Tik Tok online celebrity’s top 100 songs

[Rank 24]: Almost Girl-g.e.m G.E.M.

[Rank 25]: Love, Being

[Rank 26]: Summer Wind

[Rank 27]: "Lost You"

[Rank 28]: Birds and Cicada-Still.

[Rank 29]: "Sleeping"

[Rank 30]: Out of the Mountain-Flower Porridge/Wang Shengnan

[Rank 31]: Years Later-Dahuan

[Rank 32]: "The world is so big, I still meet you"

[Rank 33]: Insomnia Flight

[Rank 34]: The Sun

[Rank 35]: "Four Seasons for You"

[Rank 36]: Half-life Snow

[Rank 37]: "Your eyes are like stars"

[Rank 38]: "Delete it"

[Rank 39]: "Waiting for Your Return"

[Rank 40]: "Hope"

[Rank 41]: Clouds and the Sea

[Rank 42]

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Ask the new M5 to open the reservation channel.

  Huawei Terminal announced that the new M5 in the world opened the reservation channel. At the first anniversary node of the release of the intelligent driving version of the M5, Yu Chengdong said that the new M5 would be released on April 23rd, and it would be upgraded in an all-round way, making a stunning appearance with a younger and more fashionable image, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of "super-beautiful, super-easy to open, super-intelligent and super-safe". Previously, the M5 version of Zhijie was trusted by consumers for its outstanding performance in the fields of intelligent driving and safety.

US Vice President Harris was in a car accident on his way to work: Is the Secret Service still "reliable"?

According to the latest report on the 6th, US Vice President Harris suffered a car accident on his way to work on Monday, but he was not injured. However, this incident worried both Director united states secret service and the Vice President, and once again triggered doubts about the Secret Service.
According to two people familiar with the matter, a motorcade carrying Harris to work had a bicycle accident on a closed road in Washington on Monday morning local time. An SUV driven by Agent united states secret service drove Harris into the curb of a tunnel in the city center. Because the accident caused the vehicle to need to change tires, Secret Service agents had to transfer Harris to another car in the convoy before finally sending her to the White House safely.
According to reports, united states secret service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said that the cause of the accident was that the driver swerved excessively while driving.
U.S. Vice President Harris
Unexplained accident
The head of the Secret Service was "kept in the dark" for the first time.
However, because the agents in charge of driving the president and vice president’s vehicles have received high-level training, accidents in routine work like this have puzzled many Secret Service personnel, even Harris himself.
According to the report, the Secret Service personnel did not mention the key details of the incident in the official email that reported the delay of Harris Team to their superiors. The agency’s protection intelligence department only wrote in the report that during the scheduled trip to the White House, the "mechanical failure" of the lead car forced the agent to transfer Harris to another car.
A person familiar with the matter said that it was not until Monday afternoon that Secret Service Director Kim Chettle received a message from other agents, saying that the email did not accurately convey the truth. In fact, many other Secret Service agents around Harris and the White House know that Harris’s driver hit the sidewalk of the tunnel.
Guglielmi confirmed the news, saying that the agents did not disclose all the details of the problems in the vice president’s motorcade in the formal written warning at first, but later reported the situation to their superiors in person. He explained: "The initial radio communication showed that this was a mechanical failure. After the protection operation was completed, the leadership was verbally updated with additional relevant facts, that is, the vehicle hit the curb. "
A witness photographed Harris’ motorcade stuck at the tunnel entrance.
There are many "black history"
The accident once again triggered public concern about the Secret Service.
It is reported that because united states secret service has a "long and troublesome history" in covering up his mistakes and misconduct, the accident has once again aroused people’s concerns about the agency. An official of the Secret Service revealed that Kim Chettle had told people around her that she was uneasy about the inaccuracy of the Harris accident warning, and "I was relieved when I learned more comprehensive information later that day."
According to the report, united states secret service’s top officials and managers often rely on the "presidential security cloak" to cover up their weaknesses and failures. In 2011, there was a shooting incident in the White House. Under the "misleading" of the Secret Service, the American public and the first family thought that "this is a group of gang members shooting at each other". But in fact, the real information obtained by the Secret Service is that the gunman tried to kill the then US President Barack Obama.
In 2014, a veteran with mental problems successfully jumped over the fence and broke into the White House. The Secret Service tried to cover up his mistakes and provided wrong information. According to the report of the Secret Service, the man was unarmed, but in fact he was armed. The report also claimed that the man was detained by Secret Service personnel at the main entrance of the White House, but in fact he broke into the main building of the White House after subduing a Secret Service official, and was finally caught in the East Wing of the White House.
In 2015, the Secret Service was caught in a public opinion dispute because of the bomb investigation that disturbed the White House. According to reports, after drinking all night, the top agent in charge of White House security affairs and another senior executive drove into the White House, crossed the cordon and entered a scene where a bomb investigation was going on. Subsequently, the vehicle driven by the two men hit a temporary roadblock and stopped directly next to the suspicious bomb package.
According to reports, although dozens of secret service staff knew about it, no one reported it to the director at that time. Five days after the incident, Joseph Clancy, then director of the Secret Service, learned about the safety accident from a former agent and friend.
Red star journalist Xu Huan
Editor Li He Xianfeng
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There are more than 90 million unmarried women of school age in China, and the "leftover women" are a shame. Family members: they are guilty if they don’t get married

