2022 Guangzhou Auto Show: 2023 Beijing BJ80 debuted.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise A Wolf in Tiger Skin Beijing BJ80 Comprehensive Test Evaluation editor-Shi Muhua:

"Beijing BJ80 is a wolf, but it doesn’t want to be a wolf, so it is covered with tiger skin. As everyone knows, people may accept it as it is. Although it may not be as magnificent as a tiger, it is more real and confident. Without self-confidence, wolves will completely lose their position in wolves. " This is a passage I wrote at the end of the article. Let me translate it: From the perspective of product strength, this car has good strength. Although it is not as good as its imitation Mercedes-Benz G-class, it can already achieve a good level in the same class of hard-core off-road vehicles. But it looks like a top-class off-road vehicle. Maybe people are more willing to accept an original appearance although it may not be so cool. Only in that way will it really have its own position.

Evaluation editor-Yu Han:

This BJ80 is very similar to Mercedes-Benz G, not only looks like it, but also the sitting posture, vision and suspension feel when you drive it. Maybe this car can satisfy your vanity, but the 300,000 China brand SUV is not cheap. It’s up to you whether it’s worth it or not.

Evaluation editor:

For BJ80, what I like best is the sound of closing the door. Although the ringing sound of clicking is very similar to that of Mercedes-Benz G, this similarity is not offensive. What I don’t like most is braking. Not only is the result not good, but the feeling of stepping on it also makes people feel insecure. In addition, it is more in line with psychological expectations. Some people will buy it for this highly similar appearance, which is quite interesting. But for me, imitation is too much like a hurdle in my heart. If my other half drives me to work in it, I will let him park two blocks away, and I will walk there no matter how cold it is.

Guangdong announced that the minimum admission score for the spring college entrance examination is 150 for ordinary higher vocational colleges.

  On March 3rd, the Guangdong Provincial Admissions Committee announced the minimum admission scores for the spring college entrance examination of ordinary colleges and universities in our province in 2022 (unified examination for graduates of secondary vocational schools in ordinary colleges and universities, and admission for higher vocational colleges according to the results of ordinary high school level examinations). Among them, the total score of undergraduate colleges recruiting secondary vocational graduates is 260 points, and the total score of general vocational education is 150 points.

  Specifically, in view of the unified examination for recruiting secondary vocational school graduates in ordinary colleges and universities, undergraduate colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 260, higher vocational colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 100, higher vocational colleges recruit retired soldiers with a total score of 85, and higher vocational colleges recruit mainland Tibet Xinjiang secondary vocational school candidates with a total score of 90.

  Candidates enrolled in higher vocational colleges according to the results of the ordinary high school academic level examination have a total score of 150 for general culture, 130 for sports, 170 for sports, 130 for music (including musicology, music performance-vocal music, music performance-instrumental music), 155 for music, 130 for art, 155 for art and dance.

Xu Haidong won the men’s singles championship in Group A of the sports school.

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, August 17th (Reporter Wan Pung Chow) The table tennis event of the 2nd National Youth Games came to an end on the 17th. Xu Haidong, the champion of the World Youth Games and Liaoning, defeated Liang Yanzhu of Hebei 4-2 and won the men’s singles gold medal in Group A of the sports school.
Xu Haidong, 19, won three gold medals in men’s singles, men’s doubles and men’s team at the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships. On behalf of Liaoning Sports School, he made it all the way to the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and finally joined forces with Liang Yanzhu of xinji city Table Tennis Sports School.
On August 17th, Xu Haidong, a player from Liaoning Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Yangshe
In the final, Xu Haidong, who is good at right-handed straight fast break, took the lead in entering the state, winning two games in a row at 14:12 and 11:6. However, after that, he made too many mistakes in the counter-attack, and was recovered by Liang Yanzhu at 11:8. In the fourth and fifth games, the two men frequently staged a good show against Latin America. Xu Haidong first expanded the lead by 11:5, and then Liang Yanmu retaliated by 11:9, making the big score 2:3. In the crucial sixth game, Xu Haidong made a sudden effort under the deadlock in the opening, scored points in succession and finally won the game with 11:5 and won the gold medal.
On August 17th, Liang Yanzhu, a player from xinji city Table Tennis Sports School, was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Chenguang photo
"When I was chased by my opponent, my state fluctuated, but I had a belief in winning." Xu Haidong said that as a straight player, he gained more experience and confidence in the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, and expected to become the main position of the national team through hard work in the future.
In the third place battle, Xu Yingbin, a player from Heilongjiang Sports School, won the bronze medal with a 4-0 victory over Yuan Licen from Liaoning Sports School.
Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School beat Qian Tianyi/Shi Jiyao from Jiangsu Junior Amateur Sports School 4:1 to win the gold medal in the women’s doubles competition in Group A of the sports school. Huang Fanzhen/Fan Li of Jiaozuo Sports School won the bronze medal.
On August 17th, Sun Yizhen/Wang Xiaotong (right) from Shandong Shengli Dongsheng Sports School was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yanshe
In addition, the social club group also decided on two gold medals that day. The men’s singles and women’s doubles champions were won by Peng Feilong and Yang Jiwen/Chen Xingyu of Cao Yanhua Table Tennis Club.
Text Editor: Zhang Yueshan
New Media Editor: Wu Junkuan
Issued by: public soldier
Copyright belongs to Xinhua News Agency and may not be reproduced without permission.

