Harvard brand announces the naming of its new energy series models.

(Reporter Yue Qian) On March 27th, Haval brand announced the naming of its new energy series model, code B07 model named Xiaolong MAX, code A07 model named Xiaolong.

According to reports, the new energy field is now in a period of accelerated change. Haval is making great efforts to launch a new track, and it is in urgent need of a product that can represent a new image to compete for the new energy road. To this end, Haval brand has launched brand-new Xiaolong MAX and Xiaolong. Xiaolong represents the posture of a strong man who takes the initiative to attack and is invincible, and symbolizes Harvard’s ambition to forge ahead in the field of new energy.

In terms of design, the new model has been innovatively interpreted in the appearance and local details of the whole vehicle, adopting the extreme hexagonal stability of the fighter and the sharp and line-like shape. Their common features in the front face modeling are headlights and fog lights, which are derived from refining and innovating the outline of the fighter. They are brave, stable and stylish.

In the creation of interior space, Xiaolong MAX not only surpasses the same level in terms of size and wheelbase, but also has superior space expansibility and rich storage advantages, which is enough to meet the car demand in the family travel scene.

In terms of product functions, Xiaolong MAX first took the Great Wall Hi4 technology to create a new car product strength advantage, achieving the best efficiency in all working conditions and worry-free driving in all scenes.

China quality newspaper

China stepped into the "traffic society" and consumed nearly 10 billion g of mobile traffic in the first half of the year.

  CCTV News:Whether it’s work, daily life, or leisure and entertainment, people can see the scene of holding their mobile phones and brushing their heads.

  According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics,In the first half of the year, the cumulative usage traffic of China’s mobile Internet users reached 8.89 billion G, up 136.8% year-on-year. It is expected that it will exceed 10 billion G by the end of the year.. Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that ChinaAmong the 1.17 billion mobile Internet users, the average access traffic per household was nearly 1.6g in June.It is more than four times that of the same period in 2015.

△ Figure/vision china

  With the increasing correlation between mobile data traffic and life, traffic not only brings convenience to life, but also promotes the development of emerging industries, profoundly changes the social form and affects people’s daily life. 

  How much traffic do you use every month?

  China has fully stepped into the "flow society"

  Nowadays, many people’s days start like this: calling a car to work online, paying for lunch delivery by mobile phone, communicating with social networks at any time, playing drama on their mobile phones after work, and video chatting with friends in the evening … … Mobile payment, mobile entertainment and mobile office, data flow has become an important support of social information flow.. 

△ The first multi-type "mobile payment" bus in China

  Yu Jianing, director of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "Traffic itself is data and information, but the content it carries also includes social value. China has fully entered ‘ Traffic society ’”。 According to statistics, in 2016, China’s mobile Internet users accessed 9.36 billion g, an increase of 8.48 billion g over 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 80.6%. 

  The era of 10 billion G traffic has arrived, experts said.Flow economy is the performance of digital economy. Digitalization and digital technology are transforming life and all walks of life.. Online shopping, mobile phone ordering, mobile payment, etc. make mobile phones closely integrated with the real economy. As online payment companies enter overseas markets, people can gradually enjoy the convenience brought by offline payment of mobile phones when traveling abroad.

Citizens are using unmanned express vehicles.

  According to the 40th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China just released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of June this year,The number of netizens in China reached 751 million, and the number of mobile phone netizens reached 724 million.The proportion of mobile Internet access continues to increase. In the first half of the year, the number of users of various mobile phone applications continued to rise, among whichMobile phone take-out applications grew the fastest, with the number of users reaching 274 million, an increase of 41.4% compared with the end of 2016.;The number of mobile payment users reached 502 million.,463 million netizens use mobile phones to pay when they spend offline.. 

△ Figure/vision china

  "Sharing" the new format, the income of the top 100 Internet companies exceeded one trillion.

  What leads to the arrival of the traffic era is not only the expansion of user scale, but also the development of new formats. More precisely, the relationship between the traffic era and the new format is mutually reinforcing. Since the second half of last year, the industry in bike-sharing has achieved rapid development.As of June this year, the number of users in bike-sharing has reached 106 million, accounting for 14.1% of the total netizens.The business coverage has penetrated from the first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen to the second, third and fourth-tier cities, and some bike-sharing brands have begun to go international.

