Lintongwa won the first Golden Boy Award and the Best Child Actor Award at the Macau International Children’s Film Festival.

On December 13th, Du Xuguang, the actor of the local film "There is a Good Place in the Tree" in Lintong District, won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the award ceremony of the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival 2023.

This year’s film festival has received more than 280 films from 19 countries and regions, including France, Norway, Mexico and Peru. Du Xuguang, the star of "There is a good place in the tree", won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival. This is also Du Xuguang’s second "Best Actor" award after winning the "International Little Actor" at the 24th Schlinger International Children’s Film Festival in Germany. At the same time, director Zhang Zhonghua was nominated for the Best Director Award in this film festival.


Du Xuguang, the winner, said in an interview: "Thank you for your love and support for the film" There is a Good Place in the Tree ".This honor is the reward paid by all the crew and the testimony of the good life memories of the crew. I will continue to study hard and strive to present more good works to you."


It is understood that in recent years, Lintong District Party Committee and District Government have devoted themselves to the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries, paid attention to and encouraged the development and growth of local films from various aspects such as policy support, service support and base construction, and children’s theme films have achieved fruitful results. The Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and other relevant departments took the initiative to take the lead in docking, focused on building a platform for resource integration and sharing, focused on building a chess game development pattern of the cultural industry, fully coordinated the shooting venue, and provided security services to ensure that the film was released on schedule.

In addition, the children’s film "The Art Teacher’s Shepherd’s Class" directed by Zhang Zhonghua has been broadcasted solo on the whole network of iQiyi this year, and works such as "There is a Good Place by the River" directed by him and "Sparrow Ditch" directed by Wang Qiang, a native director of Lintong after 1990s, will soon meet the audience.

(correspondent Yan Yongchun)

What does Chinese modernization mean to the world?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 16th Question: What does Chinese modernization mean to the world?

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  Modernization, as a remarkable symbol of the development and progress of human civilization, is the goal that China people have been striving for since modern times.

  Looking back at history, it took China several decades to complete the industrialization process that the western developed countries had gone through for hundreds of years, and created a turning point in the fate of the Chinese nation from sinking to rising, from suffering to glory.

  Facts speak louder than words. the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people of China out of a new road of Chinese modernization and created and will continue to create miracles in the history of human development. This miracle is not only China’s, but also the world’s, and will bring many positive and far-reaching influences to the world.

  Rewrite the modern world map

  In today’s world, the total population of industrialized developed countries and regions is less than 1 billion. Chinese-style modernization will bring more than 1.4 billion people into a modern society as a whole. China’s "amazing leap" in modernization exceeds the sum of the existing developed countries, which will completely rewrite the world map of modernization.

  China’s total economic output jumped from 367.9 billion yuan in 1978 to 121 trillion yuan in 2022, ranking second in the world. In addition, the manufacturing scale and foreign exchange reserves rank first in the world, the total trade volume of goods ranks first in the world, and attracting foreign investment and foreign investment ranks first in the world … … China’s impressive economic development achievements are accelerating the eastward shift of the center of gravity of the world economy.

  As one of the scholars who first put forward the concept of "globalization" in the West, Albrau, a well-known British sociologist, said that from the perspective of population size and development speed, Chinese modernization "may be the greatest progress made by any country in history".

  Chinese-style modernization has also given the modern world map a new background of common prosperity. Since the reform and opening up, 770 million rural poor people in China have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of the global poverty reduction population in the same period. China achieved the poverty reduction goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. UN Secretary-General Guterres praised "China is the country that has made the greatest contribution to global poverty reduction".

  In the view of Pakhin Balakul, president of Thailand-China Cultural and Economic Association, former president of the National Assembly and former deputy prime minister, attaching importance to people’s well-being is a significant connotation of Chinese modernization. "China has made outstanding achievements in reducing poverty and promoting the development of underdeveloped areas, and the people’s living standards have been significantly improved." Bochin said, "This is an unprecedented great development model, dedicated to making everyone live a good life."

  Inject surging momentum into world development

  In recent ten years, China’s average economic growth rate is 6.6%, ranking among the leading economies in the world, and China’s average contribution rate to world economic growth exceeds 30%. China’s economy has recently overcome the unexpected challenges, maintained its growth momentum, contributed stability and certainty to the development of the world economy, and become the main power source and stabilizer of the world economic growth.

