Q & A responded to the online query: Huawei has invested more than 1,000 people in the R & D team, and the load-bearing capacity of the new M7 model exceeds 630kg.

On September 22nd, AITO asked the car to respond to a series of previous online inquiries, mainly focusing on space performance, chassis suspension, and safety.

IT Home with a summary: According to the "Electric Planet" report, a Li Auto staff member recommended his own L7 model and asked the world for a series of "popular science" for "friendly products".Questioned the performance of the development of the M7 non-new platform, the "oil-to-electricity" model, the suspension chassis, shock absorbers, and ultimate load-bearing

The response from the interrogator is as follows:

2016 Movie Market Big Data Report from Mermaid to Billy Lynn

As of December 31st, 2016, the box office figure of China in the past 16 years has been fixed at 45.521 billion yuan.

At the beginning of the year, "The Mermaid" triumphed all the way, giving people the illusion that it was another year of explosive box office growth, but the market quickly gave a negative answer. Each schedule was cold one after another, and the "small goal" of 60 billion box office at the beginning of the year became far away.

But just as the technological revolution brought by Billy Lynn makes people realize another possibility of film, mainland filmmakers may also need an opportunity to re-examine their creations and calmly think about what went wrong in the mainland film market.

So instead of complaining or belittling, it is better to review the China film market in 2016 and see the market truth behind the figures.

The growth rate of box office slowed down, and the development of film market entered a new stage.

As of December 31, 2016, the cumulative box office of mainland cinemas throughout the year.45.521 billion yuanFor the 16th consecutive year, the box office increased and the number of screenings broke through.74.79 million gamesThe number of people watching movies surpassed North America for the first time.1.374 billion person-timesThe strong force of the 16-year-old Lunar New Year movie led to the early completion of the 10 billion box office task in the whole year. On February 23, 16, the national box office had exceeded the 10 billion mark, 40 days earlier than in 15 years.

Behind the data being refreshed,The box office growth rate has slowed down obviously, and the explosive growth is no longer.The audience is becoming more and more rational and the market development has entered a new stage.

Released films and over 100 million films reached new heights.

The total number of films released in 16 years has reached468 departmentThere are 86 films over 100 million, but the number of films released is inversely proportional to the box office growth rate. More and more "small films" have to face the fate of "one-day trip to the cinema", and even a large number of films cannot be released in the cinema. The hard way to solve this dilemma is to upgrade the overall film quality and flexible and diversified film arrangement.

existOf the 86 films over 100 million, 41 are foreign films.Occupy half of the country, domestic films still face severe market competition. The only film that broke through the 3 billion mark was the New Year blockbuster "Mermaid", which became the only film above the box office of 2 billion. According to the standard of 1 billion box office as an "explosive" blockbuster, there are 9 box office blockbusters in 16 years, only one more than last year.

Watching movies in the New Year has become fashionable, and summer files are short of blockbusters.

Throughout the whole year of 16 years, the box office of domestic films exceeded that of imported films in 7 months, accounting for 58.14% of the box office, which was slightly lower than that of 61.26% in 15 years, and the average box office of a single film was also significantly different from that of foreign films.

February, when the Lunar New Year file is located, is the most popular time for the national audience to enter the cinema.Entering the cinema during the Spring Festival has become a new trend.. The movie market entered a dull period in the second quarter after the Lunar New Year movie craze faded. Compared with Speed and furious 7 released in the same period of 15 years, the popularity of the IP blockbuster Warcraft released in the same period of 16 years quickly subsided after a movie craze, and the film quality was not too hard and non-game fans paid less attention to it, which limited the box office potential of the film, and the market lacked real super blockbusters to support the rapid growth of the box office.

The topic caused by the "National Film Corps" in the summer file is obviously not as good as that in the same period of 15 years. The Big Fish Begonia, which was released in early July, has a mixed reputation and failed to replicate the miracle of The Return of the Great Sage. The quality of "To Youth 2" is not too hard, and the acting skills of Wu Yifan, a small fresh meat, are questioned; The comedies such as "The Jedi Escape" and "Lu Yao Know Ma Li" failed to continue the box office miracle of goodbye mr. loser last year; Released in August"Tomb Raider Notes" became the only blockbuster in the summer file with a box office of over 1 billion..

