The appearance is the peak. BYD Yunqi system comprehensively improves the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  BYD recently officially released the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy — — Cloud, brush screen, the emergence of this technology directly brought BYD’s attention to an unprecedented height.

  Body control system is the most important active safety system on the vehicle, which determines the dynamic safety and stability of driving. As the latest achievement of BYD’s full-stack self-research, Yunqi is not only the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy, but also marks that BYD has become the first China car company to master the intelligent body control system independently, breaking the long-term technical monopoly of traditional giants in the body control system.

  In the product matrix of Yunqi system, Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A and Yunqi -P have greatly improved the user’s driving experience from the dimensions of comfort, handling, safety and off-road, and better ensured the safety and stability of the whole vehicle, which not only filled the blank of China brand in the body control system, but also solved the "stuck neck" dilemma with technological innovation.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image001

  Starting from this year, Yunqi system will be installed in the flagship model of Dynasty Ocean, Tengshi, Wangwang and professional personalized brands one after another, empowering BYD to upgrade its entire brand.

  Systematically solve the problem of body control 

  The rapid development of new energy vehicles poses a new challenge to vertical direction control. At present, the general research on vertical direction control of car body mainly starts with a single technology or a single hardware. BYD, on the other hand, took a different approach and came up with a systematic solution for the vertical direction of vehicles.

  Yunqi is an intelligent body control system developed by BYD Auto for five years and costing billions of yuan. It has been developed from the aspects of system design, key parts design, software and strategy algorithm development, matching verification, etc. This key technical breakthrough has realized the decoupling control of the upper and lower bodies, and has the advantages of multi-dimensional perception, accurate decision-making, intelligent control and stable execution, which can comprehensively improve the user’s driving experience and endow the vehicle with high-quality intelligent driving.

  Yunqi intelligent body control system consists of Yunqi intelligent detection architecture, Yunqi intelligent calculation center, Yunqi intelligent control technology and key components, giving full play to the advantages of electrification and intelligence of new energy vehicles and building a complete system architecture of perception, decision-making and execution. 

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image002

  In the product matrix of Yunnian intelligent body control system, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber, and achieve "quality" improvement in driving comfort. While satisfying the extreme comfort, it also takes into account the vehicle handling, breaks the limitation of traditional passive suspension adjustment, and realizes the perfect combination of comfort and handling. 

  Yunqi -A intelligent air body control system, through Yunqi accurate sensing technology, Yunqi intelligent calculation center makes quick decisions, outputs accurate control strategies, controls air spring intake and exhaust, stiffness conversion valve, shock absorber solenoid valve and other adjustment heights, stiffness and damping, realizes dynamic adjustment of body control, and makes the whole vehicle have extreme comfort, smoothness, support and passability, setting a new benchmark for luxury.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System comprehensively upgrades the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image003

  Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system, through Yunqi precise sensing technology, and Yunqi intelligent calculation center, quickly makes decisions, outputs control strategies, and controls the oil intake of shock absorber, damping regulating valve and stiffness regulating valve to realize the dynamic adjustment of body control. Yunqi -P is the world’s first intelligent hydraulic body control system, which integrates three core technologies: mechanical, hydraulic and electronic control. It has the innovative functions of four-wheel linkage and camping adjustment, creating a new peak of off-road

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image004

  Ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  The launch of Yunqi is another breakthrough of BYD’s safety technology after blade battery, CTB and Easy Sifang.

  Starting from the systematic control of the vertical direction of the whole vehicle, Yunxiao realized the safe dimension upgrade. Yunbi can effectively restrain the change of body posture, greatly reduce the risk of vehicle rollover and reduce the sitting displacement of drivers and passengers. At the same time, the cloud chariot system can effectively protect the car body under complex road conditions such as snow, mud and water, avoid the collision damage of the whole car caused by terrain, improve the comfort and safety of driving, and realize the double protection of people and cars.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image005

  Due to the lack of R&D in the vertical direction control field, BYD independently developed the Yunqi verification technology, which realized the whole process verification ability of the intelligent body control system, and fully ensured the safety, reliability and quality stability of the Yunqi intelligent body control system from the component level, software level, system level to vehicle level.

