Geely officials have announced that it will become a trend for traditional IPO car companies in the United States to "create a second generation" listing.

K diagram 00175_0

  A piece of paperIt opened the curtain of its high-end smart electric brand’s independent IPO.

  On December 13th, (00175.HK) announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Krypton had submitted a draft registration statement for possible initial public offering to the SEC on December 7th, 2022 on a confidential basis.

  According to the announcement, the proposed spin-off content currently includes two items, namely, the sale of krypton shares in the United States and the physical way toDistribute American Depositary Shares. On the date of this announcement, the number and amount of American Depositary Shares proposed for sale and sale in the IPO have not been determined.

  The day before, it was reported that Krypton sought to raise more than 1 billion US dollars (about 6.9 billion yuan) in the United States, with a valuation of more than 10 billion US dollars (about 69 billion yuan), which was higher than the 9 billion US dollars when it raised funds for the first time last year.

  Krypton independent spin-off listing

  It is believed that the proposed spin-off is in the overall interests of shareholders, which will enable investors to better evaluate the Group and focus on retaining business, and at the same time provide Krypton with continuous direct and independent access to the equity and debt capital markets when necessary. In view of the industry trend and based on the evaluation of the business and operation of the Group and Krypton, it is suggested that the spin-off will enhance the value of Krypton, enable Krypton to develop independently and fully release its potential, thus benefiting shareholders.

  In fact, the news that Krypton will be listed independently has a long history.

  Krypton was established in March 2021, and was jointly invested by Geely Automobile and Geely Holding Group. As early as last August, when we completed the $500 million Pre-A round of financing, Yuan Jing, CFO of Extreme Intelligence Technology, said that there is no clear IPO plan at present, but it does not rule out participating in the capital market in various forms in the future.

  After more than a year of development, on October 31st this year, Geely Automobile announced that it proposed to split Krypton and list it independently, and the Stock Exchange has confirmed that the company can carry out the proposed spin-off, but the terms of the proposed spin-off (including listing location, sale scale, price range and the company’s shareholders can get Krypton)The guaranteed quota of) has not yet been determined.

  As the "second growth curve" of Geely’s electrification, Krypton is becoming the high-end of Geely.As a new force in the market, the sales volume of Geely Automobile increased from 3.5% in the first half of 2021 to 17.9% in the first half of this year.

  At present, the main model of extremely krypton is extremely krypton 001. In November this year, extremely krypton delivered 11,000 vehicles. After the first delivery in October, it broke through 10,000 vehicles again, and achieved a month-on-month growth for five consecutive months. In the first 11 months of this year, the cumulative delivery of krypton has reached 66,600 vehicles, and there is almost no suspense in achieving the goal of selling 70,000 vehicles annually.

  In addition, in November this year, Extreme Krypton launched its second product, Extreme Krypton 009, aiming at pure electricity.MPV is expected to be delivered in January next year.

  An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, said that in the first half of this year, it was extremely gross.It will reach about 5%, and the gross profit level will be further improved on the basis of delivering 50,000 vehicles in the second half of the year.

  It is worth mentioning that Krypton is not the first brand listed independently by Geely. In October 2021, Volvo Cars announced that it wasInitial public offering of Stockholm Stock Exchange; In June this year,(Polestar) merged with SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) Gores Guggenheim and landed in the United States; The application statement for Geely’s Yikatong Technology to use the listing plan of SPAC company CovaAcquisitionCorp in the United States has been announced by the US regulatory authorities. It is expected that the listing of SPAC will be completed by the end of this year, with a valuation of about 3.8 billion US dollars.

  It is becoming a trend for traditional car companies to "create the second generation" to go public.

  In fact, as a business with huge initial investment and long payback period, car-making has to go through mass production-sales climbing-scale effect highlighting-gross.Turn positive-The long process of becoming a full member-returning to the original position.

  Even "Wei Xiaoli", whose sales volume has risen and gross profit margin has turned positive, has not yet achieved profitability under the continuous R&D investment and market layout. Although in the eyes of many people, the new brand born out of traditional car companies is not bad, but the cruel fact is that at present, exceptandIn addition, basically all brands have not yet formed a certain hematopoietic capacity.

  Chairman Ceng Qinghong hit the nail on the head-"At present, all new energy automakers are losing money and have no money to earn. This is a consensus."

  The cumulative loss of GAC Ai ‘an in 2019-2021 was nearly 2.7 billion yuan; Lantu Automobile, a subsidiary of Dongfeng, has been in a state of loss since its establishment in June last year. By June 30 this year, the accumulated net loss was 1.443 billion yuan, and the average monthly net loss exceeded 100 million yuan.

  According to the financial report data released by Geely Automobile, the revenue in 2021 was 2.868 billion yuan, and the net loss in the same period reached 1.01 billion yuan; In the first half of this year, Krypton’s revenue was 8.828 billion yuan, and the net loss during the period was 759 million yuan. Since the establishment of the brand, the accumulated net loss of Krypton is nearly 1.8 billion yuan.

  In An Conghui’s view, "smart electric vehicles don’t make money at first, but with the growth of sales and the formation of branding and scale, enterprises can gradually make profits."