Master’s degree, doctor’s degree and executive, all of which were synonymous with social elites, but once they became female masters, doctors and executives, it was a bit meaningful.

Especially those who are highly educated and devote themselves to their careers,Thus, women who missed the so-called "traditional" best age for marriage were crowned as "leftover women" by some netizens.

The word "leftover women" means being chosen and rejected, which is a malicious expression for unmarried women.

Nowadays, with the progress of society and the improvement of women’s education level, more and more women have new requirements for their future life and their other half.

Some people think that,It is better to get married than to abuse it. Since there is no suitable partner, why not enjoy the chic of being single?

Obviously, marriage is not the only need for women to grow up. Today, there are more than 90 million single women in China, who have chosen independence and career at the age of marriage.

However, it is not easy to stick to this choice.

The documentary "The Leftover Women in China" reveals the struggle and helplessness of the intellectual women in China between freedom and secularism.

According to the introduction of the film, single intellectual women in China, if27 years oldIf you are not married in the future, you will be crowned."leftover women"The name of.In the marriage and love market, such women are often the object of criticism.

They are single for different reasons, but they are similar.Have a career that can make you independent, and all have very high academic qualifications.

Higher education, independent economic base,It is decided that in the matter of marriage, they will not make haste.And what this documentary shows us is moreThe dilemma faced by single women.

The main characters of this documentary are three mature women from big cities. They all have enviable jobs, but they are not married in their late thirties for various reasons.

Under the pressure of society and family, some of them choose to compromise, some choose to resist, and some choose to be silent.

Hua Mei, a young lawyer, is a child who came out of the countryside through the college entrance examination. She has worked hard in big cities for many years, and her views on marriage are very different from those of her parents and family.

As the most promising child in the family, she was once the pride of her parents.But now it has become the most unpromising person in the family mouth.

Huamei was born in the countryside, and her parents’ ideas are very old. Their times are catching up with family planning, and a family is basically one or two children.

Huamei’s home is her two daughters with her sister. Because she has no son, her parents have suffered from the gossip of the villagers.

However, parents are very kind to the two sisters and are not influenced by outsiders. The father is even more determined to let his children study hard and be admitted to the university, so as to show outsiders that girls can also make a difference.

My family conditions are limited, and my sister’s study is really not good. My sister who didn’t go to college got married very early.

And Huamei became the hope of parents.A few years after she was admitted to the university, her parents were really proud.

After graduating from college, Huamei stayed in Beijing on her own and became the envy of everyone, and she became the pride of her family.However, as Huamei got older, the family began to urge marriage.

Huamei’s lawyer work is very busy, and my personality is also very independent and strong, which is caused by various reasons.She remained single until she was thirty-four.

My sister’s children have run all over the place, but Huamei has not found a suitable object yet, and her parents are extremely anxious.She also changed from the pride of her family to the shame of her family.

Sister Hua Mei

Family think, don’t marry an old maid to stay at home is very shameful, my sister even said:"If you don’t get married, you should go to jail."

Because of the problem of being single, Huamei began to be reluctant to go home, and even tried to arrange things for herself on holidays. At this time, in the eyes of the family,Not getting married is like being inferior. Not getting married is unfilial and violates social morality.

These shackles in the name of family make Huamei breathless. I used to have an enviable job, high income and good welfare, but I became a sinner in the eyes of my parents just because I didn’t get married.

Parents’ attitude and sister’s harsh words all hurt the heart of this strong and independent girl since childhood.