In February, the attendance rate reached the highest of 27.14% in the whole year, and at this time, the average ticket price also increased in due course. As the audience’s attitude towards the movie market turned cold, the average ticket price dropped sharply when the attendance rate dropped again and again. The exception was that the average ticket price in June, which had the lowest attendance rate in the first half of the year, reached 34.6 yuan, the second highest in the whole year, because many foreign films released in June, such as Warcraft, Independence Day 2 and X-Men: Apocalypse, were released in 3D format, which raised the ticket price. The attendance rate and the number of people attending the movie show the audience’s attitude towards the movie market intuitively. 

The box office of the top ten films has shrunk

There are 5.5 films made in China in the top ten box office in the year (Kung Fu Panda 3 was co-produced by China and the United States), with a total box office of 13.01 billion yuan, which is significantly smaller than the total box office of 15.265 billion in the top ten films 15 years ago.There are 7 films with box office above 1.3 billion in 15 years.And only three in 16 years.

In terms of types,Fantasy films have sprung up in the film market in the past 16 years.Among the top ten films, The Mermaid, zootopia, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon, etc., there are many genre elements of fantasy films, compared with comedy films, which have obviously regressed.

Animation and fantasy are popular in the market, but romance is cold.

In terms of genre, there are as many as 99 romantic films with low cost, but the cumulative box office is only 4.325 billion yuan, and the average box office of a single film is far lower than other types except thrillers; leadingAlthough there are only 19 fantasy films, the box office returns are as high as 12.116 billion yuan.This kind of film focuses on the trump card of dazzling visual effects, and often takes into account comedy, adventure and other types of elements, making it easier for viewers to choose.

Action types have a relatively fixed audience, and the box office receipts of 64 films and 12.446 billion films are also considerable;Cartoons have gradually become the new favorite of the film market.Films such as "Big Fish Begonia" and "zootopia" have become hot topic movies. The story plot suitable for all ages, accurate film arrangement strategy and long-term box office income brought by word-of-mouth fermentation all make them feel at home in the film market.

Compared with the same period of 15 years, the three periods included in the New Year’s Eve file have increased greatly.Mermaid, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon and storm riders of Macau have become the engines of the film market.However, each schedule fell into a continuous downturn, with only a small increase compared with the same period of 15 years, and even a small decline in the Women’s Day schedule. In the second half of the year, the film market was weak, and the three periods of the summer file lacked the support of large-scale films such as goodbye mr. loser and Hong Kong Long, and the National Day file and Christmas file were not as good as the same period last year.

The film market in the first, second and third lines is becoming saturated, and small-town cinemas are boosting the film market.

From the geographical perspective, there are 16 provinces with box office exceeding 1 billion mark, which is the same as that in 15 years.There is no doubt that Guangdong Province won the national box office championship again.; Judging from the city level,Box office and box office share in first-and second-tier cities have declined.The cumulative box office in first-tier cities is less than 10 billion, and the cumulative box office in third-tier cities has also shrunk significantly compared with 15 years. The downturn in these cities is the main reason why the development of the film market in 16 years is not as expected.


On the other hand, the box office of cities below the third line has increased substantially, accounting for 26.79% of the box office, with an increase of 74.36%, which has become the real engine for the market to maintain growth in 16 years. If this growth rate continues,Cities below the third line are expected to surpass second-tier cities and become the largest film market in China in 17 years.

As of December 31, 16 years of domestic filmsA total of 3,742 films were approved, put on record and publicized.In a few months, the number of project films even exceeds the number of films released in the whole year. Although there are many "cannon fodder" films with worrying quality, there will also be some excellent domestic films in the next few years, including runaway comic film, Made in the sky, One like you, The Three Doors, The Hidden Man, The Wandering Earth and Catch the Demon 2, which are worth looking forward to.

