Deep Mathematics: Give full play to the advantages of digital technology platforms to help Linyi Mall develop new formats and models

"Modern Logistics City, as a complex with thousands of business scenes, itself has huge data value and connectivity." In the Linyi coverage, the chairperson of Deepin Mathematics Group Quanchuanxiao described the overall ecology of Linyi Mall.

With the rapid development of digital technology, "digitalization" and "intelligence" have gradually penetrated into all walks of life. Under this opportunity, in order to adapt to this rapidly changing environment, enterprises should also continue to innovate, optimize their operation models, and improve service quality. Linyi Mall, as the core area of the business and logistics industry, is also an integral part of Linyi’s economy. Through the effective collection and application of massive data such as its small commodity city, furniture city, and logistics city, it will become a breakthrough point for Linyi Mall to move towards the modern logistics industry.

At this stage, the implementation of the first good strategy of trade and logistics, and the acceleration of the construction of "four malls" of digital mall, international mall, green mall and chain mall, the construction of Linyi modern logistics city bears the new transformation and upgrading of trade and logistics. To meet new opportunities and challenges, and to create new advantages of trade and logistics, the construction of modern logistics city is even more duty-bound.

Big DataSupport the new business model of the mall

Quan Chuanxiao, chairperson of Deepin Digital Technology Group, continued to emphasize in an interview with Linyi News that "we need to continuously tap the potential of these [mall enterprises] data to provide better digital transformation and innovation services for enterprises in the mall." Linyi, as the largest market cluster and commodity distribution center in the north of China, has also been known as the "famous business city" and "logistics capital".

Among them, the healthy development of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall also continues to affect the four beams and eight pillars of Linyi’s economy. Therefore, how to promote the sustainable development of major core enterprises and mall merchants, and make the industrial chain and supply chain in the mall more resilient and faster has become an urgent issue for the entire mall.

As a local enterprise in Linyi and a leading digital technology enterprise in the domestic service bill market, Deepin Digital Group’s digital technology strength and its natural affinity between its "bill" business and enterprises have become a natural advantage to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall with digital transformation.

It is understood that promoting the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy, grasping the direction of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, promoting the digitalization of manufacturing, service industries, agriculture, and other industries, and using new Internet technologies to carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries have been the focus of Deepin Digital for a long time. For many merchants in the mall, Deepin Digital Group can use big data and artificial intelligence and other technologies to help merchants connect upstream and downstream, and use legal massive data for modeling and analysis, and then by mining the information of consumer behavior and market demand behind the data, so as to provide more accurate marketing strategies and decision support for small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to better improve the value of the supply chain, and expand business opportunities for enterprises and stimulate market vitality.

Digital technology empowers new business models

As a supply chain and digital technology enterprise that has grown up relying on Linyi Mall, Deep Digital Group is also a carrier to improve the modern supply chain system of Linyi Mall. In the digital exhibition hall of Deep Digital Group, there is a digital cloud map of the enterprise network that can be demonstrated on the spot. Every time an enterprise node is clicked on, the map can easily and quickly find the upstream and downstream supply chain relationships of the enterprise, and achieve accurate docking of supply and marketing needs, so that enterprises can implement digital supply chain management, achieve transparency and real-time monitoring of procurement, production, sales and other links, and improve the efficiency of full-link work.

Quan Chuanxiao Zaizhong, chairperson of Deepin Digital Group, said, "In the later stage, we will also give full play to our technological advantages and advantages to continuously improve the construction of the mall database, and build the mall’s characteristic index system and application mechanism." It is understood that in order to further promote the healthy development of the mall with digital technology, Deepin Digital Group also provides supply chain management cooperation for logistics enterprises in Linyi Mall. By building intelligent logistics infrastructure and Internet-based logistics information, it realizes online and intelligent logistics services, so as to provide its enterprises with more convenient and efficient logistics services, while reducing logistics costs and improving service quality.

As Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao said in the introduction, "The relevant measures of the group are designed to provide accurate industry operation status data support for enterprises in the mall, so as to solve the problems of information asymmetry in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, and further promote information sharing and cooperation among enterprises in the mall. Let Linyi Mall continue to remain competitive in the competition of new formats and new models." In the future, under the leadership of Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao, the group will pay attention to its own development, and will also actively participate in the construction of commercial logistics, continue to provide digital services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and "chain" new development momentum.

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Ask the new M5 to open the reservation channel.

