Random talk about football

Some people may be surprised that what is the charm of football? It can be popular with so many people, regardless of race and social status. There is a shady venue, 22 people grabbing the ball and shooting under the supervision of the referee, and occasionally taking risks to send some balls to their own goals … In fact, for non-football professionals, the fantastic terms of skills and tactics are too empty. It must be admitted that the long game time of more than 90 minutes.

I think fans should be divided into several categories:

(1) professional fans. They are either professionals in the field of football or take the study of football as a profession. The biggest feature of these people is to start with the details and understand the truth inside the industry.

(2) Amateur fans. They just watch and talk about the ball as a hobby, and they have their own jobs in their daily lives. They may play a few wild games with three or two friends during the holidays, which is very informal. But they did enrich the population of football.

(3) fans who only watch the ball. As the name implies, people who never play football or rarely play football, who are skilled or unskilled in various professional terms in the field of football, and who like to play football games instead of actual football experience, are in a sense hidden football population.

(4) fake fans. On weekdays, they don’t pay attention to football news at all. They like to follow the tide of public opinion and firmly grasp the most critical core information. They have a keen eye and insight into the basic quality of human nature, and they can pretend to be top experts in the industry most of the time.

Four kinds of fans are four kinds of people’s attitudes towards football, so I want to extend this topic: On the first day of last year, the national football team was defeated by the Vietnamese team in the top 12 competition with a score of one to three.

The national football team lost to Vietnam 1-3 on the first day of the New Year’s Day.

An embarrassing result. Losing to such powerful teams as Japan and Saudi Arabia can only be said to be reasonable and lacking. However, the Vietnamese team had suffered a seven-game losing streak before meeting the national football team in the second round. People gave it the nickname 007. Is it unreasonable to be defeated by such a team? I don’t think the strength of the national football team will degenerate to be crushed by the Vietnamese team. I mean, the off-site factors account for a greater proportion of this loss, and a series of performances on the field are only results rather than reasons.

Is it really that important for a team with such a level of national football not to enter the World Cup? I don’t think it matters. For three reasons:

(1) Chinese people are not keen on football. Does anyone around you often play football? Will you support your children to play football instead of taking the entrance examination? Where does your child want to find a coach to play football? Is there enough football field near your home? It seems that there are many fans in China who care about the development of football. In fact, most of them are fake fans and fans who only watch football. There are not many fans who are really keen on football. So the level of the national team will not be much higher. With such a mass base, what kind of good seeds do you expect its national team to have?

(2) Lack of respect for the rules of football and sportsmanship. As we all know, in order to achieve the goal of marching into FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, the Chinese Football Association of zhong spared no expense in planning a group of foreign players. Trying to use the planning players to drive the overall strength of the whole team, but on the other hand ignoring the development of basic youth training, the domestic league stopped. Reality slapped them hard, and the national football team defeated Vietnam in advance. It is unwise to get quick success and instant benefit. The foundation is not firmly built, and everything else is just castles in the air.

One of the important reasons why Chinese people are not suitable for playing football is that they are not United enough.

(3) Chinese people’s thinking and physical conditions are not suitable for football. Chinese people pay attention to being unprofitable and can’t afford to get up early, but football happens to be a team sport, which needs cooperation to play the best effect, and being willing to be a green leaf means losing money, which is obviously not in the interest of individuals. In fact, we may find that China’s good sports, such as table tennis, badminton, gymnastics and diving, are often played by one or two people, and it is rare for more than three people to work together. Have you ever seen six people playing table tennis on a case in a formal competition? Even in table tennis, players may feel that another person is in the way. No way, this is a kind of thinking concept, and it is difficult for Chinese people to play team projects well. Then someone will ask why women’s volleyball and women’s football are better than men’s volleyball and men’s football. In fact, I don’t understand this either. Maybe it’s the difference between men’s and women’s thinking. It’s really strange that our female compatriots are more United than their male compatriots. As for the physical condition of Chinese people, it is enough to compare Koreans instead of whites and blacks.

To sum up, football is not the best choice for Chinese people, so it is not particularly strange to lose to a national team like Vietnam, which attaches importance to following the rules of football. But I saw the chilling side after this game. Wu Xi, the captain of the national football team, inadvertently dodged the ball and was associated with abalone advertisements. For more than ten years, he worked hard for the national team and set an example for players on and off the court. Because he was guided by public opinion, he was nailed to their so-called shame column, which was not only absurd, but also evil.