Read the history of the world in 3 minutes to help you gain knowledge!

For a long time, the Silk Road has been simply regarded as a trade channel connecting East and West. However, Peter Franco Pan, a professor at Oxford University, put forward a subversive view in his new book, The Silk Road: A Brand-new World History:

The importance of the Silk Road goes far beyond the trade channel. In fact, the Silk Road has shaped the past of mankind and will certainly affect the future of the world.

From four ancient civilizations, three religions and wars in human history to today’s the belt and road initiative, Franco Pan described the intricate relationship between the Silk Road and world civilization from ancient times to the present. The following excerpts from the Silk Road will give you three minutes to understand world history.

Silk Road and Four Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Babylon

Since the beginning of civilization, the Silk Road has been the cradle of empire. The Mesopotamian alluvial plain bred by the Tigris River and the Euphrates River provided soil for the emergence of human civilization, and it was here that the world’s earliest towns and cities were born. Almost 4000 years ago, King Hammurabi of Babylon promulgated the earliest written law in the world here.

Ancient Egypt

Ptolemy, the guard officer who accompanied Alexander the Great in his expedition, brought wealth from the Silk Road to Egypt and established a capital named Alexandria. According to a contemporary scholar, Alexandria has developed into the largest city in the world at that time, with a population of 300,000 in the 1st century BC.

Ancient India

Mohenjodaro, nearly 5,000 years ago on the Silk Road, is a miracle of the ancient world, with tens of thousands of urban population, criss-crossing streets and sophisticated sewage system, which cannot be compared with Europe thousands of years later. The Silk Road also linked India and Rome. A large number of coins found on the west coast of India can be traced back to the period of Augustus.

Ancient China

In the Han Dynasty, after many campaigns, China people drove the Xiongnu back to the grassland and seized the Hexi Corridor, which opened the door for a transcontinental communication channel-the "Silk Road" was born. The expansion of the territory aroused China people’s interest in the outside world, and the high-priced silk trade made China people get rich returns.

The Silk Road and Three Major Religions


The scenery of cultural exchange on the Silk Road is amazing. In India, it was not until the worship of Apollo was established that the statue of Buddha began to appear: the statue seems to be based on the image of Apollo, which shows the deep influence of Greek culture. Before that, Buddhists were never willing to show their faces and make public, but now religious competition forces them to reform and innovate.


Christianity spread rapidly eastward along the Silk Road, overwhelmed Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Buddhism, and marched straight into Asia, and soon spread all over the Persian Gulf and as far away as the area ruled by Guishuang-that is, it has reached today’s Afghanistan.


After conquering the Silk Road, Muslims gathered a lot of wealth and set off the most unforgettable academic research upsurge in history.

Many scholars were summoned to the Palace in Baghdad or attracted to the top academic centers all over Central Asia, engaged in mathematics, philosophy, physics, geography and other research. At that time, the radicals were not Muslims, but Christians; At that time, those wise men who were open-minded, curious and generous were all on the Silk Road, not Europe and America.