  Huawei Terminal announced that the new M5 in the world opened the reservation channel. At the first anniversary node of the release of the intelligent driving version of the M5, Yu Chengdong said that the new M5 would be released on April 23rd, and it would be upgraded in an all-round way, making a stunning appearance with a younger and more fashionable image, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of "super-beautiful, super-easy to open, super-intelligent and super-safe". Previously, the M5 version of Zhijie was trusted by consumers for its outstanding performance in the fields of intelligent driving and safety.

China stepped into the "traffic society" and consumed nearly 10 billion g of mobile traffic in the first half of the year.

  CCTV News:Whether it’s work, daily life, or leisure and entertainment, people can see the scene of holding their mobile phones and brushing their heads.

  According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics,In the first half of the year, the cumulative usage traffic of China’s mobile Internet users reached 8.89 billion G, up 136.8% year-on-year. It is expected that it will exceed 10 billion G by the end of the year.. Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that ChinaAmong the 1.17 billion mobile Internet users, the average access traffic per household was nearly 1.6g in June.It is more than four times that of the same period in 2015.

△ Figure/vision china

  With the increasing correlation between mobile data traffic and life, traffic not only brings convenience to life, but also promotes the development of emerging industries, profoundly changes the social form and affects people’s daily life. 

  How much traffic do you use every month?

  China has fully stepped into the "flow society"

  Nowadays, many people’s days start like this: calling a car to work online, paying for lunch delivery by mobile phone, communicating with social networks at any time, playing drama on their mobile phones after work, and video chatting with friends in the evening … … Mobile payment, mobile entertainment and mobile office, data flow has become an important support of social information flow.. 

△ The first multi-type "mobile payment" bus in China

  Yu Jianing, director of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "Traffic itself is data and information, but the content it carries also includes social value. China has fully entered ‘ Traffic society ’”。 According to statistics, in 2016, China’s mobile Internet users accessed 9.36 billion g, an increase of 8.48 billion g over 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 80.6%. 

  The era of 10 billion G traffic has arrived, experts said.Flow economy is the performance of digital economy. Digitalization and digital technology are transforming life and all walks of life.. Online shopping, mobile phone ordering, mobile payment, etc. make mobile phones closely integrated with the real economy. As online payment companies enter overseas markets, people can gradually enjoy the convenience brought by offline payment of mobile phones when traveling abroad.

Citizens are using unmanned express vehicles.

  According to the 40th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China just released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of June this year,The number of netizens in China reached 751 million, and the number of mobile phone netizens reached 724 million.The proportion of mobile Internet access continues to increase. In the first half of the year, the number of users of various mobile phone applications continued to rise, among whichMobile phone take-out applications grew the fastest, with the number of users reaching 274 million, an increase of 41.4% compared with the end of 2016.;The number of mobile payment users reached 502 million.,463 million netizens use mobile phones to pay when they spend offline.. 

△ Figure/vision china

  "Sharing" the new format, the income of the top 100 Internet companies exceeded one trillion.

  What leads to the arrival of the traffic era is not only the expansion of user scale, but also the development of new formats. More precisely, the relationship between the traffic era and the new format is mutually reinforcing. Since the second half of last year, the industry in bike-sharing has achieved rapid development.As of June this year, the number of users in bike-sharing has reached 106 million, accounting for 14.1% of the total netizens.The business coverage has penetrated from the first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen to the second, third and fourth-tier cities, and some bike-sharing brands have begun to go international.

  Live broadcast, flash, maker, online car, bike-sharing, mobile phone takeaway … … These new occupations based on mobile Internet have opened up new space for industrial development.According to incomplete statistics, in 2016, the number of take-away riders registered in China’s take-away platform has exceeded 10 million.. 

  According to the list of "Top 100 Internet Enterprises in China" in 2017,In 2016, the total revenue of Internet business of the top 100 Internet companies reached 1.07 trillion yuan, up 46.8% year-on-year, breaking through the trillion mark for the first time.Among them, there are nearly 50 enterprises related to the field of big data and nearly 20 enterprises related to artificial intelligence.

  Wen Ku, director of the Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the rapid development of the mobile Internet has spawned many new occupations and formats. Many enterprises provide diversified and personalized services to the majority of mobile communication users in combination with their own characteristics and advantages, meet people’s different needs, promote market competition, improve social efficiency and stimulate market vitality.

  Intelligent industry develops 5G network to promote "Internet of Everything"

  Based on the rapid growth of traffic scale, intelligent industries such as Internet of Things and VR industry will usher in rapid development in the future. 