  Live broadcast, flash, maker, online car, bike-sharing, mobile phone takeaway … … These new occupations based on mobile Internet have opened up new space for industrial development.According to incomplete statistics, in 2016, the number of take-away riders registered in China’s take-away platform has exceeded 10 million.. 

  According to the list of "Top 100 Internet Enterprises in China" in 2017,In 2016, the total revenue of Internet business of the top 100 Internet companies reached 1.07 trillion yuan, up 46.8% year-on-year, breaking through the trillion mark for the first time.Among them, there are nearly 50 enterprises related to the field of big data and nearly 20 enterprises related to artificial intelligence.

  Wen Ku, director of the Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the rapid development of the mobile Internet has spawned many new occupations and formats. Many enterprises provide diversified and personalized services to the majority of mobile communication users in combination with their own characteristics and advantages, meet people’s different needs, promote market competition, improve social efficiency and stimulate market vitality.

  Intelligent industry develops 5G network to promote "Internet of Everything"

  Based on the rapid growth of traffic scale, intelligent industries such as Internet of Things and VR industry will usher in rapid development in the future. 

△VR equipment helps middle school classrooms

  Experts believe that with the approaching of the 5G era, the explosive growth of traffic will bring more changes that are worth looking forward to. “It takes one hour for 4G to download a high-definition Blu-ray movie, but it may only take a few minutes for 5G. The powerful transmission capacity will allow more formats to carry traffic express trains."

  In June this year, China Information and Communication Research Institute released the White Paper on the Economic and Social Impact of 5G, proposing thatThe 5G network will provide at least ten times the peak rate of 4G, millisecond transmission delay and hundreds of billions of connection capabilities.Open a new era of extensive interconnection of everything and deep interaction between man and machine.

  5G will comprehensively build the key infrastructure for economic and social digital transformation, from online to offline, from consumption to production, from platform to ecology, and push China’s digital economy to a new level. For telecom operators, the rapid growth of traffic consumption has brought huge opportunities, but it also means that there is more room for speeding up and reducing fees, so as to achieve benign development.

Beijing CDC: Rabies can be prevented, and the latest vaccination outpatient list is summarized.

People infected with rabies virus, once the disease occurs, the mortality rate is almost 100%. Therefore, it is very important to know the knowledge of rabies prevention and rabies vaccine to improve the awareness of safety prevention and self-protection.

Come and have a look ~

Rabies is an animal-borne infectious disease caused by rabies virus. Rabies virus enters the human body through bites and scratches of rabid animals, or human mucous membranes and damaged skin contact with saliva and tissues of rabid animals, causing illness.

But rabies is a preventable disease.


Which animals spread rabies?

In rabies epidemic areas, more than 99% of human rabies cases are caused by rabies virus transmitted by dogs, and very few are transmitted by cats and wild animals (such as foxes, wolves and bats). Birds, fish, insects, lizards, turtles and snakes will not be infected or spread rabies virus.


What are the main symptoms of rabies?

People suffering from rabies are characterized by high excitement, fear of water, fear of wind, paroxysmal pharyngeal muscle spasm and other symptoms. When patients see water, smell running water and drink water, they can all cause severe throat muscle spasm. Although they are too thirsty to drink, they can’t swallow even after drinking, so rabies is also called "water phobia".

The incubation period of rabies cases is mostly within 1 year, usually 1-3 months.


How to prevent rabies?

The means to prevent rabies is very simple. On the one hand, vaccinate dogs to improve their immune rate; In addition, we should also raise our awareness of self-prevention to avoid being injured by animals. Once injured, we should deal with the wound in time, see a doctor as soon as possible and get rabies vaccine.

Once bitten or scratched by a dog, don’t be lucky. Go to the rabies vaccination clinic designated by the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission in time for standardized wound treatment and full vaccination, and if necessary, inject rabies immunoglobulin. Before seeing a doctor, wash the wound alternately with soapy water and flowing water as soon as possible if possible.


Where are the rabies vaccination clinics?