  Joseph Matthews, a senior professor at Bertai International University, believes that as the second largest economy in the world, China’s modernization has brought positive changes to the cooperation and development of all countries in the world and promoted multilateralism and economic globalization. China advocates interconnection, inclusive development and promotes the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind. Chinese modernization has made important contributions to regional growth and stability.

  The "the belt and road initiative" initiative, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year, has become a distinctive symbol of China’s high-level opening-up and modernization. From 2013 to 2022, the trade volume of goods between China and countries along the "the belt and road initiative" increased from 1.04 trillion US dollars to 2.07 trillion US dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 8%. In the past 10 years, "the belt and road initiative" has become a popular international public product, which has injected surging momentum into promoting the common development of the world.

  Yasiru Ranaraja, a Sri Lankan expert who has been studying "the belt and road initiative" for a long time, took his country as an example and said that Sri Lanka has been lagging behind in infrastructure construction for a long time. China has helped Sri Lanka to build highways, ports and other infrastructure in various ways, which has promoted the overall development of local economy and society. China has gained advanced technological advantages in the process of modernization. By building a "the belt and road initiative", these technologies will benefit countries along the route.

  In the process of China’s modernization, material civilization and spiritual civilization complement each other and work together to lead the world’s development towards a more comprehensive and balanced direction. Chen Gang, assistant director of the Institute of East Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, pointed out that the level of economic development is an important indicator to measure the process of modernization, and it is not only the modernization of material civilization that occupies an important position in the blueprint of Chinese modernization, but also spiritual civilization that should develop in harmony with it, so as to realize "all-round enrichment of things and all-round development of people", which has important reference significance for the development of other countries.

  Provide new options for human modernization.

  Chinese-style modernization has broken the myth of "modernization equals westernization", opened up a modernization road that belongs to China but has world significance, and provided a Chinese plan for human beings to explore a better social system. Looking back on the course of exploration, independence, people first, peaceful development, openness and tolerance, and United struggle … … The modernization "keywords" condense the development wisdom of China people, and bring important enlightenment to all countries in the world, especially developing countries.

  "Although the concept of modernization originated in the West, looking at the world, many countries are not taking the road of modernization as a whole, but retaining their own characteristics in social and political systems while making reference to the material level." Chen Gang said, "Modernization has never been a simple Westernization. Chinese-style modernization has provided new ideas for the international community, especially developing countries, to promote modernization."

  Chinese-style modernization works because it is based on China, rooted in China culture and conforms to the reality of China.

  "The practice in China proves that whether a country’s development path is correct depends on whether it conforms to its national conditions and conforms to the development trend of the times." Yershan Setov, a researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute of World Economics and Politics, said.

  Kenyan international scholar Cavens Adehill constantly ponders the green driving force of China’s development: "‘ Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets ’ The concept and practice have truly grasped the essence of environmental protection and are of great significance to promoting the sustainable development of mankind in the future. "

  Huang Weixiong, Dean of New Zealand Business School, believes that China adheres to the path of peaceful development, promotes multilateralism and promotes the construction of Community of Shared Future for Mankind. "Chinese-style modernization has increased confidence for more developing countries to explore their own modernization road independently. Every step of Chinese modernization will have a worldwide impact and will play a positive role in building new international relations and improving global governance. "

  … …

  Plan profit when you plan the world. Under the guidance of the concept of building Community of Shared Future for Mankind, China has always held high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win, and continuously benefited itself and the world with its modernization achievements.

  China is China of the world, and the development of China is closely linked with the world. China in the future will embrace the world with a more open and inclusive attitude, Chinese modernization will bring more opportunities and enlightenment to global development and prosperity, and China will join hands with the world to create a greater miracle of human development. (Note holder: Wang Yu; Participating reporters: Li Hualing, Zhang Jiye, Cai Shuya, Li, Wu Changwei, Che Hongliang, Song Yu, Lu Huaiqian, Du Fu, Adrian Xu)

A quick tutorial on football, which teaches you to become an elegant girl who knows the ball.

Recently, football fans have celebrated the Spring Festival again.

The Spanish national derby has begun again!

It is always difficult for girls to understand such things as football.

Why is it so attractive to boys!

So today, Brother Hunzi will tell you something about football (especially my sister paper who doesn’t know the ball).