  Therefore, for the new car-making enterprises that are generally in a state of burning money crazily and have not yet achieved balance of payments or even profits, they are facing the domestic market.The fierce competition in the city needs more funds for production investment, technology research and development, brand building, digital marketing, channel expansion, etc. Financing and listing have become one of the means for many new car manufacturers to get more funds. Since this year, many traditional car companies have released listing plans.

  Insiders of GAC Ai ‘an revealed to 21st century business herald that GAC Ai ‘an, which has completed the A round of financing, plans to make an IPO next year and strive to become the first new energy vehicle in science and technology innovation board; Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, has repeatedly publicly stated that the company’s public financing is already under planning, and there will be A-round, B-round and C-round financing plans, as well as very clear listing plans; In addition, it is reported that Feifan Automobile, a subsidiary of SAIC, also has an independent IPO plan.

  In November this year, Lantu Automobile completed a round of financing of 5 billion yuan, and the valuation of Lantu Automobile after financing was about 30 billion yuan. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu Automobile, said that Lantu Automobile will continue to carry out subsequent rounds of financing according to actual development needs and market conditions. At the same time, it will also consider the follow-up IPO plan based on the market and regulatory policies.

  It is worth mentioning that if the company, which was established less than two years ago, successfully goes public in the United States, it will become the fastest listed new car-making enterprise. beforeIdeal, Tucki took about four to five years from its establishment to landing in the US stock market, and successfully went public in Hong Kong in September this year.It took nearly seven years.

  In the eyes of the industry, the current capital market is becoming more and more rational for intelligent electric tracks. In order to obtain financing, simple storytelling is difficult to maintain, and it needs to be matched with actual products and technologies. "In contrast, the new energy brands hatched by traditional car companies do not have too many historical burdens. They are good at absorbing new management models and focusing on new energy, autonomous driving and other tracks, which has certain appeal to industrial capital."

The story of Chinese patriotism moved the audience. Wolf Warriors 2 was sought after in the United States.

  [reporter connected]

  Recently, the military movie "Wolf Warriors 2" starring the famous actor Jason Wu was released simultaneously in China and the United States. When the film was "a great success" in the China film market, and the box office revenue was "leaping forward" and became a hot topic at present, American film audiences, especially Chinese audiences and film professionals, also gave a wide-ranging discussion and praise to this China film.

  1. Being sought after has a high attendance rate.

  During the production of Wolf Warriors 2, many American actors and producers joined in, so the film producer specially held a film premiere conference in Los Angeles, USA. The father of Celina Jade, the leading actress of the film, also made a special trip to the scene to attend the film premiere, and expressed his pride in his daughter’s performance in Wolf Warriors 2.

  According to media reports here, "Wolf Warriors 2" was shown in 53 cinemas in the United States, which attracted many audiences, most of whom were Chinese. No matter in Washington, new york in the east, or in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other areas with more Chinese residents in the west, Wolf Warriors 2 is sought after and has a high attendance rate. Most of the audience who saw the film expressed their appreciation for it. Due to the limited number of cinemas and screenings, many cinemas are full, and the phenomenon of "one ticket is hard to find" in popular hours also appears from time to time.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, when "Wolf Warriors 2" was shown in an AMC cinema in gaithersburg, Maryland, the auditorium was almost full of audiences, most of whom were Chinese, but also some American audiences. Many Chinese audiences praised the excellent production level of China films at present, and were moved to tears by the scenes of China passport at the end of the film. Some even took out their mobile phones to shoot the picture of China passport at the end of the film. After the film, many people applauded. Some old overseas Chinese said that the more you are overseas, the more you can understand the meaning of patriotism. Such films provide a good opportunity for overseas Chinese to enhance their national pride.

  On social media, there is no lack of hot discussion about Wolf Warriors 2. China Universal Television Network, a subsidiary of CCTV, reported in English that "Wolf Warriors 2" won $127 million in the first week of its release and became the global box office champion. The reporter noted that the official Twitter of the East Asia and Pacific Affairs Bureau in the State Council, USA, paid attention to the news. Even many American scholars, who usually pay attention to observing the political and economic relations between China and the United States, are interested in this phenomenal film in China.

  Among the netizens who leave messages on social media, there are both Chinese viewers and many American netizens. An American netizen said that it was a "China Rambo" film and it was a success. The netizen also affirmed the performances of the film starring Jason Wu and Celina Jade, and thought that the role played by Jason Wu had extraordinary charm, and Celina Jade also better interpreted the image of a hero doctor.

  2. American media are scrambling to report.

  Wolf Warriors 2 has become the most popular movie in China at present, which naturally attracts the attention of American media. On August 8th, CNN published an article entitled "Patriotic War Films Break China Box Office Record", focusing on the patriotic feelings shown in the film. The article said that in 2015, Jason Wu directed and starred in Wolf Warriors 1, which earned 80 million dollars at the box office. In contrast, Wolf Warriors 2 is more successful because it captures the patriotic complex of the audience. The article also quoted Jason Wu as saying in an interview with CCTV: "People all know Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger, why can’t we have an actor representing China?" The article especially mentions the China passport and subtitles displayed at the end of the film — — "People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens, when you are in danger overseas, don’t give up! Please remember that behind you, there is a strong motherland! "



  The Hollywood Reporter, a professional film media, wrote in its review of Wolf Warriors 2: Compared with Wolf Warriors 1, Wolf Warriors 2 has more grand production and bolder innovation. Although this is not always beneficial to the film, for fans who like this type of film, the well-designed scene arrangement and shocking effect of the film will definitely leave a deep impression on them. In addition, many American media affirmed the grand scenes and special effects of such an adventure film as Wolf Warriors 2. Not only that, the American media also believe that the strong interest is also a major feature of the film.