Wanda won the box office championship in cinema.

The biggest winner of the mainland box office market in 16 years is still Wanda Cinema, with a box office income of 6.088 billion yuan, which is only 2% higher than that of 5.965 billion yuan in 15 years. Guangdong land rose from the third place in 15 years to the second place, while Zhongying Xingmei in the second place in 15 years slipped to the fourth place.

Looking at the distribution of box office of 48 cinemas in China, we can see thatThe top 6 cinemas accounted for 50.44% of the box office.There are still 12 cinemas with a box office of less than 100 million yuan, an increase from 15 years.

The top10 cinemas in the national box office are all in the four major ticket warehouse cities in the north, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, but the growth rate of the 16-year ticket market is not as good as expected, and the number of new cinemas in the whole year is as high as 1418.The number of cinemas and screens continued to increase by a large margin, and the average box office of cinemas declined.As a result, last year, no cinema grossed over 100 million yuan, and the number of cinemas with less than 10 million yuan increased by 140 compared with 15 years.

In 16 years, the number of domestic screens increased by 9,290, with an increase of 29.37%. The proportion of box office and the total number of people contributed by 3D screens are still the highest.Audiences like the 3D visual experience in the cinema.It is not difficult to understand why there are so many 3D films in the later stage.

Online ticketing subverts the habit of purchasing tickets.

Compared with 15 years, the ticket sales space at the counter has been further compressed in 16 years. Although the subsidy for online ticket sales has dropped from several billion in 15 years to more than one billion in 16 years, the proportion of tickets issued is still as high as 75.66%. The transaction mode of O2O has completely subverted the consumption habits of the audience, and its advantages of flexible operation, no queuing and low price are irreplaceable.

Throughout the world, North China ranked as the world’s largest film market with 10.572 billion yuan. In recent years,’s film market has entered the fast lane and is constantly narrowing the gap with the former. At present, the box office market is firmly ranked second in the world. In addition to the rising box office market, the mainland film market still has great potential in developing derivative industries and image licensing.

In 16 years, 97 films were released.Hollywood films account for 85.88% of the box office of imported films.. It is worth noting that the choice of the film side is more diverse. Japan’s secondary culture has a wide influence among the post-90s and post-90s groups, and many filmmakers have also set their sights on this audience. In 16 years, there were 11 Japanese films released in China, most of which were animated films. Even the live-action film Parasitic Beast was adapted from the animation of the same name. Although famous cartoons such as Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan, Conan and Naruto are well-known in China, most of them have a mediocre box office."Your name. "Crazy 569 million yuanThe excellent quality and accurate marketing of the film is the only magic weapon to ensure the box office.

Overseas market development has a long way to go.

Domestic films with a comprehensive improvement in production level have made great strides in China, which also gives more and more domestic films the confidence to go abroad and accept the test of the international market. In the highly competitive North American market, domestic films have to face cultural differences, difficulties in arranging films, language and other obstacles, and they have to confront Hollywood films with perfect genre and higher industrialization level, so it is still difficult for these films to make a breakthrough in the international market at present, and the only blockbuster "Escape from the Jedi" has a face familiar to North American audiences like Jackie Chan, so it is reasonable to succeed. The film "The Great Wall" directed by Zhang Yimou has been released in 68 countries since December 29th. Whether it can achieve success in overseas markets is worth looking forward to.

In 2016, a total of 17 foreign films were released simultaneously overseas and in the Mainland, butThe overseas box office of most films far exceeds the domestic box office.The only two exceptions are the game-adapted movie Warcraft and the movie Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk directed by Chinese director Ang Lee.

The former set off a game craze in China as early as 2003, and then the online games of the same series have been popular in China for decades. At that time, the game teenagers were the main force of consumption in the mainland film market, and it is reasonable for domestic audiences to realize online culture as a movie box office. There are many reasons for the great contrast of the latter, such as the low reputation of the film in North America, the mistake of Sony’s distribution strategy, and the high cost of transforming the old cinema for high frame rate technology, which all restrict the "North American War" of Billy Lynn.

