Foreign media: The number of 5G patent applications in China is far ahead or exceeds that in the United States.

  Reference message networkReported on May 4 thAccording to foreign media, China accounts for 34% of the patent applications related to the new generation communication standard "5G", which is more than 1.5 times that of 4G. In the field of 4G, Europe and the United States have mastered the essential standard patents for manufacturing products, but in the field of 5G, which has attracted much attention as a new generation of industrial infrastructure, China’s presence has increased. The number of patents will also influence the cultivation of new industries such as driverless driving and the national strength of the new era.

  "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" reported on May 3 that standard essential patents are irreplaceable technology patents in promoting business, and about 2% of the ex-factory price of 4G smartphones is patent royalties. According to Japanese intellectual property sources, the total annual (4G patent royalties) is about 1 trillion yen (about 9 billion US dollars, and 100 yen is about 6 yuan RMB), and the enterprises with patents are the main participants.

  According to the statistics of Puliti Company, a German patent data company, as of March, China accounted for 34.02% of the applications for essential patents of 5G communication standards, with Huawei Technologies as the company with the largest number of applications, accounting for 15.05%, ZTE Corporation as the fifth and China Institute of Telecommunications Science and Technology as the ninth.

  According to the report, the United States and Europe have taken the lead in communication technology and mastered the main patents of 3G and 4G. Therefore, China has to pay huge royalties to European and American enterprises.

  Therefore, China listed the new generation information technology industry as a key development project, and promoted the research and development of 5G related technologies throughout the country. Including Huawei’s 5G, the R&D expenditure reaches more than 10 billion US dollars every year (1 US dollar is equivalent to 6.7 yuan RMB).

  According to the report, Huawei has applied for more patents related to base station development, surpassing Ericsson in Sweden and Nokia in Finland. ZTE’s share in base stations is also expanding. Samsung galaxy and LG Electronics ranked third and fourth respectively, and South Korea’s overall share was 25.23%, which was more than two percentage points higher than that of 4G.

  The share of the United States is 14%, which is two percentage points lower than that of 4G. Qualcomm, which holds patents such as smart phone semiconductors, is a major participant in 4G, and its share in the 5G field has declined, ranking sixth.

  According to the report, in the field of communication, technology patents are cumulative, and even if they are developed to 5G, 3G and 4G patents, they will continue to be used. Qualcomm’s advantages will not disappear suddenly. The company’s patent licensing business sales in the first quarter reached 1.122 billion US dollars. Japan’s share is about 5%, which is about 4 percentage points lower than that of 4G. According to the share of enterprises, Fujitsu ranks 12th. It is said that Fujitsu holds a number of 5G related technologies, including sending radio waves to target locations.

  According to the report, enterprises that master the standard essential patents get rich patent income, which can improve the price competitiveness while providing new equipment such as 5G base stations and smart phones. Generally speaking, the more standard essential patents a country’s enterprises hold, the easier it is to promote 5G infrastructure at a lower price, and the easier it is to take the lead in the new generation of communication services. In addition to the number of patent applications, it is also important to master the important patents with high frequency of use.

  According to the report, the United States prohibits government departments from purchasing 5G products from five companies including Huawei on the grounds of security. However, Huawei holds many patents necessary for the development of 5G products. "Even if Huawei can’t sell products in the United States, it can still get patent royalties" (according to the person in charge of Puliti Company).

  According to the report, under the huge investment and long-term plan, China’s position and influence in the field of 5G communication are increasing day by day in various service fields based on 5G technology.

Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

[Learning the New Era of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China] Gansu: beautiful countryside, the hometown of mountains and rivers, came to paint.

Daotang River in Huaqiao Village

Daotang River in Huaqiao Village

  Cctv news(Reporter Wang Xiaoying) Since ancient times, water towns in the south of the Yangtze River have carried people’s yearning for a beautiful countryside.

  Because of this, in Gansu, people always like to use "Jiangnan" to describe a place to show the greatest praise for the local ecological environment.

  Longnan and Shan Zhinan are the only areas in the Yangtze River valley in Gansu, and are known as "Longshang Jiangnan".

  From November 13th, the Network Information Office of Gansu Provincial Party Committee organized and planned in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress "New Era, New Weather, New Action" and "I Call for New Gansu" & mdash; — A large-scale interview group of Gansu online media went into Longnan to visit the construction of beautiful countryside.