Facing the camera, she couldn’t help crying. At this point, the home has become a thorn bush full of thorns. Every time I come home, I’m scarred,She can only choose to escape.

The second hero is Xiao Min, a radio anchor, a native of Shanghai who has a car and a house. He has been in love several times and ended up dead.

Xiaomin’s family conditions are much better than Huamei’s, but she is also deeply troubled by urging marriage, and the biggest pressure also comes from her family.

She is the only daughter in the family. Since childhood, her parents have arranged everything for her, and her mother’s personality is relatively strong, so she has developed her weak personality.Everything is habitually subject to the opinions of parents.

Especially when it comes to getting married,Parents’ request is to find a good financial condition.,Those who are suitable and not registered in Shanghai will not be considered, nor will those with poor economic conditions be considered.

But what is often shown is that,Those with good conditions despise Xiao Min, while those with poor conditions despise each other. They have been picking and choosing for many years, and finally they have not found a suitable one.

In the eyes of parents, economic conditions always come first. It doesn’t seem so important whether my daughter likes it or not. In my mother’s words"I’m doing it for your own good" and "Can I still harm you?".

Xiaomin, who has been habitually obedient since childhood, has little say in his lifelong events.

In fact, she has talked about boyfriends several times before, but once parents and boyfriends have conflicts, she often stands on her parents’ side. At this point, there may be a big reason why many times I fell in love with her ended in vain.

Without your own opinions and knowing how to fight for yourself, the road to marriage is doomed to be difficult. Marriage is a matter between two people, and marriage is not only about material conditions, but also about feelings.

Perhaps what Xiaomin lacks is the courage to fight for himself, and what he likes is the most appropriate. Marriage is not a negotiation, a business, or a price negotiation between two parties.Feelings are never things that can be clearly priced.

If we don’t figure this out, marriage is bound to be very difficult. Even if you are barely together, there will be various contradictions in your marriage life.

The third protagonist is Gaiqi, who is also over 30 years old. Gaiqi, who has been in love for several times, has never found her other half.

Gaiqi, who was born in the countryside and had a heavy family burden, became an assistant professor at the Film Academy through her own efforts. She is financially independent and lives a leisurely life. At her age, it is very good to have such achievements.

However, she was overwhelmed by various problems at home. Without the burden of family, Gaiqi can live well on her own.

However, the real blow made her really unable to bear the economic pressure and the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Three people, three different families and three different lives are the most true portrayal of the living conditions of contemporary older women.

China has been a human society since ancient times. Up to now, almost no one can get rid of society and exist. Being single or not is not just your own business.

China people pay attention to inheritance. They want grandchildren when they have sons, and great grandchildren when they have grandchildren.People are getting old in the expectation of this generation.

Children are not only the blood inheritance of parents, but also their hopes for the future. Most children are also dependent on their parents in their old age.

No Country for Old Men is a very serious matter for China people.Therefore, many people advocate more children and more happiness.

This means that,If you want to stay single, you have to fight against the vast majority of people and the inheritance of the Millennium.

As long as you are older than.Twenty-five years old, even just in his early twenties,There will be all kinds of relatives and friends to introduce you to the object. If you are single and don’t accept other people’s kindness, then you are waiting for others’ complaints or even insults.

In the movie "If You Are the One", Shu Qi once asked:"Is it illegal to be single?"

Even if she plays a single and independent stewardess in the play, she will be ridiculed by others and even intimidated by her family.

Yes, for older single women,Being single is an urgent problem to be solved.

Wang Manni in Nothing But Thirty has a decent job and a high income, but he still hopes to live the life of a master through marriage.

At the age of thirty, she had to accept the arrangement of her parents and make blind dates with civil servants in small cities. Although the blind date didn’t succeed in the end, she was still very anxious about being single and eager to marry herself quickly.

Drama comes from life, and the discussion on the problem of leftover women in countless movies and TV dramas is all verified.Older single women, how unfriendly this society is.

Similarly, at the end of the documentary, the aforementionedUnder the pressure of life, the three protagonists had to make a choice.

Hua Mei, a female lawyer, chose to study abroad. She didn’t want to live in a dispute with her family, and the pressure was too great.

Not getting married is like a crime, and my sister’s words are circulating in her mind all the time.This has seriously affected her normal life.

Choosing to go abroad is just to escape temporarily.Maybe she can find someone who appreciates herself in a foreign country.