  3. Patriotism is the common ground of movies in different countries.

  Analyzing the success of "Wolf Warriors 2", what attracts the audience most is the patriotic feelings shown in the film, among which Maotai, the national wine, and the bridge section of Beijing Jeep are most talked about by the audience. The China passport and touching subtitles at the end of the film make every Chinese son and daughter excited.

  While the audience applauded, the film was a hit, and the media praised it, some foreign media also made a strange argument, saying that the popularity of Wolf Warriors 2 was due to promoting patriotism and catering to the current wave of nationalism in China. Obviously, this argument is an overreaction with "colored glasses". Anyone who knows or has seen the film knows that the story is similar to China’s evacuation of overseas Chinese in a certain place in Africa in recent years, showing the elegance and patriotic feelings of China soldiers. What’s more, promoting patriotism is not the unique feature of Wolf Warriors 2 or China films. In contrast, Hollywood films in the United States have a longer history and are more skillful in promoting American patriotism.

  As early as World War II, professionals in the American army began to study the role of military films in boosting soldiers’ morale. Commercial films specific to the United States seem to be far from political reality. In fact, many Hollywood blockbusters preach the "American spirit" to the whole world from different angles. American classic films, such as Pearl Harbor, Top Gun, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down and Hacksaw Ridge, which are familiar to the audience, all promote American patriotism. In addition to promoting patriotism, American military movies also highlight the heroic, affectionate and righteous American soldiers, and shape their image of bravely fighting evil forces and saving all the people from fire and water. Many films even acted as "propaganda films" of the US military.

  One of the most typical examples is the inspirational film Top Gun, which was all the rage in 1980s and starred by Tom Cruise. This film, called "American Recruitment Propaganda Film", was strongly supported by the US military behind the scenes. The US Navy provided F-14 fighters used by several squadrons and several active pilots for the film. In addition to advanced fighters, aircraft carriers such as the US carl vinson also appeared in the film. Such a powerful hardware lineup is also costly. We must know that the flight cost of the F-14 fighter is not low. At that time, the cost of aviation fuel alone was as high as $7,000 per hour. This shows that the US military spared no effort in shooting this film. Through the interpretation of the film, the audience can enjoy the magnificent scene of first-class fighters galloping in the blue sky and white clouds and pilots chasing each other in the "eagle". This film not only makes military fans and ordinary audiences addicted, but also makes great contributions to the conscription work in the United States. According to statistics, after the film was broadcast, the US Navy ushered in the highest enlistment rate after World War II.

  In recent years, Hollywood sci-fi military films have become the "new favorites" of the US military to promote patriotism and display new weapons. "Transformers" series movies have been a great success at the box office, and behind its light, it is inseparable from the help of the US military. "I am the only director who is allowed to make a film in the Pentagon." "Transformers" director michael bay once said in an interview with the media. In fact, since the filming of Transformed king kong 2, michael bay has been working closely with the Pentagon. Michael bay needs equipment such as large military transport planes, fighter planes and even aircraft carriers to make films, which is impossible without military support. The American army needs to work with Hollywood to promote the latest weapons and the image of the army, and both sides need what they want. When Transformers 5 arrives, the scene shown in the movie is almost a "joint military exercise" of the three armed forces of the United States. In the film, the cool American military equipment all appeared, and V-22 Osprey transport aircraft, MH-53 heavy helicopter, F-22 Raptor fighter, Ali Burke-class destroyer, etc., made a splash. In addition, in "Transformers 5", the superior combat capability of American soldiers and the global combat concept of the US military have also been fully exerted.

  Some film critics pointed out that while the audience was addicted to their eyes, their goodwill towards the US military and their pride in the country were invisibly improved. Facts have proved that the films produced by the "strong alliance" between Hollywood and the US military not only captured the market, but also captured the hearts of fans. In this regard, those foreign media wearing "colored glasses" kept their mouths shut, but they just didn’t like Wolf Warriors 2. Perhaps this explains the success of Wolf Warriors 2 from one side. In fact, advocating patriotism is the common tone of many national films. Wolf Warriors 2 is just the latest phenomenal film in China, and its success in the American film market shows that the audience recognizes the China story it tells.

   (Guangming Daily, Washington, August 10th, by reporter Tang Xianying of Guangming Daily in Washington)

Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Forget glugging countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun.
Stop being crazy about drinking water and sleeping beauty sleep. There is actually only one secret to staying young: staying away from the sun.

A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun’s rays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are.
After investigating hundreds of women, a study found that those women who stay away from the sun’s radiation look 20 years younger than their actual age.

However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to hold back the hands of time.
Other universally recognized principles of maintaining youthful appearance, such as drinking more water, sleeping beauty sleep and exercising regularly, can’t stop the ruthless years from leaving marks on the face.

Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn’t possible, made a difference, the American Academy of Dermatology’s annual conference will hear today.
The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology will announce this discovery: only by staying away from the sun, or wearing sunscreen when you have to be exposed to the sun, can you resist the years for several rounds.

The intriguing finding comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-worshippers.
This interesting discovery comes from a study of 231 women of all ages. The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on their living habits, including whether they like to bask in the sun.

When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US – commissioned by skincare firm Olay – guessed how old the women were, they found those who took care in the sun tended to have aged more slowly.
Subsequently, commissioned by Olay, a skin care company, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital estimated the age of these women and found that women who took sunscreen measures aged more slowly.

A lucky four had so few wrinkles and age spots, and such a glowing complexion, that they appeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.
Four of them have almost no wrinkles and age spots, so radiant that they look twenty years younger than their actual age.

Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology, said the popular perception that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is a myth and the body is ‘pretty good’ at judging how much we need.
Researcher Dr. Alex Kimble, a professor of dermatology, said that the popular view that drinking more water can keep you healthy is nonsense, and our bodies can accurately judge the amount of water we need.

Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a similar conclusion.
Previously, the British Nutrition Association’s research also reached a similar conclusion.

Experts there said: ‘Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.’
Experts from the association said: "Drinking water for the sake of drinking water really won’t improve the skin."

It isn’t clear why the women who slept well didn’t have younger-looking skin. But it may be that the question they were asked was too narrow and didn’t take into account their long-term sleep patterns.
As for why women with good sleep quality can’t have younger skin, the reason is not clear. However, this may be because the coverage of the questionnaire is too narrow and the long-term sleep patterns of the subjects are not taken into account.

A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is more ageing that occasional, intense blasts.
The second study initiated by Olay Company shows that frequent exposure to low-intensity sunlight is more likely to make people aging than occasional exposure.

Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women’s skin gave some insight into the damage done by the sun.
Finally, the researchers conducted genetic testing on female skin samples, which gave us a general understanding of the damage caused by sunlight to the skin.

A gene called CDKN2A was more active in facial skin that is exposed to the elements than on samples taken from the buttocks.
The researchers found that the gene named CDKN2A is more active in facial skin exposed to sunlight than hip skin away from sunlight.

This gene was also more active in women who said they loved the sun – and in those who looked older.
The gene is also more active in women who love sunshine-and these women look older.

Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity is a sign that a cell is ‘tired out’ and urged women should protect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday.
Dr. Jin Bo said that the activity of CDKN2A gene means that cells are actually in distress, so she called on women to take skin care measures all year round, instead of waiting for a beach holiday to think about sun protection.

Dr Frauke Neuser, principal scientist at Olay, which has used the research to develop its latest face creams, said: ‘This research gives us a detailed picture of the effect of sun exposure on skin ageing and illustrate the importance of protection on a daily basis.’
Dr. flock Neuhser, the leading scientist of Olay, used these research findings to develop the latest cream. He said: "This study gives us a detailed understanding of the effects of sunlight on skin aging, indicating that daily skin care is very important."

English source: Daily Mail
Translator: Zhao Xiaoyi
Revising & Editing: Dany

A civil servant in Zhengzhou: I also want to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high.

