The appearance is the peak. BYD Yunqi system comprehensively improves the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  BYD recently officially released the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy — — Cloud, brush screen, the emergence of this technology directly brought BYD’s attention to an unprecedented height.

  Body control system is the most important active safety system on the vehicle, which determines the dynamic safety and stability of driving. As the latest achievement of BYD’s full-stack self-research, Yunqi is not only the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy, but also marks that BYD has become the first China car company to master the intelligent body control system independently, breaking the long-term technical monopoly of traditional giants in the body control system.

  In the product matrix of Yunqi system, Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A and Yunqi -P have greatly improved the user’s driving experience from the dimensions of comfort, handling, safety and off-road, and better ensured the safety and stability of the whole vehicle, which not only filled the blank of China brand in the body control system, but also solved the "stuck neck" dilemma with technological innovation.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image001

  Starting from this year, Yunqi system will be installed in the flagship model of Dynasty Ocean, Tengshi, Wangwang and professional personalized brands one after another, empowering BYD to upgrade its entire brand.

  Systematically solve the problem of body control 

  The rapid development of new energy vehicles poses a new challenge to vertical direction control. At present, the general research on vertical direction control of car body mainly starts with a single technology or a single hardware. BYD, on the other hand, took a different approach and came up with a systematic solution for the vertical direction of vehicles.

  Yunqi is an intelligent body control system developed by BYD Auto for five years and costing billions of yuan. It has been developed from the aspects of system design, key parts design, software and strategy algorithm development, matching verification, etc. This key technical breakthrough has realized the decoupling control of the upper and lower bodies, and has the advantages of multi-dimensional perception, accurate decision-making, intelligent control and stable execution, which can comprehensively improve the user’s driving experience and endow the vehicle with high-quality intelligent driving.

  Yunqi intelligent body control system consists of Yunqi intelligent detection architecture, Yunqi intelligent calculation center, Yunqi intelligent control technology and key components, giving full play to the advantages of electrification and intelligence of new energy vehicles and building a complete system architecture of perception, decision-making and execution. 

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image002

  In the product matrix of Yunnian intelligent body control system, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber, and achieve "quality" improvement in driving comfort. While satisfying the extreme comfort, it also takes into account the vehicle handling, breaks the limitation of traditional passive suspension adjustment, and realizes the perfect combination of comfort and handling. 

  Yunqi -A intelligent air body control system, through Yunqi accurate sensing technology, Yunqi intelligent calculation center makes quick decisions, outputs accurate control strategies, controls air spring intake and exhaust, stiffness conversion valve, shock absorber solenoid valve and other adjustment heights, stiffness and damping, realizes dynamic adjustment of body control, and makes the whole vehicle have extreme comfort, smoothness, support and passability, setting a new benchmark for luxury.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System comprehensively upgrades the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image003

  Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system, through Yunqi precise sensing technology, and Yunqi intelligent calculation center, quickly makes decisions, outputs control strategies, and controls the oil intake of shock absorber, damping regulating valve and stiffness regulating valve to realize the dynamic adjustment of body control. Yunqi -P is the world’s first intelligent hydraulic body control system, which integrates three core technologies: mechanical, hydraulic and electronic control. It has the innovative functions of four-wheel linkage and camping adjustment, creating a new peak of off-road

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image004

  Ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  The launch of Yunqi is another breakthrough of BYD’s safety technology after blade battery, CTB and Easy Sifang.

  Starting from the systematic control of the vertical direction of the whole vehicle, Yunxiao realized the safe dimension upgrade. Yunbi can effectively restrain the change of body posture, greatly reduce the risk of vehicle rollover and reduce the sitting displacement of drivers and passengers. At the same time, the cloud chariot system can effectively protect the car body under complex road conditions such as snow, mud and water, avoid the collision damage of the whole car caused by terrain, improve the comfort and safety of driving, and realize the double protection of people and cars.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image005

  Due to the lack of R&D in the vertical direction control field, BYD independently developed the Yunqi verification technology, which realized the whole process verification ability of the intelligent body control system, and fully ensured the safety, reliability and quality stability of the Yunqi intelligent body control system from the component level, software level, system level to vehicle level.

  It can be said that Yunqi intelligent body control system is a super technology with extreme experience and extreme safety. It will bring subversive improvement to the driving experience with excellent genes of high intelligence, safety protection, stable driving and full coverage to ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle. "Even if one wheel is dropped, the vehicle can still keep running smoothly."