The imported film Disney is the only one.

In 2016, 97 imported films were released, with a cumulative box office of 19.054 billion yuan, accounting for 41.86% of the box office. amongDisney’s nine blockbusters monopolized 15.226 billion yuan.Its traditional animation and fantasy family movies are most popular with the audience, and zootopia and Fantasy Forest are the representatives of this type of movies.

After the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 12 years, the sci-fi genre has also become Disney’s trump card, and the most influential sci-fi classic "Star Wars" series in North America has made Disney Film even more powerful. In addition to Star Wars 7, which made 800 million box office in the mainland film market, Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange, which cooperated with Marvel Comics, also made rich box office returns.

"Mermaid" made model worker of the year.

Congratulations to Deng Chao for becoming a screen model for 16 years! This year, the two films starring him, The Mermaid and Passing Through Your World, have a gratifying box office. The former has set a new box office record for domestic cinemas, while the latter is the best-selling love movie in 16 years.

When it comes to the new box office record created by The Mermaid, Jelly Lin, the heroine of the film, has naturally become the most attractive actress in the past 16 years, with a cumulative box office of 3.571 billion yuan. Even though she didn’t star in another film, Grand Prix, the box office brought by No.1 mermaid still stabilized the national goddess Fan Bingbing and became the most marketable actress in the film market in the past 16 years.

Judging from the city data, many audiences in Guangzhou and Shenzhen may not understand the popularity of zootopia by Beijing and Shanghai audiences, while Warcraft, which Shenzhen audiences are less eager to see, has gained more attention in the other three places, while Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon on a Journey to the West is generally unpopular with the audience in these four ticket-holding cities, and its audience is more concentrated in the second, third and fourth tier cities.

The most expensive cinema in China is naturally the first "private film" synchronized with the cinema in China.Cinema yaolai chenglong international film city huamao branchAmong ordinary cinemas, the local cinema is the Sanlitun store of Meijia Studios in Beijing, while the most expensive city is Changdu City in Xizang Autonomous Region, with an average price close to 70 yuan.

How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

Shanghai Pudong’s "Investment Promotion · Bright City" — Don’t read it wrong -don’t look at it -come in and see

Line 9 Gu Tang Road Metro Station is pure new. Pudong Caolu Merchants Bright City Exhibition Hall has been opened. It is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Jinzhao Road, Gu Tang Road. It is expected to enter the market in the second quarter.

The project first launched 348 suite land

The main push construction surface is about 105-135 square meters 3-4 room

Hardcover, rough delivery

The linked price of the house is 45,000/㎡!

In the capital verification, the first set of 2 million, two 4 million.

The average residential price is expected to be 57,000/㎡

According to the plan, a total of 6 high-rise houses are built with a product of 105-135 square meters. Among them, 7#is self -sustaining for developers, 1#, 2#, 3#, 5#are all 105㎡ units (1#3#hardcover 2#5#blank), and 6#are all 135㎡ units.

A total of 416 suites, 204 units of 105㎡ units, 144 rough blank, and 68 units of 135㎡ apartment.

Open 1#, 2#, 3#, 5#105㎡ units.

Sales Hotline?: 400-8123-224

Empower the city upgrade, China Merchants Shekou’s bright new voice

As China’s leading cities and park operation service providers, China Merchants Shekou has deeply cultivated Shanghai, constantly helping urban development with high -quality works, and is committed to becoming a bearer of a better life.

In 2022, China Merchants Shekou Shanghai’s company was ingenious, and its strength layout was diversified, creating more good possibilities for cities. The new "6D" TOD work created by China Merchants Shekou United Midea at Gu Tang Road Station, Pudong Line 9-China Merchants · Bright CityEssence

Bright City as China Merchants Shekou new exploration TOD complex worksReterable to the relationship between people and cities, people and life, stand on the development of Pudong, and create a new model of TOD life for cities more convenient and comfortable.


The planning and renderings of the land are currently exposed!