# Football # # World Cup # # Football rules # # Football play # # Spanish national derby #

Party member cadres should be diligent and good at learning.

  "Industry is good at diligence, and it is barren in play." The improvement of quality and the growth of ability are based on diligent study. In this new era of development, the speed of knowledge change is getting faster and faster, and the requirements for people’s quality are getting higher and higher. In order to keep pace with the times, party member cadres must study hard and really hard.

  Learning is a renewal process. Due to the acceleration of economic development, the speed of knowledge replacement is getting faster and faster. As time goes by, if you don’t learn new knowledge, you will eventually be eliminated by the times. However, learning does not require hard work and rote memorization, but lies in mastering the thinking and methods. party member cadres should be able to master the learning skills, have divergent thinking, and "simplify the complicated and simplify the complicated", and always think well.

  Learning is a process of accumulation. "If you don’t accumulate a thousand miles, you can’t become a river without accumulating a small stream." Learning pays attention to perseverance, perseverance, and party member cadres must never dabble in the learning process and give up halfway. The "one exposure and ten cold" learning is only self-moving, and it is difficult to learn deeply and thoroughly. Don’t be impetuous in the process of learning. Only when you can be calm and calm can you put knowledge into your mind. Faced with the boring and complicated learning content, some cadres in party member have chosen piecemeal learning, and it is impossible to achieve learning results by patchwork. Cadres in party member should be able to sit still, pay attention to step by step, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, dare to drill and squeeze, and pay attention to "slow fire and slow stew", so that they will be able to achieve self-breakthrough in the long run.

  Learning is a process of heart. "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." There is no shortcut to success, and learning needs hard work. In Learning Games, Mencius once said that learning must be absorbed and not half-hearted. No matter how hard a person studies, no matter how good a teacher teaches him, party member cadres should be able to combine learning with thinking, think deeply, analyze problems from time to time, grasp the key points and main contradictions, and master the essence of learning content.

  Learning is a practical process. Only practice can transform knowledge into ability, and learning without practice is empty. party member cadres should be able to learn by doing, learn by doing, and promote learning by doing, and integrate knowledge with practice. Contradictions in reality are much more complicated than imagined. party member cadres should be brave enough to face contradictions, solve practical problems with their own knowledge and theories, and master new theories and methods in the process of solving problems. Only by studying and practicing can they really improve their abilities.

  Learning is a hard and long process, and party member cadres should take learning as a habit and a kind of consciousness, realize little by little accumulation, and finally achieve great things. (Hu Zhuxin, Yancheng Street, Jingyan County, Sichuan Province)

Source: Zhongxin Net Jilin

Why do people with high clothes look beautiful casually? Three fashion "universal laws" are worth learning.

We often see such remarks as "anyone who looks good and has a good figure looks good in anything" and "even if he grows up like this, he looks good in a sack". It is generally believed that only those who look good and have a good figure have the right to beauty. This lack of self-confidence in appearance and figure has become a stumbling block for many ordinary people to become beautiful.

In fact, people with good looks and good figure will only take fewer detours and be more beautiful than ordinary people, but they will also face the same problems as us. As long as we take good care of ourselves, it is not impossible to overtake in the corner.

In fact, there are many ways for ordinary people to become beautiful, and there is no need to make a big move, change a hairstyle, find the right style of wearing, enlarge the advantages, etc. This degree of beauty is more suitable for our reference.

Then in this issue, let’s talk aboutHow do ordinary people exert their strength in clothes if they want to be beautiful?Why do people look beautiful casually? Three "fashion rules" that you don’t know are the key. Let’s take a look:

In fact, there is an unbreakable law in both fashion and beauty industry, that isCreate "perfection".

And you will also find that those good-looking looks, makeup, and clothes are also in the public aesthetic. What hairstyle to choose, what makeup to paint, and what to wear are all in the direction of good-looking looks or good proportions.

Based on this law, it is not difficult to understand why we will"proportion"Put it in the first place.

Just like building a house, the proportion is the foundation. Only when the proportion is built, the whole will not collapse. And a good proportion is like a reference. If you build it like this, you won’t make any big mistakes.

So what is a good ratio? How to create a good ratio?

First of all, a good proportion looks comfortable and balanced, and it can be divided into two types: horizontal and vertical.