  It is understood that Yunqi -P will take the lead in looking up to U8; Yunxiao -A will take the first leap N7; Yunqi -C hardware has been installed on some configuration versions of BYD Han, Tang and Tengshi D9 models, and will be upgraded to Yunqi -C system through OTA.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image006

  Relying on the new energy technology "fish pond", BYD has continuously strengthened the technical moat, brought about subversive product innovation and continued to expand its market share. The birth of Yunqi intelligent body control system rewrote the history that body control technology relied on foreign countries, filled the technical gap in China and achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1. At the same time, Yunqi intelligent body control system has surpassed the foreign technical level, and stood in the leading position in the industry as soon as it appeared, completing the upgrade from 1 to 2. (Text: wuyue Figure: BYD)

"China Vitality" in the data | The export of new energy vehicles reached a new high, with a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

CCTV News:"China Vitality in Data" series reports that today (September 30th) we will pay attention to the export data of new energy vehicles. According to the data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first eight months of this year, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 97.4% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles are becoming a new business card of China Intelligent Manufacturing.

According to the data released by China Automobile Manufacturers Association recently, this year’s 1-mdash; In August, China exported 1.817 million vehicles, up 52.8% year-on-year. Among them, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, and the contribution rate to the growth of automobile exports reached 26.7%. In 2021, China’s automobile exports reached 2.138 million, surpassing 2 million for the first time, making it the third largest automobile exporter in the world after Japan and Germany.

Some experts in the industry said that in terms of structure, the export of automobile industry is shifting from commercial vehicles to passenger cars represented by new energy vehicles. In addition, in the export area, China’s automobile exports also focus on new energy vehicles, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the past, and are expanding to mainstream markets such as Europe.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:Our current export of new energy vehicles is mainly in the European market. Last year, 49% of our new energy vehicle exports were exported to the European market, and our automobile export situation is very gratifying.

In terms of models, the export models represented by new energy vehicles are more advanced. In the past, they were mostly low-end models, and now many enterprises have begun to cut into the market with high-end cars. In addition, in terms of export strategy, from passive in the past to active now, in addition to local factory building and cross-border brand cooperation, we have also adopted self-built sales channels and customized development of new models through shared technology to open up the international market.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:Different from the past, car companies have built their own marketing channels abroad and continued to build brands, and new energy vehicles have initially achieved a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation.

The export of new energy vehicles has maintained a good momentum in the first eight months of this year. In September, the export momentum has not diminished, which will drive China’s automobile exports to a new high this year.

On September 13th, in Shanghai, the largest batch of pure electric vehicles in China was shipped at Haitong Wharf and exported to the European market. This time, 10,000 pure electric vehicles of SAIC were exported to the European market.

On September 26th, in Wuhan, the first batch of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Group went to sea in Norway. At the export ceremony, Norwegian dealers were full of confidence in this new energy vehicle made in China.

Norwegian distributor Sven Arid yangsi Gard:At first glance, the market response (in Norway) is very positive, and consumers are very satisfied with the products.

In Beijing, near the "Eleventh", workers in this bus factory are stepping up production. By the end of October, this factory will have produced a total of 1022 pure electric buses for export to Chile.

Han Dong, Executive Vice President of New Energy Bus Company:This list is a record for the export of pure electric vehicles (buses) in China. The single order is more than 1000 units, which is a high-quality order in the domestic bus industry.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, since 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, China’s automobile exports have generally shown a rapid growth momentum. In 2021, China exported 2.138 million vehicles, which doubled year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough. Among them, the export of new energy vehicles exceeded 400,000, a year-on-year increase of nearly three times.

Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this process of transformation, China’s innovation, industrial chain construction and market cultivation have reached the forefront of the world. The rapid growth of new energy vehicles (sales volume) in China has also led to a historic breakthrough in China’s automobile export, ending the situation that it has been hovering around 1 million vehicles (export volume) for more than ten years.

       The head of China Automobile Industry Association said that this year, driven by the strong export momentum of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile exports will reach 3 million, reaching a new high, and it is expected to become the second largest automobile exporter in the world.

In the interview, the reporter also noticed that after years of development, the technical level of China’s new energy vehicles has been significantly improved, and the core technologies of key components have reached a higher level. It is the innovation of the whole industry chain that has helped new energy vehicles become a new business card for intelligent manufacturing in China.