△VR equipment helps middle school classrooms

  Experts believe that with the approaching of the 5G era, the explosive growth of traffic will bring more changes that are worth looking forward to. “It takes one hour for 4G to download a high-definition Blu-ray movie, but it may only take a few minutes for 5G. The powerful transmission capacity will allow more formats to carry traffic express trains."

  In June this year, China Information and Communication Research Institute released the White Paper on the Economic and Social Impact of 5G, proposing thatThe 5G network will provide at least ten times the peak rate of 4G, millisecond transmission delay and hundreds of billions of connection capabilities.Open a new era of extensive interconnection of everything and deep interaction between man and machine.

  5G will comprehensively build the key infrastructure for economic and social digital transformation, from online to offline, from consumption to production, from platform to ecology, and push China’s digital economy to a new level. For telecom operators, the rapid growth of traffic consumption has brought huge opportunities, but it also means that there is more room for speeding up and reducing fees, so as to achieve benign development.

Press Conference on the Cancellation of Ferry in Guanhe District of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration

Time: 10: 00 on May 21st, 2020.

Venue: Lianyungang Press Conference Hall

Moderator: Yang Yan, Deputy Director of Party Group Work Department of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration

Publisher: Bao Jilai, deputy director and spokesperson of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration; Yin Wenwei, vice chairman of guannan county CPPCC and director of Transportation Bureau; Wu Xiaojun, deputy director of Lianyungang Guanhe Maritime Department.

Issue: Introduce the cancellation of ferry in Guanhe area of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration.

Yang Yan: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends of the news media!

Today, we held a press conference on "Cancellation of Ferry in Guanhe Jurisdiction of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration" in Lianyungang Press Hall.

Attending the conference were Bao Jilai, deputy director and spokesman of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, Yin Wenwei, vice chairman of Lianyungang guannan county CPPCC and director of the Transportation Bureau, and Wu Xiaojun, deputy director of Lianyungang Guanhe Marine Department. They will tell you about the cancellation of the ferry in Guanhe area of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration and answer questions that media friends are interested in.

I am Yang Yan, deputy director of the Party Group Work Department of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, and today’s press conference is presided over by me.

Today, we are fortunate to have invited Xinhua Daily, Xinhuanet, Yangzi Evening News, Modern Express, Netease News, Lianyungang Radio Station, Lianyungang TV Station, Lianyungang Daily, Cangwu Evening News, Lianyungang Publishing and other media friends. Welcome to the conference!

First of all, please invite Comrade Bao Jilai, deputy director and spokesman of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, to make a press release.

Bao Jilai: Good morning, leaders, guests and friends from the press!

Today, we are here to hold a press conference on the cancellation of the ferry in Guanhe jurisdiction of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration. Here, on behalf of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the friends from the press attending the meeting! At the same time, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to all sectors of society who have long cared about and supported Lianyungang’s maritime development!

In 2019, the evacuation of four crossing lines in Guanhe area was officially started. Up to now, all ferries have completed the examination and approval of ferry cancellation, and the ferry lines under the jurisdiction of Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration have all been cancelled. The ferry operation in the jurisdiction has completed its historical mission and the ferry trip has come to a successful end.

The evacuation work is related to people’s travel, and we must uphold a prudent and scientific attitude. The four crossing lines of Guanhe River were set up in the early 1990s, which once carried the heavy burden of communication between residents on both sides of Guanhe River. With the development of land traffic, the increase of ship traffic flow on the water and the aging of ferries, ferry trips have not adapted to the current situation and become a major risk threatening the water traffic safety in Guanhe waters. In order to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property, under the leadership of the people’s governments of guannan county and Xiangshui County, the competent departments of the county people’s government, the township people’s government where the ferry is located and the maritime administrative department have coordinated and promoted, and now the approval has been revoked. The ferry boarding facilities will be dismantled according to law, and the original ferry will be dismantled.

Here, we also call on residents on both sides of the strait to cooperate with the evacuation work, cherish their lives and put an end to private crossings.

Thank you!

Yang Yan: Thank you for the press release.

The following is a question-and-answer session. Please ask reporters and friends to ask questions on related issues.

Reporter: Hello, please briefly introduce the background of this ferry evacuation.

Wu Xiaojun: First of all, thank you for your concern about our work. I will answer this question.