It seems helpless to be forced to move away from home, but this time Huamei is not alone, and her stubborn father supported her this time, which made her feel somewhat comforted.

Radio anchor Xiaomin didn’t want to put up with her mother’s strength any more. She began to reflect on her own problems and hoped that her mother would let her decide her own life.

Although her resistance caused her mother’s strong dissatisfaction, and even the two had a fierce argument, after all, she took the first step, hoping that in the future, she could firmly maintain her own opinions.

For children, it is also a compulsory course in life for parents to learn to let go. Excessive intervention by parents leads to children’s excessive dependence on their parents, which makes them unable to have independent ideas.

The most important sign of maturity is independence. I am still a child, so I can’t talk about starting a family and being someone else’s parents.

However, unlike Hua Mei and Xiao Min, Gai Qi finally chose to compromise.It took her a year to get married..

Her husband met on a blind date, and his family is also in the countryside. Gaiqi said that she had already owed too much foreign debt for her parents. Getting married can relieve her stress.

However, Gaiqi’s age was rejected by her husband’s family, because her husband was younger than Gaiqi. My mother-in-law has said many times that she is too old.Tell her not to tell her real age to her relatives and friends.

Even so, after one year of marriage, Gaiqi had her own children. Now her family of three is full of vitality because of the arrival of children.

At this point, who can say that Gaiqi is unhappy?Isn’t that how most of us get here?

From this documentary, we see the three protagonists struggling with life.It is not easy for single women to survive in society.

Being single certainly has many conveniences,Life is more free and there are fewer disputes in the process of getting along, but staying single requires great pressure.

One of the biggest pressures is from the family, which can make parents accept being single.It is the biggest challenge for the "leftover women".

A woman who is urged to get married

In this regard, some netizens think that being single does not mean failure. On the contrary, being able to bravely choose being single is the brave embodiment of modern independent women, and single women should be respected and protected.

The higher the degree of social development, the higher people’s economic level, and the less dependence on their families.

This is why high-end people, entertainment stars, and the elites of these societies are the "hardest hit areas" for leftover women.

Because they don’t have to rely on anyone, they can live a good life. Being single even saves them a lot of trouble in human relations. They can choose to raise children or not, which is not a problem for them.

They enjoy the convenience and freedom brought by being single. If marriage can’t bring happiness and make their life better, why choose to get married?

Faye Yu, 52, is still single, and she doesn’t think marriage is necessary. She enjoys being single very much.

And she firmly believes that staying single can make her life more free and exciting, and she can enjoy life better.

Single women like Faye Yu are even more independent and strong than ordinary men.

Therefore, age can’t be a limiting factor for a person. Some people may get married at the age of 20, and some people may still be elegant single women at the age of 60, and marriage is not the only choice.

With the increasing tolerance of our society, perhaps in the future,"Leftover women" is no longer the object of discrimination or crusade.

The higher the civilization of society, the more diverse society will be. There is not only one choice for people’s lifestyle.Marriage is only an option, but not choosing marriage does not mean that our life is unhappy..

The social system will be more and more perfect, medical care will be more and more convenient, and old-age care will no longer be a problem. You can live a good life by your own personal accumulation.

Without secular standards, perhaps feelings will become more pure, and people’s happiness index will certainly be higher and higher.

What do you think of "leftover women"? Let’s share it in the comments section ~

(The pictures and story materials are all from the Internet. Unauthorized reprinting is prohibited! ) # Summer Creation Competition #

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Can’t you catch tickets for global studios? You can also come here to interact with other "top flow"!

Already worried


Rainbow base

Video details


The 2021 China International Services Trade Fair ("Service Association") is about to be launched. Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global Studio, will be unveiled in the Beijing sub -center.

According to reports, after the official launch, Kung Fu Panda, the "top flow" of the global studio, and so on. It will also come to the scene and the audience in advance.

Beijing Universal Studios is located in Tongzhou District, Beijing. In the 20 years of construction, 7 years of construction, this year, after the opening, "double", today, I finally started trial. It will be officially opened on September 20.

As the world’s largest global studio, what is mysterious here? Shanghai Securities Journalists take you to explore.

Harry Potter, Xiaoyang and other top traffic collection

VR dazzling technology immersion experience

A reporter from Shanghai Securities and Magazine came to Beijing Global Resort in Tongzhou District, Beijing, early.

It is very convenient to take the subway. Both Beijing Metro Batong and Line 7 are global resorts. The volume of the station is equivalent to three times the total railway station. There are 4 safety entrances 82.