  The construction of beautiful countryside here allows the elderly in the village to call; for it; Rural tourism is hot, explaining the alternative "relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water"; More importantly, in the construction of beautiful countryside, they also strive to keep a secret "other world".

  The countryside has changed a lot. The old man praised his hometown.

Huaqiao Village, a well-known post station on the ancient tea-horse road (photo by Ye Manshan)

Huaqiao Village, a well-known post station on the ancient tea-horse road (photo by Ye Manshan)

  In Fenghuang Valley Village, Kang County, for 86-year-old Grandma Wan, the farthest place she has been in this life is the nearby town, and Fenghuang Valley is almost the "whole" of her life circle.

  Her ears are a bit awkward, but she always likes to hold other people’s hands and repeatedly say that her hometown is getting better and better in dialect.

  The road is good, and the village is beautiful. People used to run outside, but now people in the city are running to the countryside. In the farmhouse run by my nephew, Grandma Wan saw guests from all over the world.

Grandma Wan, 86, from Fenghuang Valley Village.

Grandma Wan, 86, from Fenghuang Valley Village.

  Great changes have taken place in Dashuigou Village, Kang County. Regarding the past, they always like to say that "sunny days are covered with soil, rainy days are covered with mud." Grandma Liu said that the front of the house was originally a vegetable field, and people were walking in muddy ditches.

  Now the stinking ditch has become a clear stream, and the stone road next to it goes straight to the entrance of the village.

  At first, they didn’t expect that waves of tourists would come to the countryside to experience life, and it was always incredible to hear that others envied their lives.

  Nowadays, when they talk about the changes in their hometown, they always laugh.

  Respecting tradition and history makes the countryside more local.

Cable Bridge in Huaqiao Village

Cable Bridge in Huaqiao Village

  The construction of beautiful countryside is by no means a big demolition, but a respect for history and tradition, making the countryside more local.

  In Zhujiagou Village, Anmenkou Town, Kang County, the Zhujiagou Courtyard, which has a history of more than 200 years, has been renovated and attracted many tourists. Hou Caiying, 65, lives in her old house, and sometimes tells the history of the old house for tourists.

  In Dashuigou Village, you can still enjoy the colorful intangible cultural relics such as "overlord whip", sheepskin fan inspiration, suona performance, book singing and native pipa playing. In 2015, Dashuigou Village won the "Cultural Heritage Award" for the most beautiful village in China in 2015.

  Lijiashan Natural Village, Zhuangzi Village, Dabao Town has a paper-making tradition since ancient times, and the hand-made paper industry has a history of nearly 300 years. In order to better protect and inherit this ancient folk art, in the construction of beautiful countryside in Zhuangzi Village, the local hand-made paper-making heritage museum and folk culture museum were rebuilt, showing a complete set of hand-made paper-making technological processes, so that visitors can see at a glance and be fascinated.

Handmade Paper Heritage Museum in Zhuangzi Village

Handmade Paper Heritage Museum in Zhuangzi Village

  Developing industries to enrich the people and making hometown a "life paradise" with guaranteed life.

There are more people visiting Dashuigou, and the yellow wine brewed by Grandma Liu is very popular.

There are more people visiting Dashuigou, and the yellow wine brewed by Grandma Liu is very popular.

  Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, the village has become beautiful. Now, efforts are being made to develop a rich industry that can retain talented people, get rich people and remember homesickness.

  In Huaqiao Village, a tourist reception center and a country hotel have been built by attracting investment, including go on road trip RV campsite and more than a dozen homestays.

  Villager Xu Dehua transformed his house into a farmhouse inn, with less than 10 rooms, almost full every weekend, with an average monthly income of 10 thousand yuan. Nowadays, there are more and more people running homestays in the village.

  Here, we have explored and improved three modes of poverty alleviation: "Association+Enterprise+Poor Households", "Leading Enterprise+Industry+Poor Households" and "Branch+Association+Poor Households", and received a total of 480,000 tourists (times), achieving a comprehensive tourism income of more than 13.1 million yuan, driving the income of 680 poor households in the village and surrounding villages. In 2016, the per capita disposable income of farmers was 8,760 yuan.

  Fenghuang Valley Village has set up a rural tourism company to develop rural tourism and aquaculture. Villagers Guo Cuifang and Yang Xuemei, who rarely go out to work, found jobs at their doorsteps: transplanting Malanhua and earning money in 80 yuan every day.