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes. Perhaps these players have a sacred love for football since childhood, or they have chosen to enter the field of professional football with the dream of making a fortune, and have a young meal. (Many people complain that football players have high salaries and low ability, but who will notice their life after retirement? Football is a young meal. If you don’t earn enough money when you are young, will you continue to play football to support your family when you are old? ) Crush competitors, step by step to the top of the pyramid of top clubs, and become a leader in the domestic field. Then, if you lose to a stronger opponent in international competitions, you will be scolded as having no fighting spirit. Are they really not spelling? Lei Wu got a leg cramp in the match against the Australian team. How many people really care?

The national football team in the top 12 relied on Lei Wu’s penalty to draw the Australian team.

Luo Guofu, the planning player with the lowest score in the audience, was boasted as a national hero by public opinion because he flew to block a cross ball. Is it absurd? Luo Guofu’s nickname is Yue Fei, and Li Tie’s nickname is Qin Gui … It’s a slippery record. Such a public opinion environment is really invisible. After that, foreign players in poor condition appeared in the team, so there was no starting position. I work hard in the team, but it is better for foreigners who have not come to the joint training for several months to have a high status. Whose mind will be balanced, and the players who plan on the court are in poor condition, shouldn’t local players follow suit? Anyway, there has been an unfair phenomenon. Let’s just lose to the Vietnamese team, and no one can think about it … Sadly, China Football.

We shouldn’t expect any good news from China football in a short time, because it is totally divorced from reality. In fact, the greatest charm of football is not the skills and tactics on the court, but the fighting spirit of people and the complicated world outside the court. Football is a sport, more like a war. In the final analysis, it is a complete summary of human struggle, including tactics, art, strategy, strategy, diplomacy, humanities, geography, chemistry, socialization and humanity. It is the biggest insult to football if you only pay attention to the goals on the court and don’t care about the culture and beliefs inside and outside the court.

Russian Film Week | Here, it is the "Northland Spring" of world movies.

Special feature of 1905 film network On September 6th, the "Russian Film Week", under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Embassy in China, the Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Hunan Film Bureau, and co-sponsored by China Film Group Corporation, Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Ltd. and Russian Central Partnership Film Company, kicked off in Beijing, China, and officially launched a four-day Russian film screening activity.

AARON Li, Special Representative of China Government for Eurasian Affairs, andre Denisov, Russian Ambassador to China, Bai Yimin, Deputy Director of National Film, Mao Yu, General Manager of China Film Group Corporation and other leaders, filmmakers and other guests attended the opening ceremony of Russian Film Week.

Actor Zhang Guangbei is the director and producer of the Russian TV series of the same name. He remembers seeing the novelist Vasilyev in Moscow sixteen years ago. He said, "The experience of filmmakers from the two countries fighting side by side has made me unforgettable. As a film and television worker, it is very meaningful to contribute to the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples."

Screenshot of the TV series "The Dawn is Quiet here"

Director Jia Zhangke said that he has always been a fan of Russian military movies, and he is also looking forward to challenging the shooting of war themes one day. The younger generation of Russian filmmakers have the creative characteristics of "poetry and reality". The Chinese and Russian filmmakers have the same soul, and there will be more cooperation in the film field in the future.

In fact, as early as 2017, Jia Zhangke co-directed the first cooperative film of BRICS countries with Russian directors. Produced by Jia Zhangke, the film brought together five film directors from China, Russian, Indian, Brazil and South Africa to make a short film with the theme of "Where has the time gone?", telling their different understandings of time and emotion from their own unique perspective.

This "Russian Film Week" will be shown in Beijing and Changsha from September 6 to 10 and September 8 to 12, respectively. Six representative Russian anti-fascist works, such as The Last Frontline, Life and Death Ball Match, Highland 89 and Zoya, will show Russia’s humanistic charm and national spirit in the light and shadow world, and also bring spring to the audience in Beijing and Changsha in autumn.

spring in the north

Among the six films, T34 was shown in China on December 11th, 2020, which tells the story of heroic Soviet soldiers successfully escaping from the Germans. The film won the "Special Medal of the Iron Man Jury" and the "Best Editing Award" in the 5th International Action Film Week.