There are four original ferry lines in Guanhe area of Lianyungang Maritime Bureau, namely Dazui-Chenjiagang ferry line, Jiudui-Dawan ferry line, Badui-Haian ferry line, and Sandui-Shuang Gang ferry line, with a total of eight ferries, which were set up in the early 1990s. At that time, apart from the Xiangshui 204 National Highway Bridge, no other bridges were erected in the lower reaches of Guanhe River, and the exchanges between residents on both sides of the strait mainly depended on ferries. Since the ferry lines were set up for nearly 30 years, they have been safely ferried for nearly 1,500 years.

The evacuation of the ferry is mainly due to the changes in the internal and external situations. First, with the rapid development of economy and society, many bridges such as Xiangshui 204 National Highway Bridge, Shenhai Expressway Guanhe Bridge, lianyungang-yancheng railway Guanhe Bridge and Guanjiangkou Bridge, which have basically met the travel needs of residents on both sides of the strait, are no longer an inevitable choice for residents on both sides of the strait to travel by ferry. Second, due to the effective management of the waterway in Guanhe Estuary and the continuous extension of the combined transport area between Guanhe River and Haihe River, the navigation environment of Guanhe River has changed greatly, and the trend of large-scale ships is obvious, and the traffic flow of ships has increased by orders of magnitude; Third, there are great security risks in the current ferry mode, such as the obvious aging of the ferry. In recent years, there are 349 hidden dangers of ferry safety detected by the maritime department alone, which seriously threatens the travel safety of people on both sides of the strait.

These changes in the internal and external situation have made the evacuation work very necessary and urgent.

Reporter: Hello, what supporting measures are there after the ferry is cancelled?

Yin Wenwei: Thank you for your question. I will answer this question.

After the ferry is cancelled, as the competent department of the industry, we will work with the maritime department and the township government where the ferry is located, relying on the supervision and coordination mechanism of the ferry withdrawal to jointly promote the follow-up work.

First, vigorously carry out publicity and mobilization. Through media release, posting the announcement of ferry suspension, etc., actively announce the ferry withdrawal information through multiple channels, and explain it to residents on both sides of the strait, calling on them to actively cooperate and guide them to take the initiative to choose land travel.

Second, continue to strengthen ferry supervision. Combined with the special rectification activities of safety production, we will continue to carry out inspections on the original ferry, increase the intensity and frequency of inspections, and resolutely put an end to the occurrence of private crossings.

The third is to dismantle the ferry facilities in an orderly manner. Timely follow-up work, including the cancellation of ferry households and the dismantling of ferry boarding facilities, will be done to ensure the orderly progress in accordance with the law and ensure the safety of people’s lives and property in the ferry area.

Thank you all.

Reporter: Hello, please briefly introduce the impact on the navigation safety of Guanhe waters after the evacuation.

Bao Jilai: Thank you for your question. I will answer this question.

It is obvious that the cancellation of ferry has brought favorable changes to the navigation environment. With the rapid economic development on both sides of Guanhe River, the navigation capacity and demand of Guanhe River have been greatly improved, and the port throughput and ship traffic flow have increased by orders of magnitude. With the demand of large-scale ships and fast navigation, the crossing of ferries poses a great threat to the navigation safety of passing ships, and the thrilling scene of "passing by" occurs from time to time. Once it cannot dodge, it will bring about dangerous accidents of group deaths and injuries. After the ferry is withdrawn, the ascending and descending ships are no longer worried about the crossing of the ferry, just as we are no longer worried about pedestrians and non-motor vehicles crossing the road when driving, so we can sail more quickly and safely, which not only improves the navigation efficiency in water areas, but also improves the water safety level.

Thank you.

Yang Yan: Thank you again for your introduction and answers, and thank you media friends for attending today’s press conference. Please contact our staff if you need to continue the interview.

This concludes today’s press conference. Thank you!

Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

Bama Tea won the first place in paying taxes for Wuyi Rock Tea and Anxi Tieguanyin origin tea enterprises for four consecutive years.

Recently, according to the tax payment certificates provided by Wuyishan Municipal Government and Anxi County Government of Fujian Province, in 2023, Bama Tea Industry became the first tax payer of tea enterprises in the two places respectively. This means that Bama Tea has won the first place in the tax payment of tea enterprises from Tieguanyin, Anxi for 11 consecutive years, and the second place in the tax payment of Wuyi Rock Tea and Tieguanyin, two oolong tea enterprises from Anxi for 4 consecutive years.