  It can be said that Yunqi intelligent body control system is a super technology with extreme experience and extreme safety. It will bring subversive improvement to the driving experience with excellent genes of high intelligence, safety protection, stable driving and full coverage to ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle. "Even if one wheel is dropped, the vehicle can still keep running smoothly."

  It is understood that Yunqi -P will take the lead in looking up to U8; Yunxiao -A will take the first leap N7; Yunqi -C hardware has been installed on some configuration versions of BYD Han, Tang and Tengshi D9 models, and will be upgraded to Yunqi -C system through OTA.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image006

  Relying on the new energy technology "fish pond", BYD has continuously strengthened the technical moat, brought about subversive product innovation and continued to expand its market share. The birth of Yunqi intelligent body control system rewrote the history that body control technology relied on foreign countries, filled the technical gap in China and achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1. At the same time, Yunqi intelligent body control system has surpassed the foreign technical level, and stood in the leading position in the industry as soon as it appeared, completing the upgrade from 1 to 2. (Text: wuyue Figure: BYD)

There are flowers in bloom, and I’m going to run to this spring date ~

Wenlv Changsha

A blessed spring

Spring is full of flowers everywhere.

Take a stroll in Martyrs Park and Moon Lake.

Climb to the top of flowers and linger between flowers and lakes.

Smell the flowers and listen to the birds.

Feel the gentle care of nature

When the wind comes, it’s better to chase flowers ~

Changsha Garden Ecological Park is blooming ~

Yumeiren, Xilincao, Ranunculus and Rhododendron are open for the second time.

Walk into the real Monet Garden

Who can refuse the feeling of spring ~

Xiaohongshu @ wo Xi ya ya

zi feng park profile

Rows of creepers covered the viaduct.

This is a romance that belongs to nature alone.

The Wizard of Oz Reality Edition Secret Land

Little Red Book @ Cousin Long Legs

There is an appointment in spring, and the flowers are not mistaken.

Haitang is brilliant, with clouds and snow piled up.

Yuehu Park all loves

The fatigue of the week has dissipated.

Xiaohongshu @ Mu Zi ~ Smile Rainbow

Does every school have a wisteria trellis like this?

Herun Garden Farm takes you back to your schooldays.

Chatting with memory at the foot of spring about school time.

Xiaohongshu Herun Garden

In an amusement park

You can see all the flowers that represent spring.

Changsha window of the world celebrates spring.

Who doesn’t rush here ~

Xiaohongshu Steel Li Dafa

Hang one’s head, look up, stop ……

This spring

Xiaobian takes you to unlock the new little red book popular flower chasing posture.

Let’s play something new.

@ Star Caroline

@ toothpaste Soda

Love the nipple of peach

It’s just across the garden

@ Taotao Pipiwan

Who said that taking flowers can only go to crowded places?

It’s also good to shoot downstairs!

Spring came to my downstairs during my lunch break.

Going downstairs is spring ~

Xiaohongshu @YANGY @ Leave me alone @ Everyday as usual @1 orange @ Brother Fei is the coolest.

Cut through thorns, flowers come in person

Let’s spend this spring.

Measure the fragrance of flowers with your feet.

Record the beauty of flowers with a lens

Right now.

If you shoot flowers, you will send flowers.

Only in the new year will there be "money to spend"

Open the little red book, search for [Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders], and enter the activity page to get practical contents such as the popular flower viewing places in Kaifu District and the recommendation of flower viewing seats with one click.

We also hope that you will share the beauty in front of the camera with Changsha citizens, take notes with the topic # Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders # Flowers all the way to see happiness and carve up 10 million exclusive traffic! There are also 100 customized spring chasing glasses and 220 tickets for Huahai waiting for you ~

Join the flower chasing team

Explore the footprints of spring together

Feel the most beautiful April of Kaifu!

Original title: "There are flowers in bloom, I will run to this spring date ~"

Read the original text

Soldiers in the Marine Police Area of the East China Sea Fleet go ashore for dinner without affecting emergency sailing.

  Overall planning on the level, development to see practical results. Walking into a marine police area of the East China Sea Fleet, modern sailors’ restaurants and neat garden-style camps all reflect the brand-new look of the motherland’s East China Sea outpost, taking into account scientific development.