Original title: Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory recruits workers in the first-line production and operation posts, and 30% of them are masters and highly educated talents. Why do they get together in the assembly line?
Source: Dahe Daily
Tian Yuchen Li Xiaoling Feng Lin
In the past few days, Henan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Henan China Tobacco") released a public list of candidates to be recruited by college students in 2021, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens.
Among them, the company recruited a total of 149 people. Among the 135 people admitted to the "first-line production operation post", in addition to the "985" "211" or "double-class" universities such as China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University and Henan University, it also attracted master students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
According to statistics, among the 135 students, 41 have master’s degrees, accounting for 30% of the total enrollment. Do assembly line workers in front-line production and operation posts need such a high degree?
Tucao assembly line admits workers, and 30% of them are graduate students. Is it "overqualified"?
In late April this year, Henan Zhongyan published the "List of College Students to be Recruited in 2021" on the official website, which attracted the attention of netizens with the arrival of graduation season.
The reporter found that in 2021, Henan Zhongyan plans to hire a total of 149 people. Among them, 14 people are employed in professional management positions, technology research and development positions and marketing positions, all of whom have master’s degrees, and nearly half of them are from foreign universities, such as Glasgow University, Sydney University, Nottingham University and Durham University.
The remaining 135 people were admitted to the "first-line production and operation positions" of seven cigarette factories, including Jinye Manufacturing Center, Xuchang, Anyang, Nanyang, Zhumadian, Luohe and Luoyang under the jurisdiction of Henan Zhongyan. Among them, in addition to China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Henan University and other "985", "211" or "double-class" universities, it has also attracted graduate students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the statistics of the reporters, among the 135 people, 41 have a master’s degree, accounting for 30.37%.
"A graduate student or even a’ returnee’ master goes to a cigarette factory as an assembly line worker. Is this’ overqualified’? To do this kind of work, you don’t need a high degree at all. " A netizen said. The reporter noticed that the focus of netizens’ attention mainly focused on the strong contrast between the graduation school, academic qualifications and the "first-line production and operation positions" of the candidates on the list.
According to the unified requirements of Henan Zhongyan, the candidates for technical research and development, marketing and professional management posts must practice in the Golden Leaf Manufacturing Center for one year after being hired. After being hired, the candidates for the first-line production and operation positions in each cigarette factory must work in the first-line production and operation positions in the workshop for more than 3 years. Even if the relevant functional departments and offices and workshop management posts of each cigarette factory are short of posts, those who have worked in front-line production and operation posts for less than 3 years cannot be transferred to management posts.
It is understood that according to the introduction of official website, Henan Zhongyan, the company has seven cigarette factories under its jurisdiction, with more than 8,700 employees in its main business, producing and selling more than 3 million boxes of cigarettes annually, ranking fourth in the national tobacco industry, with total assets of nearly 40 billion yuan. Official website shows that in 2020, it is estimated that the sales revenue will reach 51 billion yuan and the total tax and profit will reach 35.7 billion yuan.
Explain that the requirement is bachelor degree or above, but the master’s degree is too much, so you can only choose the best one.
A front-line staff member of Henan Zhongyan introduced that the first-line production operations of cigarette factories mainly include "silk making" and "wrapping", both of which are done by operators. Generally speaking, no matter which position, as long as you enter the cigarette factory, you must first start from the front-line workers and understand the tobacco-making process. The main job is to make tobacco leaves into cigarettes for foreign sales.
Generally speaking, cigarette production is also divided into low peak seasons. Because of the particularity of tobacco products, it belongs to planned production. Every tobacco factory and each cigarette category are produced according to the planned and allocated quota. Once the task is completed, there will be no work to do. But sometimes in order to catch up with production tasks, overtime will also occur. "Now, the weather is hot. Take our factory as an example. The production task has also been completed, and the factory has begun to have a holiday."
The staff member said that in the past, most of the front-line workers were junior college and undergraduate, but in recent years, the education of workers has indeed been greatly improved. And this change has a lot to do with the good wages and benefits of cigarette factories. Due to the quota production system of cigarette factories and good welfare benefits, many famous universities and even highly educated people compete for each other. Generally speaking, the recruitment ratio is about 1: 60, and some positions are even higher.
An 8-year-old staff member of Xuchang Cigarette Factory told reporters that not all cigarette factories have good wages. Generally speaking, local cigarette factories that produce tobacco leaves have sufficient raw materials, large cigarette quotas, large production tasks, good benefits and high wages for workers. For example, cigarette factories in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xuchang and other places have relatively good benefits and workers’ income will naturally be high. In these profitable cigarette factories, the wages of workers in front-line production positions are often higher than those of relevant functional departments and offices of the company. "The main reason is that workers have more work and higher wages." Take Xuchang Cigarette Factory as an example. Soon after entering the factory, the wages of front-line workers can get 100,000 yuan a year.
On July 14 and 15, the reporter called the human resources department of Henan Zhongyan many times, but no one was connected. However,
Another staff member of Henan Zhongyan, who asked not to be named, revealed that in addition to individual positions such as technology research and development, marketing and professional management posts, their company requires a master’s degree or above, and the recruitment requirements for first-line production and operation positions are all undergraduate or above. When recruiting, it is required to be an undergraduate, but many graduate students have also signed up. Of course, they are selected on the basis of merit. " According to him, some jobs in the tobacco industry are even more difficult to test than civil servants because of their high wages and good treatment.
Take a cigarette manufacturer in Zhengzhou as an example, the wages of front-line production workers can get more than 10,000 yuan per month, and the welfare benefits are better. Therefore, it is welcomed by many college students. "Although it is a front-line worker, the equipment has been automated, and it is basically an assembly line operation. Unlike the previous need for big bags and small bags of tobacco leaves, the work is relatively easy. As long as the production task is completed, you can rest. "
The result of expert market selection reflects the change of talent market structure.
On July 15th, the reporter contacted a graduate student of Henan University, who was admitted to the "first-line production operation post" of a cigarette factory in the province this year. He introduced that he just reported for 2 days, and the company is training them in a unified way, and the time schedule is particularly tight. When asked why he wanted to sign up as a "factory assembly line worker", he said that he signed up after hearing from his family that the salary of the cigarette factory was good and he didn’t think much. When asked about "future plans", he said: "The cost of living is too high now. As long as you can earn money, let’s talk about it first, and then see what promotion channels are available."
"If there is an opportunity, I also want to go to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high. It must be very comfortable." A civil servant in Zhengzhou said that due to the particularity of the tobacco industry, cigarette factories have always been regarded as an ideal "iron rice bowl", especially in a populous province like Henan, where the pressure of employment competition is great, making it one of the first choice units for college students to find jobs.
A sociologist of Zhengzhou University also believes that the first-line production and operation positions of Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory are favored by highly educated talents, which is also very normal and the result of market choice. At present, the enrollment of graduate students is relatively large, and there is even a surplus of highly educated talents, which also leads to the depreciation of academic qualifications. Take Zhengzhou University as an example. Every year, there are more than 10,000 undergraduate graduates and about 7,000 graduate students, accounting for 41% of the total number of graduates. The proportion of graduate students who graduated from other schools is also increasing. Therefore, it is normal that 30% of the frontline workers admitted by cigarette factories are graduate students. The reason why this information is concerned by netizens is that it is considered as "overqualified". This also reflects the change of talent structure in China, and the number of highly educated talents is increasing. Some people think that this is a waste of human resources, but others think that regardless of the level of work, it is best to suit yourself.
At the same time, the expert also reminded that when choosing a job, college students should consider personal hobbies, future career planning and life planning in addition to salary, and should not only focus on the immediate future, but also ignore the long term.