△ Bama Tea won the first place in the tax payment of Wuyi Rock Tea and Anxi Tieguanyin origin tea enterprises for four consecutive years.

Wang Wenli, chairman of Bama Tea Industry, once said that using "double taxation crown" as a signboard is actually using integrity as a signboard. From the perspective of double taxation, it is not difficult to see that Bama Tea insists on feeding back the origin with honest management and promoting the long-term healthy development of China tea industry.

The mission of China tea benchmarking enterprise with double first tax payment for four consecutive years.

In 2023, "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy" was issued, which mentioned that it is necessary to guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development and promote the private economy to become bigger, better and stronger.

As a leader of private enterprises, Bama Tea Industry pays taxes according to law, which is one of the manifestations of its practice of honest management and its active commitment to the feelings of home and country and social responsibility of head tea enterprises.

Walking into more than 3,200 stores in Bama tea industry all over the country, you can see the golden sign of "double taxation first". Taking honesty and paying taxes as the letter in business is a concrete action for enterprises to serve the country, which just embodies the "positive" values of Bama tea industry. On the road of industrial revitalization, paying taxes will feed back the origin, continuously inject vitality and upgrading into the tea industry, and empower China tea to develop with high quality.

On the other hand, it has been able to achieve the double first place in tax payment for the two major oolong tea enterprises for four consecutive years, which also reflects the high industry recognition and core market position of Bama tea industry.

Empowering rural revitalization with "enterprise", building a new development path based on good tea of origin

The Bama tea industry, which has always been deeply involved in the development of the producing areas, actively responded to the national major policies, just conforming to the wave of the times. In fact, on the road of implementing the overall development of "three teas", Bama tea industry’s efforts go far beyond paying taxes in good faith according to law, and more importantly, it explores multi-dimensional solutions for the tea industry to empower rural revitalization through initiatives such as opening competitions, building industrial parks, building platforms, and opening channels.

△ In 2023, Bama Tea Industry Wuyi Rock Tea Wang Sai received more than 6,000 samples, far ahead of similar local events.

Up to now, Bama Tea Industry has been deeply involved in the "Double Crown and Double Tea Wang Sai" for four consecutive years, and has invested over 30 million yuan to hold the Tea King Competition, rewarding tea farmers and tea enterprises to make good tea. It has become a phenomenal event that leads tea farmers to improve their tea-making skills and the trend of tea consumption market.

Relying on the competition to empower the tea producing areas, Bama tea industry further sank its origin, and opened factories in Anxi and Wuyishan, two core oolong tea producing areas, to explore the upgrading path of modern smart tea gardens. Among them, Bama Wuyishan Intelligent Ecological Industrial Park, which was just put into operation not long ago, is a large-scale tea industry complex integrating Wuyi tea production and processing, experience sightseeing, scientific research and training, which not only promotes the high-quality development of local tea industry, but also provides a strong boost for rural revitalization in Wuyishan area.

△ Seventh Generation Intelligent Production Line of Bama Wuyishan Intelligent Ecological Industrial Park

As a representative of the national tea brand, Bama Tea Industry has also practiced the concept of "helping farmers with tea" nationwide, built a direct bridge between tea farmers in producing areas and market consumers, and built a value-creating open platform for the participation of tea farmers and tea enterprises. Continue to "hematopoietic" for tea-producing areas and continue to contribute "eight horses" to rural revitalization.

High-quality exploration of developing national tea brands by resonance in the same frequency era

With the prosperity of tea in the country, along with the trend of industrial extension driven by the spirit of "the belt and road initiative", the layout of China tea has already extended to the whole world. The Bama tea industry, which actively conforms to the general trend of the times and develops resonantly, is at the forefront of the layout of tea in China.

Since the beginning of 2023, on the one hand, Bama Tea has appeared in international events at home and abroad several times, actively practicing the spirit of building a "the belt and road initiative" and helping great countries to have tea talks; On the other hand, he was invited to appear at the United Nations Headquarters, the China Embassy in the United States, and the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held the global tasting of high-end China tea in South Africa, the Republic of San Marino, Italy, Switzerland and other countries. At the same time, Bama Tea Industry has built an Italian-Italian tea wine culture promotion center, entered the North American market strongly … and expanded the market breadth of China tea in multiple dimensions. Pass the power of China tea brand to the world again and again, and set off the China tea craze sweeping the world.

