[See you at 8: 00] Promote illegal content! 42 anchors were banned for 5 years.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.


  With the approval of the Central Military Commission, the Armed Police Force started to use a new vehicle license plate, and the current license plate was abolished on October 31st.

  The first batch of generic drugs was encouraged to be published, and 33 drugs were selected.

  According to the national medical insurance bureau, it is expected to realize the "one code communication" of the national medical insurance system in 2020.

  The director of the State Post Bureau said that the contribution rate of parcel delivery in China to global growth exceeded 50%.

  The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will issue regulations to "kill big data" or be punished for online travel.

  According to the General Administration of Market Supervision, new energy vehicle companies should report the accident within 12 hours.

  From 10th to 19th, the last batch of savings bonds (electronic) will be issued by banks this year.

  On the 9th, the 2019 Beijing Industry Wage Guidance Line involving 19 industries was released, and the minimum wage guarantee line was set at 25,920 yuan.

  Twenty-one 4A-level scenic spots were rectified in Shandong, and four scenic spots, including Cowherd and Weaver Girl, were delisted.

  Zhao Jingbo, former inspector of the General Office of Jilin Provincial Government and former secretary of Jilin Municipal Committee, was double-opened.

  Su Shaoyun, former chairman of Tongcheng Rural Commercial Bank of Anhui Province, returned to China and surrendered himself.



  The White House said it would not cooperate with the impeachment investigation of President Trump in the House of Representatives.

  An F16 fighter plane of the US Air Force in Europe crashed in Germany and the pilot was injured.

  On the 9th local time, Turkish President Erdogan announced that the Turkish army and the Syrian National Army launched military operations against extremist organizations and Kurdish armed forces in northeast Syria.

  The World Health Organization released the first global vision report, saying that more than 2.2 billion people around the world are blind or have visual impairment.

  Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s unfinished cigars will be auctioned, starting at 6,000 pounds.

  Recently, the Korean Cultural Relics Department unearthed more than 400 ancient pottery and 2 seals on the seabed just 100 meters away from the west coast of Jeju Island, which were suspected to be owned by China businessmen.

  NASA’s Curiosity rover found sulfate deposits in Gail Crater on Mars, which indicates that there may have been life in Gail Crater.

  Britain has won a lottery prize of 170 million pounds, a record high.

  [hundred States]

  The network performance (live broadcast) branch of China Performance Industry Association announced the fourth batch of anchor blacklists, and 42 people were banned for five years for promoting pornography, gambling and other illegal content.

  In the next 10 days, cold air will come one after another, and the temperature in many places in the north will be lower than normal.

  Mobike began to adjust the pricing method in Beijing: 1.5 yuan is charged for riding within 30 minutes, 1.5 yuan is charged for riding beyond 30 minutes.

  Two men in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region killed a family of four and robbed them of money to go home for the New Year. After 23 years of absconding, they were arrested.

  A woman in Haikou missed the station, angered and hit the bus driver, and was sentenced to four years in prison.

  A 10-year-old girl sued her biological mother for nine years, and the court ordered her to pay 1000 yuan every month.

  Teachers and students of Shanghai University will pay a cleaning fee of 5,000 yuan for stealing the stone carvings of the Southern Dynasties. 

  The woman was bitten by a monkey while playing in Jiangsu Baoshengyuan Scenic Area. The person in charge of the scenic area said that macaques are protected animals and can only be passively defended.

  Zhejiang A&F University has set up a self-help shared kitchen for students, and 10 yuan can use it for 4 hours.

  Visual sense

  On the 9th, the Shanghai Sports Federation issued a notice that the "2019NBA Fans Night" activity was cancelled. The staff dismantled the built chairs and stools in the Shanghai World Expo Celebration Square.


  On the 9th, at this moment — — The 4K Cantonese version of the 70th Anniversary Celebration of the National Day was premiered at the Yuanfang Theater in West Kowloon, Hong Kong. More than 200 people from all walks of life in Hong Kong attended the premiere.


  On October 9th, local time, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry would be awarded to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Wittingham and Akira Yoshino for their contributions to lithium-ion batteries.



  "First of all, I want to wish my very good friend — — Happy birthday to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is 39 years old today. "

  — — On October 7, local time, Putin’s birthday, Trump wished Abe a happy birthday.

  "It is estimated that I am fat after retiring, and help me maintain my image."

  — — Hui Ruoqi responded humorously to Weibo, the official of Tianjin Sports Bureau, who mistakenly sent a mosaic photo of himself.

  "If Brexit cannot reach an agreement, how long can the inventory of toilet paper last?"

  — — British parliamentarians asked the government to ensure that there should be enough toilet paper available in the case of "no agreement to leave the European Union".