From the subway, the west side of the station is the urban avenue, restaurant and theme store of the global resort, about 700 meters again. You can reach the resort.

Global studios have the magic world of Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda Glass, Xiaoyang Paradise, Transformers, Jurassic World Nubra Island, Hollywood Avenue, Future Water World, and so on. 7.

In the park, first of all, this is a milestone building in Hollywood. On Hollywood Avenue, you can play a monster, Maryline Monroe, and take a group with them. In a film -specific product factory, you can experience the effect of photoelectric mixed. Experience the entire movie production process.

Hollywood Avenue is not far from the right. It is currently the largest little yellow garden in the world. Visitors can enter Super Mengle Island on a huge pier. Experience the stimulus of the roller coaster, or sit at a bird’s -eye view of the Menci Rose Vortex 360 ° Island.

In Nubra, Jurassic World, experience the "Jurassic World Adventure", adopt a complete terrain luxury automatic system (Atlas) into the wilderness of Nubra Island and meet dinosaurs.

"Global resort is full of technology. Many projects are real scenes and 3D virtual scenes. Visual art enjoyment is very good." Tourists told reporters.

In the "Future Water World" theme scenic spots, the feeling of immersion continues various details. Even a hair dryer can be heard in the bathroom. It is shocking to accelerate the technology of water gasoline, accelerate, and bullets. Until the plane crashed & hellip; & hellip; various stunt performances made tourists scream again, it seemed to be in a wonderful "water war".

The largest and most exciting roller coaster in the park- "DABA Tiger Roller Trolley", 4. Within 5 seconds, it can be accelerated from a static state to 104 kilometers.

Except for playing, I can’t eat, drink, drink and various products! There are 80 restaurants and 30 retail stores. Ice cream from Xiaohuang people and other themes, butter beer to signature & hellip; & hellip; various novels diet, of course, the price is also "unforgettable"!

The fare has not yet been announced

Beijing or enter the Mid -Autumn Festival domestic tourism is the hottest

Beijing Global Studio fare? The recent testing and test operation tests have been fired thousands of yuan. But the official fare has not been announced.

Compared with Shanghai Disneyland, before, he had just issued a ticket adjustment plan: starting from January 9th, 2022, the conventional daily ticket adjustment was 435 yuan, the special agreement was 545 yuan, the peak day was 659 yuan, and the special peak day was 769 yuan.

After the official opening on September 20, the theme park of Beijing Global Studio needs to enter the ticket. In Beijing Global City Avenue, tourists can go to the case without buying tickets. Adjustment.

The time to open the global resort is a coincidence in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Where to analyze the main data research institute, the Mid -Autumn Festival has always been the off -season of long -distance travel. Especially in Beijing, in the Mid -Autumn Festival, there is usually a scene of "going out" instead of "entering Beijing". As the Global Resort was officially announced in the Mid -Autumn Festival, Beijing is expected to be the most popular destination of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

How to promote the Beijing economy?

It is reported that Universal Studios Beijing covers an area of ??120 hectares, plus 280 hectares of resorts. After completion, it will become the world’s largest global vast city. This is 2 times that of Osaka Global Studio, 5 times of Singapore Global Studio, and 4 times in Shanghai Disney.

The existing section of the global resort includes the theme park of Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global City Avenue and two resorts. The second phase of planning construction includes the theme park of Chinese elements, which introduces IPS such as Chinese culture and Sun Wukong; the three -phase plan construction water park, with a total investment of more than $ 50 billion.

CITIC Jianota predicts that Universal Studios Beijing receives about 15 million to 20 million people, and the price of guests is expected to exceed 1,500 yuan. After maturity, the annual turnover is about 25 billion yuan to 30 billion yuan.

Pacific Securities believes that the global resort will directly drive Beijing’s tourism revenue by 4 % -5 %, and the annual growth rate of the industry around the tourism industry will increase by more than 100 billion yuan. the value of.

Many listed companies participate in the global studio industry chain

As an investor, the capital story behind Beijing Global Studio is more concerned about.

From the official disclosure information, Beijing Global Resort has Beijing International Resort Hotel Beijing International Resort Hotel, which is a joint venture with Beijing Ryan Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. and Kangcaster NBC Global Commercial Position And resort.

Beijing Handbiao Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. is the Beijing Municipal Government that mainly supports investment, development, operation and Beijing Global Resort. It is usually used by five Beijing state -owned enterprises. Including one of China’s largest tourism companies -Beijing Chiefs Group.