There are more than 100 designated rabies vaccination clinics in our city. The list, address and telephone number of clinics can be found on the official website of Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission, the official website of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or on WeChat WeChat official account of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or you can call 12320 Beijing Public Health Hotline for consultation.


What can we do to control rabies?

It is impossible to control rabies from the source simply by dealing with people after rabies exposure. The core strategy of rabies elimination is to carry out large-scale dog immunization in an all-round way. Blocking the transmission of rabies between dogs can reduce the transmission to humans and other mammals, which is the most effective, sustainable and economical means. The international experience in areas where there is no dog-to-dog rabies has also proved that it is effective to strengthen dog management and carry out large-scale immunization of dogs.

As a responsible host, we should:

  • Vaccinate dogs with regular and qualified rabies vaccine for animals every year.

  • Increase the awareness of responsible dog-keeping, don’t abandon it at will, and avoid abandoned dogs and stray dogs becoming the source of rabies transmission.

  • Raise dogs in a civilized way, wear a leash for your dog, and avoid the occurrence of dog injuries, and also avoid the domestic dog being injured by sick dogs.

Attachment: List of rabies vaccination clinics in Beijing

Data as of September 28th, 2022.

Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Contributed by: Institute of Immunoprevention, Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Process editor: tf008


"Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie" 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition started on February 22nd.

Dragon and lion dance to make the Lantern Festival, and colorful folk customs celebrate the Spring Festival. The reporter learned that the two-day 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition will be held at 9: 00 on February 22nd in the basketball hall of He Long Sports Center. At that time, 15 dragon and lion teams will compete on the same stage, presenting a cultural feast with international elements and national characteristics for the general public and tourists.
The theme of this activity is "Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie", aiming to meet the diverse cultural needs of the citizens through high-end sports events and actively create a festive, civilized and harmonious holiday atmosphere. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, Zhangjiajie Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, Zhangjiajie yongding county Committee of CPC and Zhangjiajie yongding county People’s Government, undertaken by Zhangjiajie Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Yongding District Committee, Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, and jointly implemented by Zhangjiajie Media Center (Media Group), Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Center and Hunan Xiangbao Culture Development Co., Ltd.
The activity is divided into three items: the lion dance routine competition (including the Southern Lion and the Northern Lion), the traditional dragon dance competition, and the dragon lion He Chun performance. At that time, there will be 10 dragon and lion teams from all provinces and cities in China and nearly 200 members from 5 local dragon dance teams in Zhangjiajie. It is worth mentioning that this event not only shows professionalism, but also reflects internationalization. Some contestants come from South Sudan, Liberia, Morocco, Bangladesh and other countries. Among them, the winning team in the competition on February 22 will be invited to perform a dragon and lion performance in Dayong Ancient City on February 24 to have fun with the people and welcome the Spring Festival. It is reported that the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition is a sub-activity of the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival National Tide Carnival. In order to create a festive and peaceful festival and let the general public and tourists know about Zhangjiajie’s traditional folk culture and intangible cultural heritage, a series of activities will be held during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, such as the Spring Festival Market Cultural Festival, the Lantern Festival, the first Zhangjiajie Flour Carnival and the Guoyun No.1 Art Lantern Exhibition.

Sanya takes Hainan Island International Film Festival as an opportunity to inject new vitality into the cultural tourism industry.

  Hainan Daily reporter Li Yanmei

  Walking into the cinema to watch movies is not a new thing; But watching movies on the top of the mountain is a novel experience for many people. On the evening of November 17th, in the Luhuitou Scenic Area in Sanya, tourists from all over the country, together with local residents in Sanya, "unlocked" this new experience: facing the sea, facing the breeze and feeling the fun of watching movies at the top of the mountain.

On the evening of December 17th, in the Luhuitou Scenic Area of Sanya City, citizens watched an open-air movie in a romantic night. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  It is reported that the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival has set up a "Golden Coconut Carnival" unit to carry out a variety of film-themed activities in scenic spots, hotels and communities in Sanya, including film screening, film fairs, film and television golden melody concerts, punching in and taking pictures of film installations, etc., integrating film and music culture with natural elements such as the sea and coconut wind, so that citizens and tourists can enjoy the light and shadow feast of Qiongdao in a multi-point, multi-dimensional and immersive way.