1. Vertical proportion

Vertically, in the aesthetics of length, we generally recognize that the good proportion is 9 heads and bodies. But this is more difficult for the public, so we will wear it to make it as close as possible.3:7、4:6The balance ratio, as long as your dress ratio is in between, at least it won’t look stretched.

On the contrary, if your clothes are 50-50, no matter how fashionable you dress and how beautiful your colors are, you won’t look good visually:

The vertical proportion is simply the "waist line", which creates a visual sense of legs below the chest. For example, we can use belts, tops, and knots to show the waistline, which not only adjusts the proportion of body shape, but also shows the beauty of dress.

2. Horizontal proportion

Vertical proportion is common, and what we tend to overlook is horizontal proportion.

Horizontal proportion, that is, the contrast between length and width, is also the key for people who want to be tall and thin. We should shorten the horizontal proportion and make the figure look taller. Can be obtained fromtightnessThink in this direction.

① Up and down tightness

A more unified concept is that wearing loose pine is not good-looking. First, there is no proportion. Second, loose clothes are easy to get fat. Even if it is worn in proportion to the length of the upper part, it lacks a sense of beauty visually:

For wearing up and down, if you want to create a balance, then"One loose and one tight"It will be more in line with the public aesthetic. For example, "tight on the top and loose on the bottom", "tight on the top and loose on the bottom", or "loose on the top and tight in the middle", so that the balanced wearing will not appear loose and sloppy.

② Internal and external tightness

By the same token, it will look better to keep the inside and outside wearing loose and tight than in Quan Song.

Clothes that are loose inside and outside are easy to appear procrastination and lack of aesthetic feeling;

For this kind of wear, "tight inside and loose outside" and "loose inside and tight outside" will look better. It should be noted that wearing tight inside and loose outside will be more inclusive to the body shape, which is more suitable for chubby women. The wearing of "loose inside and tight outside" is more suitable for creating a good proportion, and it is more suitable for people with poor proportion, small people or thin people.

The easiest fashion for ordinary people to wear in winter isOverlapping,Although it is very common, it is not easy to wear it well. We have sorted out the following three overlapping ways:

1. Foundation overlapping

The first is the basic overlapping, which is also a way for everyone to get easily. Simple overlapping is "sandwich" wearing, that is, the combination of inside+single item+coat. What we need to know about this combination isSelection of clothesandThe creation of neckline.

There are four main points:

① Choose a thin and close-fitting style for the interior, and it can be pulled flat;

② The exposed neckline should avoid stacking as much as possible, and a single layer is the best;

3 choose a mid-high collar to wear, revealing a little neck part to be slim and beautiful;

4 Exposing the neckline, cuffs and hem will have a more layered feeling.

2. Body shape overlapping

On the basis of overlapping, we need to consider whether the figure is suitable. For example, the upper body is fat, the chest is big, or there is a belly, so at this time we should pay attention to the changes in details.

Upper body fat: the middle layer can be worn with unbuttoned clothes such as thin shirts, and only part of the inner layer can be exposed to make it slim;

Big chest: also choose shirts or V-neck clothing, and create V-neck lines at the neck;

Small belly: the inner belt doesn’t need to be completely inserted into the lower garment, and it will cover the meat more by tucking a corner or using a belt.

In addition, there are two smaller details when using the overlapping technique for slightly fat women:

First, choose dark colors for the interior and light colors for the outside; The second is to put a silk scarf on the neck to expose the edge, which can also play the role of overlapping, which is very suitable for people who are worried that overlapping will make them fat.

3. Advanced overlap

In addition to the basic overlapping, there is another way that overlapping is relatively rare and easy to wear novelty, that is, to choose the overlapping of coats and coats. For example, coat+suit jacket+turtleneck shirt, replacing a light shirt with a suit, can make the dress look more neat and straight.

Or change the suit into jeans and leather clothes, etc. The mix and match of materials and styles can make the dress more interesting. However, this kind of wearing is also very easy to appear bloated, which is not suitable for slightly fat women.

For ordinary people, the simplest and fastest skill to improve clothes is to learn color matching, which is not too complicated. Simple color application can increase the wearing power and fashion sense, for example:

1. Base color+embellishment color

Most people will choose the basic color to wear, and many people may think that wearing it like this can create a simple sense of high-level, but in fact, for ordinary people, wearing it like this will only appear single, boring and ordinary, because the sense of high-level needs temperament and details.