Border Fog was released in China on March 12th this year. The film tells the story that Michael used to think that his ancestors were traitors who surrendered and committed suicide in the Soviet-German battlefield, but by chance, he found the door of time. After crossing back, he found that his ancestors were all heroic soldiers … …

The Last Frontline tells the story of the heroic resistance of the students of podol Sk Infantry and Artillery School on the outskirts of Moscow in October 1941.

"Highland 89" heroically reproduces the tragic bloody battle in the Caucasus Plain, which is more epic than the classic sniper’s work, and won the Russian Golden Eagle Award and the Russian Nika International Film Festival Award in one fell swoop.

The Match of Life and Death is based on historical events: In 1942, Kiev in the Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union fell into the hands of German troops, and the new Kiev football team was going to play a game with the German Nazi team under fascist rule … … The film and have the same effect, and both show the cruelty of war and fascist atrocities with the help of football themes.


"Zoya" is based on the patriotic heroine of the Soviet Union: in the autumn of 1941, Zoya, a female student, voluntarily participated in a sabotage activity, but was unfortunately captured, but never gave in. She was also the first woman to win the title of "Soviet hero", and was made into a movie of the same name as early as 1945.

It is worth mentioning that these Russian films were all released after 2000, and they were all set in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, but they showed different colors from the previous films of the same theme in Russia, a big country producing war films.

In the traditional hymn of heroism, The Fog on the Border uses the art of crossing to make the dude living in modern times cross the most critical moment of the country, and realize the hardships of his predecessors and the beauty of the present from his feelings for home and country and where will you go, so as to reflect on various current thoughts.

"The Last Frontline" added the elements of campus youth to the traditional war films (and took the spy war as an excessive rhythm). When the classical romantic love encountered the most cruel war in human history, it had already predicted the flower festival of cruel youth and the demise of romance. More than 2,500 of the 3,500 cadets stayed on the battlefield forever, and the soldiers who returned home were no longer teenagers. Only in the smoke and tears could they meet with the smile of "Dawari" again … …

In The Match of Life and Death, the director voluntarily gave up the grand narrative, focused on the experience of a little person (Soviet soccer goalkeeper Nikolai Treacy), and deeply touched on the essence of war and human nature through the ultimate choice of winning the tragic and fearless game or losing at the Nazi gun.

The Nazi mass grave scene in "Life and Death Match" is shocking.

The tanks in T34 are all real T-34 and Leopard tanks in World War II. All actors trained to open tanks for 3 months and completed all actions, and invited military advisers. "89 Highland" invested 400 million yuan and used 5,000 soldiers from two divisions, 300 tanks and 200 planes to take part in the filming, which can’t help but remind people of one of the films with the most extras in film history — — Written and directed in 1966.

"War and Peace" is a war scene like an oil painting.

It can be seen that after the new century, Russian films have returned to tradition in art, to the public in value, to classics in subject matter, and integrated into the trend of film genre combination on the basis of classic narration, and practiced their own national film language with the help of the development of modern film industry.

Red romance

Speaking of film language, Soviet films have made two great contributions to world films: montage and poetic films.

In 1923, movie master published an article "Attraction Montage" in the magazine "Left-wing Literary Front", which initiated the film montage theory and the Soviet montage school. His masterpiece tells the historical story of the uprising of the warship potemkin of Odessa Navy. The "odessa steps" in the film has also become the most classic montage fragment in film history, and confirmed his famous saying with 155 shots in 7 minutes, "The juxtaposition of two montage shots is not the sum of two numbers, but the product of two numbers". Therefore, the film stood at the top of the pyramid in the golden age of Soviet movies.

The famous stroller in odessa steps.

In 1957, the director of the Soviet Union was considered as "a movie satellite launched by the Russians", which broke through the rigid framework of Soviet World War II films, skillfully formed the double metaphor of "geese flying south" through subtle emotional depiction, and led the film to a poetic film road.

The long and rotating shots with poetic beauty perfectly overlap the artistic conception of the picture with the connotation of the story, and show the sufferings of Soviet youth in the anti-fascist war with the life of a woman who has never been to the battlefield.