What is the moral and symbol of Christmas? Who is Christmas commemorated?


Christmas symbolizes love and sacred faith. Christmas is a day of celebration and jubilation abroad. For people in Europe and America, Christmas is like the Spring Festival in China. They have Christmas holidays, give Christmas gifts and participate in various Christmas activities.

The real meaning of Christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Christmas Eve on December 24th and Christmas Day on December 25th are all related to the legend of the birth of Jesus.

At the beginning of the 4th century, January 6th was a double festival for churches in the eastern Roman Empire to commemorate the birth and baptism of Jesus, that is, God revealed himself to the world through Jesus.

This day is also the winter solstice festival of the Roman calendar, which means the beginning of the recovery of everything. Perhaps for this reason, the Roman church chose this day as Christmas.

Christmas is the biggest festival in the Christian world. It is generally believed that December 25th, as Christmas, may have started in the Roman Church in 336 AD.

Because the calendars used by local churches are different, the specific dates cannot be unified, so December 24 to January 6 of the following year is designated as the Christmas Festival, and local churches can celebrate Christmas during this festival according to local conditions.

In many countries in Europe and America, people attach great importance to this festival and associate it with the New Year. The excitement and solemnity of the celebration greatly surpassed the New Year and became a national holiday.

The symbol of Christmas tree

It is said that the Christmas tree first appeared in the Saturnalia in mid-December in ancient Rome, and the German missionary Nicholas used vertical trees to worship the infant in the 8th century. Subsequently, the Germans took December 24 as the festival of Adam and Eve, and put a "paradise tree" symbolizing the Garden of Eden at home, and hung cookies representing the sacred bread to symbolize atonement; And lit candles to symbolize Christ. In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a religious reformer, designed a Christmas tree with candles in it for a starry Christmas night.

However, there is another popular saying about the origin of the Christmas tree in the west: A kind farmer warmly entertained a wandering child on Christmas Day. When leaving, the child broke off a branch and planted it on the ground and immediately grew into a big tree. The child pointed to the tree and told the farmer that every year today, the tree is full of gifts to repay your kindness. Therefore, the Christmas tree people see today is always full of small gifts. Designed by Horsley. The card depicts a noble family, and three generations raise their glasses together to congratulate an absent relative. At that time, he printed 1000 copies, and the unused printing house sold them at a price of 1 shilling each. So the Christmas card was born.


"New Time and Space", "New Model", "New Experience" 2020 Shanghai Tourism Festival to produce beautiful responses

Shanghai, September 27th (Gong Li SHA) On September 27, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a press conference. An introduction of effectiveness, deputy director of the Cultural and Tourism Cheng Meihong City Bureau, Deputy Director of Liu Min City Commercial Committee, Minister Lu Xiaohui, Propaganda Department of Xuhui District Committee, Changlong Wanlong, Jing’an District, deputy district, and deputy head of the Chujie Yan District of Songjiang District attended the meeting.

Create a "new space" everywhere for the tourist scene

Shanghai is a well -known tourist city. This is an excellent tourist city "king is everywhere and should be accessed from time to time." The journey of this Tourism Festival has adhered to Jiangsu, the city of festivals, excavating tourism landmarks, new carriers, and new methods to fully stimulate the vitality and release of the city, in order to better serve the development of the Yangtze River Delta.

First, the tourist destination that focuses on promoting shows the Yangtze River Delta. In the context of promoting the development of high -quality cultural tourism integration in the Yangtze River Delta, strive to take the lead in traveling in the "same city effect" in tourism. In some cities in the Yangtze River Delta, the original "good neighbors" to the current "family." This year’s tourist festival, our first time, our first tourism festival. Four items of implementation. The first group of the Yangtze River Delta Tourism Festival was at the Nantong venue, Wenzhou, Huangshan, and three cities launched nearly 100 theme activities. It attracted the participation and attention of more than 8 million people. Through the first time to go to the night market culture, business activities, gourmet punch, self -driving tour, people who have been driving, such as the Yangtze River Delta city, showed some new boutique space for cultural tourism.

At the same time, at the main venue of the opening ceremony of the tourist festival, there is no cultural tourism Yangtze River Delta with rich TV network broadcast resources. The first batch of Shanghai -Huzhou City, Zhejiang’s boutique tourism line "living room from Huangpu River to the world", and the first batch of Shanghai citizens and tourists embarked on a wonderful journey of Shanghai Lake. For the first time, we launched 17 joint Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta cities. The products launched only 12 days, and it sold more than 20,000 copies.