  Hainan Island International Film Festival is an important window to show Sanya’s urban scenery and cultural connotation, and it is also an important opportunity to enrich the supply of products and promote the consumption of cultural tourism. The tourism departments and tourism enterprises in Sanya seize the opportunity of the film festival, and through a series of cultural tourism activities with urban characteristics, let the film empower tourism development, let tourism plug in the "wings" of the film, and open a new two-way journey of culture and tourism on Lucheng land.

In Luhuitou Scenic Area of Sanya City, tourists brought their children to participate in the "Golden Coconut Carnival". Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  Outdoor screening allows fans to "fancy" the movie.

  "There are only a handful of cities in China that can watch movies outdoors in December. This is the romance of Sanya." On the evening of December 17th, Chen Wei, a Harbin tourist, met a light and shadow date in Luhuitou Scenic Area. We originally planned to play for 1 hour, and finally we had a good time for 3 hours before ending the trip.

  As one of the characteristics of Hainan Island International Film Festival, outdoor screening has always been concerned and loved by fans. The outdoor screening of this year’s film festival was upgraded to the "Golden Coconut Carnival", and a four-day "Light, Shadow, Cultural Tourism and Benefiting the People" special activity was held at the top of Luhuitou Scenic Area, Anaya Community Lawn, the theater of St. Regis Yalong Bay and Wanning Riyuewan, so that citizens and tourists could share a movie feast.

  At 18: 30 every day from December 17th to 20th, Luhuitou Scenic Area will show films such as Forgive him 77 times, Nobody and New never to lose. The big screen is set below the sculpture of Luhuitou, and the audience can sit along the stairs, not only enjoying the film, but also enjoying the graceful night view of Sanya.

  Since July 1st last year, Luhuitou Scenic Area has been open to citizens and tourists free of charge, which has attracted a large number of local residents to return. Wei Wu, a citizen of Sanya, is one of them. He will visit the scenic area from time to time. This time, when he learned that Hainan Island International Film Festival was holding activities in Luhuitou, he came to experience it with his wife and son. "After watching the sunset, you can not only enjoy the night scene, but also watch many movies for free. This trip is worth it." Wei Wu said.

  Diversified activities let the host and guest share the beauty.

  The activity site of Luhuitou Scenic Area integrates film market, film and television golden melody concert and interactive games, so that visitors can experience the "cultural atmosphere" of the market, "fireworks atmosphere" of film and television food and "life atmosphere" of interactive games while camping and watching movies.

Citizen tourists participate in the Golden Coconut Carnival film and television golden melody concert. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  On the basis of covering market, interaction and music performance, the Anaya community activity site combines light and shadow art with camping form to meet the audience’s visual feast and leisure and entertainment needs.


  Hainan Daily reporter learned that the activities of the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival "Golden Coconut Carnival" are rich in content. In addition to film screening, there are also activities such as film theme market, film and television golden melody concert, and film atmosphere group photo punching, creating a "playable, audible, viewable and enjoyable" cultural tour that integrates new formats, new consumption and new hotspots, and continuously releases new kinetic energy for the integration and development of cultural tours in Sanya.

  In addition to colorful offline activities, this year’s "Golden Coconut Carnival" also highlights the characteristics of national participation. Sanya Tourism Development Bureau launched the "Travel with Movies" challenge on the online social platform, attracting nearly 100 fans to participate in the event, with a total online exposure of 5.3 million times. The continuous exposure of online topics has aroused the public’s expectation and concern for the "Golden Coconut Carnival", which has set off the upsurge of watching movies for the whole people and the enthusiasm for traveling to Sanya.

  "Holding the activities of Hainan Island International Film Festival in scenic spots, communities and hotels is also a concrete practice of Sanya’s continuous implementation of the concept of" host-guest sharing ",which not only allows tourists to discover the more interesting and fun side of Sanya, but also drives the popularity of tourism to soar, releasing more consumption potential, enriching the daily life of citizens and letting everyone rediscover the beauty of’ home front’." The relevant person in charge of Sanya Tourism Development Bureau said.