As the largest shareholder of the global studio, the first travel hotel of the first group, Wangfujing, Quanjude, the first commercial stock, and so on. This is the closest and benefited from this industrial chain.

At present, there are only two hotels in NOVOLI in the Universal Studios -Universal Studios Hotel and Resort. The number of rooms is about 1200. These two hotels are management of 50 % of the International Cay and First Tourism Group. And before December 31st, he has been committed to injecting a girl hotel, 2022. In June of this year, the hotel’s discipline announced a $ 3 billion plan. Global Studios near the theme hotel, in order to seize market opportunities.

In addition to the first time, many listed companies have recently responded to investors in Shanghai and Shenzhen. It appeared in the case of cooperation with Beijing Universal Studios.

Wangfujing said that the company produced by Wangfujing Shopping Center produced by the company is expected to be opened with the global studio scenic spot. However, in order to deal with the market tax, the company revealed that there is no specific plan to open global studio.

All the rally and delivered a speech thatthe Quanjihuzhuang is located on the city avenue of Universal Studios. The project covers an area of ??more than 15,000 square meters. The form of snacks, dinner, takeaway, terrace bar, etc. Organic combination. The store will be tested at the same time as global studios on September 1.

There is also an investor’s "adapter". Beijing Culture Group, Beijing Culture Group, Holding Bank, is one of the investors of Beijing Global Studio.

CITIC Tourism, China Youth Travel, and so on. It is a formal authorized partner of the Beijing Global Resort Tourism Channel.

Also, many listed companies have participated in the project construction of global studios. For example, Jintu Group is one of the main suppliers of Beijing Global Studio Green New Building Materials; time and space technology participation in the construction of Beijing Global Studio theme park support construction (first stage) urban avenue flood lighting project construction; Yuanwang valley and valley and Beijing International Resort has signed a franchise agreement for many years.

Shanghai Securities News

"Shanghai Securities Journal" on July 1, 1991, with the establishment of the New China Securities Market, it is the first national financial daily daily that my country provides authoritative financial securities. "Shanghai Securities News" is a key newspaper, Xinhua News Agency, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission designated information disclosure newspapers.

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Edit: Chen Qiqi

Video production: Yang Shengwu Guan Tie (Internship)

The Shanghai Scenic Area became popular due to the "heart black", and the ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and the tyrants dare not go.

The Shanghai Scenic Area became popular due to the "heart black", and the ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and the tyrants dare not go.

Shanghai is a modern city with a high popularity in my country. Many young people who pursue their dreams have gathered here, and many financial leaders have gathered. Therefore, it has also become a place where many people yearn for.

Therefore, many people do not work hard here, but also want to come here to see the feeling of big cities, so this year attracted countless people to travel here, but among many tourist scenic spots, there is a special one specially The existence, it became popular because of the "black heart" of the scenic area. Ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and local tyrants did not dare to go.

And this is the Shanghai Disneyland, which falls in Pudong New District. It officially opened on June 16, 2016. It is the first and largest amusement park in Mainland China. Fantasy park. Therefore, because of its popularity here and carrying many people’s childhood, it has always been where everyone dreams of going to.

But in such a place, not everyone can afford it. Among them, because it covers an area of ??1.16 square kilometers, it contains 7 theme plates. If tourists are playing, at least at least two days of time budget.

In addition, the problem that makes tourists feel difficult is that the price of each of each of the play projects here is particularly high, and the hotels in the scenic area are high. It is said that the off -season also requires 1,000 yuan to base for one night. Moreover, it is even more. Not to mention that during the peak season, it is difficult to find a room, so it has become a place where many people are expected.

And there are many disgusting unwritten rules, such as not to bring food and drinks, so tourists have to consume inside, but the price is high. For example Simple food also requires hundreds of budgets, coupled with hotels, tickets, fares, and other miscellaneous fees. This trip, there is no tens of thousands of budgets, I am afraid it is difficult to play happily.

However, the "black heart" place is still maintaining a scene where people come and go, and many people should be surprised! However, it is not difficult to guess that many people are actually willing to accept such a price, but the positioning of Disneyland is very high -end. In addition, the amusement facilities in it are really good, so they can attract everyone to play inside and willingly Consumption.

It’s just that ordinary people are more heartbroken! After all, I am not willing to spend so much funds on it. In the end, I did not get anything except for memories and happiness.