  As for the future, Guo Cuifang said that if she had enough money, she would like to open a farmhouse.

Guo Cuifang (left) and Yang Xuemei who are transplanting Malanhua.

Guo Cuifang (left) and Yang Xuemei who are transplanting Malanhua.

  The deep integration of eco-tourism, rural tourism and accurate poverty alleviation, realizing the butterfly effect of the transformation from beautiful countryside construction to rural tourism, is promoting the rapid development of rural tourism.

  Beautiful countryside also has a secret "other world"

Millennium Bodhi Tree in Huaqiao Village

Millennium Bodhi Tree in Huaqiao Village

  Under the Millennium Bodhi tree in Huaqiao Village, there is a red ribbon tied with people praying for a happy marriage.

  The Millennium willow tree in Zhujiagou Village has become a witness to the development history of Kang County.

  Under the sister ginkgo tree in Dashuigou Village, rich intangible cultural remains are staged here … …

  The best judgment of whether the environment of a place is good or not is to look at the plants here and let the animals talk. During the construction of beautiful countryside, while improving the living environment, all localities also pay attention to their living environment and protect the "other world" from being disturbed.

  Villagers in Dashuigou are familiar with wild boar. Villager Xiao Jiuqian said that in the past, sometimes wild boar could destroy all crops in one night. Later, when building a new countryside, the village simply returned the land in the deep mountains to forests to make way for wild boar.

  Zhu Yanjie, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Zhujiagou Village, told reporters that there are bears, wild boars, green deer, pheasants and golden pheasants living around, and their footprints will be seen in the mountains, and sometimes they will be met.

  Here, the secret "other world" is not disturbed because of the construction of beautiful countryside.

  In the city, the voices of human beings come and go, but the world of animals is silent. Perhaps this is the reason why more and more people like to experience life in the countryside.

US Vice President Harris was in a car accident on his way to work: Is the Secret Service still "reliable"?

According to the latest report on the 6th, US Vice President Harris suffered a car accident on his way to work on Monday, but he was not injured. However, this incident worried both Director united states secret service and the Vice President, and once again triggered doubts about the Secret Service.
According to two people familiar with the matter, a motorcade carrying Harris to work had a bicycle accident on a closed road in Washington on Monday morning local time. An SUV driven by Agent united states secret service drove Harris into the curb of a tunnel in the city center. Because the accident caused the vehicle to need to change tires, Secret Service agents had to transfer Harris to another car in the convoy before finally sending her to the White House safely.
According to reports, united states secret service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said that the cause of the accident was that the driver swerved excessively while driving.
U.S. Vice President Harris
Unexplained accident
The head of the Secret Service was "kept in the dark" for the first time.
However, because the agents in charge of driving the president and vice president’s vehicles have received high-level training, accidents in routine work like this have puzzled many Secret Service personnel, even Harris himself.
According to the report, the Secret Service personnel did not mention the key details of the incident in the official email that reported the delay of Harris Team to their superiors. The agency’s protection intelligence department only wrote in the report that during the scheduled trip to the White House, the "mechanical failure" of the lead car forced the agent to transfer Harris to another car.
A person familiar with the matter said that it was not until Monday afternoon that Secret Service Director Kim Chettle received a message from other agents, saying that the email did not accurately convey the truth. In fact, many other Secret Service agents around Harris and the White House know that Harris’s driver hit the sidewalk of the tunnel.
Guglielmi confirmed the news, saying that the agents did not disclose all the details of the problems in the vice president’s motorcade in the formal written warning at first, but later reported the situation to their superiors in person. He explained: "The initial radio communication showed that this was a mechanical failure. After the protection operation was completed, the leadership was verbally updated with additional relevant facts, that is, the vehicle hit the curb. "
A witness photographed Harris’ motorcade stuck at the tunnel entrance.
There are many "black history"
The accident once again triggered public concern about the Secret Service.
It is reported that because united states secret service has a "long and troublesome history" in covering up his mistakes and misconduct, the accident has once again aroused people’s concerns about the agency. An official of the Secret Service revealed that Kim Chettle had told people around her that she was uneasy about the inaccuracy of the Harris accident warning, and "I was relieved when I learned more comprehensive information later that day."
According to the report, united states secret service’s top officials and managers often rely on the "presidential security cloak" to cover up their weaknesses and failures. In 2011, there was a shooting incident in the White House. Under the "misleading" of the Secret Service, the American public and the first family thought that "this is a group of gang members shooting at each other". But in fact, the real information obtained by the Secret Service is that the gunman tried to kill the then US President Barack Obama.
In 2014, a veteran with mental problems successfully jumped over the fence and broke into the White House. The Secret Service tried to cover up his mistakes and provided wrong information. According to the report of the Secret Service, the man was unarmed, but in fact he was armed. The report also claimed that the man was detained by Secret Service personnel at the main entrance of the White House, but in fact he broke into the main building of the White House after subduing a Secret Service official, and was finally caught in the East Wing of the White House.
In 2015, the Secret Service was caught in a public opinion dispute because of the bomb investigation that disturbed the White House. According to reports, after drinking all night, the top agent in charge of White House security affairs and another senior executive drove into the White House, crossed the cordon and entered a scene where a bomb investigation was going on. Subsequently, the vehicle driven by the two men hit a temporary roadblock and stopped directly next to the suspicious bomb package.
According to reports, although dozens of secret service staff knew about it, no one reported it to the director at that time. Five days after the incident, Joseph Clancy, then director of the Secret Service, learned about the safety accident from a former agent and friend.
Red star journalist Xu Huan
Editor Li He Xianfeng
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How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