The renderings are as follows: (for reference only, eventually the developer announced)

Sales Hotline?: 400-8123-224

According to the housing price linked hint, the Housing link price of the PDP0-0307 unit D1B-6 plot and the D1E-11 plot in Caolu Central Town, Pudong New District is 45,000/㎡, which is far lower than the average price of the surrounding second-hand housing.


PDP0-0307 unit D1B-6 plot in Caolu Central Town, Pudong New Area, D1E-11 plot is located in Caolu Town, Pudong New District, east to Huagu Road, south to Qinjiagang Road, west to Gu Tang Road, north to north to north to north. Jin Zhaolu.

"Bright City" is a comprehensive plot of commercial and residential office

The lower limit of the residential set is 476 sets

Line 9 Gu Tang Road Station

Residential & Complexing price is 45,000 yuan/㎡

People and cities

New demonstration zone in Pudong, meet the future

Pudong has never lack of miracles. Pudong itself is a miracle. From Lujiazui in the 1990s, to the front beach planned by the 12th Five -Year Plan, and then to the Golden Bridge City Sub -center and Zhangjiang City Sub -center, Pudong’s speed represents Shanghai speed.

In 2019, Pudong New Area was given municipal economic management authority. In 2021, the "Decision on the Formation of the Pudong New District Regulations of the Shanghai People’s Congress and its Standing Committee" was adopted in 2021. By 2035, the socialist modern international University with world influence will be basically established. Urban cities.

Bright cities, Luzi World Pudong, Tangzhen-Cao Lu-Heqing City Town Cross Town Cao Lu, in the south of Zhangjiang Gao Technology Park, Biyun International Community in the west, and Gaqiao Free Trade Zone in the north. Only one outer ring line is separated from the Pudong 2035 plan. The time of the two songs can reach 2.18 million square meters of Jinqiao’s "9 palace", which has superior geographical and traffic advantages.

Project area map

Bright cities, compound development of commercial, office buildings, residential and other formats, and integrate public travel, office, entertainment, shopping and other functions one stop. At the same time, the value of surrounding land is greatly increased, and the development of the entire sector will be driven, and the future will become the core business center of the "Cao Hetang" region.


People and life

"6D" tod, a new era of life mode

As the new generation of TOD products of China Merchants Shekou, the bright city comes with about 90,000 square meters of business -China Merchants Garden City, only 416 houses, 6 office buildings, etc., to create a three -dimensional lifestyle with the new "6D" TOD model.

At this point, home, shopping malls, office buildings, and subways have no underground pass within about 400 meters, and enjoy all supporting facilities. Easily realize the efficient and high -quality experience of work, life, social, and travel. With more comfortable travel standards, richer business scenarios, greener urban environments, more vibrant living forms, and more free living space, create a new urban model of "man -made".


The construction surface of the "China Merchants · Bright City" residential product is about 105-135㎡, with a total of 416 units. It is expected that the first phase of the residential house will be pushed 105㎡Essence The apartment diagram is as follows:

Peripheral facilities:

【Business Resources】

There are commercial facilities such as Shanghai Jinqin Square, Baolong City Plaza, Yue Tian Di and other commercial facilities around the plot.

Baolong City Plaza

【Ecological Resources】

There are also Jinhai Wetland Park in the ecology.

Jinhai Wetland Park

The "Bright City" is about 1 kilometer of Perma Hills (real estate transformed by the dormitory). The apartment is about 41-108 square meters of 1-4 rooms, with a total price of about 2.88 million.

Peima hill sand table

The west side of the plot is the riverside urban garden project. It was completed in 2006. The current average listing price of second -hand housing is 61,000/㎡.

Riverside city garden

Everyone who loves life has a better idea for the city! As a rare subway disk in Pudong, the project has attracted much attention from the start of the land. On the day of the release of the case, many customers have been looking forward to it.

Officially released by the project,China Merchants Shekou "6D" TOD -The bright city exhibition hall is grandly opened on January 27,,The exhibition hall is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Jinzhao Road, Gu Tang Road, about 200 meters south of McDonald’sEssence Please enter the registration channel for consultation and appointment!