The reporter walked into this new energy automobile enterprise in Anhui, and the production line was busy, and the order had been placed for three months. The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the secret of the rapid growth of the sales of new energy vehicles in enterprises lies in persisting in innovation.

Xu Youzhong, Vice President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute of Automobile Enterprises:Taking research and development as the top priority, we have established 38 technical committees, including a set of forward development process systems with 38 systems and 22 performance dimensions.

In the past 10 years, this company has invested more than 7% of its sales revenue in R&D every year, mastered a number of key core technologies such as the fifth-generation engine with the maximum effective thermal power of 44% and the world’s first gearbox with nine modes of switching, and applied for 18,500 patents. At present, there are nearly 10,000 R&D personnel.

Not only insist on innovation, China new energy automobile enterprises are generally enhancing their product adaptability and building a "global car". The reporter noted that these new energy vehicles exported to Norway have generally developed the trailer hook function to adapt to the cold and snowy scenes in northern Europe. Another batch of vehicles exported to the British market, including the work of changing the left steering wheel to the right steering wheel, invested more than 100 million yuan in adaptive development.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:New energy vehicle is a new business card of intelligent manufacturing in China. We must grasp this window period well. We must be able to form a standard pool with Europe or America, and we can recognize each other’s standards together and compete under the same standard platform.

The person in charge of China Automobile Industry Association said that the high export growth of new energy vehicles in China is the inevitable result of years of industrial accumulation. In the past 10 years, China government’s support policy for the new energy automobile industry has been continuously strengthened, and China automobile enterprises have actively responded to the policy call, and the overall strength of the new energy automobile industry has been continuously improved, which can meet the global diversified market demand in terms of product appearance, quality, R&D and production capacity.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this round of global automobile transformation to electrification and new energy, we have occupied a commanding height and led the global automobile industry to transform to new energy and electrification.

These days, "Chao Wen Tian Xia" has continuously broadcast "China Vitality in Data", and a series of data are dizzying. There is a digital economy in these data, which has greatly liberated and developed productive forces and changed the underlying logic of industrial production. There are also key points in the data. An "excavator index" allows us to see how many points to focus on when stabilizing the economy.

There are market players in the data, and their vitality comes to the fore through vivid data. There are services in the data, and the vitality of market players comes from their own efforts, as well as from intimate public policies and targeted services. There are transformations in the data, new technologies, new products, new formats, and how many old trees are blooming. There is also a future in the data, and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. are releasing amazing potential.

The data is like a rigorous brush, which gives us a picture of China’s economic development. These data are not easy to get, and there are gratifying achievements in the data, and there is a process of tackling difficulties. China’s vitality in the data is, in the final analysis, created by hundreds of millions of resilient, creative and enterprising people. The vitality of China in the data actually tells the story of China people’s innovation in the data.

"Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie" 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition started on February 22nd.

Dragon and lion dance to make the Lantern Festival, and colorful folk customs celebrate the Spring Festival. The reporter learned that the two-day 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition will be held at 9: 00 on February 22nd in the basketball hall of He Long Sports Center. At that time, 15 dragon and lion teams will compete on the same stage, presenting a cultural feast with international elements and national characteristics for the general public and tourists.
The theme of this activity is "Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie", aiming to meet the diverse cultural needs of the citizens through high-end sports events and actively create a festive, civilized and harmonious holiday atmosphere. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, Zhangjiajie Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, Zhangjiajie yongding county Committee of CPC and Zhangjiajie yongding county People’s Government, undertaken by Zhangjiajie Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Yongding District Committee, Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, and jointly implemented by Zhangjiajie Media Center (Media Group), Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Center and Hunan Xiangbao Culture Development Co., Ltd.
The activity is divided into three items: the lion dance routine competition (including the Southern Lion and the Northern Lion), the traditional dragon dance competition, and the dragon lion He Chun performance. At that time, there will be 10 dragon and lion teams from all provinces and cities in China and nearly 200 members from 5 local dragon dance teams in Zhangjiajie. It is worth mentioning that this event not only shows professionalism, but also reflects internationalization. Some contestants come from South Sudan, Liberia, Morocco, Bangladesh and other countries. Among them, the winning team in the competition on February 22 will be invited to perform a dragon and lion performance in Dayong Ancient City on February 24 to have fun with the people and welcome the Spring Festival. It is reported that the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition is a sub-activity of the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival National Tide Carnival. In order to create a festive and peaceful festival and let the general public and tourists know about Zhangjiajie’s traditional folk culture and intangible cultural heritage, a series of activities will be held during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, such as the Spring Festival Market Cultural Festival, the Lantern Festival, the first Zhangjiajie Flour Carnival and the Guoyun No.1 Art Lantern Exhibition.