  Feng Duan, a famous physicist and educator, academician of China Academy of Sciences and retired professor of Nanjing University, has been writing poems for his wife for decades, and has been called "the most beautiful love" by netizens.


  Zou Yiqing, a well-known playwright and one of the writers of the 86th edition of The Journey to the West, died of illness on the 9th at the age of 81.


  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Luo Meng

The star street brand overturned again? Joker Xue clothing brand down jacket failed, and once sold goods in Xiao Yang Ge’s live broadcast room.

On January 2nd, Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau announced two batches of unqualified down jacket products, among which, Shanghai Yanxun Trading Co., Ltd. sold "DANGEROUS PEOPLE" brand short down (model specification: 175/88al; ItemNo.: 22410DJ287N), the filler nonylphenol+octylphenol+nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether+octylphenol polyoxyethylene ether does not meet the standard requirements.

Alkylphenol (AP) and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether (APEO) are environmental hormones. The unqualified project will easily affect the normal hormone secretion of the human body.

It is understood that this brand is a menswear brand launched by artist Joker Xue.

In 2015, Joker Xue launched the men’s wear brand Dangerous People ("DSP" for short). According to the online merchants in the world, Joker Xue once said in an interview that he didn’t want to make his brand a product of fan economy. "I want more people outside the fan group to accept this brand. I don’t want people to follow suit, but I still have to stick to myself. " On the homepage of DSP Tmall flagship store, "Joker Xue DSP Down Jacket" is the first best seller list of men’s trendy down jackets, with a monthly sales of 10,000+.

On December 12th, 2023, Joker Xue and Xiao Yang Ge wore DSP sweaters and broadcast live together. Joker Xue pulled Xiao Yang Ge’s collar to show the quality of clothes. Brother Xiao Yang praised Joker Xue for "not only singing well, but also doing a good job in business", and the latter then gave a brief overview of the brand of DSP. In the 18th minute of the live broadcast, the DSP sweater started to be linked. After one minute, the sales volume exceeded 10,000.

Reporter Li Shu

(Source: xiaoxiang morning herald)

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After the help of the Shanghai people went to Guizhou, Chen Zhi, Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee wrote a letter!

In May of this year, a Shanghai elderly tourism group consisted of 30 people to Guizhou travel. In five days, they visited the Scenic Area of ??Xijiang Miao Village, LIBO size, Huangguoshu Waterfall.

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Hu Guangdan, a member of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group

In the Guizhou tour guide, the driver’s enthusiastic service, the employees of the scenic area are responsible for them to travel and satisfied. After returning to Shanghai, Huang Fan wrote a letter to the party secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee in the Tourism Group, Sun Zhigang:

The beautiful scenery of the mountains and the hearts of Guizhou people

-The public letter from the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

Comrade Sun Zhigang, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee:

Since May 22, 26, Shanghai tourists participated in the Chunqiu Tourism Company to visit Guizhou. Our 30 tourist teams swimming in Xijiang has thousands of houses. LIBO’s natural bridge, big seven holes, small seven holes, and yellow fruit trees. Due to time, we only swim in Guizhou’s beautiful scenery. It can be a spectacular scenery, a beautiful environment and good air not only injected the health of our middle -aged and elderly people. It also makes us unforgettable memories.

More memorable services to the people of Guizhou Scenic Area. They want tourists to think, help tourists need, and let most tourists come to the hall for satisfaction. For example, the service of the patio travels, Master Li, who has set up a coach is a representative. Master Li served us for a few days. Not only is the car stable, but the service attitude is also very enthusiastic, reducing your luggage for us. Carry all the way to train seat training. be careful. Miss Wu Tong always laughed and introduced the mountain scenes, historical events, and clear people in Guizhou. It is also an introduction to the source, the formation and development of multi -ethnic culture in Guizhou. Guizhou special products, Guizhou’s special products, political history, economy, culture, and Guizhou’s social development is now in the future. Her emotional interpretation is like a vivid and interesting Guizhou multicultural course.

According to the travel itinerary, she also took us to the museum and related shopping malls. Guests can buy more, completely voluntarily, no slightest, forced meaning, still as always, full of enthusiasm for everyone. 30 tourists have a common feeling: Tian Gui’s service is different from the so -called service exposed black guidelines.

