2022 Guangzhou Auto Show: 2023 Beijing BJ80 debuted.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise A Wolf in Tiger Skin Beijing BJ80 Comprehensive Test Evaluation editor-Shi Muhua:

"Beijing BJ80 is a wolf, but it doesn’t want to be a wolf, so it is covered with tiger skin. As everyone knows, people may accept it as it is. Although it may not be as magnificent as a tiger, it is more real and confident. Without self-confidence, wolves will completely lose their position in wolves. " This is a passage I wrote at the end of the article. Let me translate it: From the perspective of product strength, this car has good strength. Although it is not as good as its imitation Mercedes-Benz G-class, it can already achieve a good level in the same class of hard-core off-road vehicles. But it looks like a top-class off-road vehicle. Maybe people are more willing to accept an original appearance although it may not be so cool. Only in that way will it really have its own position.

Evaluation editor-Yu Han:

This BJ80 is very similar to Mercedes-Benz G, not only looks like it, but also the sitting posture, vision and suspension feel when you drive it. Maybe this car can satisfy your vanity, but the 300,000 China brand SUV is not cheap. It’s up to you whether it’s worth it or not.

Evaluation editor:

For BJ80, what I like best is the sound of closing the door. Although the ringing sound of clicking is very similar to that of Mercedes-Benz G, this similarity is not offensive. What I don’t like most is braking. Not only is the result not good, but the feeling of stepping on it also makes people feel insecure. In addition, it is more in line with psychological expectations. Some people will buy it for this highly similar appearance, which is quite interesting. But for me, imitation is too much like a hurdle in my heart. If my other half drives me to work in it, I will let him park two blocks away, and I will walk there no matter how cold it is.

A civil servant in Zhengzhou: I also want to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high.