△ During the International Tea Day in 2023, Bama Tea was invited to represent China Tea at FAO, and Bama Tea was praised by guests from many countries.

In the new stage of "the belt and road initiative" entering high-quality co-construction, from China tea to world tea, Bama tea industry has been constantly exploring the development of tea brands, practicing the path of breaking the national tea brand upgrade and construction. Its implementation of honest management and tax payment, its cultivation of the development of energy-producing areas, and its strategy of promoting China tea to go abroad have all merged into an excellent example of the high-quality development of tea brands in China today.






These living habits are not changed, and more Tai Chi is not enough to make up for your self -harm

What we do every day has made us, and then you will find that excellence is not a behavior, but a habit. —— Aristotle

Everyone found that although there are many longevity old people who practice Tai Chi, some people do not live long. Why?

First of all, the real Taijiquan should be both internal and external, and many people do not practice outside the outside. We only see a stinky skin. We often see that many people are very skilled and can be insisted every day. Seriously, seemingly seriousness is nervous; some people grit their teeth and swipe their teeth, swing their feet, and do not relax at all; some people have practiced for many years and still have a lot of temper to get angry. Bone bones.

Everyone knows that the biggest feature of longevity elderly people is that the personality is optimistic and cheerful, and the influence of emotions from the internal body is far greater than the external environment. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the cold, cold, heat and irritability. The harm of these six prostitutes to human health, that is, external evil injury, is usually from the surface and inside. When it was passed to my heart, I pulled the diarrhea, and then passed the cold to the five internal organs.

However, human emotions are directly harmful to people. The so -called "seven emotions hurt people, direct internal organs", and they can vomit blood immediately. Chinese medicine says that anger hurts the liver, joy and sadness, hurt the spleen, terrify the kidneys, sadness, sadness, sadness, and sadness Sad lung. Lin Daiyu was sad and coughing. She was a typical symptom of "sad lung".

Your fist for a month is not enough for you to be angry. While we practice Tai Chi, while relaxing the body, our mentality must also be relaxed. The relaxing and peaceful mentality in turn is more favorable to the relaxation of the body. Only when the heart is quiet can Tai Chi reach the high realm.

Secondly, Tai Chi is based on Taoism’s "inaction and disappointment". Lao Tzu said, "The husband is not fighting, and the world can not fight with it." Many people who practice Tai Chi have forgotten this. Throughout the day, they think about how to be refined, anxious, and never satisfied. Or can’t stand the provocation of others saying that Tai Chi can’t fight, and gets up and fights angrily.

It is said that "killing 10,000 self -damage for three thousand". In the legendary history, there are indeed some masters of people who have suffered internal injuries because of some tongues. The high -level strength of Tai Chi Boxing Law has cleverly fascinated and excited, and often unconsciously mistakenly entered the courage.

Because of this, in the "Tai Chi Boxing theory", which was regarded as a must -read classic by Tai Chi, Wang Zongyue specifically emphasized the words of the ancestor of Sanfeng after explaining the essence of Tai Chi. Do not do the final dispute. "

With the end of the cold weapon era, today we should not practice boxing for the victory. It is impossible to bear a small bullet in the practice of Diamond. In most cases, things will only make things worse.

We should treat boxing as a kind of fun, because there is something to study, so that the process of fitness exercise has become more fun, culture and charm, pushing the strength to test the strength, winning the win -win smile, and we will never care about it.

In fact, the real Taijiquan high -level kung fu, sometimes the more Hou deliberately pursued, the less you get it. One teacher said good: "When you want to fight with others, the heart is dead, and the heart is already froze. How can I relax? How can I reach a higher level of loose air? "

In the end, I have to say that most of the non -long -lived boxers have bad habits. Some people rely on childhood training from a young age, drinking and smoking, indulgence, and the harm of the nightlife of modern people far exceeding the body. People imagine that in the past, there was no TV in the agricultural society. The oil lamps were sleeping for a while, and there were very few diseases that came out of staying up late.

And modern people are facing a lot of temptations, and there are many people who sleep at a time or two, which is very harmful to the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Ziye Yiyang is born, and this time for people to hand over yin and yang should be sleeping in the state of sleep. The so -called natural law nature, the nature of our earth changes once every 24 hours of yin and yang. Human beings are the creation of nature. It can be found that those who go to work all the night shifts have almost no longer longevity.