The second feature of the new space is the dotted line of Shanghai urban cultural tourism strings. Shanghai Red Culture, Shanghai Culture, and Southern Cultural Resources are very rich. In the tourist festival, we carefully sort out and integrate, the integration of the focus will not work, provide the public to the public, and lead tourists to participate in a high -quality experience life. Essence At the Tourism Festival, the 16 district government’s cultural tourism enterprises, including our business business, and so on. Then it launched 156 events and nearly 500 fine lines of fine lines, covering three cultures, one river and one river, and buildings can be read. All aspects of online celebrities photography, shopping, food, and so on. The network involves thousands of red punching points.

"The road of sailing, listening to Shanghai Wei," The sound of cultural activities in Shanghai, Shanghai launched 100 red tourism routes; the "Charm Binjiang" event across the river area, released the theme and product line of the five major theme 104 seaside linkage; The introduction of "Building can read", a good place in Shanghai on 16 nights, 103 micro -structures; the golden autumn tourism shopping season to create eight shopping integration, tourism, CultureConsumer’s wonderful destination, to provide consumers with various green business for consumers Travel joint document; "Good Shanghai? Garden Life" launched the theme park line of the five nations for the theme of the five nations; "Magic City Model Young 2020 Youth Travel Experience Award", launch the 15 -week youth journey Deep official website of recruitment experience.

Third, the wave of C -disc in Shanghai is the latest demonstration of punching. During the tourist festival, adapting to the new needs of urban life, the trend of young people, Shanghai launched many recent waves of red networks, punching and best movie photography points, and continue to cultivate "platform+merchants", "boxing line grass grass grass grass grass grass +Offline, "text travel consumption model. The top ten "best movie points" and 12 "best stamping red dots" were launched by Yangpu River in Yangpu District; Hongzhuang District launched four best photography in the eight o’clock and the most beautiful landmarks; Minhang District , Launched "Treasure Hunting Minxing? Minhang Hongfa Ten Nets," He "traveling Minhang called" Book Competition Minhang Road; Xuhui District Celebrating the Vitality of the Holidays, Public Speaking of Music and Wonderful Charm Construction Cross -border Integration; Putuo District Organization; The three lines were packaged on the ground camps to play the two parties in Suzhou to expand the new space of hydrological tourism on the Suzhou River.

Establish a "new model" for integration and interaction in all places

Tourism is a comprehensive industry, and has the effect of "100 % of the industry". In the normal context, prevent control, the tourism festival adheres to leading innovation, initiative to change, respond to new new needs, create new demand for new supply, online and offline interaction, and the complementary platform content. In order to better serve the new development model Essence

Provide and demand and promote each other. The epidemic prevention and control in the background of the standardization, the travel method and destination to the public have changed a lot. Forcing the text tour, we need to improve the quality For the service series, leading public tourists choose new local tourism depth. During the Tourism Festival, the integration of iterative upgrades of the "micro -Shanghai" project of the text tour, Daren Punch and the best movie photography point of photography in Shanghai, listening to the story of urban cultural researchers tell the story of the old house, listening to a wonderful opera chanting, has become Shanghai’s’s in Shanghai City walking line.

So far, the spring travel company has organized more than 50, and 10,000 people participated in Micro Shanghai tourism products. In the next step, it will also strongly support the wishes of local farming Shanghai Cultural Tourism Company, increase the supply of product content, improve service quality, and meet the new needs of public tourist tourists. September 27th is World Tourism Day. This morning, a good place was found in the suburbs of Shanghai-2020 World Tourism Day to see Shanghai activities. Shanghai travel consumer market recovers.

Hug each other online and offline. In the Internet economy, she gave birth to "New Online Text Brigal" as a new concept, "Online Tour", and "the next holes" has become a new cultural tourism experience model. Through the online platform, a new urban cultural tourism business card is realized, the competitiveness of the global market of Shanghai cultural tourism industry has been enhanced, and the new allocation of regional tourism resources is highly created.

The first "Cloud Tourism" platform of the Tourism Festival this year brought together hundreds of high -quality tourist festivals on the live line. Hundreds of articles covering Shanghai’s key business districts, tourist attractions, and cultural sites theme lines.新华社, 伦敦, 美国特派团评论, 携程, 驴母亲旅行, 巡回赛上海应用程序, 颤音, 百度, 丁东买食物, 获取物理应用程序, 达达集团和其他公司,旅游节发射特殊窗口, 特征, List online to show the theme of the tourist festival, and the tourism festival provides exclusive rewards and trends.

According to statistics, the "Cloud Tourism" platform clicks a total capacity of 1.017 million people. In the comments from participating in the statistics of Midea Group, from September 12th to 25th, the amount of food and beverages increased by 56.6 % year -on -year, leisure and entertainment expenditure increased by 39.8 %, bed expenditure increased by 33.9 %, 90 % of 90 % , Sales of Travel Ticket Sales at the same time.

Mutual assistance interactive platform and content. The services of the Yangtze River Delta and even the whole country are set up to the masses. Passengers in Shanghai are mission. Through the connected platforms and contents, they will continue to strengthen exchanging cultural tourism and tourism to combine the country’s resources to improve quality and promote literary promotion effects.

On the day of the visit, the city jointly established the Yangtze River Delta Tourism Promotion Alliance in Sanxue and Zhejiang Province. The Yangtze River Delta will work together to host various tourism promotion activities. The team builds a tourism marketing network to cover the entire media. Jointly developed a tourist boutique line shared by the Yangtze River Delta, information sharing, product push, and transmitting each other, creating a new image of the Yangtze River Delta integrated tourism destination. This year’s tourism festival has also become the best time to focus on Shanghai and Shanghai. According to statistics, there are remote markets, such as nearly 40 tourism promotion activities in Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Shandong and Yangtze River before and after tourism.