Original title: Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory recruits workers in the first-line production and operation posts, and 30% of them are masters and highly educated talents. Why do they get together in the assembly line?
Source: Dahe Daily
Tian Yuchen Li Xiaoling Feng Lin
In the past few days, Henan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Henan China Tobacco") released a public list of candidates to be recruited by college students in 2021, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens.
Among them, the company recruited a total of 149 people. Among the 135 people admitted to the "first-line production operation post", in addition to the "985" "211" or "double-class" universities such as China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University and Henan University, it also attracted master students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
According to statistics, among the 135 students, 41 have master’s degrees, accounting for 30% of the total enrollment. Do assembly line workers in front-line production and operation posts need such a high degree?
Tucao assembly line admits workers, and 30% of them are graduate students. Is it "overqualified"?
In late April this year, Henan Zhongyan published the "List of College Students to be Recruited in 2021" on the official website, which attracted the attention of netizens with the arrival of graduation season.
The reporter found that in 2021, Henan Zhongyan plans to hire a total of 149 people. Among them, 14 people are employed in professional management positions, technology research and development positions and marketing positions, all of whom have master’s degrees, and nearly half of them are from foreign universities, such as Glasgow University, Sydney University, Nottingham University and Durham University.
The remaining 135 people were admitted to the "first-line production and operation positions" of seven cigarette factories, including Jinye Manufacturing Center, Xuchang, Anyang, Nanyang, Zhumadian, Luohe and Luoyang under the jurisdiction of Henan Zhongyan. Among them, in addition to China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Henan University and other "985", "211" or "double-class" universities, it has also attracted graduate students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the statistics of the reporters, among the 135 people, 41 have a master’s degree, accounting for 30.37%.
"A graduate student or even a’ returnee’ master goes to a cigarette factory as an assembly line worker. Is this’ overqualified’? To do this kind of work, you don’t need a high degree at all. " A netizen said. The reporter noticed that the focus of netizens’ attention mainly focused on the strong contrast between the graduation school, academic qualifications and the "first-line production and operation positions" of the candidates on the list.
According to the unified requirements of Henan Zhongyan, the candidates for technical research and development, marketing and professional management posts must practice in the Golden Leaf Manufacturing Center for one year after being hired. After being hired, the candidates for the first-line production and operation positions in each cigarette factory must work in the first-line production and operation positions in the workshop for more than 3 years. Even if the relevant functional departments and offices and workshop management posts of each cigarette factory are short of posts, those who have worked in front-line production and operation posts for less than 3 years cannot be transferred to management posts.
It is understood that according to the introduction of official website, Henan Zhongyan, the company has seven cigarette factories under its jurisdiction, with more than 8,700 employees in its main business, producing and selling more than 3 million boxes of cigarettes annually, ranking fourth in the national tobacco industry, with total assets of nearly 40 billion yuan. Official website shows that in 2020, it is estimated that the sales revenue will reach 51 billion yuan and the total tax and profit will reach 35.7 billion yuan.
Explain that the requirement is bachelor degree or above, but the master’s degree is too much, so you can only choose the best one.
A front-line staff member of Henan Zhongyan introduced that the first-line production operations of cigarette factories mainly include "silk making" and "wrapping", both of which are done by operators. Generally speaking, no matter which position, as long as you enter the cigarette factory, you must first start from the front-line workers and understand the tobacco-making process. The main job is to make tobacco leaves into cigarettes for foreign sales.
Generally speaking, cigarette production is also divided into low peak seasons. Because of the particularity of tobacco products, it belongs to planned production. Every tobacco factory and each cigarette category are produced according to the planned and allocated quota. Once the task is completed, there will be no work to do. But sometimes in order to catch up with production tasks, overtime will also occur. "Now, the weather is hot. Take our factory as an example. The production task has also been completed, and the factory has begun to have a holiday."
The staff member said that in the past, most of the front-line workers were junior college and undergraduate, but in recent years, the education of workers has indeed been greatly improved. And this change has a lot to do with the good wages and benefits of cigarette factories. Due to the quota production system of cigarette factories and good welfare benefits, many famous universities and even highly educated people compete for each other. Generally speaking, the recruitment ratio is about 1: 60, and some positions are even higher.
An 8-year-old staff member of Xuchang Cigarette Factory told reporters that not all cigarette factories have good wages. Generally speaking, local cigarette factories that produce tobacco leaves have sufficient raw materials, large cigarette quotas, large production tasks, good benefits and high wages for workers. For example, cigarette factories in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xuchang and other places have relatively good benefits and workers’ income will naturally be high. In these profitable cigarette factories, the wages of workers in front-line production positions are often higher than those of relevant functional departments and offices of the company. "The main reason is that workers have more work and higher wages." Take Xuchang Cigarette Factory as an example. Soon after entering the factory, the wages of front-line workers can get 100,000 yuan a year.
On July 14 and 15, the reporter called the human resources department of Henan Zhongyan many times, but no one was connected. However,
Another staff member of Henan Zhongyan, who asked not to be named, revealed that in addition to individual positions such as technology research and development, marketing and professional management posts, their company requires a master’s degree or above, and the recruitment requirements for first-line production and operation positions are all undergraduate or above. When recruiting, it is required to be an undergraduate, but many graduate students have also signed up. Of course, they are selected on the basis of merit. " According to him, some jobs in the tobacco industry are even more difficult to test than civil servants because of their high wages and good treatment.
Take a cigarette manufacturer in Zhengzhou as an example, the wages of front-line production workers can get more than 10,000 yuan per month, and the welfare benefits are better. Therefore, it is welcomed by many college students. "Although it is a front-line worker, the equipment has been automated, and it is basically an assembly line operation. Unlike the previous need for big bags and small bags of tobacco leaves, the work is relatively easy. As long as the production task is completed, you can rest. "
The result of expert market selection reflects the change of talent market structure.
On July 15th, the reporter contacted a graduate student of Henan University, who was admitted to the "first-line production operation post" of a cigarette factory in the province this year. He introduced that he just reported for 2 days, and the company is training them in a unified way, and the time schedule is particularly tight. When asked why he wanted to sign up as a "factory assembly line worker", he said that he signed up after hearing from his family that the salary of the cigarette factory was good and he didn’t think much. When asked about "future plans", he said: "The cost of living is too high now. As long as you can earn money, let’s talk about it first, and then see what promotion channels are available."
"If there is an opportunity, I also want to go to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high. It must be very comfortable." A civil servant in Zhengzhou said that due to the particularity of the tobacco industry, cigarette factories have always been regarded as an ideal "iron rice bowl", especially in a populous province like Henan, where the pressure of employment competition is great, making it one of the first choice units for college students to find jobs.
A sociologist of Zhengzhou University also believes that the first-line production and operation positions of Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory are favored by highly educated talents, which is also very normal and the result of market choice. At present, the enrollment of graduate students is relatively large, and there is even a surplus of highly educated talents, which also leads to the depreciation of academic qualifications. Take Zhengzhou University as an example. Every year, there are more than 10,000 undergraduate graduates and about 7,000 graduate students, accounting for 41% of the total number of graduates. The proportion of graduate students who graduated from other schools is also increasing. Therefore, it is normal that 30% of the frontline workers admitted by cigarette factories are graduate students. The reason why this information is concerned by netizens is that it is considered as "overqualified". This also reflects the change of talent structure in China, and the number of highly educated talents is increasing. Some people think that this is a waste of human resources, but others think that regardless of the level of work, it is best to suit yourself.
At the same time, the expert also reminded that when choosing a job, college students should consider personal hobbies, future career planning and life planning in addition to salary, and should not only focus on the immediate future, but also ignore the long term.