Dr. Yu Juan, a younger return from Fudan University, told people not to stay up late with a 32 -year -old life. She has never slept before 12 o’clock in the past 10 years. What to stay up late? Yu Juan wrote: "Chat, Internet chat, 885 irrigation, jumping, meals, X songs, bowling, personal daze (known as thinking), fill every night without reason."

Staying up late is chronic suicide! Getting up early every day to practice Tai Chi is not only to allow our body to exercise, but also changes to our lifestyle. In order to get up early, you must go to bed early. You have more time to practice boxing. If you do not change the poor lifestyle, it is limited to the body by doing some simple physical exercise, which is not enough to make up for your self -harm.

Shanghai property market: Xujiahui is the same position of "God"? But these advantages and disadvantages are learned!

Question: Uncle Zeng, Xu Jiahui is the same position in my heart, but if you buy a house, you must be rational and cautious, and you cannot be led by feelings. So I want to ask, is it worth starting in the Xuhui Binjiang Plate?

Answer: Hello,

Can. From different perspectives, this sector is analyzed: in terms of business industries, planning to build financial cities, various large -scale business centers gather, and various office buildings are magnificent. It will also drive the housing price of the sector.

In terms of medical care, the three hospitals are Longhua Hospital, next to the inner ring line, walking can be reached. Within 3 kilometers, there are two comprehensive top three hospitals in TOP5 nationwide, namely Zhongshan Hospital 2 kilometers and Ruijin Hospital 3 kilometers away.

There are also Sixth People’s Hospital and the Ninth People’s Hospital of 3.5 kilometers. In terms of education, public education is a shortcoming of Xu Bin. Privately run Shanda Garden Primary School. The Fudan Affiliated School, which has consistently systems in the next nine years, will land.

Of course, the houses in the sector are also high -priced and high -quality top rich houses. If your funds are quite enough, it is recommended to pay attention to this sector.

Question: Hello, Uncle Zeng, I want to buy a house budget of about 800. I want to buy a Sanlin section to live in my own place.

However, in the past few months in this community, I have skyrocketed by 1 million. I have not been married. Is it worth getting on the car? I am afraid that the school district policy changes, or shake a new disk?

Answer: Hello,

The Sanlin section is good, it is very suitable for just getting on the car, and the living atmosphere is good, the school district is OK. Goldland Bay Basin is close to Sanlin Park, near the subway Sanlin East Station, which can be considered as a whole.

If you live yourself, don’t care about it for a while, and the radiation of the front beach is good, I think there is potential.

Question: Hello, Uncle Zeng! How do I choose a good house apartment?

Answer: Hello, there are the following principles for the specific selection of units:

1. To select the overall formal units to avoid choosing some irregular halls;

2. Avoid choosing some dark guard north halls;

3. Do not choose the apartment of the bedroom next to the elevator well;

4. It is not advisable to choose an unique and irregular units of the beams and columns of the hall;

5. Choose units with less practicality in the living room door. It is not advisable to choose a living room door with too many units;

6. Avoid choosing some units with too much north -directional bay window in the cold area of ??the north;

7. You can choose some units that can improve the area of ??use through later decoration transformation, such as: layer height, gallery platform, etc.;

8. It is not advisable to choose the north -line bedroom apartment;

The above points are simple inductive, specific units selection, and according to your own actual needs to determineEssence

Question: Uncle Zeng, I want to ask how to do interest -free loans? What are the conditions?

Answer: Hello, see the internal sharing for details.

Question: Uncle Zeng, hello, I work in Shanghai, I just need to buy a house to get married next year, the budget is relatively limited, but I still want to buy a house in the urban area. Where can I buy a house in Shanghai? Recently, it is relatively hot in Baoshan. How about here? Is there any recommended real estate to choose?

Answer: Hello,

Baoshan is the outskirts closer to the urban area outside Shanghai Minhang. The price is also very close to the people, and the property market in the region is also steadily rising. The cost performance is very high.

Moreover, the southern area of ??Baoshan is included in the main urban area of ??Shanghai in the 2035 plan. It is concentrated in resources, rich in supporting, and transportation and industries are developing very well. Now Baoshan is the price of the price of Shanghai. It is recommended to start.

Question: Hello, Uncle Zeng, how can I choose to buy a subway house in Shanghai?

Answer: Hello,

From a long -term perspective, the vision of buyers will become more and more. It is the first choice for buyers to reach the subway station for 15 minutes.

For stocks, the most cost -effective real estate in Shanghai, see internal information sharing for details.