Strong convective weather warning! There will be 8 to 10 thunderstorms or hail in parts of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

  Cctv newsAccording to the China Weather Network, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning of strong convective weather at 10: 00 on May 12:

  It is estimated that there will be 8-10 thunderstorm gale or hail weather in parts of central and northeastern Hebei, northwestern and southern Beijing, southern Tianjin, central and western Jilin, northwestern Liaoning and northern Shandong from 14: 00 on May 12th to 14: 00 on 13th. There will be short-term heavy rainfall in parts of central Jilin, western Liaoning, north-central Hebei, northwest Beijing, southern Tianjin, northern Shandong, southern Sichuan, southern Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong and Hainan Island, with an hourly rainfall of 20-40 mm and a local area of more than 50 mm.

  It is estimated that the main influence period of strong convection is from afternoon to night today.



  Defense guide:

  1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, prepare for short-term rainstorm prevention, lightning protection and gale prevention, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression;

  2. Outdoor pedestrians and staff should reduce outdoor activities and pay attention to stay away from structures such as scaffolding billboards;

  3. Drive poultry and livestock into places with roofs, and close doors and windows to reinforce sheds;

  4. The water operations in relevant waters and passing ships shall take active measures such as returning to Hong Kong to avoid or detour navigation, pay attention to covering building materials at the construction site, and properly arrange outdoor items susceptible to heavy rain, wind and hail;

  5. Check the drainage system of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and prepare for drainage and defense against disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.

Donghu comment: Building a "15-minute medical circle" to give people "medical care"

On December 5th, tongji hospital Junshan Campus was officially opened, which indicated that Chegu in China had taken another important step in promoting the development of health care, and the residents of Junshan New Town had another "home-front" hospital. It is a great concern of the people to get medical treatment, and it is also an important embodiment of improving social security, and it is also an urgent requirement to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China. Taking the construction of a close medical community as a breakthrough, accelerating the expansion and balanced distribution of regional high-quality medical and health resources, continuously pushing down the center of gravity and sinking resources, building a high-quality and efficient medical and health service system, and creating a "15-minute medical circle" are important measures to open up the "last mile" of primary medical services and improve people’s sense of access and satisfaction.

Construct a medical and health service system linked up and down. With the rapid progress in the construction of medical and health service facilities in China, how to maximize the efficiency of medical resource allocation has become a new topic. It is necessary to take large public hospitals as the "leader" and the construction of "medical association" as the core, build a specialist alliance, realize the interstitial evaluation of laboratory rooms in the medical association, mutual recognition of results, and the teaching of experts’ clinical rounds, so as to improve the allocation and utilization efficiency of medical resources. Accelerate the integration of family doctor team services into various community grids, and gradually realize the medical treatment mode of "seeking family doctors for minor illnesses and referring seriously ill patients to higher-level hospitals", so that data can run more, patients can run less, and a "15-minute medical circle" can be created to provide integrated and continuous health services for the masses.

Promote high-quality medical resources to benefit the grassroots. Looking forward to better medical conditions is an important part of people’s yearning for a better life. It is necessary to accelerate the orderly expansion and balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources, continue to push down the center of gravity and sink resources, and continuously improve the fairness and accessibility of basic medical and health services. Improve the grading diagnosis and treatment system, take online, offline and telemedicine as the carrier, train and guide local medical staff to improve the level and efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, provide assistance and agency services for people in need, improve the ability of diagnosis and treatment at the grassroots level, improve the patient’s medical experience, and enhance the attractiveness of primary medical and health institutions to patients, so as to achieve the goal of leaving the diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases, chronic diseases and common diseases at the grassroots level and gradually realize the full coverage of primary health services.

Strengthen the training of medical and health personnel. The key to further improve the quality of primary health services lies in attracting and retaining talents. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, the Communist Party of China, proposed to develop and strengthen the medical and health team, with the focus on rural areas and communities. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of grassroots medical and health teams and strengthen the training and equipment of grassroots medical and health personnel with general practitioners as the focus. Constantly improve the career development mechanism of medical and health personnel, improve the incentive mechanism, implement the corresponding social security benefits, improve the medical environment and conditions, so that more talents can stay and stay, change "blood transfusion" into "hematopoiesis", stimulate the vitality of primary medical and health institutions, and let residents enjoy quality and convenient health services at their doorstep.