The star street brand overturned again? Joker Xue clothing brand down jacket failed, and once sold goods in Xiao Yang Ge’s live broadcast room.

On January 2nd, Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau announced two batches of unqualified down jacket products, among which, Shanghai Yanxun Trading Co., Ltd. sold "DANGEROUS PEOPLE" brand short down (model specification: 175/88al; ItemNo.: 22410DJ287N), the filler nonylphenol+octylphenol+nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether+octylphenol polyoxyethylene ether does not meet the standard requirements.

Alkylphenol (AP) and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether (APEO) are environmental hormones. The unqualified project will easily affect the normal hormone secretion of the human body.

It is understood that this brand is a menswear brand launched by artist Joker Xue.

In 2015, Joker Xue launched the men’s wear brand Dangerous People ("DSP" for short). According to the online merchants in the world, Joker Xue once said in an interview that he didn’t want to make his brand a product of fan economy. "I want more people outside the fan group to accept this brand. I don’t want people to follow suit, but I still have to stick to myself. " On the homepage of DSP Tmall flagship store, "Joker Xue DSP Down Jacket" is the first best seller list of men’s trendy down jackets, with a monthly sales of 10,000+.

On December 12th, 2023, Joker Xue and Xiao Yang Ge wore DSP sweaters and broadcast live together. Joker Xue pulled Xiao Yang Ge’s collar to show the quality of clothes. Brother Xiao Yang praised Joker Xue for "not only singing well, but also doing a good job in business", and the latter then gave a brief overview of the brand of DSP. In the 18th minute of the live broadcast, the DSP sweater started to be linked. After one minute, the sales volume exceeded 10,000.

Reporter Li Shu

(Source: xiaoxiang morning herald)

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In Shanghai Metro Station, women are wearing cool, and the "pattern" on the back has become the focus.

Every legend will fade over time

Some people say that beauty is an art, not just wearing it. They are daring to act as the first person for their fashion forefronts.

Just as the "non -mainstream" and "killing Matt" pursued by the post -90s, the "Curry", "JK uniform", "Hanfu culture" pursued after 00s and so on.

From the perspective of the 90s today, the original avant -garde thought was just a legend, which had faded, and only had some naive and ridiculous memories. Those who were once considered to be mature are just alternatives in the eyes of adults. One day, maybe these post -00 children should also think the same as us.

Some people say that today’s beauty has been subtly involved, the avant -garde thought, and the "deformity" born in the times, they gradually changed the definition of beauty, no longer the innocence and natural beauty of the 70.80s, but the individuality and thoughts pursued by young people’s pursuit Open, they put the definition of "beauty" on exposed wearing, personalities, charming perfumes and luxurious decorations.

In the past, "beauty" was wore for yourself, and the current "deformity beauty" was appreciated by others. Although there were different praises, they didn’t care about this, just as the words on the Internet: "Take your own way, let others let others have others, let others make others others, let others make others others Isn’t it true of us in the past? We ca n’t appreciate others at all, and only we will appreciate it ourselves.

Women of the subway station are cool, and the "pattern" on the back becomes the focus

Some netizens published a scene located in the Shanghai Metro Station. A young and fashionable woman walked in the subway station in a cool and fashionable woman, which attracted the attention of many passers -by.

She wore a short vest on her body, and the whole back was basically in the air. It seemed that this was her real "clothes" with the entire pattern. I can’t help but want to ask if people who have tattoos like to wear clothes like this, whether men and women.

This pattern is not expected to be the focus of everyone’s appreciation. The pattern is covered with the entire back. Only a small part is blocked by the clothes behind. It is obvious that the pattern of a woman dancing at the face is obviously seen.

Her lower body is a black shorts, with two short clothes on the calf part, which should be connected with pants, but she unlocked the connected buttons to form such a shape. Essence

Her arms are two sleeves, like pants, and cut off, but this is not connected to the vest of the top.

If it is hot, wearing cool feelings, but she wears shoes, short clothes and sleeves of the arms, which really makes people really understand whether she is afraid of heat or cold.

Perhaps in her opinion, she just dedicated her to the art of behavior, not to wear warmth or cool clothes. She didn’t care about the gaze of others, and she was more self -confidence.

Indeed, she successfully attracted the attention of passers -by, and many people obviously had passed, and she couldn’t help but look back.

It may be that everyone’s circle is different, different thoughts, and behavior is different. Some women have a soft spot for their own feelings. They think this is an art, fashionable art.

Anyway, the times are developing rapidly today, and thoughts will change with this. Blind traditional thoughts are not a good thing. In this era, some avant -garde people need to open the way for us. Appreciation, this is not a unique beauty.