Scientific movement, protect your heart.

According to the latest China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2021 released by the National Cardiovascular Center,Two out of every five deaths due to illness in China died of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiac rehabilitation is an important means to treat stable cardiovascular diseases and prevent recurrent cardiovascular events. Therefore, it is imperative to fully understand the role of scientific exercise in promoting cardiovascular health and actively carry out cardiac rehabilitation.

A simple analogy:The heart is as important to the human body as the engine is to all kinds of machines and needs regular maintenance.Cardiac rehabilitation is like guiding everyone to use and maintain this engine of human body, ensuring the vitality of the engine, thus improving the quality of life.

Who needs cardiac rehabilitation?

A large number of studies have shown that exercise is beneficial to cardiovascular health.Healthy people and sub-healthy people can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events by developing active and scientific exercise habits.

Exercise mode:You can choose moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, that is, a rhythmic exercise type that uses large muscle groups of the whole body.Such as swimming, cycling, running and skipping rope.

Tip 1:Everyone’s basal heart rate and peak heart rate vary greatly. For women over 50 years old, men over 40 years old and patients with weak health, an in-depth heart examination should be done before starting exercise rehabilitation."Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test"It can measure everyone’s anaerobic threshold heart rate and peak heart rate, and at the same time, it can more accurately determine the "warning line" of the maximum heart rate during exercise, and judge the heart rate interval corresponding to different exercise intensities.

Tip 2:People who don’t exercise for a long time should followstep by stepThe principle, let the heart and blood vessels gradually adapt, beware of excessive fatigue to increase the risk of cardiovascular events, but also avoid joint muscle damage.

Tip 3:Overweight people should adopt a combination of nutrition and exercise.Controlling energy intake is a necessary means to lose weight, but excessive control of energy will reduce lean body weight (fat-free body weight, the weight of other body components except fat). It is suggested that overweight people lose 5% ~ 10% weight within 6 ~ 12 months. Overweight people need longer aerobic exercise to consume fat, and the recommended aerobic exercise time is 45 ~ 60 minutes. Resistance training can consume more energy. It is better to combine aerobic exercise with resistance exercise.

After the winter, some sports-related sudden deaths have attracted people’s attention, especially the sudden death of young employees of a company in Shanghai outside the gym, which makes people feel awkward. Studies have confirmed that lack of exercise or unreasonable exercise are important factors leading to cardiovascular events. Here are some special precautions about "protecting the heart" in the scientific movement:

oneIf you have chest pain, dizziness, overwork, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting and irregular pulse during exercise,Exercise should be stopped immediately.The above symptoms still persist after stopping exercise, especially after stopping exercise for 5 ~ 6 minutes, the heart rate still increases, so you should seek medical advice in time.

2The elderly should choose moderate and low intensity exercise and appropriately increase daily physical activity; You can also carry out traditional rehabilitation training such as Tai Ji Chuan and Baduanjin.The exercise time is relatively shortened or prolonged according to the degree of fatigue,The general exercise duration is 30 ~ 60 minutes/day.

threePatients who are weak in the early stage after cardiac surgery can start with breathing training. Respiratory training can prevent pulmonary complications, promote sputum discharge, effectively increase vital capacity and improve lung function. Adopt abdominal breathing mode, that is, the abdomen bulges after inhaling the nose and adducts after exhaling.When exercising, you can inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, take a deep breath and try to prolong the breathing time.The practice of lip-shrinking and exhaling is also an important part of breathing training. It emphasizes that when inhaling, breathe in slowly through the nose, and breathe out after holding your breath a little (similar to blowing candles). The ratio of inhalation time to exhalation time is 1: 2. 10 times per group, 5 groups per day. Some low-intensity exercises, such as walking and limb training, start with 10 minutes/time, 2 ~ 3 times a day, and then gradually increase to the target amount of exercise.

fourNo matter what kind of exercise,The intensity of exercise needs to start from a low intensity,When the individual gradually adapts, he will gradually increase to the target exercise intensity for exercise.