When our itinerary entered the golden scenic area, let us come to the sightseeing car of the next attraction. It is not long. It is attracted to the beauty along the way. Many people excitedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Tourists also want to take a mobile phone, but the mobile phone is gone. If you lose your phone, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that the memory is gone. The tourist is very frustrated and has no interest in watching views. A partner accompanied by the lost mobile phone. I didn’t think anyone answered. This is an unexpected surprise. Tell the tour guide. Tian Weiyu contacted the phone and confirmed that Wang Zhirong received a mobile phone in the car from the car to the tourist car company. Treatment of all confirmation, tourism and tourism returned to the previous excitement and happiness. When the tour of the day was over, when Tian Gui took away his mobile phone, he could defend the owner of the phone. Cao Yuanyuan, a dispatcher, was very serious. He requested calling the mobile phone number. When the dispatcher confirmed, he was rude to the owner and reminded it with goodwill: "Pay attention to keep your own items. There is no similar situation."

Comrade Zhizhi: The author travels at home and abroad. But to Guizhou or the first time. But this is the first time. Let us feel that Guizhou is not only beautiful and beautiful, but at the same time, let us experience the beauty of Guizhou people. Guizhou tourism service.

In this regard, let’s take a look at the actual impact of the provincial government and the provincial government in the 19th national spirit and socialist thought with Chinese characteristics. You are also developing tourist attractions and also create a good tourism atmosphere. This is the past, and the vast and vast landscape of this country will reach the arrival of national or even global tourists. We will also actively promote some scope, and the public letter of the Provincial Party Committee will be widely released among our friends’ friends. Try to mobilize friends, family, classmates, comrades, colleagues and familiar urban and rural residents to Guizhou. Let them share the happiness of traveling to Guizhou.

Guizhou’s vast tourist attraction, its beautiful mountains and mountains, beautiful, beautiful scenery, the hearts of the people of Guizhou, and beautiful tourism services. Comprehensive, we can call this Feng Shuibao’s rich country, which is rich and expensive.

From May 22nd to 26th, the representative of Shanghai to Guizhou Tourism Group

Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Today (July 26), a reporter from Guizhou interviewed Hu Guangdan. He said that the reason for Shen Zhigang, the secretary of the Guizhou Secretary’s Provincial Party Committee, was indeed because of a deep impression on Guizhou this time. The journey is short and wonderful. He wants to promote the external world and let tourists from all over the country go to Guizhou to feel the mountains of Guizhou, beautiful, beautiful scenery, and the soul of Guizhou people!

Reporter | Editor: Fifi is a quiet Guizhou


Shanghai Nanjing Road Tourism

There is a tourist attraction around Shanghai, however, this is Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street. Because my friends can’t go to Shanghai Disneyland, Yuyuan can’t go, and cannot go to the temple, but no one does not go to Shanghai landmark -Oriental Pearl Tower. It is the Oriental Pearl Tower and Bund next to Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street. Watching the Oriental Pearl Nanjing Road generally visited the past.

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, the total length of 1033 meters, Shanghai is the first construction of Pedestrian Street, and China is called the first step in the bank street. In the streets, cars are not allowed to pass. Although there are pedestrians in the middle of the street, although there are pedestrians, street layouts and landscape TV series, it is worth visiting in the taste of old Shanghai.

Nanjing Road is a shopping paradise for people. On both sides of Nanjing Road, there are various shopping malls and experience stores, restaurants, and so on. Throughout Nanjing Road, there are more than 1,200 well -known brands. It has nearly 800 light in its international brand. At the same time, more than 90 top brands have opened flagship stores here. It is also called Nanjing Road. High -end consumer venues.

In addition to endless shopping malls, Nanjing Road is also covered with non -ferrous foods. Here is the more famous Shen Dacheng pastry, the real boss fresh meat moon cake. When I just visited Nanjing Road, I ordered a meal, and then ate noodle Harlem Ningbo Road. At that time, rice was just a little bit. The noodle restaurant was basically full. The customer immediately ordered the surface characteristics of the bullfrogs of Harlem. One fried pork chop and a bottle of milk. Bullfrogs are particularly fresh, soup is very rich, and there are more bullfrogs. It can be said that the feet seem to be delicious. It is highly recommended for this noodle shop. Without the use of bullfrogs to face it, Nanjing Road, food has many other characteristics, such as fried Xiao Yang, the delicious price is not expensive.

There is a century square in the middle of Nanjing Road. There is a large music fountain on the square, which reaches 4.5 tons of Eastern Baoding in the northwest. A huge display was built on the square. When I encountered a tourist festival, there would be a colorful show on the square.

Along Nanjing Road, you can directly reach Shanghai Bund. There is an iconic building at the Bund, and Shanghai has a landmark building -Oriental Pearl. I suggest everyone here, you can visit Nanjing Road during the day. In the evening, you can enjoy the bustling night view of Shanghai on the Bund. Because it was turned on and racing all the neon lights of all buildings. Along the Bund, through the Huangpu River Wharf, you can take the Huangpu River trip, and you will have a taste to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the ship.