It is easier for ordinary people to master"base color+embellishment color". That is, when the whole body is basic color or monotonous, choose a small area of bright colors for embellishment, which can make the dress look more detailed.

for exampleGray coat+red embellishment,A large area of gray or black will be slightly dull and monotonous, and a little red at this time is the key to improving color and finishing touch.

At the same time, you can also use the technique of mutual echo between small areas to make the wearing look more exquisite. For example, if you choose shoes, bags, hair bands and other accessories with the same color as a single product, the colors will echo each other, and the visual unity and harmony will be very aesthetic.

2. Bright color+Shun color/Black/White

The echo of colors can also be put on the wearing of bright colors. For example, when a dress you choose is bright or you don’t know how to match it better, then choosing a similar color matching can have an extended visual effect and look very beautiful.

Of course, if the color is too bright, the safest way is to choose the basic color white or black, which has the effect of transition and inhibition, so that the color looks less vulgar.

The three "universal rules" about fashion wear are shared here in this issue. If you have any questions about wearing, please leave a message in the comment area ~

Disclaimer: The text of this article is original, and the pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. Thank you! yz

# What to wear today # # Punch in for a better life # # Fashion #

Xu Haidong won the men’s singles championship in Group A of the sports school.

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, August 17th (Reporter Wan Pung Chow) The table tennis event of the 2nd National Youth Games came to an end on the 17th. Xu Haidong, the champion of the World Youth Games and Liaoning, defeated Liang Yanzhu of Hebei 4-2 and won the men’s singles gold medal in Group A of the sports school.
Xu Haidong, 19, won three gold medals in men’s singles, men’s doubles and men’s team at the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships. On behalf of Liaoning Sports School, he made it all the way to the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and finally joined forces with Liang Yanzhu of xinji city Table Tennis Sports School.
On August 17th, Xu Haidong, a player from Liaoning Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Yangshe
In the final, Xu Haidong, who is good at right-handed straight fast break, took the lead in entering the state, winning two games in a row at 14:12 and 11:6. However, after that, he made too many mistakes in the counter-attack, and was recovered by Liang Yanzhu at 11:8. In the fourth and fifth games, the two men frequently staged a good show against Latin America. Xu Haidong first expanded the lead by 11:5, and then Liang Yanmu retaliated by 11:9, making the big score 2:3. In the crucial sixth game, Xu Haidong made a sudden effort under the deadlock in the opening, scored points in succession and finally won the game with 11:5 and won the gold medal.
On August 17th, Liang Yanzhu, a player from xinji city Table Tennis Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Chenguang photo
"When I was chased by my opponent, my state fluctuated, but I had a belief in winning." Xu Haidong said that as a straight player, he gained more experience and confidence in the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and expected to become the main position of the national team through hard work in the future.
In the third place battle, Xu Yingbin, a player from Heilongjiang Sports School, won the bronze medal with a 4-0 victory over Yuan Licen from Liaoning Sports School.
Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School beat Qian Tianyi/Shi Jiyao from Jiangsu Junior Amateur Sports School 4:1 to win the gold medal in the women’s doubles competition in Group A of the sports school. Huang Fanzhen/Fan Li of Jiaozuo Sports School won the bronze medal.
On August 17th, Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong (right) from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yanshe
In addition, the social club group also decided on two gold medals that day. The men’s singles and women’s doubles champions were won by Peng Feilong and Yang Jiwen/Chen Xingyu of Cao Yanhua Table Tennis Club.
Text Editor: Zhang Yueshan
New Media Editor: Wu Junkuan
Issued by: public soldier
Copyright belongs to Xinhua News Agency and may not be reproduced without permission.

People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

There are more than 90 million unmarried women of school age in China, and the "leftover women" are a shame. Family members: they are guilty if they don’t get married

Master’s degree, doctor’s degree and executive, all of which were synonymous with social elites, but once they became female masters, doctors and executives, it was a bit meaningful.

Especially those who are highly educated and devote themselves to their careers,Thus, women who missed the so-called "traditional" best age for marriage were crowned as "leftover women" by some netizens.

The word "leftover women" means being chosen and rejected, which is a malicious expression for unmarried women.

Nowadays, with the progress of society and the improvement of women’s education level, more and more women have new requirements for their future life and their other half.

Some people think that,It is better to get married than to abuse it. Since there is no suitable partner, why not enjoy the chic of being single?