In Shanghai Metro Station, women are wearing cool, and the "pattern" on the back has become the focus.

Every legend will fade over time

Some people say that beauty is an art, not just wearing it. They are daring to act as the first person for their fashion forefronts.

Just as the "non -mainstream" and "killing Matt" pursued by the post -90s, the "Curry", "JK uniform", "Hanfu culture" pursued after 00s and so on.

From the perspective of the 90s today, the original avant -garde thought was just a legend, which had faded, and only had some naive and ridiculous memories. Those who were once considered to be mature are just alternatives in the eyes of adults. One day, maybe these post -00 children should also think the same as us.

Some people say that today’s beauty has been subtly involved, the avant -garde thought, and the "deformity" born in the times, they gradually changed the definition of beauty, no longer the innocence and natural beauty of the 70.80s, but the individuality and thoughts pursued by young people’s pursuit Open, they put the definition of "beauty" on exposed wearing, personalities, charming perfumes and luxurious decorations.

In the past, "beauty" was wore for yourself, and the current "deformity beauty" was appreciated by others. Although there were different praises, they didn’t care about this, just as the words on the Internet: "Take your own way, let others let others have others, let others make others others, let others make others others Isn’t it true of us in the past? We ca n’t appreciate others at all, and only we will appreciate it ourselves.

Women of the subway station are cool, and the "pattern" on the back becomes the focus

Some netizens published a scene located in the Shanghai Metro Station. A young and fashionable woman walked in the subway station in a cool and fashionable woman, which attracted the attention of many passers -by.

She wore a short vest on her body, and the whole back was basically in the air. It seemed that this was her real "clothes" with the entire pattern. I can’t help but want to ask if people who have tattoos like to wear clothes like this, whether men and women.

This pattern is not expected to be the focus of everyone’s appreciation. The pattern is covered with the entire back. Only a small part is blocked by the clothes behind. It is obvious that the pattern of a woman dancing at the face is obviously seen.

Her lower body is a black shorts, with two short clothes on the calf part, which should be connected with pants, but she unlocked the connected buttons to form such a shape. Essence

Her arms are two sleeves, like pants, and cut off, but this is not connected to the vest of the top.

If it is hot, wearing cool feelings, but she wears shoes, short clothes and sleeves of the arms, which really makes people really understand whether she is afraid of heat or cold.

Perhaps in her opinion, she just dedicated her to the art of behavior, not to wear warmth or cool clothes. She didn’t care about the gaze of others, and she was more self -confidence.

Indeed, she successfully attracted the attention of passers -by, and many people obviously had passed, and she couldn’t help but look back.

It may be that everyone’s circle is different, different thoughts, and behavior is different. Some women have a soft spot for their own feelings. They think this is an art, fashionable art.

Anyway, the times are developing rapidly today, and thoughts will change with this. Blind traditional thoughts are not a good thing. In this era, some avant -garde people need to open the way for us. Appreciation, this is not a unique beauty.