Source: Popular Health magazine

Author: Fan Denghuang, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Audit: Expert of National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Wang Fang, chief physician, Department of Cardiology, Beijing Hospital

Planning: Wu Weihong Tan Jia

Editor: Yu Yunxi

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Everyone basically knows what wild fishing is. The simple understanding is that in addition to artificial cultivation ponds, we can fish in the water in the natural environment. We collectively referred to as wild fishing.

Although wild fishing is better in environmental and quality than artificial breeding. Perhaps it tastes much better in taste.

However, because of the wide area, the density of the fish is relatively poor, and the hook rate is far less than that of the pond.

Therefore, wild fishing wants to catch big fish in the rare environment of its own fish, so we must pay attention to the following points:

Share with everyone here, I hope to help fishermen.

The fish in the wild is more vigilant than the home -raising fish. After all, the alert fish with low vigilance has been fishing.

With a little movement around, the fish will be scared away, and the courage is particularly small.

So, if we want to catch big fish, we must stay away from the crowd, traffic, and find a place with less noise or no noise.

Set your phone to mute, and speak softly to speak, maintain a certain silence, and use tools when making nests, such as the nesting device.

Some fishermen are in the mood of being eager to catch fish in order to miss any wind and grass, and adjust their sensitivity high.

But knowing that you ca n’t eat hot tofu, in fact, this is a do not lose money. It is because it is too sensitive. If you just move, you will mistake you to think that there is a fish hook, which will cause frequent rods. This will definitely affect fishing. It will definitely affect fishing. Caused fish to be counterproductive, so sometimes it cannot be tuned too sensitive.

In order to make the effect of the fish attracting the fish, most fishermen will add some atomized materials to the bait.

Make the atomization more three -dimensional and highlight. In fact, there is no problem with fishing fish in this way. If it is used to catch big fish, it will have some effects.

Because the effect of atomization has increased, there are more small miscellaneous fish, and the bait is eaten by the small fish, and the big fish will not come over.

When the fish speaks, it is difficult to know. Some people with acute children will constantly change bait and want the fish to eat.

There is a problem. If you keep changing the bait, it will cause the fish to be vigilant. The fish is not stupid. If you change it, it will cause the fish to not speak, and the big fish will not be available. Try to avoid using this type. The bait.

In order to avoid this situation, we can spray a few times when we bait.

Because Qi Muyu is very rich in lure fish.

Especially in freshwater fish, many hormones, fish steroids, and multiple vitamins are added with freshwater fish. After the fish smells the taste, it will appetite and increase appetite.

Even when the fish itself is not hungry, the fish will have the desire to eat.

There is also a very good role in leaving fish. This taste will be kept in the water for a long time, and it will not disperse.

It can effectively attract big fish and improve the hit rate.

No matter what bait you use, it is more taboo to change frequently, raising the pole.

However, in terms of cost -effectiveness or quality, Qi Mu high -carbon pole fishing. Will reduce a certain loss for you.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole is really friendly to fishing friends. Material is made of high -tonnage carbon cloth. It holds lighter in hand, has a good waist strength, and is not easy to break.

I don’t lose the brand in my hand, even if it is fishing for a day, it won’t be tired. Whether the big fish or the small fish can catch it in seconds.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole belongs to a comprehensive rod of 28, which can adapt to a variety of venues, light texture, easy to carry, fashionable appearance, and basically cannot run after the fish hooks. It is a good fishing rod.

The above -mentioned precautions must be clearly understood. These issues will have more chances of making mistakes in novices. As for some fishermen who live in fishing ground for a long time, they can be used as a reference. After all, everyone’s habits are different. Make copy, randomly strain according to the actual situation.

Also, as a fellow fishing fellow, we should remember mistakes and change flexibly. We should do fishing for fishing.

After we get a big harvest, we can release some, instead of taking away all the brains. This will not only destroy the ecological environment, but also affect the harvest of fishing in the future.

Everyone can be able to release appropriately, so I think every harvest can be rich.

The most important point is that we must take away the garbage when we fish, because everyone is responsible for the environment.

During fishing, garbage everywhere will also affect our mood and the harvest of fishing.

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