In "Flying South in Wild Goose", before he died, the man looked at the rapidly rotating birch treetops, and he imagined that he was married to the woman, which became a classic lens in film history.

In addition to these two world-changing films, Lenin in 1918 in the 1920s, Zoya during the Great Patriotic War, and Silent Dawn Here in the 1960s and 1970s after the war are all world-famous films, not to mention War and Peace, which were adapted from domestic classics, which made Soviet films bear extremely rich literary nourishment.

After the founding of New China, the film mode of the Soviet Union began to be used for reference by filmmakers in China, and once became a model for China’s film creation. At that time, China established a complete supporting film management system from management, production and operation, and Beijing Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio and Bayi Film Studio were successively established, which became the main position of film setting in the early days of New China together with Northeast Film Studio, and gradually stepped out of the road of new China film with national style and modern characteristics.

In mid-2020, the director also recreated Ivan’s running on the water in Ivan’s Childhood on the ice of Lake Baikal, and showed his parents’ youth, love and the era full of faith influenced by "Big Brother of the Soviet Union" with the song "Red Berry Blossoms" sung by the "embarrassed mother" at the Red Star Theatre.

In recent years, both China and Russia are adopting the cultural strategies of "going out" and "bringing in", constantly strengthening the support for domestic films, and winning many awards in major international film festivals, thus embarking on the road of great-country films with their own national cultural characteristics and characteristics of the times. At the same time, China and Russia have also carried out film exchanges and cooperation in many fields by holding film festivals with each other regularly, co-shooting films, introducing and broadcasting excellent film and television works from both sides, which has injected new vitality into deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia in the new era.

As Bai Yimin, deputy director of the State Film Bureau, said at the opening ceremony of "Russian Film Week", "this" Russian Film Week "will further promote pragmatic cooperation in the film field between China and Russia, promote the common prosperity and development of the film industry between China and Russia, and write a new chapter for enhancing the exchange and mutual learning of Chinese and Russian civilizations and the traditional friendship between the people."

What is the moral and symbol of Christmas? Who is Christmas commemorated?


Christmas symbolizes love and sacred faith. Christmas is a day of celebration and jubilation abroad. For people in Europe and America, Christmas is like the Spring Festival in China. They have Christmas holidays, give Christmas gifts and participate in various Christmas activities.

The real meaning of Christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Christmas Eve on December 24th and Christmas Day on December 25th are all related to the legend of the birth of Jesus.

At the beginning of the 4th century, January 6th was a double festival for churches in the eastern Roman Empire to commemorate the birth and baptism of Jesus, that is, God revealed himself to the world through Jesus.

This day is also the winter solstice festival of the Roman calendar, which means the beginning of the recovery of everything. Perhaps for this reason, the Roman church chose this day as Christmas.

Christmas is the biggest festival in the Christian world. It is generally believed that December 25th, as Christmas, may have started in the Roman Church in 336 AD.

Because the calendars used by local churches are different, the specific dates cannot be unified, so December 24 to January 6 of the following year is designated as the Christmas Festival, and local churches can celebrate Christmas during this festival according to local conditions.

In many countries in Europe and America, people attach great importance to this festival and associate it with the New Year. The excitement and solemnity of the celebration greatly surpassed the New Year and became a national holiday.

The symbol of Christmas tree

It is said that the Christmas tree first appeared in the Saturnalia in mid-December in ancient Rome, and the German missionary Nicholas used vertical trees to worship the infant in the 8th century. Subsequently, the Germans took December 24 as the festival of Adam and Eve, and put a "paradise tree" symbolizing the Garden of Eden at home, and hung cookies representing the sacred bread to symbolize atonement; And lit candles to symbolize Christ. In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a religious reformer, designed a Christmas tree with candles in it for a starry Christmas night.

However, there is another popular saying about the origin of the Christmas tree in the west: A kind farmer warmly entertained a wandering child on Christmas Day. When leaving, the child broke off a branch and planted it on the ground and immediately grew into a big tree. The child pointed to the tree and told the farmer that every year today, the tree is full of gifts to repay your kindness. Therefore, the Christmas tree people see today is always full of small gifts. Designed by Horsley. The card depicts a noble family, and three generations raise their glasses together to congratulate an absent relative. At that time, he printed 1000 copies, and the unused printing house sold them at a price of 1 shilling each. So the Christmas card was born.


