The female figure is humiliating, and this stalk sucks.

"S is thin, M is beautiful, L is rotten, XL is rotten, and XXL is rotten." There is also a small line on the size table, "Only for girls aged 18-35, please consult customer service first according to your figure". Recently, a suggested size table for women’s wear in RT Mart shopping malls caused controversy. In response, its official Weibo statement said that improper wording in publicity materials would strengthen internal management to ensure that such incidents would not happen again.

To be honest, I thought it was a spoof at first. I can’t figure out how a publicity board full of malice towards women got green light all the way to the wall. Wen Wenjun, who thinks that playing homophonic terrier is very humorous, used just two lines to account for all the discrimination against women’s age, gender and figure, and there is really no one.

According to the clothing size, the female compatriots, who account for three fifths of all women, are all in the queue of "worse than bad". Also coincides with the "Double Eleven" period, so the IQ and EQ are not online, offending the gold owners and sisters who are the main force of "buy buy Buy". I’m afraid this business will really be "broken up".

It’s 2020, but the mainstream aesthetic of women still stays on the long legs with black silk. Every once in a while, there are female stars who are hung up on hot search because of their "expansion". It seems that women can only be equated with self-discipline if they are white, young and thin, chopsticks legs, A4 waist and paper people.

Even actress Gong Li, who was named "Gong Huang" by the domestic entertainment circle, was not spared. In August this year, a street photo of Gong Li and her husband caused a heated discussion among netizens. In the photo, Gong Huang wore a pink floral dress, and the whole person looked natural and graceful. However, in the netizen’s message, the words "the waist of the bucket is full of fat, and the unicorn arm is raised" are still very heartfelt.

Top female artists who are over 50 years old and internationally renowned have to be humiliated by their bodies. It also makes female compatriots realize that in the world ruled by deformed aesthetics, women never seem to escape the fate of being examined, evaluated and humiliated by their bodies.

A female star in the spotlight should take a scale with her when eating a meal. If you eat a little fat, you will be ridiculed by the whole network. Some people argue that the harshness of actresses’ figure has industry particularity, because they belong to the representatives of traffic and attention. You can think about it carefully. Is being fat or thin the only criterion to judge an artist’s quality? Don’t you see, how many red flowers are there, and there is a good skin, but I don’t know where the face value is higher than acting. After many years of debut, acting will only be silly and sweet.

Not only stars, but also ordinary women are kidnapped by the abnormal aesthetic of "one fat destroys everything", which is both a victim and a perpetrator. Under the single aesthetic effect of being thin and young, the standard of beauty becomes thin and thin again.

The popular "BM style" this summer, the once popular "A4 waist", "keeping goldfish on the clavicle" and "touching the navel with the backhand" all made the "fat girl" feel ashamed. In order to become beautiful, some girls go to great lengths to soak in Chili water, induce vomiting, and even shrink their stomachs to lose weight. Others are addicted to plastic surgery, leaving serious sequelae.

It’s easy to get rid of the brand of "XXL corresponding to’ broken’" in shopping malls, but it’s difficult to break the hidden rules of female body humiliation.

The beauty of women should not be confined to the standards defined by others. Beauty is a lot of money. Only by establishing healthier and diversified aesthetic standards can women have more self-confidence, not be shackled by the standard of "white and thin", accept the traces left by years and love their bodies, live high.

At this year’s "Talk Show Conference", a remark made by star agent Yang Naizhen is worth reflecting-"Girls should not be defined by standards, there is no standardized beauty and ugliness, just like yourself."

Let more women stop criticizing themselves for the eyes of strangers, have the right to health and beauty, and break the shackles of stereotypes and concepts. There is still a lot that the whole society needs to do. Let’s start with something like "XXL corresponds to’ breaking up’".

Source: The Paper.