Obviously, marriage is not the only need for women to grow up. Today, there are more than 90 million single women in China, who have chosen independence and career at the age of marriage.

However, it is not easy to stick to this choice.

The documentary "The Leftover Women in China" reveals the struggle and helplessness of the intellectual women in China between freedom and secularism.

According to the introduction of the film, single intellectual women in China, if27 years oldIf you are not married in the future, you will be crowned."leftover women"The name of.In the marriage and love market, such women are often the object of criticism.

They are single for different reasons, but they are similar.Have a career that can make you independent, and all have very high academic qualifications.

Higher education, independent economic base,It is decided that in the matter of marriage, they will not make haste.And what this documentary shows us is moreThe dilemma faced by single women.

The main characters of this documentary are three mature women from big cities. They all have enviable jobs, but they are not married in their late thirties for various reasons.

Under the pressure of society and family, some of them choose to compromise, some choose to resist, and some choose to be silent.

Hua Mei, a young lawyer, is a child who came out of the countryside through the college entrance examination. She has worked hard in big cities for many years, and her views on marriage are very different from those of her parents and family.

As the most promising child in the family, she was once the pride of her parents.But now it has become the most unpromising person in the family mouth.

Huamei was born in the countryside, and her parents’ ideas are very old. Their times are catching up with family planning, and a family is basically one or two children.

Huamei’s home is her two daughters with her sister. Because she has no son, her parents have suffered from the gossip of the villagers.

However, parents are very kind to the two sisters and are not influenced by outsiders. The father is even more determined to let his children study hard and be admitted to the university, so as to show outsiders that girls can also make a difference.

My family conditions are limited, and my sister’s study is really not good. My sister who didn’t go to college got married very early.

And Huamei became the hope of parents.A few years after she was admitted to the university, her parents were really proud.

After graduating from college, Huamei stayed in Beijing on her own and became the envy of everyone, and she became the pride of her family.However, as Huamei got older, the family began to urge marriage.

Huamei’s lawyer work is very busy, and my personality is also very independent and strong, which is caused by various reasons.She remained single until she was thirty-four.

My sister’s children have run all over the place, but Huamei has not found a suitable object yet, and her parents are extremely anxious.She also changed from the pride of her family to the shame of her family.

Sister Hua Mei

Family think, don’t marry an old maid to stay at home is very shameful, my sister even said:"If you don’t get married, you should go to jail."

Because of the problem of being single, Huamei began to be reluctant to go home, and even tried to arrange things for herself on holidays. At this time, in the eyes of the family,Not getting married is like being inferior. Not getting married is unfilial and violates social morality.

These shackles in the name of family make Huamei breathless. I used to have an enviable job, high income and good welfare, but I became a sinner in the eyes of my parents just because I didn’t get married.

Parents’ attitude and sister’s harsh words all hurt the heart of this strong and independent girl since childhood.

Facing the camera, she couldn’t help crying. At this point, the home has become a thorn bush full of thorns. Every time I come home, I’m scarred,She can only choose to escape.

The second hero is Xiao Min, a radio anchor, a native of Shanghai who has a car and a house. He has been in love several times and ended up dead.

Xiaomin’s family conditions are much better than Huamei’s, but she is also deeply troubled by urging marriage, and the biggest pressure also comes from her family.

She is the only daughter in the family. Since childhood, her parents have arranged everything for her, and her mother’s personality is relatively strong, so she has developed her weak personality.Everything is habitually subject to the opinions of parents.

Especially when it comes to getting married,Parents’ request is to find a good financial condition.,Those who are suitable and not registered in Shanghai will not be considered, nor will those with poor economic conditions be considered.

But what is often shown is that,Those with good conditions despise Xiao Min, while those with poor conditions despise each other. They have been picking and choosing for many years, and finally they have not found a suitable one.

In the eyes of parents, economic conditions always come first. It doesn’t seem so important whether my daughter likes it or not. In my mother’s words"I’m doing it for your own good" and "Can I still harm you?".

Xiaomin, who has been habitually obedient since childhood, has little say in his lifelong events.

In fact, she has talked about boyfriends several times before, but once parents and boyfriends have conflicts, she often stands on her parents’ side. At this point, there may be a big reason why many times I fell in love with her ended in vain.

Without your own opinions and knowing how to fight for yourself, the road to marriage is doomed to be difficult. Marriage is a matter between two people, and marriage is not only about material conditions, but also about feelings.