Navy soldiers are carefully wiping and maintaining shells.

  Unify the relationship between "big things" and "small things" and improve the health index of development.

  In the transitional period, the marine police area has faced many development issues in the past two years. How to deal with the balance, so as not to care about one thing and lose another? The experience of the Party Committee of the Marine Police District is to coordinate the relationship between "major events" and "minor events", paying attention to both "major events" related to the construction and development of the army and "minor events" related to the vital interests of officers and men, and improving the health index of development.

  In the past, the sailors in the marine police area continued the tradition of eating on the deck: when it was time for dinner, everyone held their rice bowls in their hands and squatted on the deck in groups of three and five around the dishes on the ground.

  The leaders of the Marine Police District are anxious in their eyes: it has been almost 30 years since the construction of the Special Zone, and the people’s lives and environment have undergone earth-shaking changes, while our sailors have been camping all the year round, which not only affects their health, but also affects the image of the sailors in the Special Zone.

  At the party Committee meeting, the idea of "sailors going ashore for dinner" was put forward, which was followed by many concerns: Will going ashore for dinner weaken the fighting spirit of officers and men who take ships as their home? What should I do if I need to prepare for war and sail in an emergency after landing? Where does the construction fund come from?

  No matter how difficult it is, it is not difficult to emancipate the mind. In March 2004, they seized the opportunity of building a modern port tourist city, integrated military and land resources, invested nearly 10 million yuan with the support of their superiors, and built a modern comprehensive sailor restaurant with a building area of 900 square meters, which can accommodate 570 people at the same time, becoming the first three-level surface warship unit of the navy to go ashore for dinner. Sailors’ Dining Room is located at a distance of 20 meters from the wharf. When going out to sea, some cooks in the dining room are dispatched to accompany the boat, which ensures the combat readiness and emergency sailing speed.

  Facts have proved that the original concerns are superfluous. The sailors’ restaurant made the officers and men smile, which greatly inspired their enthusiasm for loving ships, boats and battle positions.

  Dongxiu 912 has been anchored in the East China Sea outpost for 10 years in a row to carry out the task of repairing ships, and has been called "the high-rise house in the special zone" by local citizens. The smaller the unit and the more difficult the conditions, the heavier the weight will be in the hearts of the party Committee "a group of people". In recent years, the Party Committee of Marine Police District has paid special attention to the construction of "high-legged house", and modern living facilities such as fitness equipment, LCD TV and desktop computer have settled here one after another. At the end of last year, the Party Committee of the Marine Police District granted officers and men a special treatment according to their need to see green plants because they worked at sea all year round: bringing soil from land and opening up an open space on the dock to grow flowers and vegetables. In April this year, Zhao Minyang, political commissar of the Marine Police District, came here to listen to the opinions of officers and men and promised to help them realize 12 wishes. It is this overall idea of "grasping the big but not letting the small" that makes 48 grass-roots units and 37 small scattered and far-reaching units in the Marine Police District show a good momentum of healthy development.

  Unify the relationship between chessboard and chess pieces, and eliminate the potential shortcomings of development

  There are great regional differences among the troops in the marine police area. There are both urban troops stationed in the prosperous special zone and troops stationed on the island far away from the government and under difficult conditions. In addition, there are many small scattered units scattered in different regions spanning thousands of kilometers, just like the "three worlds" with different levels of development. Therefore, the development of the marine police area is, to some extent, a question of how to coordinate the development of the "three worlds".

  After the fleet implemented the "catch one piece a year" of grass-roots construction, it was suggested that the marine police district organs and a submarine hunting brigade located in the special zone are window image units, and the grass-roots construction has a high starting point and many advantages, and it is easy to produce visible results from superiors, so it should be the key construction targets; The construction of the escort boat brigade stationed in remote islands and with relatively backward infrastructure construction can be planned for five years and put into construction bit by bit.

  "Army building is a chess game, and each unit is an indispensable chess piece. It is impossible to create new shortcomings because of uneven development!" The party Committee of the Marine Police District rejected the proposal. They organized personnel to conduct a thorough investigation of all units and put forward different development plans in a targeted manner.