Silk Road and Global Economy

economic globalization

Along the Silk Road more than 2,000 years ago, in Carthage and other cities around the Mediterranean, the rich and powerful can wear silk handmade in China; Pottery produced in southern France can be found in England and the Persian Gulf. In kitchens in Xinjiang and Rome, condiments from India can be used; Greek characters can be carved on buildings in northern Afghanistan; In the east, you can see galloping horses in Central Asia.

We usually regard globalization as a unique phenomenon in contemporary society, but as early as two thousand years ago, globalization was already a fact, which provided opportunities, brought problems and promoted technological progress.

Great discovery of America

After the 16th century, with Columbus discovery of america, Europe got a lot of silver from America. The Silver Road encircles the world like a ribbon, but in the end it all flows to the same place through the Silk Road: China.

At the same time, Chinese porcelain and silk are very popular in Europe. With the influx of silver, the culture of the Ming Empire was unprecedentedly prosperous, with novels, operas, paintings and philosophy shining brilliantly. However, due to its inability to control inflation, the Ming Empire eventually collapsed.

The British Empire dominates.

In the 16th century, the success of Spain and Portugal frustrated the British. In order to gain a place on the Silk Road, Britain established some new trading companies, such as the Turkish company and the East India company. These companies all obtained royal charters, plundered the wealth on the Silk Road by their monopoly position, and finally created the glory of the empire that never sets.

Silk Road and Human War

Roman Persian war

For the Romans, if the empire wants to grow, it must have a large number of cities, thus collecting enough taxes; If the empire wants to be brilliant, it must have artists and craftsmen. These did not exist in the barren European continent at that time. In order to build a powerful empire, the Romans must control the heart of the world-the Silk Road. In order to achieve this goal, Rome and Persia fought for 400 years.

The crusades

Although the 200-year-long Crusade is regarded as a religious war, there is a more important secular power behind it-the infinite wealth on the Silk Road. Relying on the opportunity of the crusade, cities such as Venice rose to become upstarts on the Silk Road, and the west also re-entered the core area of the world.

The Mongols are coming.

The Mongolian iron hoof conquered almost the whole Eurasia along the Silk Road. As well known as the horrible massacre, it is the wisdom of Mongols to rule the world.

They encouraged trade across Europe and Asia on the Silk Road with low tax rates, eliminated ethnic barriers on the Silk Road with military rule, promoted the integration of eastern and western civilizations, and created freedom and prosperity of religious belief on the Silk Road with tolerant policies.

Nazi road

On August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed the Soviet-German Non-aggression Treaty, although the alliance between the two countries was incredible. But in fact, Stalin compromised with Germany in order to gain time, and he needed time to restore the turbulent country.

The other ally, Hitler, was for wheat and oil located in the south of the Soviet Union, two crops located at the western end of the Silk Road, which were extremely scarce in Germany.

Hitler’s original wishful thinking was to form an alliance with the Soviet Union, which provided supplies. Unexpectedly, after the war began, Stalin did not fully support Germany, but fell to the allies. In the end, Hitler was forced on an adventurous road to invade the Soviet Union, which doomed the collapse of the Third Reich.

Today, despite frequent wars and constant frictions, the Silk Road passes through Islam and other places, but in Peter Franco Pan’s view, its important role in natural resources, geographical location, history and culture still exists, and the Silk Road is reviving.

Electromechanical Online | Women’s Basketball Game semi -final (electromechanical VS material ring)

New youth

Always accompany you all the way

At 3:40 pm on November 29, the women’s basketball competition was held in the large playground, and the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering VS Materials and Environmental Engineering College.

At the beginning of the game, the basketball athletes of the Mechanical and Electrical Institute took the initiative to pass the ball with a good and skilled movement, and to force the rebound. Our team members quickly entered the state, and they were all heroic. On the court, you are fighting for me, you attacked me, and you have a skilled pitching. The pitching movements are handsome and neat. At the same time, the cheerleaders also shouted outside the court, and the atmosphere of the court was very active. In the end, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering won the game at 25:19.


After this basketball game, it not only enriched the students ‘extra -curricular life, but also strengthened the students’ awareness of exercising and solidarity and cooperation, allowing students to relax their body and mind in the intense study life, and felt the strength and warmth of the group’s groups. Essence I hope that our women’s basketball team members will be overwhelmed all the way in the next game and break the waves to win a better ranking!
