturally, it is difficult for boys to go to their eyes. Drag it will become a woman.

2. Shanghai is not a monthly salary
In Shanghai, you will find it in fact, and almost other cities. Most young people also have two lines a day. For despair, in fact, most people are 170,000 people. This is not as good as those who want to pay. In the face of Shanghai’s house prices, prices, and life pressure, in fact, not only Shanghai, as long as it is a large city, no one is thinking about wages, and the pressure is not low.

3. Shanghai people are very interested
I will find it after going to Shanghai. People in Shanghai are really involved, not only business, but also in life. What they do is plan. Will you try this? What should this matter be? This is the same as businessmen who are underway or roadside health workers. This is the case, the case, the recent popular Shanghai Darphy on the Internet is. Because of Shanghai mosquitoes, she specially observed the habit of mosquito and engaged in the "mosquito net". According to the mosquito, the work of mosquitoes is carried out. When talking about this, she also smiled and said, "I played in the RT-MART supermarket for 13 years. Everyone called me." I have to say that the Shanghai people are really thoughtful.