  The escort boat brigade is stationed in the isolated island, the traffic is inconvenient, and the available development resources are very limited. Therefore, the Marine Police District has given priority to the funding tilt, and has invested more than 10 million yuan to focus on infrastructure construction and the transformation of the military port, thus achieving the construction requirements of a garden-style modern military port in one step.

  The infrastructure of the marine police district organs and a submarine hunting brigade has a good foundation and a high starting point. The party committee of the marine police district makes full use of the regional advantages of the resident special zone cities, adopts the method of combining adjustment and utilization, new construction to make up for vacancies, and transformation and upgrading, and invites local urban planning professionals to design, so as to make the infrastructure upgrading and upgrading project a highlight project of the special zone. Nowadays, the modern military port terminal has become a beautiful scene of the military station.

  Unify the relationship between today and tomorrow and seek the sustainable effect of development.

  During the study and practice of Scientific Outlook on Development, the party committee of the Marine Police District reached a valuable consensus: we should run a "baton" well, be a "tree planter", coordinate the relationship between today and tomorrow, and strive for the sustainable effect of army development. Last year, when planning to renovate the dock of the military port, Commander Gemee proposed to build a new frigate dock separately. Many people don’t understand: at present, the marine police area is basically equipped with old ships, and the existing facilities are enough. Although there is an idea to equip a new frigate, it is still unknown when it will arrive. Is it worth spending limited funds on an "unknown"? At the Standing Committee meeting, Commander Cheng asked everyone to think about Scientific Outlook on Development: the construction of combat effectiveness is a relay race, and each team is one of the best. If we don’t reserve a place for new equipment in advance today, what shall we prepare once the new equipment is in place tomorrow? How do we make a stick? Finally, the Standing Committee reached a consensus that priority should be given to building new docks according to first-class standards.

  At the beginning of this year, the repair shop of the Equipment Department will rebuild the building. According to the normal argument, as long as a five-story building is built, it can meet the current needs. At the seminar of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, everyone thought that the marine police area is currently in a leap-forward development stage, and the immediate construction should keep pace with the development of the army. Finally, they decided to design the originally planned 5-story pile into a 10-story pile, which will increase the budget by more than 400,000 yuan, but leave more room for future army building.

  It is this idea of "serving tomorrow’s combat effectiveness" that makes this old equipment unit not satisfied with the status quo and constantly seeks new breakthroughs in combat effectiveness construction. As early as the beginning of the transformation of the army, the party committee of the Marine Police District keenly put the new topic of carrying out diversified military task training into the agenda of the party committee’s discussion and training, and proposed to make a difference in "coordinating the two forces, enhancing the two capabilities, and forming system capabilities".

  At the end of last year, they took the initiative to coordinate 11 local sea-related departments to organize joint search and rescue drills, and successfully drilled 12 specific topics, which provided valuable experience for the military and local maritime rescue operations to clarify the task division, information sharing and command coordination. In recent years, the number of gold medals and the total number of medals in the marine police area have ranked first in the competition of military basic courses organized by higher authorities, and major military drills have been successfully completed many times. Last year, the Party Committee of the Marine Police District was rated as "Advanced Division Party Committee" by the Navy. (Lu Wenqiang Special correspondent Fang Lihua Our reporter Zhao Fengyun)

  Related links:

  • The emergency voyage will not be affected when soldiers from the Marine Police District of the East China Sea Fleet go ashore for dinner.

  • Close-up of fighter details of Air Force Flying Group of East China Sea Fleet 2009-05-15

  • Somali pirates "mistakenly robbed" a French missile frigate and 11 people were arrested 2009-05-04.

  • The East China Sea Fleet organized a destroyer comprehensive drill at sea (Figure) 2009-04-30

  • Our navy missile boat brigade launched a confrontation with the frigate formation in the East China Sea on April 28, 2009.

  • Japan’s "helicopter carrier" was renamed "frigate" for the purpose of hiding the sky and crossing the sea on April 24, 2009

  • China Navy East China Sea Fleet 2009-04-19

  • A frigate of the East China Sea Fleet launched a bow rocket [Figure] 2009-04-17