All local Wenxiao departments through literary performances, food activities, shopping mall road shows, and so on. Babies, beautiful scenery, cultural folk customs, food specialty, and so on. Let the citizens enjoy the great riverside of the beautiful motherland at the door. The 2020 Shanghai (China) Conference and Business Tourism and Domestic Tourism Direct Transactions have established a series of conference industry exchanges and interactive activities, sharing conferences awards and the current situation and development trend of the business tourism industry, and strengthened industry exchanges and improvements.

Share "new experience", so that a beautiful life is everywhere

Tourism is a good time to live in a beautiful life of the people. The tourist festival adheres to the concept of people’s urban development, and vigorously promotes the integration of tourism, urban life, and city experience, so that citizens and tourists will be tourism, fully experience "cities, make life better", and let the book "people city" read. , I can see it, you can see it.

"Cross -border integration" "Travel+ N". The epidemic suffered unprecedented impact. How to seek opportunities from the needs of CRISISFROM in adversity, it is necessary to seek new cross -border integration of the upstream industrial chain. The cooperation between the various departments this year is a highlight. This launched a series of "travel+" products and activities. The opening ceremony of the Tourism Festival merged with Nanjing Road East Tower. It only takes 20 minutes to sell the "self -sufficient flow" of the tourist festival and the two IP addresses of Nanjing Road. The overall effect of the opening of the Championships has formed a geometric factor growth.

According to statistics, on September 12, at 8:00 pm, the instantaneous traffic of Nanjing Road was 3.60,000 people, and the tourist festival almost turned over last year. The Municipal Commerce Commission has led the autumn tourist peak season shopping. It has created eight business travel lounges. The integration of 644 is famous. The famous, famous restaurant, the name of this street. Autumn is the harvest season. The Municipal Agricultural Committee and the Municipal Transportation Commission launched 18 rural boutique tourism routes to propose comprehensive suburbs of Shanghai’s most beautiful villages. Shanghai Film Group has held nearly 50 well -known brand business travel of the "Worry -Free Calcium Marathon Party" text brings exquisite cultural and creative and interactive activities, attracting tourists to participate in the public to participate in the public.

The 3rd China (Shanghai) International Health Tourism Expo has become an important platform for the pharmaceutical industry to gather tourist attractions, cross -border integration of sports and health, promoting a win -win cooperation between the health tourism industry, prosperity and development. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has launched the theme of the debit card theme happy Yangtze River Delta. You can buy the Yangtze River Delta text brigade voting, and 18 has been released. 40000.

The cultural connotation of "show depth". "Shanghai urban tourism resources cannot be separated from red culture, Shanghai culture and southern culture empower power, and show the depth of cultural connotation for the" cultural soul "of tourism in the tourism industry. The text brigade provides a better experience for public visitors. Reading the content of the "Tourism Festival, the second meeting of the cultural and creative market, Shanghai will become the resource characteristics of the" building possible "cultural creative product, so that public visitors will be stronger and more intuitive to understand the city’s city’s History, the taste of urban culture.

According to statistics, a total of 62 cultural and creative enterprises in the city’s 16 districts have 929 cultural and creative product exhibitions. Shanghai People’s Broadcasting Station, "The road of sail, listening to the Shanghai" plan ". Without the voice of Shanghai Red Culture, Red Tourism provides a new experience for the people. On September 14th, "early 990 news" listened to 3.13 %, an increase of 37.89 %, and the number of 55 years per day. 70,000.

The world holds the theme activity of the "traditional city center" and gives full play to the advantages of the comprehensive effect of art world performance art. The Yangtze River Delta has created the theme of IP IP in the non -heritage music festival. 16 days of tourist festival, Shanghai’s colorful culture and performance art market, the world’s main performance art performances 51 and 152 on -site projects, with an average of nearly 10 games per day, the number of major performance projects increased by 59 %, and the on -site growth rate was 55 %.

Consumption upgrade "Enable power." Continuous innovation supporting markets, high -quality products of consumers, and launching many high -quality products in the tourist festival of organizational activities, promoting consumption, and leading public tourists pursuing the quality of life. According to statistics, the sales of the businessmen along the Nanjing Road along the Tourism Festival have increased significantly, and the new world of Deman Department Store in Dim Province. Sales of Family Fashion Store. 080,000 yuan, Rose 54 % subway: September 12-13 days, 1388 entire network traffic. 60,000 people, the ring on weekends -more than 5 % (September 6) increased.

On September 12, the passenger flow of Nanjing East Road Station was 11.560,000 passengers, which usually increased by 16 % on weekends. According to statistics, during the tourist festival, the sales of the four districts of the city increased by 5.2 %, and the sales of Huangpu District increased 26 times. 6 %. Fireworks Shanghai Food Season Activities attracted nearly 13 million people to participate; the "Southern Food" section "on -site" on -site participation was more than 50 years old, 10,000, and sales of nearly 200 million.

(Edit: Tang Xiaoli, Han Qing)