At the scene of the "Golden Coconut Carnival" in Luhuitou Scenic Area, Sanya City, citizens participated in the prize-winning quiz. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  The integration of cultural tourism makes Sanya’s vitality emerge

  In recent years, Sanya has frequently become the location of film and television works. These film and television works with different themes have further shaped Sanya’s diversified business cards and demonstrated Lucheng’s open and inclusive attitude. At the same time, on the occasion of Sanya’s tourist season, a Covenant of light and shadow not only enriches the cultural life of citizens and tourists, but also enhances the new enthusiasm of Sanya’s tourism and injects new vitality into the development of cultural tourism industry.

  "The holding of the Hainan Island International Film Festival has set up a new platform for cultural exchanges between Hainan and Sanya facing the world. Sanya will also actively use this platform to give full play to the policy advantages of Hainan Free Trade Port and Sanya’s unique natural resource endowment to promote the high-quality development of Sanya’s cultural tourism industry. " Zhou Chunhua, member of the Standing Committee of Sanya Municipal Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department and Deputy Secretary-General of Hainan Island International Film Festival Organizing Committee, said.

  Not only film festivals, this year, a number of trendy cultural tourism activities with strong interactivity and full of experience, such as music festivals, comedy performances and exhibitions, have been held in Sanya, which not only makes the city more interesting and fun, but also drives the soaring popularity of tourism, releasing more consumption potential and promoting the deep "marriage" between tourism industry and cultural industry.

  At present, the main force of travel is getting younger and younger. Young customers are not satisfied with a single sightseeing experience. They show their individuality and pursue trendy, personalized and novel travel experiences, hoping to play with their own characteristics and tricks. Sanya is also actively adapting to market changes, combining with the preferences of young customers, launching a number of activities with distinctive features and rich connotations, shaping a new image of Sanya as a young, fashionable and international city, and making Lucheng "swim" younger and younger.

  Next, Sanya will take advantage of the IP of film festivals and music festivals to continue to release its attraction, so that more young people will focus on Sanya, drive more young tourists to Sanya, and attract more brand activities to settle in Sanya, realizing "traffic" and "retention".

  (Hainan Daily, Sanya, December 18th)


Foreign tourists came to Shanghai to play, and after seeing the "financial center", DRAM: This design is strange

The old man Qiu continued to send, and Shanghai will welcome the most popular starting day! We all know that Shanghai is a very prosperous city. There are also many beautiful scenery in Shanghai. When the holiday is here, many people will go to Shanghai.

In addition to domestic tourists, Shanghai also ushered in many foreign tourists. Some foreign tourists arrive in Shanghai to play and see ShanghaiAfter the financial center, I was surprised. The design of this building is really strange.

This building surprises many foreign tourists in Shanghai Global Financial Center. I know this name knows that the building is higher. Shanghai’s global financial center is very high. Looking at many places in Shanghai, you can see the figures of this structure.

This building is high492.Instrument, all104.The floor has three floors underground. The location of this building is Pudong Century Avenue. The reason why this building surprised everyone is mainly because of its shape, especially, the roof part looks like a bottle cap with a beer.

If the distance is far away, the Shanghai Global Financial Center seems to be relatively small. At that time, I felt that I was a bottle of beer.

Because this building looks different, it is easy to notice this, so this building has also become a local iconic building. Although some people seem to understand, the building has also received various awards. It can also be seen that although the building looks a bit incredible. But there are their own unique.

This building looks like a beer bottle bottle. This design is surprised and will feel bright. This building is very good. Around the prosperity of the business, there are still many people who stand through the windows through the window. You can see that the Huangpu River is not far away. Some people think that this building is novel and shows us the charm of the building. Some people think that if the building can repair our common commercial buildings, the building area is more.

The strange shape of this architecture left a deep impression of many people. Maybe people will take photos of the Shanghai Global Financial Center after Shanghai Global Financial Center. Because this is nearby500.The rice high building is really easy to find. When you look up, I can see it. Now this building is very famous, so there are many people taking pictures as the background.

Shanghai is a very good tourist city. It is more suitable for bad tourism. This strange architectural style is only one of the many beautiful landscapes in Shanghai. The reason why Shanghai is suitable for poor tourism is because there are many attractions here that can be released to everyone freely. The quality of the scenic area is very good.