Perhaps what Xiaomin lacks is the courage to fight for himself, and what he likes is the most appropriate. Marriage is not a negotiation, a business, or a price negotiation between two parties.Feelings are never things that can be clearly priced.

If we don’t figure this out, marriage is bound to be very difficult. Even if you are barely together, there will be various contradictions in your marriage life.

The third protagonist is Gaiqi, who is also over 30 years old. Gaiqi, who has been in love for several times, has never found her other half.

Gaiqi, who was born in the countryside and had a heavy family burden, became an assistant professor at the Film Academy through her own efforts. She is financially independent and lives a leisurely life. At her age, it is very good to have such achievements.

However, she was overwhelmed by various problems at home. Without the burden of family, Gaiqi can live well on her own.

However, the real blow made her really unable to bear the economic pressure and the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Three people, three different families and three different lives are the most true portrayal of the living conditions of contemporary older women.

China has been a human society since ancient times. Up to now, almost no one can get rid of society and exist. Being single or not is not just your own business.

China people pay attention to inheritance. They want grandchildren when they have sons, and great grandchildren when they have grandchildren.People are getting old in the expectation of this generation.

Children are not only the blood inheritance of parents, but also their hopes for the future. Most children are also dependent on their parents in their old age.

No Country for Old Men is a very serious matter for China people.Therefore, many people advocate more children and more happiness.

This means that,If you want to stay single, you have to fight against the vast majority of people and the inheritance of the Millennium.

As long as you are older than.Twenty-five years old, even just in his early twenties,There will be all kinds of relatives and friends to introduce you to the object. If you are single and don’t accept other people’s kindness, then you are waiting for others’ complaints or even insults.

In the movie "If You Are the One", Shu Qi once asked:"Is it illegal to be single?"

Even if she plays a single and independent stewardess in the play, she will be ridiculed by others and even intimidated by her family.

Yes, for older single women,Being single is an urgent problem to be solved.

Wang Manni in Nothing But Thirty has a decent job and a high income, but he still hopes to live the life of a master through marriage.

At the age of thirty, she had to accept the arrangement of her parents and make blind dates with civil servants in small cities. Although the blind date didn’t succeed in the end, she was still very anxious about being single and eager to marry herself quickly.

Drama comes from life, and the discussion on the problem of leftover women in countless movies and TV dramas is all verified.Older single women, how unfriendly this society is.

Similarly, at the end of the documentary, the aforementionedUnder the pressure of life, the three protagonists had to make a choice.

Hua Mei, a female lawyer, chose to study abroad. She didn’t want to live in a dispute with her family, and the pressure was too great.

Not getting married is like a crime, and my sister’s words are circulating in her mind all the time.This has seriously affected her normal life.

Choosing to go abroad is just to escape temporarily.Maybe she can find someone who appreciates herself in a foreign country.

It seems helpless to be forced to move away from home, but this time Huamei is not alone, and her stubborn father supported her this time, which made her feel somewhat comforted.

Radio anchor Xiaomin didn’t want to put up with her mother’s strength any more. She began to reflect on her own problems and hoped that her mother would let her decide her own life.

Although her resistance caused her mother’s strong dissatisfaction, and even the two had a fierce argument, after all, she took the first step, hoping that in the future, she could firmly maintain her own opinions.

For children, it is also a compulsory course in life for parents to learn to let go. Excessive intervention by parents leads to children’s excessive dependence on their parents, which makes them unable to have independent ideas.

The most important sign of maturity is independence. I am still a child, so I can’t talk about starting a family and being someone else’s parents.

However, unlike Hua Mei and Xiao Min, Gai Qi finally chose to compromise.It took her a year to get married..

Her husband met on a blind date, and his family is also in the countryside. Gaiqi said that she had already owed too much foreign debt for her parents. Getting married can relieve her stress.

However, Gaiqi’s age was rejected by her husband’s family, because her husband was younger than Gaiqi. My mother-in-law has said many times that she is too old.Tell her not to tell her real age to her relatives and friends.

Even so, after one year of marriage, Gaiqi had her own children. Now her family of three is full of vitality because of the arrival of children.

At this point, who can say that Gaiqi is unhappy?Isn’t that how most of us get here?

From this documentary, we see the three protagonists struggling with life.It is not easy for single women to survive in society.