Source: Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)

Author: Ren Yang (Wuhan Economic Development Zone)

Editor: Wang Shuxian

Tell you quietly, one more lead can become so powerful, wild fishing is invincible

During the usual fishing, lead pendants are on the sub -line and eight -character ring, that is, the position of the leading leather seat of the pendant fishing. However, the water love is different, and the method of fishing for fishing must be changed. The reason why the master caught more than you is actually not much secret. The key is a "change" word. What fishing method never uses, nor is it obsessed with single lead or double lead, or some magical bait. For example, in order to increase the fishing nature of fish, we will move the lead, increase the length of the sub -line in disguise, and make the sub -line swinging the amplitude larger. Have time to eat bait.

Good people will have a heart of Barna Haichuan, can tolerate, tolerate, allow it, and help. Good people will have good thoughts. When they see others in trouble, they will reach out to help; when they see the weak are bullied, they will come forward. Good people always think too much for others. If you encounter something, you will think about it. I would rather lose myself, be aggrieved, and do not go to win or lose with others. Kind people, because they are not afraid of suffering, they will not suffer. There will be cause and effect in the world. Good and evil God will judge that you will pay back you will double you in the future. Good people, we, we must learn to understand the change of red dust, to understand calmness all the way; we, we must learn to forgive the imperfections of life, cherish, treat them well

In addition, in order to prevent the small fish from making a nest or a large flow of water, lead pendants are usually increased, and the space beans with fixed lead pendants are opened, which is what we often call fishing and running. Let the bait to the end quickly and use the stability of the large lead to reduce the effect of water flow on float. Through the above two examples, we will find a very interesting thing: it seems that there can be fishing anywhere in the online group, the position of the lead pendant is different, and the effect is different.

This is only the usage of single -lead pendants. In fact, in actual fishing, double -lead or even more lead fishing methods will be used many times. For example, when we fishing and running lead, although the weight of the lead pendant is greater than the buoyant of the float, the lead pendant itself has the entire buoyancy of the float. state. At this time, we must not only bear the buoyancy of the float, but also overcome the rubbing of the lead and the friction of the line group and the lead. The fishing is too blunt.

But at this time, if a double lead pendant, that is, two lead pendants are installed on the main line. First, use the lead pendant above to drift normally, such as adjusting 3 meters. Then use the lead pendant to run for lead. At this time, the lead pendant can only be exposed with a burden, which can be ignored, so the lead pendant will lie flat at the bottom of the water, but it is similar to the anchor -like fixation. effect. The line group can also slide easily in the lead leather seat, and the fish can swallow the bait into the mouth with only smaller strength, which will be much more sensitive than a single large lead pendant fishing and running lead.

In addition, if there is a sauce layer at the bottom of the water, we usually raise the fishing low. In order to prevent the bait from getting into the mud, we will also adjust the proportion of the bait very lightly. However, there will be a problem at this time, and there is no way to push the floats into the water when the double -hook bait hangs. For example, if we adjust the 6 meters, we will be exposed to the water surface after hanging the double bait. But at this time, what should I do if I want to get a bait suspended and the bottom of the bait? It is very simple. You can install a bite on the lower hook. This lead pendant does not need to consider the weight at all. The purpose is to let the lower hook bottom. However, at this time, the hook is still suspended. In this case, there is no need to consider the problem of drift. Fishing 1 or 2 mesh, the state of the bait in the bottom of the water must be a hook suspended and the bottom.

Even if you fish normally in the static waters, you can use double lead. For example, put a small lead pendant under the floating feet, so that the float can be quickly turned over. Make floating drift easier to find signals and positioning fishing points. However, when using a multi -lead pendant, you must consider the leading weight when bleaching, and you cannot interfere with the role of other lead pendants. The general principle is that whether it is a single lead or a double -lead pendant, it is adjusted according to the water and fish feelings. Don’t think that the double lead is tall, and the single lead will be out of date, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

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