Shanghai Shanghai People’s Tourism Line+20 20 cities produced good activities

  Original title: 2020 "The people of Shanghai went to Shanghai," launched 20 special tourism routes+20 cities good events, which one do you like?

  The Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau sponsored the "Shanghai People’s Going to the Shanghai event since the month of 2020. 19. China Tourism Day starts the date of the city. Many fine lines and waste management activities. The annual activity abstract and review, and in order to better launch a new event in 2021, revealing a new one, especially the "fashion capital, Shanghai magic" 2020 "Shanghai people go to Shanghai to Shanghai "Online competition.

  Among the candidates of more than 3.00 candidates, more than 200 events. Cultural tourism experts repeatedly decided after selecting 20 special tourism routes and good activities in 20 cities. These final players will be appointed by the regional cultural travel agency in December this year. , Representing this line to participate in the speech, it has a detailed series with activities in the region. In the final jury, the media selection of the "Shanghai People’s Favorite Micro Shanghai Tourism Road" and "Shanghai’s Most Popular Cities" in 2020. "This is a good look at Shanghai’s finals and urban events. Shanghai is good!

  Special tourist route

  Baoshan District: Post -industrial fashion new way

  Many people carry the memories of the old industrial factories. The old yard sparks in industrial reorganization, becoming the most avant -garde of the landscape of the industry. 3D printing of Smart Bay Branch Park brings together the Chinese Cultural Museum, the largest 3D printing bridge in the world, the pier and other art played red dot networks; the Shanghai Glass Museum has transformed from a glass furnace workshop to a magical change, colorful crystal glass world, China, China, China It is one of the three museums, not to be missed; the third -floor bridge sports cultural park, which was previously known as the Shanghai nitrate vacuum bottle factory, has become a new generation of red tide drift fist.

  Baoshan District: Explore the villages north of Shanghai, "quiet" color

  The national characteristics of the north gate of Shanghai -Luo Jing, Tangwan Town, starfish, bonuses, new land, and Yangqiao Village will build a "five villages scalable" rural revitalization demonstration zone. Tangwan’s most beautiful rural village road. The Shanghai New Road series comes from "fields, forests, roads, rivers, houses" this is a maternal cultural park hemerocallis flower, grass prostitute troubles, golden rice fields, adopt non -genetic technology entertainment; village in the village; in the village Starfish, Jellyfish Postal House Dating "Water Elf" Bath Water System Forest Oxygen Bar Spa, looking up at the sky and star camp, "crab accidentally meet" Baoshan Lake Yangtze River Crab, enjoying leisurely and pleasant rural life.

Look at the returning player? Brazilian fans dislike Gaunt: Don’t come back if you join the Chinese nationality

As a naturalized player in Chinese football, Garatt has dismissed the contract with the Guangzhou team and returned to his hometown of Brazil to find a new playing opportunity. There is no exact news about whether Gaunt will retain Chinese nationality in the future. However, for the return of the former Brazilian international, many Brazilian fans have unexpectedly "interest".

Earlier, it was reported that Gaunt attracted the attention of the Brazilian Furniture, including Barona, Flaglo, and Palmeras. But in the Corinthian forum, most fans oppose the team’s introduction of Gaunt.

Some fans said: "Gaurat used to be a good player before, but now his knee cartilage has been removed. It is difficult for this player to play high -level football in the future. When I left, Parmeras was like a pig who hit the Universiade because they got rid of this high salary burden. "

There are also fans believe that since Gaunt has joined Chinese, it seems a bit awkward to play in Barn: "He used to be absent for more than five months due to injuries. And he has joined the Chinese nationality. He is equivalent to wasting a place for foreign aid. "" I don’t know what he is now. I mean, don’t he already have a Chinese state? In Brazil, he is a foreign aid, so what does it mean to come back? "

In addition to doubts about the problem of Gaurart’s nationality, more fans are not optimistic about Gaunt’s competitive status today. "Even from an optimistic perspective, Gaunt is mostly similar to the current Dordinho, and it will even be even worse. When he returned from China, his performance had begun to decline. And say. "" God bless you not sign Gaunt, he can no longer play in Brazil. Now he is no longer three years ago. "