Being single certainly has many conveniences,Life is more free and there are fewer disputes in the process of getting along, but staying single requires great pressure.

One of the biggest pressures is from the family, which can make parents accept being single.It is the biggest challenge for the "leftover women".

A woman who is urged to get married

In this regard, some netizens think that being single does not mean failure. On the contrary, being able to bravely choose being single is the brave embodiment of modern independent women, and single women should be respected and protected.

The higher the degree of social development, the higher people’s economic level, and the less dependence on their families.

This is why high-end people, entertainment stars, and the elites of these societies are the "hardest hit areas" for leftover women.

Because they don’t have to rely on anyone, they can live a good life. Being single even saves them a lot of trouble in human relations. They can choose to raise children or not, which is not a problem for them.

They enjoy the convenience and freedom brought by being single. If marriage can’t bring happiness and make their life better, why choose to get married?

Faye Yu, 52, is still single, and she doesn’t think marriage is necessary. She enjoys being single very much.

And she firmly believes that staying single can make her life more free and exciting, and she can enjoy life better.

Single women like Faye Yu are even more independent and strong than ordinary men.

Therefore, age can’t be a limiting factor for a person. Some people may get married at the age of 20, and some people may still be elegant single women at the age of 60, and marriage is not the only choice.

With the increasing tolerance of our society, perhaps in the future,"Leftover women" is no longer the object of discrimination or crusade.

The higher the civilization of society, the more diverse society will be. There is not only one choice for people’s lifestyle.Marriage is only an option, but not choosing marriage does not mean that our life is unhappy..

The social system will be more and more perfect, medical care will be more and more convenient, and old-age care will no longer be a problem. You can live a good life by your own personal accumulation.

Without secular standards, perhaps feelings will become more pure, and people’s happiness index will certainly be higher and higher.

What do you think of "leftover women"? Let’s share it in the comments section ~

(The pictures and story materials are all from the Internet. Unauthorized reprinting is prohibited! ) # Summer Creation Competition #

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How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

Fashion is not superstition, but a compulsory course in life!

In the stream of time, we always walk through the intersection of the past and the future. Clothing, like a symbol of time, carries our choices and decisions at every step. Sister pomelo tells history takes you into a wonderful journey through time and space.

Hey, history fans, let’s cross the long river of history, but also remember the preciousness of every moment. Clothes are not only a coat, but also a code of life and a story about us. Uncover the wonderful world outside this fashion together.

"Respect clothes before people, skin before soul." This ancient proverb is buried in our hearts like a seed of revelation. Clothes may not determine a person’s life, but it is a window into the heart. Does this mean that every choice we make affects our future destiny?

Network material

"Image must be ahead of ability, otherwise your ability will be easily overlooked and underestimated." The external image, like a bright flag, leads our internal state. Dressing appropriately is not only a respect for yourself, but also an attitude towards life and career. Let our image become a background color of life and light up the road ahead.

Network material

"Appreciating a person begins with face value, respects talent, fits in with character, lasts longer than kindness and is loyal to character." Life is like a painting, and its face value, talent and personality are like various shades on the canvas. Dressing is not only an external decoration, but also a way to show our colorful life. Let the aesthetic power dance on us, and let people feel the charm of both internal and external cultivation while seeing us.

Network material

"A person’s life will not be decided by the clothes you wear, but you can see your life state and inner world through the clothes you wear." Clothing is not only an external expression, but also a reflection of inner feelings. The netizen in this story changed his life through ten days of careful dressing. The choice of clothes has become the starting point of her fashion mood turning point. Isn’t this the wonderful power of fashion?

"Teacher Angela Chung once said:’ You dress beautifully and appropriately, and it is your people who are remembered; You wear sloppy clothes, and people will only remember your sloppy clothes.’ "Dressing appropriately is not only a kind of respect for yourself, but also a kind of respect for others. A good display of external image will lead us to the peak of life. Let proper dress become a plus item in our life, lead good luck and prevent opportunities from slipping away easily.

Network material

Dressing turned out to be a fate choice. Clothes are not only a part of our life, but also our window to the outside world. While choosing clothes, we may also be betting on every step of life. The mystery of life is hidden outside fashion, and clothing is one of our most intuitive choices every day. In the long river of time, let us lead our own destiny through clothing. Not only fashion, but also the choice of life. Dress, change your destiny, make your own decisions.